Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Life Just Got Better ❯ Trapped! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own any of the characters!

Chapter 2: Trapped!

Kagome looked around at her surroundings and saw the boy in green to her left, the boy in blue to her right, the boy in pink behind her. There was no one in front. She was about to make a run for it when a roughish looking boy wearing all black about her height stood face to face with her. He was only about 3 inches higher than her but his gravity defying hair said differently. "Uhhhmm…." Kagome smirked catching the others off guard.

She stood back a step and sighed. "I wonder why demons would attend a school." Kagome said mostly to herself but out loud. Kagome smirked again and she disappeared. (I bet you want to know why she can do stuff like that!). Truth be told, she hadn't disappeared but she had masked her appearance and scent, making it seam like she was gone.

Yusuke and the others looked around for her everywhere. "She disappeared!" Kuwabara yelled.

"No she didn't." Kurama said back. "I can feel her power." Just then Kagome masked her power too. "Well, not anymore, go to the doors hurry!" Kagome had made an escape attempt out the doors while they couldn't find her and the door had squeaked a little when she opened it.

`Kuso!' Kagome cursed to herself. Kagome ran out the door and down to the back of the school in some woods. She dropped her barriers and gasped for air.

***With the others***

They all ran out the door to get her but Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara were stopped by a teacher and asked to return to class. Hiei didn't attend school so he just ran out the door when the teacher saw the boys. He searched for the girl and realized she had unmasked her power and presence and she was behind the school in the woods. He ran to the wood in the back of the school in search of the exasperating miko.


She was walking through the woods behind the school and she heard the school bell for lunch ring and her stomach. "Man I'm hungry!" She said to herself. She started to near the school in a different direction when she felt a familiar aura. It wasn't any of those other boys that stopped her in the hallway but the same one that had harassed her this morning. `Chikutsuo'(damn) Kagome cursed again. She really didn't want to get in another fight with the arrogant asshole.

He was close too, oh so close, at least 50 feet and in the same woods as her and was coming strait in her direction like her was marching directly to her. Kagome ran to the school's direction but was stopped when she felt the forbidden demon's aura as well and coming strait to her at a fast pace.

Kagome heard a laugh from behind, `Oh no!' She turned around and saw that stupid bastard from earlier that morning.

"Hey, Kagome." He said in a seductive way.

Kagome's face turned, `Who is this guy!? Does he really think I will fall for him!? Kami help!' Kagome chuckled. "You got it right for once." Kagome put her hands on her hips.

"Why don't you come here." He put his hand out and motioned for her to come to him. Suddenly Kagome felt 1. Being pulled towards him (not by will) 2. 7 other aura's enter the clearing and 3. Another school bell.

Kagome was literally being forced to come to the jerk in front of her. His long curly hair grew and his short finger nails became pointed and longer. He smirked at her shocked reaction clearly seeing his fangs. When his hair had stopped growing to about mid back, he closed his eyes and blue eye shadow appeared in his lids and when he opened his eyes….they were red. `NARAKU!!!'

I am ending the chapter here guys! Just kidding!!!

When she was face to face with him she shivered at his glaring eyes. "Hello, Kagome. Remember me?" It was Naraku! Kagome recognized that voice anywhere and he still had the disguise of that prince. `I guess because he is a demon and the others and I haven't killed him yet that he lives on to my time still alive and well!' Kagome was pulled out of her thoughts when 6 of the 7 spirits she had felt, there was a bat demon, 2 cat demons, a wolf demon, and 3 bird demons, all men. (I put out Kagura and Kanna for now).

Naraku waved for the other demons to come to him and they did as told. They weren't lesser demons they were actually `S' class demons! Kagome was so screwed.

***With Hiei***

He ran to the miko's scent and stopped in a fairly high branch of a tree where 7 demons and the girl were, he watched closely as the one demon in the middle brought the girl face to face with him unwillingly. She looked shocked.

The demon then called the other 6 demons out of their hiding places to come to him. Hiei watched with interest at what would happen next but ignored the little voice in his voice that called him to save her….and boy will he regret it if he keeps on ignoring it.

***With Kagome and Naraku***

Kagome had a lot to think about, like why Naraku is being so seductive? What the other 6 demons are for? Where is the last one? And how is she going to get out of this situation!? "What do you want Naraku? And why are you attending school?" Kagome looked at his ruby eyes and he said like it was a matter-of-factly.

"I am attending school in hopes of finding you." He answered. He used his power to control her movement to lift her off the ground about 2 feet. She tried using her miko powers to stop them but the were cut off by a strange force.

"Hey! Put me down! If you lift me higher you can see up my skirt! Don't do that!" Kagome yelled. He just kept raising her. Kagome put her hands over her bottom so they wouldn't see up it. "Hey! This is really high now just stop!" He had her about 10 feet in the air. The only thing she didn't like about being up this high was all the attention being drawn to her from the greedy male demons eyes.

"Demons attack!" Naraku shouted and pointed to the helpless Kagome.

