Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ My savior ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
THIS IS IMPORTANT! Okay let me set this straight… in no way is Naraku going to come into the fic alright? And no… Hojo is NOT Naraku's incarnation or even related to him.
~Reviewer responses
RoxyFoxyKitsune- SO MANY QUESTIONS! About hojo… you'll find out sooner or later, I think Hiei has a sweet tooth and I dunnoe about the drunk thing yet, and all your other questions would be spoilers so I can't tell you! Gomen! ><
Georgieal- Ha ha… I know my mind wanders some all the time but I can't seem to stop it! I do rely on spell check a lot and I do re-read it but as some readers have pointed out, some things don't make ends or I contradict my self. I can't catch myself when I get off topic so there's no hope for me on that. :/ But yeah, the earlier chapters have been crap and every time I re-read them I bang my head on a wall repeatedly. >< I thank you for your constructive criticism!
Secaku- that does motivate me! It's just hard to update since I'm currently having writers block on my other story. But fear not! Summer has begun! ^____^
NOTE: I dunnoe what the word is but there is going to me some action at the end of the chapter. I think it's called “lime” or something… -_-
Ch. 12
Hiei's eyes snapped open from his afternoon nap. Grabbing his katana, he reattached it to his hip and frowned. He had been sleeping peacefully in a tree off on the outskirts of Tokyo when he felt a huge wave of fear come over him. It wasn't coming from him of course, because he wasn't scared of anyone and the only person he had a connection with was Kagome.
Quickly running to the top of one of the many tall buildings in the huge city, he unwrapped his jagan and closed his eyes as it searched through out all of Tokyo. In his mind he saw an image of a frightened Kagome backed against a tree with a ningen male cornering her.
He growled inside his mind when he realized who was cornering her. It was that fool of a male Hojo, who was stupid enough to come on to her with him right in front of her.
Putting his bandana back on, he ran to where Kagome needed him. A snarl formed on his face when he thought about the ningen even laying a finger on her. With a new resolve, he ran even faster then before and promised to kill the boy if he dare touched what was his.
Many thoughts ran ramped through her head as she stared wide-eyed at the smirking Hojo. Gulping, she pulled her arms to her chest as she tried to think of a way to get out of her current situation. She blinked when her bracelets clacked together. `Why didn't I think about it?!' she thought while mentally hitting herself. `Spike…'
Closing her eyes, she concentrated on sending her thoughts and emotions through the connection she had with Hiei through the bracelets.
Her eyes snapped open when she felt her head tilt upwards. She looked at Hojo with fear as he cupped her chin and forced her to look at him.
“Nuh-uh. Bad Kagome… this was suppose to be a talk consisting only of you and I. I can't have you calling for help now can I?” Raising his free hand, he closed his eyes and chanted something underneath his breath.
Kagome's eyes widened as she felt a large portion of her miko powers drain away. `Wha… What's happening?!' Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she saw them being absorbed into Hojo's body.
Noticing the confused and bewildered look on her face, Hojo chuckled. “Surprised? Yes you see you and your monk friend aren't the only one with spiritual powers.”
Her mouth dropped to the floor. “Are you telling me… you're some kind of monk too?!”
Letting go of her chin, Hojo shrugged. “Not really, I only have the powers of one. See, my great great great ancestor had been a powerful exorcist that could have even rivaled your hentai friend.”
Kagome glared at him. “Don't insult Miroku like you know him.”
He just smiled at her once more. “Aw, how admirable, sticking up for those you care for. See… that's what I like about you, you're so kind and caring. And that's why I'm going to make you mine.”
Swatting away his hand that started to caress her cheek during his “touching” speech, her glare intensified. “What are you talking about? Why can't you get it through your thick skull?! I'M ALREADY DATING SOMEONE!” she yelled getting more and more irritated by the minute.
Hojo's eyes suddenly turned cold. “I know.” Distancing himself from her, he abruptly turned around and crossed his arms behind his back. “But that just means I'm going to have to eliminate the problem.”
Her eyes widened in realization. `H-He's going to purify Spike?! That means even if Koenma had agreed to bring him back to life, he wouldn't have a body to come back to!' “I'll never let you hurt him!”
