Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Love For You ❯ The Revealed Secrete ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kyle-Otcel: Hey everyone! Now here's newest chapter so I hope you like it. Now here's Akire with the Inu Yasha style...

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Last time on Inu Yasha...

I had just gotten home from the feudal era, and was hopping for a relaxing day of sleep. When one of my class mates, who had never spoken to me before, wanted to walk me to school! We arrived only for me to get interrogated by my friends. Mean while Inu Yasha, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango were waiting for me back in the feudal era and Inu Yasha was getting furious! To make things worse Kyle and I are going on a date! How will I explain this to Inu Yasha?


Chapter 1: The Revealed Secret

At the Hiromeshi shrine...

"Grrrrr... Gotta find Kagome" said Inu Yasha as he climbed out of the well and onto Kagome's windowsill, "She Should Be Here!!! Where Else Could She Be?!"

Soon Souta entered the room carrying a bag of chips and the cat following him.

"Oh hey Inu Yasha!" said Souta as he smiled

"Ah, Souta do you know where Kagome is?" asked Inu Yasha

"Yah, Yuka said Kagome would get home late because she was going out somewhere with some guy" replied Souta

"Huh?! Do you mean like on a date?" asked Inu Yasha

"I dunno Yuka didn't tell me much " answered Souta

'She must be on a date with that guy! How Dare She Abandon Our Search Just To Be With Some Guy!!!' thought Inu Yasha

"Hey what's wrong? Ha-ha! You jealous or something" said Souta as he laughed

"No!!! And If Kagome Asks I Was Never Here Ok!!!" yelled Inu Yasha as he made a fist

"Uh-hu" said Souta in a scared manner, with that Inu Yasha left

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The bell had just rung and I was making my way twards Kagome's class I turned the corner and saw Kagome cornered by here three friends. I laughed and listened attentively as I leaned against the wall.

"He What?!" yelled Eri and Yuka

"He asked me if I wanted to hang out after school and I said yes" said Kagome

"That's it your officially a guy magnet" said girl Eri

"Kagome how do you do it?" asked Yuka "I've been after Kyle since he got here!"

At this point I chuckle and slowly walked over, the girls heard my chuckling and looked over at me.

"So week's huh" I said as I looked over at Yuka, she blushed then looked at the ground

"You know it's rude to be eaves dropping" said Ayumi

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help it" I said as I smiled

"And you know it's not nice to laugh at people" said Kagome who was kind of pissed

"I'm not laughing, actually I'm kind of embarrassed" I said as I put my hand behind my head

"Well we'll be going now" said Eri

"Wait!" I said, I walked over and kissed Yuka on her cheek, "Bye"

Soon they left and Yuka was blushing deeply, I smiled and turned to Kagome.

"So, are you ready to go?" I asked

"Uh... Yah sure" said Kagome a little stunned at what had happened

"So you want a walk home, a trip to McDonalds, or just walk around?" I asked as I took her bag and carried it as we walked out of the school

"Uh... How about you walk me home, and then we can go to where ever some other time ok" said Kagome

"Oh... Ok I guess" I said a little surprised at Kagome's answer

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So I walked her home on the way we, or should I say I, talked. She told me alot of stuff and I told her alot more. Soon we arrived at the Hiromeshi Shrine, where Kagome lives.

"Well here you are" I said as we stopped

"Yah well, thanks Kyle for walking me home" said Kagome as I handed her, her book bag

"No problem, anytime" I said "And hey maybe I'll come tomorrow and walk you to school again ok'

"Uh... Ok I guess" said Kagome

'Why am I saying yes? I have to go to the feudal era! But I'd rather go to school with Kyle. Could it be that I like Kyle?' thought Kagome

"Well bye" I said as I walked off

"Bye Kyle" said Kagome 'Nah, I'm just being nice that's all' she thought as she watched me walk off

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Soon she walked inside her house, Kagome hadn't noticed but she was smiling and was in quiet of a daze.

"Hello Kagome how was your day at school?" asked her mom from the kitchen

"Uh-hu" said Kagome as she smiled

"Do you want anything?" asked her mom, worried and confused at how strange Kagome was acting

"Uh-hu" said Kagome as she walked to her room

"What is wrong with that child?" asked Kagome's grandfather

"Ha-ha! She's in love" said Kagome's mother as she smiled

"Wha-a-a-a-t!!! Kagome! In love!!!" exclaimed Kagome's grandpa

"I thought she loved Inu Yasha" said Souta

"I guess not" said Kagome's mom as she continued to cook

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Kagome opened the door to her room and walked inside. She dropped her bag and lay down on her bed.

'Huh... it was such a bad day today' thought Kagome, she sighed and turned her head to the side, 'But there's something about today that made it all the better'

Kagome sat up and held her knees, 'Can I really be in love with Kyle? Can I really like someone like him? And what about Inu Yasha?' thought Kagome 'I mean he is nice and all, but... I still like Inu Yasha right... What am I saying of course I like Inu Yasha! And the thing with Kyle is just being friendly right'

Kagome sighed deeply then smiled, 'No it's more than being nice, he's flirting with me and he thinks I'm flirting back. But what can I do... I love Inu Yasha and finally he admitted that he loves me and not Kikyo, and now my heart goes and does this!!! Urgh... Things for Inu Yasha and me will never be normal' thought Kagome then she stood up, 'Well at least I can go to the feudal era now that it's after school'

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Kagome soon arrived at the feudal era and found Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kilala nearby.

"Hi Shippo, hey Miroku and Sango, nice to see you Kilala" said Kagome as she walked over to them

"Ah! Kagome maybe you can explain to us why Inu Yasha is so depressed" said Miroku

"Inu Yasha... Depressed?" said Kagome in a confused manor

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Kyle-Otcel: Oh no! Inu Yasha's super sad what's Kagome to do? Well let's find out...


Next time on Inu Yasha...

Inu Yasha is devastated and runs out to the forest where no one can find him. Soon a demon attacks him and "Inu Yasha you must fight for your pathetic life! And I hope I don't damaged your sexy body so much" - evil demon. Well mean while Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kilala, and I separate in order to find Inu Yasha and I run into a demon. Weird thing is that he won't attack me! He just stands there. What will I do and what will happen to Inu Yasha? Find out next time on "2 Demons Whom we Couldn't Understand" bye, bye!


Kyle-Otcel: Well you heard her also we need someone to get with Sesshomaru and others in the anime characters that will appear in here so if you want them hurry up because I'm not taking that many peoples into my story and until next time. See you soon.