Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Life Just Got Better ❯ A New School! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: A New School!

Kagome sighed as she climbed the ladder in the well. She reached the lip of the well and plopped her backpack over it. She scrambled over the side in a very unorthodox fashion. She picked up her backpack and walked out the well door. She was greeted with warm light form the sun during the warm afternoon and she looked up and smiled at the two birds chirping away and fluttering after each other.

Yes, spring was here and her team had already half of the jewel while Naraku had the other half. She knew the final battle would be coming soon, she could feel it. She started walking to the front door of her house and stopped when someone called her name from behind, she turned around and saw Hojo coming up the stairs.

When he reached her she put on a fake smile and waved. "Oh! Hi, Hojo." Hojo pulled out a box with pink wrap on it and a small yellow ribbon. He gave it to her. She opened it and saw! Therapeutic sandals. "Thank you, Hojo. You really shouldn't have." Kagome put it behind her back and braced herself for the next thing Hojo would say.

"Your grandfather said you had a bad foot fungus and that it was fatal! I have never heard of fatal foot fungus. Anyway, are you free on Saturday? I saw some previews for this great movie and thought maybe you would like to go!" He smiled.

Kagome sweat dropped. "Sorry Hojo, I have things to do and my sickness is *fake cough* getting worse." Kagome smiled. "Thanks anyway! *fake cough*" Kagome opened her door and threw the stupid sandals down the hall accidentally hitting her grandpa on the head. She marched up to him and said gloomily. "Gramps do you have to say I have a foot fungus? Why not a cold?!" Kagome went blue when her grandpa pulled up his fungicide foot and pointed at it.

"It is a real disease Kagome but it isn't fatal! And my diseases are just as reasonable as any other. It isn't like I am old or anything so you can stay hip or whatever you kids call it." He put his foot down and Kagome sweat dropped.

"Whatever gramps." Kagome ran up the stairs with her backpack and opened her bedroom door. She put her book bag on her bed and sighed. She looked into her clothes and picked out a pair of black hipsters and a black tank top and bra and underwear. She took a shower and when she got out and dried off she put them on.

She checked the clock which read, 6:30 and she ran down the stairs for dinner, Oden, her favorite! She ate a silent dinner with her family and went back up the steps to her room to study and go to bed so she could go to school in the morning. She studied and studied, and studied! She studying around 11:30 so she could watch the Family Guy on Adult Swim. Then she watched Witch Hunter Robin and Cowboy Bebop. She sighed when 12:30 hit and turned off the T.V. to go to bed. She set her alarm for 7:00 and laid her head down.

The second she put her head down her mom burst through the door making Kagome literally jump 5 feet out of her bed and onto the floor. "Kagome dear, I forgot to tell you that you would be changing schools!" Kagome's mom withdrew her hands from her back and in them was a blue uniform from what Kagome could tell. Kagome snatched the uniform from her mother's hands and set it on her desk and looked at her mom.

"Goodnight mom." Kagome said in a twitchy fashion. Kagome's mom wished her goodnight back and gently closed the door. Kagome got back into her covers and fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow.

***In the Morning***

<BEEP> <BEEP> <BEEP> <BEEP> <BEEP> Kagome growled in her sleep and <BE-WHACK!> Kagome rolled over and got out of bed. She stretched and got her new uniform and took a shower. When she got out she had her new uniform on and looked at herself in her body length mirror.

The skirt was a blue color that was about two inches longer than her other one and the top was sailor style with a yellow tie. She looked closer and noticed that if she raised her arms that the top came over her belly button. She had a sharp pain go through her back too. She put her hand behind her back and felt the strap, it was really tight. She unhooked it and put it on the second hook but it was still too tight, the third, it almost fit but it was still big. She thought for a moment and turned to the side and looked at her butt in the mirror. It had grown! Big! She looked at her breasts, big! At least a cup size larger! `No wonder my bra hurts!' Kagome thought to herself.

She raised her arms again and sighed. "I'll live." Kagome didn't bother packing her book bag because she didn't know what she would need. She put on her shoes and socks and ran down the stairs, ate and asked for directions to her new school from her mom. Her mother gladly gave her directions and Kagome walked out the door.

It was `….' High. Suppose ably her school was getting bad reviews from her constant absence. Her new school was reported as a school with a bunch of punks and jerks and always absent kids. Kagome sighed. `Great! A school with more InuYasha's!' Kagome smirked at her last remark and stopped in front of her new school. It was fairly large and students were hanging all around the front chatting or starting a fight.

Kagome tried not to be noticed. She walked through them all with haste. She came up to the doors but a boy stopped her. He had short black hair and he was tall. He didn't were the uniform and had on a pair of blue jeans and a red shirt. (Not Yusuke). She tried to go around him but he blocked her path.

She kept trying for about 5 minutes until she got frustrated. She looked up at his amused face and put on one of her best smiles. "May I pass please?"

He smirked and crossed his arms. "No, I want you here." He said simply.

Kagome looked up at him with stern eyes. "Move, please." Kagome said with a slight tinge of anger in her voice.

He laughed and whistled. Three other boys walked up to him and smirked and whispered. "What's your name?" He asked her.

"That's none of your business." Kagome fumed when he laughed.

"Well I'm the boss of this school and I make it my business. Tell me, bitch. What's your name?" He grabbed her shoulders with his hands and lifted her off the ground.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE!" Kagome growled out startling the boys.

***With Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama***

They walked up to their school and saw a new girl trying to avoid contact with everybody. "Who's that?" Kuwabara asked with stupidity.

Yusuke hit him on the head. "She's new stupid! How are we supposed to know who she is?" Kurama sighed at his friends actions.