“Ah, but technically I won't be the one to kill him.” Raising a palm, he let her energy form into a ball and dance above his hand. “Because your powers are going to be the ones that turn him into dust.”
Tears started to form in her eyes as she realized he was going to use her own powers against the one she had started to love. “You're sick”, she said as she lowered her head until her bangs covered her eyes. Wiping the tears away she slowly slid down the truck of the tree until she was sitting on the ground.
The brunette frowned as he turned around to look at her. “You know, I'm doing this for your own good. In the end he would have just used you and throw you away like some old toy. You can never trust any youkai.”
“But what about you? Why do you want me so badly? What's so good about me?” she asked quietly.
Hojo smiled. “Ah, I knew you would ask sooner or later. You see, both you and I have a tremendous amount of power, but only if you knew how to use it properly. Together we could kill off all the youkai and eventually leave only ningens left on ningenkai. Next we could break the barrier and take over Makai.”
She blinked as her mind started to form images, accompanying what he had just said. Flashes of abandoned weapons and ashes everywhere appeared before her eyes. The pained screams of a youkai being purified rang through the air and ran through her very bones, making her shiver. The worst image was yet to come, her mind continued to play gruesome images as it focused in a particular spot. In the park, in the exact spot where she had first met Spike, stood his bare katana shoved in the ground with his bloodied bandana tied around the hilt that swayed in the harsh wind.
Kagome slowly shook her head as more tears started to slide down her face. “That's inhumane. What has caused you to hate youkai so much?” It was crazy for one to think they could kill of millions and millions of youkai just so ningens could be supreme!
That was probably why their power wasn't common anymore; maybe someone in the past abused it so much that the powers to purify were stopped from being passed on to the next generation.
“Besides, even if you were able to break the barrier how would you get past King Enma? You would be sentenced an eternity in the highest level of hell if you were caught.”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “That may be true, but you don't know anything for sure until you try it.”
A sudden breeze in the calm air made Hojo turn towards the many trees that were filtered all over the high school grounds.
He barely managed to dodge the sharp blade that came centimeters within his neck. From the air pressure alone, a shallow cut appeared on his neck.
A very angry looking Hiei vaporized in front of him. His hands were clenched so hard that they broke the skin and started to bleed. Fire burned in his eyes as his mouth was twisted into a snarl with a newly grown fang showing.
Kagome gasped from her view on the ground. Never before had she seen him with such a murderous look in his eyes. All the muscles visible twitched as adrenaline pumped through his body, giving him the extra strength to help him win the upcoming battle.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked on with worry. As much as she hated to say it, she didn't want Hojo to die, even if he was a psycho and a two-faced bastard that didn't know when to give up.
Hiei's fangs grew longer as he thought about what he had witnessed. When Hiei had first arrived to the school grounds, he was furious when he saw the ningen touching his potential mate.
Though Kagome didn't know it, every time they had physical contact, he was discreetly rubbing his scent into her skin to show others that she was his. He also absorbed her scent for the same cause. His blood boiled when he saw her shed tears with the male as the obvious cause.
`This is why I hate ningen's so much! Their brains are so small that they lack the knowledge of the mating habits of youkai so they don't know when to back off.' Hiei thought as a low growl escaped his lips.
Shuffling his feet into a looser stance, he studied his opponent carefully. The only reason why he didn't slice off his head was because at the last instant Hojo had put up a shield. He openly smirked when he saw his attack still managed to do some damage, if only a little.
He felt the pure power radiating off him, which he recognized to be similar to Kagome and the monk's power. The only difference was it felt more controlled, and Hiei suspected that that wasn't even half his power that he was letting out.
Tightening his grip on his katana, he realized that this was the ultimate test when it came to courting Kagome. If he didn't defeat the other suitor that was in front of him, then he was unworthy to take her as a mate and was forced to let the winner take her. But of course that wasn't going to happen.
Though he had lived for a long time, never once had he fought any type of opponent with powers that could purify. He had witnessed first hand what it felt like to be purified when Kagome had burned him a bit as self-defense. He also saw her opponents turn to dust when they were fighting a bunch of youkai the other day.
