Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Nothing's what it seems ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu yu hakusho
~HIEI LOVERS~ - well I would love your help but you left me no way to contact you…
Sesshy81- All answers will be revealed… soon. I'm sorry you don't like the pairings but oh well.
Kuramas girl- If you have ideas, you can e-mail them to me. I'll happily take them! ^^
Phalon22- As much as I love drama... no inuyasha reincarnation. I … just dislike him too tell you the truth. Plus he has no reason to be alive… except to annoy the shit out of Hiei. About the Naraku incarnation thing… once again no. I've seen too many fics where Naraku comes back and they all have to defeat them again. Hojo is his own bad character, so enough said… I think.
Okaasan- Heavy petting is right. Well you see, I saw in this one story where Hiei and Kagome do it just after the 2nd time they met. So I thought `hey', why can't I do that for my fic? But heh, Kagome was a little too wanton huh? Another thing: I'm an idiot. I'll put the ages after all the reviewer responses. I apologize for being such an airhead. >< About Kuwabara… yeah I love him. I know I capped on him a bit... and I appologize. Too prove that I love him too, I'm going to create a kuwa/kag fic. It's been on my mind for a while, but couldn't actually start typing it since I have all these ideas about Hiei/kag. ^___^
Annaku- Yeah.. I know the dog collar fits Inuyasha more then Hiei... but one day in class I just suddenly pictured Hiei with a leather dog collar on glaring… and basically looking so damn sexy. I blame it on my stupid imagination.
Pitbull123- I hope you don't get seizure from all the waiting! ^^;
angel-demoness7- I'm sorry you don't like the pairing... what do you think about sango/yusuke? (Just wonderin…)
Anonymous- Heh. I can't spoil things but I can tell you that Hiei is not going to check things out with Koenma. For one thing, he hates his guts. Koenma's only alive because Hiei doesn't want to end up in jail for his life… but he will talk to someone. (AKA Kurama)
Skitzoflame- Hojo is evil… the nice gentle ones are always the ones you have to watch out for -_-
Shadow miko- me thinks not about the whole sesshomaru idea. About the little competition between the two boys… I dunnoe… I could but it wouldn't be that much :/
Anyone who would like to help me out, send me ideas, or just contact me here is my e-mail: AyashiNoCeres0515@yahoo.com
The long awaited ages-
Kagome- 17
Sango and Miroku- 18 (I know they're going to high school when they should be going to college… but since they haven't gotten any education required in modern day Tokyo, I doubt they could get into any colleges…)
Yusuke/Keiko/Kuwabara- 17
Shippo- looks around 9 or so
Hiei- looks 20 (to me he looks quite mature despite his size…)
Kurama- 19
Botan- looks 18
I hope that covers everyone… NOW on with the Story!
Ch. 11
Sango watched as a happy Miroku walked out the door meeting the grim reaper who had just walked out of a portal. Her eye twitched in annoyance as she realized, once again, he was going to try to woo a poor innocent female.
If anyone were watching her, they would think she was jealous- but she wasn't. Back when they were hunting for shards, she would have been. Though she would never admit it, the proud exterminator had fallen for a perverted monk. To say that they would have made a strange couple was an understatement.
But as years passed by, she realized she would never be able to hold his every wandering heart. And the pressure to kill Naraku before Miroku's demise came didn't help the pending situation. Plus, with all the romantic ideals aside, she would have probably pummeled him into the ground every time he just looked at someone of the opposite sex.
As Kagome once told her, jealousy never fit her.
Sighing heavily, Sango looked out of the window and stared at the trees. The future sure was new to her. For Miroku and herself, it had been a hard change moving from one time period to another. Here in Kagome's time, they found there were more gadgets that would do your daily chores, instead of having to do them yourselves.
In a way she hated it because she started to feel useless. In the past, everyone had to do everything themselves so people had purposes. Now if you needed to clean your clothes or dishes, you would just throw them in a machine and they would get clean instantly.
But there was no reason to fret over small trivial things like that. Neither Shippo, Kirara, Miroku, nor herself had regretted coming with Kagome to her own time period. They were a small close knitted family and couldn't bear to lose one of their members.
Though that didn't diminish the ache to see her old village. Even though it was completely damaged and uninhabitable, she still found a certain comfort from it. It had been, after all, her home. Part of her heart ached as she longed to go visit her family's grave. Luckily, before they left with Kagome, Sango had arranged someone from the next village over to take care of all the graves.