Kagome screamed and waited for the 6 `S' class demons to slice her to pieces, but it never came. Instead, strong, warm arms encircled her small waist and she was being pulled away from them all. She looked up at her rescuer and saw the same demon that blocked her path from the front when she was in the school, the demon in black, the same one she had sensed in the tree earlier that day, and the 7th demon, he was saving her from the other demons' attacks, but why?

It was all one big puzzle for Kagome.

***Hiei POV***

I couldn't just let her get slaughtered by those demons; I don't know why but I couldn't let it be; Besides, it would be an unfair fight. I picked her out of her power bondage and ran with her by my side with my arms around her perfect waist. Wait! Where did that come from!? Forget it!

I ran with her looking up at me the whole time. I could tell she was confused. But she still seemed at ease, but for what reason I don't know. I ran until I came to Kurama's house. I knew his mother would gladly accept the girl for a while until Kurama came home, then we would take her to the ReiKai to see Koenma about this girl.

I dropped into Kurama's bedroom window and looked down at the girl's face. Her voice was calm but confused. "Thank you." I let go of her waist and she went in hesitantly. "Uhhh, do I go in?" She looked at me and I nodded my head. She smiled back and she went in the room to look at the plants.

***Kagome POV***

I don't get it! Why did he save me!? Man, this flower smells good! I can tell this is Kurama's room from the way it feels of kitsune. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the same demon that saved me was threatening me against the wall with a katana at my throat. "Who are you?" he asked.

***End POV's***

"Uhhhh….Kagome." Kagome chocked out. Hiei looked at her with narrow eyes. "Who are you?" She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back but slowly.

To Hiei her touch was like that of a blessing, he could trust it. He barely ever let anyone touch him, but her touch was just so, he couldn't explain it, it was like he had known her his entire life. He snapped out of his musings and pushed her back.

Kagome pushed back again and her brown furrowed together. "Fine….be that way…" She thought for a minute and decided. "Tree sprite." Kagome smirked at the look on his face. Sure a sprite was an elf or nymph or that of a short person but it was a cute name, at least until he told her his name, but until then, Tree Sprite would be his name.

He growled at his new name but he wouldn't tell her his, even if he did trust her. He pushed down on his blade when she pushed back. Then she got an evil smirk.

Step one, the next time she touched his chest she smiled in a seductive way and encircled her hands around his neck and drew him closer instead of back. The grip and push on his katana to her throat became loose and soon Kagome couldn't even feel Tree Sprite's blade against her skin. He plan was working.

Now for step two. She had actually tried these steps on demons in the feudal era that have threatened to kill or rape her. She brought her left leg up to his side and then her next leg and wrapped them around his waist. He almost dropped his blade; he was also slowly becoming aroused at the fact that her legs were wrapped around his waist. He wasn't loosing control but he still wanted to touch her all over. (Men)

Step three. She leaned up so that her mouth was next to his right ear and she blew into it. Bad Hiei! He pushed her up against the wall and growled into her ear in a seductive way. `Plan backfire!' Kagome screamed to herself. She smirked and put her hand over his, the one over his katana, and slowly pulled it away from his grip and into hers and she threw it out the window. She didn't even get to step 4.

"That's a bad Tree Sprite." Kagome frowned and got off Hiei. Hiei scolded himself for his boyish actions and he went out the window to get his katana. He found it pierced into a tree and he pried it from its spot in the middle of the trunk. He jumped back into the window of Kurama's bedroom and saw Kagome on her stomach on Kurama's bed and holding up her head with her palms while her feet swung back and forth. She was humming something. He came up to her and turned her around and de ja vou all over again. He pressed his katana at her throat again, this time being positive not to get lost in his acts.

But when you are hovering over the most beautiful girl you have ever seen with both of your legs at her side on a bed, you don't know what could happen!

Kagome decided not to do her steps because last time she did it backfired so instead she decided to play, `Why?'.

Hiei looked at her innocent features and told her, "You did that on purpose miko." Kagome looked at him and said,

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Don't do it again." He said coldly.

"Why?" She asked innocently.


"Because why?" (Can you see where this is going?)

"Because…I said."

"Because you said why?"

Hiei pushed his katana to her throat more. "Because I said, because I don't want you touching me."

"Why?" Kagome poked his shoulder just to get on his nerves. (She touched him)

"Don't touch me and stop saying why." Hiei pushed his katana a little more nearly cutting Kagome's throat.

Kagome looked into his eyes and asked. "Why?" She poked him again on the chest and she gave up when he drew her blood when hit katana was pressed on her neck a little more.

He leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Because." He blew into her ear making her shiver with delight. He smirked inwardly thinking he had accomplished something new.

Kagome also smirked inwardly because she knew that he thought he had accomplished something new. She leaned up and to his ear and whispered back to him, "Why?" He didn't know why but he hated it when she asked `Why?'.

