Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Life Just Got Better ❯ Let's Travel; Back in Time ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey Guys! I decided that this would be a Kagome/Hiei fic! I am doing a pretty damn good favor for you people! I don't really like Kurama that much and I really prefer Hiei/Kagome pairings! Don't beg for just Kurama/Kagome because I won't give in! Ha! So it is an official Kagome/Hiei fic! It will start off as a Kurama/Kagome but then he decides that he loves Botan! Just email me!

Chapter 3:Let's Travel Back in Time!

Kagome woke up in the morning at 6:30. She had to go back to the feudal era today but she still wanted to go back to school. `Maybe one more day won't hurt.' Kagome mused as she got out of bed and into the shower. Once again and very unknown might I add was a pair of ruby eyes watching her in all of her glory.

The figure hopped out of the figure he was hiding in and left the Sunset shrine.

Kagome couldn't help but feel watched during her shower. She didn't know why but she just couldn't stop thinking about Kurama and Tree Sprite. She shook her head and got out of the shower. She stuck on her old uniform and got packed for the feudal era. She stuffed her backpack full of:

25 packs of ramen for Dinner but mostly InuYasha

10 Hershey's milk chocolate bars for Shippou

3 uniforms (green) and casual wear for a week

4 towels

Bath supplies

A sleeping bag

First aid kit and medicine

Of course stuff to cook things in like pots and stuff

A few cat treats for Kirara

A magazine of *gulp* porno for Miroku

A new kimono for Sango

Before she left she could have sworn she had heard laughing outside. She shr

And, a few extra things. Before she left she could have sworn she had heard laughing outside. She shrugged it off and finished.

She packed all of these things in her new big black book bag (I hate the yellow one with a passion) with room to spare. She put her backpack on and ran down the stairs. She ate and wished her mother goodbye. She ran to the well house, once again unaware of the pairs of eyes, ruby, green, brown, and black that followed her petite figure into the well house and down the well.

*** With Yu Yu Gumi*** (same time Kagome got up at 6:30)

They all stood in Koenma's office, a fuming Yusuke, a stoic Hiei, s charming Kurama, and a stupid Kuwabara the usual.

Koenma was waiting patiently for Yusuke to shut up and stop ranting about missing another date with Keiko. When he was finished, Koenma started about their new mission. "Okay gang, your new mission is on the Higurashi shrine. Strange energies have been detected there for the last year now and we need you to go see what the cause of the strange power is. Before you say anything, we do know where it is and where you should look." Koenma gave them directions to the shrine and told them that the energy was coming from a well.

They left without complaint and ended up at the Higurashi shrine from Botan's portal. "What now?" Kuwabara asked.

"We check it out I guess." Yusuke said back. They walked to the back and found a well house. "Is this it?" Yusuke asked.

"I don't know." Kurama said back. Just then he heard water run in the house near them. "Hiei do you hear that?" Kurama saw Hiei nod his head and go off to the sound.

Surprisingly enough it was Kagome and she was taking a shower! He watched with great interest.

~What is it Hiei?~

Hiei just kept watching and he sent Kurama a mental picture of Kagome in while she bathed.

Kurama kept his cool outside but inside he felt like he was going to burst with heat.

~Hiei get out of there! She is bathing are you really that eager to see a ningen bathe?~ This caught Hiei's attention so he left the tree he was in. Kurama wasn't disgusted but he knew Hiei would be.

Hiei dropped next to the others. "So Hiei what was it?" Yusuke asked. Hiei nearly fell back from the question.

"An old man taking a bath. Would you like to see some images?" Hiei gave Yusuke glares after he asked why he watched for so long.

"Hey! Shorty likes old men!" Kuwabara laughed it up until Hiei's fist met with his head, successfully knocking him out like a light.

"Hiei wake him up." Kurama sighed when Hiei cracked his knuckles. Hiei walked over to Kuwabaka's fallen form and picked him up and stood him up against the wall and caught his pants on fire.

Kuwabara sniffed for a minute and then woke up in a flash. "Hiei put it out." Kurama said while Yusuke had to hold back a laugh. Hiei put it out and Kuwabara sighed.

He perked up all the sudden as did the others. "Someone is coming." Kurama said quietly. They hid in the shadows of the well house and hid their presence and power. The girl walked in with a dark blue mountain bike (hate pink) and she jumped in the well with it. They ran over to the well and saw a blue light cover the girl and she disappeared.

"So that is the energy source." Yusuke said. The others just nodded with disbelief struck in their eyes.

Then it hit Kuwabara, "She disappeared after she went in that thing!" He yelled.

Hiei pushed him into the well because he was standing over it like a big idiot. The same blue light covered the well and Kuwabara disappeared. The others jumped in and they all jumped out of the well.

Kuwabara was still trying to get out.

When everybody was situated they looked up and saw the same girl arguing with a guy with dog ears. They weren't as stunned to see the boy as they were to see the next thing that happened.

"InuYasha you stupid jerk! Just go to Keade's hut and sit <WHAM!>!! Then you can wait for me while you sit <WHAM!> there! Oh! Don't forget, while you are sitting <WHAM!> to think about why I told you to sit in the FIRST PLACE!!!!" The stormed away from the InuYasha crater and with some other people.