Kurama got them to stop after Yusuke hit Kuwabara a few more times. They turned their attention to a soft voice's yell. "PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE!" It was the new girl and some stupid guy and his friends picking on her. He had he by the shoulders and she looked mad.

Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara ran up to the scene and was shocked at the next thin they saw.

The new girl did a back flip and kicked the guy into the stomach successfully knocking him down. She landed in a graceful crouch on the grass and all of the guy's friends were starring at her in shock like all the other witnesses to the scene. The new girl stood up and brushed off the fake dust on her skirt.

She calmly walked up to the doors and over the guy's body and opened them and walked to the office.

Kuwabara was the first to break the silence. "WHOA! Did you just see the new girl kick that guy's butt!?!?!" He ran up to the guy that had harassed the new girl and saw two shoe prints on his chest. Kuwabara leaned down and laughed at the guy like Yusuke did. The got up.

"What? Hey! Where is that bitch?! I'll kill her nice ass! Little tramp!" He got up and stormed into the school with his friends close behind, following Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Kurama. Hiei jumped out the tree he was in and went inside with them.

***With Kagome***

She went into the office and got her schedule. She thanked the school principal for his help and she walked out the door. The first thing she saw when she got out didn't make her very happy, it was the guy from earlier that she had kicked and his friends.

She smiled and walked down the hall like she didn't see them. This made the guy mad and he slammed her up against a locker successfully popping her back. She didn't whimper or even flinch, she had planned this. "What's your name bitch?! You think you can just come up to me and kick me?! I don't think so!" He was about to hit her but the only thing you could hear was <CLING!>.

Kagome had ducked and he had just hit the locker. He looked at his now crippled red fingers and back at the now leaving Kagome. "You tramp!" He ran up to her and put up a punch and swung but he only caught air. She had ducked his attack. He did this over and over again and she ducked over and over again.

She smirked when he held onto his knees and took a break. "Get back here you wench!" Kagome snapped. She walked back to him with big eyes and her clenching and unclenching her fists. The other boys were anxious to see what would happen next so they watched.

Kagome got the collar of his shirt with one small hand and raised him off the ground with no trouble at all. Sure he was taller than her but she could still lift him off the ground a few inches. "Don't' call me that! I am Ka-Go-Me! If you must know! Kagome! Not wench, bitch, woman, or any other stupid name to call me by that you can think of in your tiny brain! Kagome dropped him with a thud and walked away with a red face of anger.

Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara were stunned. "She just lifted a 120 pound man off the ground!" Yusuke said with `awe' in every word.

Kurama added, "She isn't any normal girl, should we tell Koenma about her?" The guys nodded and left to their classes. They all had the same courses but Hiei didn't go to school, it was for `baka ningens'.

They went to English and sat down. The teacher called out. "Alright, alright, go to your seats! We have a new student!" The teenagers in the room hushed themselves and sat in their seats. Kagome walked up to the teacher and bowed.

The teacher was eyeing Kagome with some twisted thoughts of her in his head (men). He cleared his voice. "Introduce yourself please." He sat down in his chair.

Kagome looked around at the class in front of her and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Higurashi, Kagome." She earned herself jealous looks from the girls and hungry looks from the guys (men).

"Thank you Miss Higurashi, you may sit." The teacher said.

Kagome sat near the window next to a boy with slicked black hair and a green outfit. She looked out the window because she felt and odd aura coming from it. She concentrated harder and saw that a demon was in there! An ice and fire apparition! `Isn't that breed of demon forbidden?' Kagome asked herself. Unluckily Hiei had heard her thought and nearly fell out of the tree from the shock.

She decided that the demon wasn't there to kill anyone for now so she looked around at the boys next to her. In front of her was a redhead. `Kitsune? No, a kitusne spirit in a human body!' Kagome said in surprise mentally. That was interesting. She looked back at the boy next to her with slicked back hair who was starring at her. She smiled at him. `He has high spirit power!' Kagome said mentally. She looked behind that boy and saw a carrot top. `Ugly! High spirit energy, fit, but U-G-L-Y!' She yelled to herself. Hiei had been listening the whole time and smirked at her comment about Kuwabara. `I will have to ask them all about their power.' She thought. `I hope the fox and the apparition between ice and fire don't want the shards of the Shikon No Tama!' Kagome thought again.

Hiei was confused at what she said about `Shikon No Tama' but let it go for now.

Kagome listened to the teacher for a while until he called her up to read a paragraph in English. Kagome gladly went up and the teacher tried to help her. "I don't need help, really." Kagome said in English, taking the teacher by surprise at how fluent and English sounding she was.

"I need to help you Miss Higurashi." He persisted.

Kagome shook her head. In English, "I really can handle it, thanks." He let her be and smirked when he showed her the long paragraph she had to read. She looked up at the board and read the paragraph like and English person, not even a Japanese accent was heard in her voice, she didn't stutter of hesitate any sentence, she was very elegant with her words.

The teacher and students looked at her like she had three heads. "What?" She snapped at them in Japanese. "You act like you have never seen a linguist before." The teacher put on a confused face.

"A linguist? You are just a teenager." The teacher retorted.

Kagome sighed. "I can speak, Spanish, English, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, French, and I can add accents onto things like for Australians or the British." There was no doubt in every ones mind that this girl was smart.

"Very well. Take your, seat." The teacher said with shock on his face. Kagome took her seat and the bell rung. The students rushed out the door but with Kagome and the Yu Yu gang.

Kagome walked out the door but not before she said, "Adios professoro!" Kagome giggled when the teacher looked at her like she had grown another head.

Everyone had cleared the hallway and Kagome tried to avoid contact with the three strange boys in her class. To her luck they blocked all of her sides.

`What Now?' Kagome thought.

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