Sango smiled sadly at that thought. At least someone would be visiting the graves, even thought it wouldn't be her. She was brought out of her musings when she heard a childish voice.
She nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned around and saw Koenma's baby face floating above her. “Oh kami!” she yelled as she put a hand over her heart.
Koenma waited patiently until she calmed down. “Now that you've recovered, I came here to tell you that I need your help. A group of youkai has escaped the barrier and has been spotted some where down town. Yusuke, Hiei, Kagome, and Kuwabara are the only ones who will be joining you. I couldn't contact the rest so good luck.”
As soon as his image disappeared, she quickly ran into Kagome's shared room. They were already starting to pack for the move so most of their clothing was in boxes. Luckily, Sango had kept her exterminator suit out.
After changing and putting clothes over it, she grabbed her hiraikotsu and put a piece of paper with inscriptions on it. Kaede was kind enough to give her charms that would minimize her weapons so she could carry them around Kagome's time without any strange stares.
Sango watched in awe, as her huge boomerang became the size of a normal one. Clutching it in her hand, in no time she put on some shoes and ran out the door. Kirara, who had been napping in their room, followed her friend curiously.
Following the demonic aura, Sango found herself walking into the deeper part of the local park.
She heard weapons clanging and battle cries, signifying that the fight has already started. After taking off her regular clothes, she tied her hair up in her normal high ponytail and took off the charm on her hiraikotsu.
In a flash she ran into the clearing and quickly looked at the youkai for any obvious weaknesses. There were various types of youkai, from animal to elemental. She was surprised that there was so many youkai in kagome's time. The last time she heard, there was rarely any spotted or seen around Tokyo.
Yusuke and Kuwabara were using their fists and occasionally having to use their reiki while Hiei would appear and disappear quicker than the eye can catch with the occasional glint of his katana. Kagome was in between the boys with her arrows.

Sango also took notice that a certain black blur stayed close to her sister and would occasionally kill any youkai that went to close to her when she wasn't looking.
Wasting no time, Sango let her hirakotsu fly. “Hiraikotsu!” she cried as her large boomerang sliced through several youkai.
The guys turned their heads and nodded at her before continuing the fighting. Kagome smiled at her before nocking an arrow and letting it fly through several of the enemies.
Yusuke dodged a punch as he quickly kicked the youkai hard in the gut and sent him sprawled out on the ground. There were so many of them compared to their small group. “And is it just me or are they going after Kagome?” he asked himself out loud.
His cinnamon eyes watched as the youkai made a circle around their group, with the boys on the outside and Kagome on the inside. A hard punch to his left cheek sent him out of his thoughts as he quickly flipped and landed with a angry expression on his face. “Oh now your gunna get it! REI GAN!”
Kagome watched as Yusuke released his rei gun on some unlucky youkai. As she grabbed behind her back for another arrow, a moth youkai quickly knocked her down; leaving her arrows scattered on the ground a few feet away from her. The moth then released some string from its body and wound it around her wrist.
Just as Kagome was about to use her powers, a large roar filled the area and Kirara came and killed the youkai with a swipe of her large claws. After pulling off the sticky substance, she quickly got to her feet and petted the large cat in appreciation. “Arigatou Kirara!”
After a long battle, there were only a few left. With a quick flick of his wrist, Hiei easily killed them until only one remained. A snake youkai.
Grabbing the youkai by its neck, Yusuke slammed it against a tree trunk. His finger was glowing with his reiki that could be released at any moment. “Why the hell are you here?!” he demanded, slamming the youkai's back against the tree once more for affect.
The snake just chuckled. “For the ssshikon no tama of courssse. Why elssse would we come to thisss run down place?” He said as he stared directly at Kagome.
Hiei glared at the youkai and stood in front of Kagome to block her from his view.
“Ah, the forbidden one. I sssee you ssstill help out the ningen'sss yesss? What a disssgrace you and the kitsssune are to the youkai race!”
The fire apparition tensed before placing his hand on the hilt of his katana. He had no use for fools like him who didn't know their place.
But the exterminator's voice stopped him. “Don't kill him yet. He may be of some use. We could use all the information we can get.”
He reluctantly let go of his katana and instead chose to cross his arms and glare holes in to the snake youkai's body.
“How do you know about the shikon no tama?” Kagome asked as she peered over Hiei's shoulder. Like she had told Sango and Miroku earlier, she had put a shield up and only someone with high spiritual levels would be able to sense it. But that didn't include youkai.