Now that he had a good idea of what his powers did, he was more wary. The whole place was dead silent as the two faced off, both determined to win no matter what the cost.
Hiei kept his eyes glued to Hojo. After waiting a few moments, he decided to strike first. His katana came down swift and smooth as it met yet another barrier.
Hojo smirked as he looked at the spiky haired youkai on the other side of his barrier. He smiled in satisfaction when he saw the frustrated look that crossed his face. With confidence in each step, he slowly walked towards his enemy and raised a hand.
Bolts of power came shooting out of his fingertips like bullets, and were aimed straight for Hiei. Clouds of dirt and smoke rose from the air, and Hojo looked on proudly as he had managed to easily kill the annoying youkai like he had many others.
His eyes widened as a large gash appeared on his chest. His confidence waned as he realized he had not yet eliminated his enemy. A hand covered his wounded chest as his eyes narrowed and scanned the area.
Only bits of smoke floated in the air, and the fire apparition was nowhere in sight. His body glowed as his spiritual senses scanned the area. Lifting his hand, he aimed towards a specific tree and shot out energy bullets.
A black blur ran out of the tree in time, like Hojo had expected. With his trained eyes, his hand followed Hiei's movements. Right as he was about to run straight in front of him, Hojo curled his hands and gathered a huge ball of energy. “Gotcha,” he said as he released it and watched triumphantly as it headed straight for Hiei.
Just as Hiei had found the opening in the ningen's barrier, he easily used it to his advantage and gave him a huge gash. Of course he could have easily cut his head off, but where was the fun in that? Besides, he wanted to make him pay dearly for making his future mate cry.
Jumping into a tall tree, he watched from up high as his opponent tried to figure out what just happened. Hiei smirked gave him a taste of his supernatural speed. His senses pricked when he felt something scan over him and realized that he had just pin pointed his location.
Of course he had easily dodged the attack that was aimed for the tree he was in, and started circling around him until he was straight in front of him. Then he was going in for the kill.
Much to his surprise, the ningen had been able to watch his every move. Even with his speed he couldn't dodge the huge ball of energy coming straight at him.
He grunted as it impacted his stomach and the sheer force of it made him crash through several trees. His eyes widened in pain as the ki in the energy ball had managed to burn through his cloak and shirt and burn a small hole in his stomach.
Sliding on the ground, he left a trail of dug up earth in front of him. His stomach was now black with burnt skin covering it, and the wound was still slightly smoking. He lifted his head to meet the eyes of his powerful enemy.
Hiei realized he had made a major mistake, and that was underestimating his opponent. The attack wasn't laced with any shouki (holy energy [?]), it was only pure ki, which still did a lot of damage. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he realized he could manipulate ki and had enough control to add in or take out his purification powers.
A smirk grew across his face as he realized he hadn't had this much fun in a while. Standing up like the wound was nothing, he ripped off his useless cloak, grabbed his fallen katana, and got back into a ready stance.
His eyes then met Kagome's, who's where as wide as dinner plates with her mouth dropped in awe. He felt his ego grow as he saw her surprise that he was still able to stand up after such an attack.
Giving her a reassuring look, he turned back to the one in front of him. Calling fire from ningenkai, his jagan burst through his bandana and glowed with power as his right hand started to spark with dark flames.
Using his super speed, he ran straight for Hojo and used his jaou ensatsu rengoku shou. Kagome's eyes could barely keep up with the amount of punches Hiei was letting loose on Hojo's now badly beaten body, but what she did know was that he was hitting the same place the wound from his katana was.
She winced when Hojo's body fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and watched as blood poured freely from his wounds.
Smirking, Hiei flicked the blood that had landed on his hand and walked towards Kagome. Just as he turned his back on him, Hojo shakily lifted a weak arm and chanted a spell.
Chains of reiki appeared around Hiei's neck, wrists, and ankles, as he unsteadily stood up from the ground. Blood was running down his chin, as well as his stomach and other places that had been damaged.