He growled and had to bite his tongue to keep from slicing her head off, of his own preferably. He watched as she snuck from under him and was behind him she pushed him into the pillows and locked herself in Kurama's closet. She giggled when she heard Hiei try to turn the knob and fail. "Open the door miko."

Kagome giggled more. "Why?" Hiei shut his eyes.

"Open the door now." Hiei knew what was coming next and decided that since he used to be a thief, why not find something to unlock the lock on the doorknob.

"Why?" Kagome giggled from inside.

Hiei searched Kurama's room for something small enough to fit in the small hole in the closet door. To his luck he found a pin and stuck it in the tiny gap. He mumbled different curses under his breath and sighed relief when the door went <Click>. He twisted the knob and saw Kagome covering her mouth with one hand and her stomach with the other. She was giggling until he yanked her out of the closet and tossed her on Kurama's bed.

She crossed her arms and folded her legs while sticking her nose up in a snobby manner and closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes and saw Tree Sprite nowhere in the room and the bedroom door was closed like before and the window was. She got up and looked inside the closet which was empty. She saw another door in Kurama's room and knocked on it very quietly. No answer! Guess she just had to go in! She twisted on the knob and opened the door and saw Hiei fumbling to open the window in the small bathroom. He was trying to escape `Kagome's Wrath'. Kagome giggled when he saw her come in and witnessed him have a hard time with the window.

He let go of the window and left the bathroom and brushed past Kagome on his way out. She shivered and shut the bathroom door. She looked at him and asked. "Why did you want to leave?"

Hiei just turned away. "Hn." He said plainly.

Kagome sighed. "Tree Sprite, I a-"Once again Kagome's throat met metal and she was against a wall. Now she was scared. Before it was all a game but when she is trying to be serious and has a throat at her neck she takes it literally. "Huh?" She whispered softly and with a confused tone.

"Shut your mouth." He sneered. Kagome shut her mouth. Hiei looked into her blue eyes with shimmering silver he sighed at her confused look. This would be the third time he held his katana at her throat. He didn't drop his sword but he did loosen his grip and he leaned back a bit. "Who was that other demon in the clearing in the woods?"

Kagome shivered at his tone. "Na-Naraku." She gulped out.

Now it was Hiei's turn to be confused. "Who is he?"

Kagome looked over at the clock and saw that it read 2:30. `Kurama will be in his room any minute now!' Kagome said to herself. "K-Kurama will be home s-soon." Kagome looked Hiei's expression go from confused to angry.

"I don't care." He spread his senses till he found Kurama right at the front door of the house. `She is right. Fox would get mad at me if he saw me threatening a woman we do not know is harmful.' Hiei sheathed his katana and Kagome slowly made her way to Kurama's bed. She sat down in an innocent way and waited for Kurama to come inside.

Kagome looked over at `Tree Sprite' and saw him sitting on the windowsill. She sighed. `He must love it outside….' Kagome thought. She walked up from the bed and over to Hiei. "Go." She whispered. He looked at her before she pushed him out the window and he fell in a crouched position. She looked down and waved at him. He left. Kagome decided to sit on the windowsill.

Kurama walked into his room and was shocked to see the same girl from earlier. `How does she know I live here!?' He yelled to himself. She sat gracefully on his windowsill and she twisted her head to him and smiled.

The Youko in Kurama clawed to get out.

~`~`Come on Kurama! Let me out!`~`~

~`~`No Youko.`~`~

~`~`Do you see the girl in front of you!? Take her Kurama!`~`~

~`~`No Youko, I can't.`~`~

~`~`Fine! But you have to at least get to know her! Or should I say, Botan?`~`~

~`~`Youko! I don't like Botan, she is only my….friend.`~`~


Kurama walked over to Kagome. "Hello, I apologize if me and my friends appeared as a threat to you, I am Suiichi Minnamino (sp?)." Kurama bowed to Kagome and she raised an eyebrow at him and stood up from the window sill.

She smiled at him. "No prob! Kagome, Higurashi!" Kagome Stuck out her hand and Kurama shook it. "So tell me, why do you have a kitsune spirit but the body of a human?" Kurama's face expression was that of shock.

"How did you know?" He gasped. He was supposed to have a good hiding place in Suiichi's body.

"I am a miko; you should know that, you are part demon after all." Kagome sighed. "I have to go Kurama. I t was nice meeting you." She walked up to him and bowed and she jumped out his window she caught onto a tree branch and climbed down from there.

`She is a strange girl for sure.' Kurama thought to himself. He shut his window and thought about why Kagome was at his house.

***With Kagome***

Kagome had found out that Kurama didn't live too far from her so she found her house really easily and without interference from Naraku or his servants.

She walked up to her room after her mom asked her how her day at school was and stuff. Kagome showered and put on her black night clothes. She got into bed and whispered to herself, "Life is so wasted on the living." Kagome sighed and went to bed after setting her alarm. The only thing she never noticed where the crimson eyes that watched her sleep for the rest of the night and wake in the morning.

Whose crimson eyed is it? Hiei's or Naraku's? 3 reviews for another chapter please!