The reptile smiled, revealing sharp teeth. “From a man who wantsss the protector of the tama, not the tama itssself. He promisssed any youkai the tama if they bring you back sssafely to him.”
Everyone became silent. There were no reports from Koenma about anyone who had strong reiki of any sort around town. So who could possibly have made such a trade with the youkai?
“Did he release you from the barrier?” Sango asked. Her brown eyes narrowed as things started to click. Whoever this person was, they had to be pretty strong in order to be able to hide their reiki from Koenma and open the barrier without anyone noticing.
The youkai chuckled. “Of courssse. How elssse would we get through? But of courssse it doesssn't matter now. Becaussse miko of the ssshikon no tama, no matter where you run or where you hide, there will alwaysss be sssomeone clossse behind you.” Another round of chuckles erupted before they were cut off as his head plopped to the ground in a sickening thud.
Everyone looked in surprise at Hiei who had a murderous look on his face as he flicked the blood off his blade. “He's said enough.”
At the youkai's last words, Kagome had started to shake a bit in fright. Unable to see her uncomfortable, Hiei quickly cut off the snake's head before he could say anything else to further upset her.
Kuwabara shifted uncomfortably as he petted Kirara softly on the head. “Should we tell Koenma?”
Yusuke shrugged as he stretched. “Eh, I guess so. But who's gunna report to him?”
“I will.”
Everyone looked at Hiei in surprise for the second time that day. He just looked at everyone boredly. “I need to talk to him about something.” And before anyone could ask him any questions he quickly disappeared.
--In Reikai--
Koenma sighed as he continued stamping paper after paper. If it was one thing he hated, it was paper work. He groaned as he looked at his desk. There had to be at least ten 5 foot tall stacks of paper for him to go through.
If that wasn't bad enough, there had been more and more youkai escaping the barrier in a small amount of time. Then there was the whole deal with the shikon no tama. No doubt that was what all the youkai were aiming for.
Resting his head on his hands, Koenma sighed once more. “I need a vacation.”
Just as he said that, his door busted open and in walked a very agitated looking fire apparition.
Koenma rose an eyebrow in surprise. It was rare that the chibi youkai chose to come to Reikai, and alone none the less. He only hoped he had not come to threaten him.
“So what do I owe this pleasure to Hiei?”
“I only came to talk to you about who I can and cannot kill.”
The toddler leaned back in his chair and interlocked his fingers. “It depends on the situation. Who, may I ask, are you talking about?”
Normally Hiei would tell the toddler shit, but since this involved the female that he wanted to mate with, we would oblige just this once. “The youkai we fought today were supposedly hired for retrieving the miko. It is obvious that the guy in charge is strong, and most likely a ningen. When the time arrives, I want permission to slaughter him.”
The sadist glint in Hiei's eyes started to make Koenma nervous. `Boy I'd hate to be that guy at the end of his rage.' Koenma nodded. “If he already knows about the barrier and youkai, then you may. Just remember that you must have proof that he is responsible for what you are accusing him of.”
Hiei snorted. “Whatever.” And in a flash he was gone.
“I wonder what that was about.” Shrugging, Koenma grabbed his stamp and continued his work.
Kurama stretched as he walked out of his class. It had gone over the usual time and he had been stuck in that class for more then 2 hours! Earlier he heard his communicator go off, and just as he was about to answer it he was called to the board to solve a math problem.
`I wonder what it was about' Kurama wondered. There had been a lot of youkai around, but he didn't doubt that the others couldn't handle it on their own.
`Too bad we missed Sango in action. I have a feeling she looks hott when she kicks ass.' Youko purred in Kurama's head as he thought of Sango flushed from the heat and shiny from sweat. `Now that would have been entertaining.'
Kurama blushed at the pictures the silver kitsune was sending him. `I say we should go visit her now. Maybe she needs some injuries licked clean.' Youko said as he licked his claws.
For once his human side agreed with him, and just as he was about to reach his car, a girl stopped him. No doubt someone from his fan club. Even after high school, his fan club followed him to college, and if anything it grew bigger.
“Hello Shuichi kun! How are you?” This was no doubt one of the bolder ones that had the courage to talk to him and eventually ask him out.
“I'm fine Rika san. Now if you excuse me, I need to go somewhere.”
But the stubborn girl didn't move. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. There's this new club opening and I have V.I.P. passes.” She said with a sexy grin on her face.