Wiping the red liquid from his chin, Hojo held his wound and steadily walked over to Hiei until he was right in front of him. “Heh, I hope you didn't think you could defeat me so easily. As you probably know, I have healing powers just like Kagome does and used a spell to increase the process.”
Unbuttoning his bloodied school shirt, he revealed a sutra on his chest. It pulsated as it glowed with raw energy, and both Hiei and Kagome watched as his wounds slowly healed.
Even bound, Hiei found he was able to still use his jagan. It glowed underneath his bandana as a burst of black flames engulfed the piece of long paper and burned it off Hojo's skin, leaving a scorch mark in its place.
Hojo yelped out in surprise as the dark flames burnt his skin. He watched angrily as the ashes of the sutra tumbled off his body and flew away into the wind. His head snapped up as he looked at the youkai that has caused him so much trouble, as well as injuries.
His eyes narrowed as he glared at Hiei, but then opened curiously when he spotted something on his neck. Walking closer, he bent close enough to observe the object on the youkai's neck, but not enough to endanger his life.
Reading the tag, Hojo didn't even try to hide his amusement. What started out as chuckles turned to be a full hearty laugh. “What… what is this?” he asked as he yanked on the collar roughly. He pulled his hand back when he was shocked with miko powers.
“Ah… I see. A way to restrain him? I praise you for thinking of such an ingenious idea Kagome.”
Hiei snarled at him and pulled against his chains as he tried to strangle the ningen who was humiliating him. Kagome was equally mad.
“It's not a way to restrain him, Hojo.” `Heh… well it is, but not in the way he's thinking!' she thought as she scratched her head with a little smile on her face. Her face then turned serious again. “It's a present.”
Hojo chuckled once more. “Hm, I didn't know you could be so kinky Kagome. I mean you even have a pet name for him.” He just stared at the seething youkai with amusement in his eyes.
“I know! Why don't we have our own play time?” he said seductively as he walked up to Kagome. Bending over, he kneeled until he was face to face with her.
In once quick move, he pushed her backwards and pinned her to the ground with his body weight. Using one hand, he grabbed her hands and kept them above her head. His other hand grabbed her chin roughly making her wince, and just as he was about to go in for a kiss a searing hot pain shot up his legs.
Letting go of her chin, he looked behind him to see his legs on fire with the same black flames that burned off his sutra. His eyes filled with anger as he put a barrier around the fire to cut off the oxygen and co2 so it would go out.
Releasing his hold on Kagome, he walked up to Hiei once more. Clenching his fists, a long strip of reiki appeared in his right hand. It was like a replica of Kuwabara's sword, only it was in the shape of a spear instead of a sword.
Kagome's eyes widened as she realized what Hojo was going to do. Through out the whole fight, she watched helplessly from her place on the ground and felt useless as she could do nothing but watch. With most of her powers gone, there wasn't much she could do.
“STOP!” she screamed just as he was about to pierce Hiei's vulnerable stomach.
Turning around slowly, Hojo looked to see Kagome on the ground crying into her hands. He felt his heart throb guiltily as he watched her cry over the youkai he had planned to torture.
Kagome sniffed as she cleared the tears away from her eyes to see clearly. Hojo's bangs were covering his eyes and his spear was gone. She continued to watch warily, and was beginning to think that Hojo needed happy pills.
“I… I really don't get it. How could you possibly fall in love with such a filthy creature?”
Hiei growled at that part. While the ningen opened his pathetic mouth to talk, Hiei used the opportunity to try to escape. Using his arm muscles, he tried in vain to get out of the restraints. In return, he felt the energy sting him the more he struggled. Huffing, he found himself getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
He had been foolish by taking his opponent lightly, and deciding to play around first. And this is where it got him. Pathetically bound and wounded in front of the female he was trying to impress. Sometimes life was so cruel.
But he was not one to give up. It was a good thing youkai had fast stamina and a tougher body. His wounds were already starting to slowly heal, and the larger ones had stopped bleeding. He struggled once more as he tried to get free and had actually managed to move his wrists an inch or so before the energy snapped them back in place like elastic.