InuYasha pried his face from his best friend, the ground, and yelled to the girl. "Kagome you wench! Get your ass back over here!"

"Hey InuYasha, I think I know where you can sit!" Kagome walked on and InuYasha pried his face from his best friend again. He sniffed the air and he growled.

He twisted his head over to the well and saw four boys with big eyes at it. "Hey! Who the hell are you!?" Kagome and the others turned around and ran to InuYasha who was now charging to the four boys, Tetsusaiga at the ready. Kagome beat InuYasha to them and she held her hand out as a sign for him to stop.

InuYasha stared at her dumbfounded like the rest of the InuYasha gang and the others. Then Kagome knew why they were staring, she had just beat InuYasha. "Kagome, what's going on?" Sango whispered. Kagome had heard the whisper even though she was about 18 feet away.

"I don't know Sango." The others looked at Kagome in surprise. Kagome snapped out of it and drew the attention to the four boys. "InuYasha put Tetsusaiga away."

Inuyasha did as told but not before Kuwabara yelled out, "That is a huge ass sword!" Yusuke nodded and Hiei and Kurama shook their heads.

InuYasha smiled. He walked over to Yusuke and Kuwabara and drew Tetsusaiga again. They stared at it in amazement while InuYasha was grinning that he was getting all the attention.

Kagome and the others sweat dropped at InuYasha's actions. She looked over at Hiei and Kurama and her brows furrowed. `Great.' Kagome sighed. She walked over to Kurama and Hiei and bowed. "Sorry about InuYasha, he's a jerk." They nodded. "Follow me, please." She motioned for them to follow her and dragged Inuyasha with her to Keade's hut.

They all got introduced. Kurama started. "I am Suiichi Minnamino and this is Hiei Jaganshi. But You can call me Kurama." Kagome and the others smiled.

"So, you're Tree Sprite and you're Fox. Got it!" Kagome and Sango giggled at Kurama and Hiei's expressions.

Kuwabara came up next. He poked out his chest. "I am THE GREAT KUWABARA KAZUMA!!!" He grabbed Kagome's hand. "And I think I'm in love. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Kagome's eye twitched and she laughed nervously. "Well….uh….you see….umm. No sorry. You are really sweet and stuff, but I barely know you. You should ask *giggle* Keade to be your girlfriend." Kuwabara beamed and walked over to Sango.

The others sweat dropped. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Sango turned him down and pointed over to Keade and told him that if he kissed her that she would turn into a beautiful princess. Kuwabara walked over to Keade and nearly gave the old woman a heart attack when his lips smacked hers. He walked back after a long wet kiss and waited for Keade to turn into a princess. Nothing happened after about 5 minutes and every body cracked up laughing except Keade and Kuwabara.

"What do are ye laughing at?" Keade asked. She turned to Kuwabara. "Why did you kiss me?" Kuwabara paled.

He screamed like a woman and started wiping his tongue. "I kissed an old woman!" he screamed in a high tone of voice. Yusuke taunted him.

"*Haha* Kuwabaka kissed *ha* an old*hahaha* WOMAN!" yusuke was on the floor in tears at the sight as was InuYasha. Sango and Kagome were giggling while Miroku, Hiei, and Kurama were smirking. Shippou was shaking his head.

They stopped laughing when Kuwabara walked up to Sango and yelled at her. "You shouldn't lie!" Sango shook her head.

Sango got an evil glint in her eyes. "We are laughing because you didn't kiss her long enough. You have to kiss her a long time for her to turn into a beautiful princess. The longer you kiss her, the prettier she becomes." Sango and the others watched with amused eyes as Kuwabara kissed Keade again and she struggled to push him away. She managed to kick him where-it-hurts and she walked over to Sango and hit her on the head with her fist.

"ye should not do such things to an old woman." Sango nodded her head and nobody else laughed for a while.

"Where did we leave off?" Kagome asked.

"I'm Yusuke."

Kagome nodded. "I'm Kagome, this is Shippou." She held up Shippou. Shippou scanned them all and stopped at Kurama. He hopped over to Kurama and onto his shoulder and asked him question after question, while the others finished their introductions.

"I am Sango and this is my perverted donkey, Miroku." Yes, Sango and Miroku had finally confessed their love for each other.

InuYasha stood up and sat next to Kagome. "Feh! InuYasha." He huffed. Kagome giggled making Kurama and Hiei growl that InuYasha was getting her attention.

Kagome sighed. "Well, I guess you want an explanation. When I turned 15, I fell down the….(insert the InuYasha story (Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kagome, InuYasha))" Kagome wasn't interrupted but she did get some gasps from Kuwabara because he was scared at something from the story.

Yusuke ended up telling his and parts of his friends. He wasn't interrupted either.

They all went to bed and more questions would be asked in the morning.

What do you think? If you have any comments please review, but if it is a flame email me instead. Arigato! Kagome/Hiei/Kurama!!!!!! Maybe something radical like an InuYasha/Kagome/Kurama/Hiei!!!! That would be so retarded!