Kurama, who was use to girls trying to seduce him all the time, promptly ignored her and tried once more to get into his car. He had managed to get towards his lock, when a hand landed softly on his.
“What's the big rush? Going to see your girlfriend or something?” she asked a little annoyed. Usually any guy would fall over for her and do her bidding, but Kurama wouldn't. That's what made him attractive to her.
Sick of the presence of the annoying girl, who couldn't take a hint, Kurama straightened and looked down at her. “In fact, I am.” Pushing the shell-shocked girl to the side, Kurama slipped into his car and started the engine. Pulling out of the parking space, he stopped right by her and rolled down his window.
“If I were you, I'd head towards shelter soon. It looks like it's about to rain.” And just as he said that little droplets of rain started to fall from the sky. Kurama smirked as he heard a shriek of anger vibrate through the air. That will give his fan club something to talk about for a while.
Walking home, Sango held the small cat to her chest. Things were starting to get even more complicated and it wasn't helping Kagome's stress. Looking over to her friend, she saw her deep in thought.
Sango thought everything would be easier once they moved to the present. They wouldn't have to worry about any youkai attacking and would live pretty much in peace. Instead they live the same way they did in sengoku jidai, only now it was set in the future.
“We better hurry up inside.” She said as she looked at the darkened sky. Both girls quickened their pace as they made a beeline for the house. The moment they stepped into the house, thunder cracked and water began to poor from the sky.
“Wow, we barely made it.” Kagome only quietly nodded before going upstairs. Sango frowned at her friend's behavior. Ever since the snake said that someone would always be after her, she had been shaken up and stayed quiet for the rest of the trip home. “Now what?” she asked as she heard the shower running.
Glancing around, she noticed that everyone seemed to be out. Souta mentioned that he was staying a friends house, while Mrs. Higurashi and Jii-chan were out shopping.
Pouring some water into a kettle, Sango turned on the heat and pulled out some tea bags. “Maybe this will make her feel better.”
Just then the door bell rang. Making sure nothing would catch on fire while she was gone, Sango quietly walked over to the door. Peaking through the peep whole, she was surprised to see who it was.
Kurama was standing in the doorway, soaking wet (and looking sexy may I add) with a smile on his face as he looked directly at the peephole. `So he knows I'm here' she thought as she unlocked the door and opened it.
“Hello Sango. May I come in?”
Sango nodded before letting the wet kitsune in. “Wait here and I'll grab some towels.” She said before wandering upstairs.
Kurama shivered as he looked around the empty house. “Hm… no one here.”
`Too bad you don't have a tail, they keep you quiet warm.' Youko commented as he wrapped his own tail around him in Kurama's mind.
His ears perked as he heard distant footsteps. Around the corner Sango reappeared with a bunch of towels in her hands. “Here, you must be cold.”
Kurama took them thankfully. “Yes, I am.”
They both stood there in silence before the teakettle went off. “Oh, the waters ready.” Running into the kitchen, Sango turned off the heat. “Do you want some tea?” she called out, knowing Kurama could hear her.
“Sure.” Taking off his shoes, he carefully walked over to the kitchen trying to keep the place as dry as possible.
Entering the kitchen, he finally got to take a good look at her in her exterminator uniform. As Youko expected, it was very tight and hugged every curve of her body. He noticed her pink armor and smelled the faint scent of poison. `Must be under one of her armor plates.'
Opening the cabinet, Sango reached on her tippy toes as she tried to reach the teacups. `Why do they have to be so high up?!' she thought angrily as she tried in vain to reach them.
Just then she felt a warm body press against her back and saw a hand stretch past her own and grab some cups. A string of red hair fell into her line of vision and she immediately knew who it was.
“How many do you need?” He had heard the water going and assumed it was Kagome who was taking a shower.
“3.” she stammered as a small blush crept across her cheeks. Never before had she been this close to anyone, excluding Miroku who was a lecher and got close to anyone.
Seeing her blush, Kurama smiled as he brought down 3 small teacups. “Where do you want me to put them.”
“Over there” Sango said as she pointed towards the table just outside the kitchen.
Nodding, he disappeared as Sango let out a breath of air she didn't know she was holding. “Talk about uncomfortable” she muttered to herself under her breath.
She heard a giggle and immediately snapped her head in that direction. There leaning against the frame was a very amused Kagome with a very wet Hiei behind her who had a towel around his neck.