He growled when he realized it was futile to get free… at least for the moment. So instead he settled for listening to what Kagome's answer would be to his question. He too had often wondered why a miko would fall in love with their sworn enemy, a youkai. And it even puzzled him more when she chose him, a forbidden child, the worse type of youkai yet.
She just blinked. “Because he is what he is. An arrogant little youkai that has a cold outer face, yet is something completely different inside. Ningen or youkai, it makes no difference what he is. All that matters is that he saved me when I needed someone to help me. He's my savior.” She answered softly as her gentle eyes stayed on Hiei.
Hojo just shook his head in disbelief. “No matter what you say, youkai will always be the same to me. Blood thirsty creatures that slaughter for fun, and love to cause pain and suffering for everyone!”
His voice echoed around the clear area as he began to visibly shake with rage. This time, the spear became longer and even pointier. With a dark look in his eye, he turned around and shoved it hard into Hiei's stomach.
The hybrid's eyes widened as blood flew out of his mouth. Grinning, Hojo pushed it deeper until his hand reached the same spot he had pinned him earlier with the energy ball.
Kagome could only watch in horror as she watched her one and only savior being tortured. Her thoughts raced as the earlier vision came to her. What would she do if she died? It would be all her fault since she couldn't save him. As her emotions ran strongly within her, blue sparks started to form around her hands.
Looking at Hiei's face, she saw pain flicker across his features before it was gone. She prayed he could hold on a bit longer so she could think of a plan to get him out of this mess.
Coughing up some more blood, Hiei grunted. If it was one thing he was good at, it was masking his emotions. After the spear went through, his face showed the intense pain he was feeling for a second before it was gone. Shaking his head, Hiei glared at Hojo with deep crimson eyes filled with hatred.
Hojo raised an eyebrow. “Acting tough are we? Well, let's how you react after this!” he yelled as yet another spear appeared in his other hand.
That was the last straw for Kagome. Just as Hojo was about to impale the other spear into Hiei's heart, Kagome's body glowed as the tama floated out of her shirt and starting glowing brightly.
With the strength of the tama, her powers increased ten-fold as bright blue energy flowed around her body. Focusing her powers into her hands, she let her ki loose like she did with mistress centipede. There was no way in hell she as going to let another person she loved die right in front of her eyes again.
The blast hit him in the side and the force was so hard his back slammed against a tree. With the sudden energy burst, Kagome jumped up from the ground and ran towards Hiei.
The attack had caught Hojo off guard, thus breaking his concentration and breaking the bonds he had on Hiei.
She quickly ran to him as he fell on once knee while clenching his stomach. His eyes were closed and his face was twisted in pain. Using whatever energy she had left, she healed his stomach so he could at least fight again if he had to.
Removing her hands from his stomach, she kneeled down and wrapped her arms around his neck and started crying. “I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!” she sobbed as tears streamed down her face and onto his ripped shirt.
Hiei pulled her into an embrace and started lightly kissing her neck and jaw line. He wasn't one to be sentimental, and this was the best he could do to calm her down. Putting his nose onto her neck, he breathed in her scent.
He had been so close to loosing her and was still getting over the shock of almost being defeated. His pride as well as his reputation had been hurt… badly at that. He, one of the most well known thieves in Makai, had almost lost to some unknown ningen who was trying to steal his future mate. That was almost laughable.
Nuzzling her once more, his grip on her tightened as he sat his butt on the ground and pulled her onto his lap. Grabbing her face, he gently wiped away her tears and kissed her.
Parting for air, Hiei looked at Kagome affectionately before she cupped his face and pulled him in for another kiss.
“Aww, how cute. Getting all romantic now are we?”
Both of their heads snapped towards the sound of the voice and were surprised to see Hojo standing. Blood was leaking from a cut on his head and his arm looked like it had been broken by the impact of the tree. He was holding onto one of his ribs with his other arm and his lip was cut and bloody. All in all, he looked like a bulldozer had just run over him a few times.
Coughing a bit, he smirked at the couple. “But it makes me wonder, since you are such close lovers you must know everything about each other right?”
Kagome looked at him curiously while Hiei's eyes narrowed. He had a feeling where this was going, and didn't like it one bit.
Releasing his ribs, Hojo snapped his fingers, and at that moment a burst of ki blew up in-between them thus separating them. Hitting the ground hard, Kagome moaned in pain as she rubbed her injured hip. She gasped as she felt a spark of reiki and was mortified when she saw that Hiei was, once again, bound by chains.
“I wonder… do you know what his true form looks like?” He grinned when he saw that he had Kagome confused.
Looking at Hiei, her brows furrowed. She thought he had told her everything. “What is he talking about Spike?”
Hiei just `hned' and turned away from her. He knew that she wasn't scared of the jagan, but he was still ashamed to show her what he really looked like. It's not very common for someone to see a green skinned youkai with many lavender eyes all over his chest, stomach, and arms and still think it is attractive. But then again, the miko did show that she wasn't an ordinary onna. After all, she was a miko who fell for a youkai.
Hojo smiled. `So the chibi youkai didn't even tell her about his youkai form. Good, I'll use this to my advantage.' Chanting yet another spell, they both watched as Hiei was encased with purple energy.
Hiei's eyes widened as a burst of ki flowed throughout his whole body. His jagan opened and burst through his bandana as it glowed while the muscles on his body started to flex as if they were under a great strain.
Kagome watched in awe as Hiei began to transform. His hair split into two as his skin started to turn a sickly green. Ripping through his shirt, purple eyes opened and she noticed that the ones on his shoulder and stomach were in some sort of pattern.
The energy that flowed off of him made her realize just how powerful he really was. `Wow, I didn't know Spike was that strong…' She blinked as she took a good look at him. All his muscles bulged and his fangs grew larger and he had long claws that gave him an even eviler look. In other words: he looked dead sexy in her eyes.
Looking back at all the youkai she's met. Kagome admitted to her self sheepishly that she had a fetish for unusual things. With Kouga it was his tail and fur, Inuyasha it was no doubt his cute doggy ears and usual coloring of the eyes and hair, Sesshomaru's unique tail and maroon markings were a sure turn on, and Bakotsu's strange markings had quite an affect on her. Being attracted to all these strange traits, Hiei's jagan form was not an exception.
Standing on wobbly legs, she slowly walked towards Hiei and put a shaky hand on his cheek. Hojo watched in satisfaction when he was sure she was going to reject him. Crossing his arms, he smirked as he watched the drama unfold.
But much to Hojo's disappointment, nothing went as planned. Instead of looking at him with disgust and turning away, she did the complete opposite and kissed him. Quite passionately might I add. And as they say, actions speak louder than words.
Both Hiei and Hojo were surprised at her reaction, but not delaying any further, Hiei promptly ignored Hojo and the chains that restricted him and started to kiss Kagome back with equal passion.
Inside he was filled with something that could be called happiness. It was an unfamiliar emotion that he rarely felt, but was excited that she accepted him nonetheless. The happy moment was ruined when Hojo roughly jerked her away from Hiei and pulled her in tight until her body was squished to his.
“I've tried everything to make you realize what a bad mistake you've made when you chose to be with the forbidden child, but I guess you're just to naïve to understand what youkai are really like.”
Pounding her fists on his chest, Kagome tried her hardest to get out of his locked embrace. Even with one arm he was strong enough to hold her down. “Leave me alone Hojo! Don't touch me!”
Getting annoyed with her weak attacks and cries that fell on deaf ears, he silenced her by placing his mouth over hers.
All of Hiei's eyes began to glow dangerously as he watched the scene in front of him. In his true form he was the strongest, and adding on his rage of when someone touched what was his, that equaled a deadly combination.
With his fangs showing, he snarled loudly as he started pulling against the chains. His eyes glowed a darker shade of crimson while all his lavender eyes glowed, and in no time he broke free of the chains.
As fast as lightening, Hiei pulled Kagome out of his grasp and punched Hojo in the stomach. That alone sent him flying through several trees until he hit the school building. Mind you that was about a mile away from where they were standing.
Wasting no time, he quickly phased over there and lifted Hojo by the shirt. He had been knocked unconscious from blow and had several broken bones all over his body. Just as he was about to send the finishing blow his senses perked and he quickly jumped out of the way.
Standing on one of the high tree branches was the same kuma youkai that had attacked Kagome in the alleyway a few days back. Her dark brown eyes were filled with rage as she saw Hojo's limp body in the hands of the now vicious Hiei.
“Let him go.”
Hiei just rose an eyebrow at the demand. Dropping him roughly to the ground, he easily jumped in front of the other youkai and kicked her non-to gently off the branch she was standing on.
Dropping to the ground roughly, the youkai soon found herself held up by a hand on her throat. His claws bit into her skin as she started to bleed. Hiei was not feeling generous and in the mood he was in, he needed to kill something. And soon.
“Are you one of the ningen's slaves?” He asked, followed by a deep chuckle.
The kuma youkai growled before kicking him hard in his injured stomach. Hiei didn't even flinch, and instead dug his claws harder. Just as he was about to crush her throat, Kagome came panting in.
The way she was breathing showed that she had run the whole way. “Spike, stop! That's enough!” She had seen enough bloodshed and fighting for one day.
Hiei glared at the youkai before disgustingly throwing her by Hojo's broken body. Coughing on the ground, the youkai rubbed her throat before looking affectionately at Hojo. “Gomen.” She mumbled under her breath before picking his body up gently.
Turing around, she faced both of them and gave them a deadly glare. “Next time you'll be the one who's broken and bloody. I guarantee it.”
Hiei just glared back. “I'd like to see you try.”
With a growl, she disappeared.
Both just stood there in silence as they tried to digest what just happened. Looking around, Kagome took in all the destruction. Multiple trees were broken, part of the school building was now cracked, and there were various spots of blood on the grass. `Great, how am I going to explain this to everyone?'
Turning to look at Hiei, she saw he was looking away from her. From the look on his face, it looked like he was furious that he didn't get to kill them. Walking up quietly to him, she wrapped her arms around his midsection and hugged him, not caring whether or not her white shirt got stained with his blood.
As Kagome had thought, he was indeed mad. It was rare that an opponent of his would leave alive. He had been so close to killing the damn ningen, and was looking forward to his death. Turning around, he wrapped his arms around Kagome, and started kissing her neck.
He growled happily that she was in his arms, and that was all that mattered. She was safe and protected within his embrace.
Pulling away slightly so she could see his face, Kagome pecked him lightly on the lips. The whole Hojo situation had turned out to be a test, in some sort of twisted way. It proved to her that Hiei would protect her no matter what, and would always be there for her when she needed him.
`I think he's the one I want to stay with for the rest of my life…' she thought as she kissed him once more, her soft lips inviting.
With his jagan uncovered, he easily read her mind and was inwardly pleased. She had now fully accepted him, and chose to stay with him no matter what happened. That was basically a red flag saying she wanted to be his life mate!
Growling huskily, he took the kiss farther. Biting her lip, he nibbled on it until he was sure it was red and puffy and continued to nibble her skin here and there. Lifting her bridal style, he ignored his own injuries and jumped into a tree. Placing her so she was straddling his lap, he held her securely around the waist.
Putting a hand in his now parted hair, she began to play with it as his hands ran under her shirt and slid across her midsection. Latching his mouth on to her neck, he began suckling on it until it started to bruise. Satisfied that he had some kind of mark on her, he continued to do the same thing in other places that he could reach.
Moaning, she started playing with his now pointed ears. Stretching her neck, Kagome started nibbling on the sensitive part of his ear, which earned her a heated grunt. His hand then left her stomach as he started to massage her breast under her bra.
Kagome's eyes widened in surprise as a blush spread across her face like a wild fire. Looking into his eyes, he saw they were filled with lust and passion, and all those emotions were aimed for her.
Removing his other hand from her hip, Hiei started unbuttoning her school shirt and kissed any skin that became available to him. Pushing the useless cloth off her shoulders he began licking her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him.
Blushing, all Kagome could do was just lie back in his arms and enjoy the attention. Her hands ran delicately over his sides, being careful not to touch any of his open wounds. She knew that he should probably be getting his injuries taken care of, but also knew that he would never allow it. At least not right now.
Leaning her head back, she moaned when his hands started slipping under her skirt and started playing with her panty line. “Iie… I don't think we should go that far. Especially when you're injured…”
Hiei's hand never stopped exploring her body, as she pleaded with him to stop. His eyes flashed possessively to her words. “If I want to fuck you right now, then I sure as hell will. Nothing will stop me if I desire to.” He whispered huskily into her ear.
Shivers ran down her spine as his words sunk in. By all means, he was always serious and she had never once seen him take back the words he said. Blinking, she suddenly found herself pressed against the tree trunk with Hiei staring lustfully at her.
His hand was still on her thigh, and it traveled underneath her upper thigh before he cupped her round bottom. Blushing once more, she realized what he wanted her to do as he lifted her up. With a coy look, she wrapped her long legs around his waist as her lips met his.
Putting one arm over his shoulder, she used her other one to cradle the back of his head forcing him closer to her.
She moaned loudly as his soft tongue met hers and her whole body began to shake with anticipation when she felt something hard poke her in-between her legs. Letting go of her mouth, Hiei lifted her higher on to the tree until her breasts were right in front of his mouth.
Easily supporting her with one arm, the other one was used to cut through her bra. With an expert tongue and mouth, he began pleasuring her as she moaned shamelessly.
Closing her eyes, Kagome relished in the feeling of Hiei's mouth over her breasts. Both her hands were fisted in his hair as her back arched towards his awaiting mouth. Just as things couldn't get better, they were interrupted when they heard talking below them.
“What do you think happened here?” a female voice asked. The shuffling of feet on the ground came dangerously closer to the tree they were in.
“Hm… it looks like there was some sort of fight. It obviously involved a youkai.” A male voice replied.
Kagome's lust filled mind was in a haze and didn't remember off hand whose voices those belonged to. Slowly opening her eyes, she gasped when she saw none other than Sango and Miroku!
Immediately, she tried to pry Hiei from her chest. “Stop! Sango and Miroku are below us!” she hissed as she tried in vain to get him to let go of her.
Hiei promptly ignored her and continued tasting her skin. His hands shifted her a bit until she was eye level with him. With his free arm, he pulled Kagome's hair back so she exposed her neck.
While sucking on the vulnerable skin, he smirked. He knew before they even came outside the building that Kagome's friends were coming. No doubt, anyone with spiritual awareness would feel the huge amounts of ki being released and would become curious and check it out.
As he kissed her jaw line, he let out a low satisfied growl. If they had picked up on the huge amount of powers being used, no doubt the toddler would too. Oh what fun it's going to be seeing a pissed off prince of hell.
Despite her body's reaction, Kagome kept trying to get Hiei to let go of her. “Spike…!” she whimpered helplessly.
All that got her was his hips grinding against hers. She moaned loudly as hot sensations ran throughout her whole body, and she couldn't help but grind back. Something intense was growing in her lower belly every time Hiei touched her, and it was starting to get hard to resist him.
Unfortunately for her, her loud noises had captured her friend's attention. “I think someone's having sex in that tree.” The voice now known as Miroku stated in an amused tone.
*SLAP!* “Hentai…” Sango muttered as a loud thud was heard when her fist came in contact with the Miroku's skull.
Squirming once more, she tried with newfound determination to get out of his locked embrace. There was no way she was going to let Sango see her like this, especially in the state of dress she was in!
Hiei growled warningly at her. `I would stop that if I were you, the branch isn't strong enough to hold both our weights.'
But it was too late for Hiei's warning, for as soon as he finished talking, the branch broke with a large crack and both bodies went falling towards the ground.
Even in his state, Hiei still had his reactions and was quick enough to land softly on the ground with Kagome safely in his arms. Unfortunately for her, it was right in front of her startled friends.
Kagome opened her eyes that had closed during the fall, she was embarrassed to see her friends opening stare at her. Hiding her exposed chest behind Hiei's body, she wrapped her arms tightly around his body. “Um… hi?”
Author's note: Whew! That was one long chapter. After reading it over and over to revise things, some stuff started to look like it didn't make sense. I hope nothing is wrong with this chapter and I can't guarantee that future ones will be as long as this. R&R!