“What's he doing here?” she asked as he glared at her.
Kagome stopped laughing and patted Hiei's hair. “I found him taking shelter in the trees and thought I would let him in. Besides, Kurama's in here isn't he?”
Sango blushed before turning around so no one could see it. “Okay fine, just make sure he doesn't leave puddles on the ground so no one can slip on them.”
Hiei snorted. “Only someone uncoordinated as you would slip on them.”
Before a fight could break out, Kurama entered the kitchen once more. “Oh, hello Hiei.”
“Hn.” Was all the chibi youkai said before crossing his arms in annoyance.
Kagome smiled at Kurama. “Hello! I haven't seen you in a while.” Noticing his state of clothes, she walked over to him and started dragging him towards miroku's room, grapping Hiei along the way.
“Geez you guys are both wet! I'm sure Miroku wouldn't mind you borrowing some of his clothes.
Neither could protest as they were pushed into a room and had clothes shoved into their arms. “Well here you guys go! We'll be in the family room if you need us.” With one last cheerful smile, Kagome closed the door so they could change.
Kurama just blinked as he looked down at Hiei. “Strange girl.”
A few moments later, both guys found the girls sitting on the couch watching T.V. Turning their heads; Kagome clapped her hands happily as she looked at them.
Kurama was wearing a black button up shirt that exposed part of his chest with form fitting jeans, while Hiei wore baggy black pants with a white tank top and a baggy black jacket over it that fell off one of his shoulders.
“You guys look so sexy!” she squealed.
The kitsune smiled while Hiei scowled, jealous that along with him, she was also complimenting Kurama.
Sango could only gape at how handsome Kurama looked. Her eyes were glued to his chest and she had an odd urge to go run her hands over his muscles. A sharp kick to her thigh broke her out of her daydreams and back to reality.
Kagome was smiling at her with a knowing smile, while Kurama looked at her worriedly. “Are you alright? You were kind of spacing out. Have you caught a cold?”
Sango blushed at being caught staring and shook her head. “No, I'm fine. The teas on the table” she said as she pointed in front of her. Nodding, Kurama grabbed a cup and sat down next to her.
Shifting over to the other side of the couch, Kagome patted the space by her and looked at Hiei.
He glared at her defiantly which told her he wouldn't do as she said. Pouting, she withdrew her hand and stared at the T.V. `Fine, I'll sit close to Kurama then…'
Just as she was about to reclaim her space, Hiei grunted and sat down with a scowl on his face. Kagome just smiled victoriously before handing him a cup.
He just stared at it before reluctantly taking it. He could feel Kurama's questioning eyes upon him and chose not to look at him or even explain himself. Hiei knew he was being out of character by even sitting by them.
Seeing as his partner wouldn't respond to him, Kurama glanced towards Sango, who was as stiff as a board. She was still having a hard time getting use to them and had her guard up.
`We'll just have to change that, won't we?' Youko snickered in his mind in agreement. Grabbing one of Sango's feet that was resting on the table in front of them; he turned her body until she was facing him.
Her eyes widened in surprise as she started to lightly massage her feet. “What are you doing?” she asked.
Kurama kept his concentration on her feet. “I'm just giving you a massage. I heard you fought a lot today, and I only assumed your feet are probably aching. Do you want me to stop?”
He grinned inside his head when he saw her slowly nod negatively. He heard Hiei grunt in disgust while he helped Sango relax.
Kagome watched from her side of the couch in amusement. Kurama may have stolen her friend's heart. Yawning, she lightly leaned on Hiei's shoulder and continued to watch T.V. She felt him stiffen before slowly relax and discreetly wrap an arm around her waist.
Snuggling closer, she sighed in content before letting her eyelids close. Noticing that she had fallen asleep, he slowly got up from the couch and picked her up bridal style.
“Where are you going?”
Hiei shifted the sleeping girl in his arms before he answered. “She fell asleep.” With that said he turned around and quietly walked up the stairs.
Kurama once again noted his friend's odd behavior before looking at Sango. She too had fallen asleep during his massage and hadn't even noticed when Hiei and Kagome left. Letting go of her foot, he gently removed her legs from his lap before walking closer to her. Taking off her armor, he grabbed a blanket from the arm of the couch before draping it over her. After turning off the T.V. he took one last look at her before kissing her forehead and left.
`I think that went well.' Youko purred as he preened himself. Kurama rolled his eyes at the conceited kitsune. “Of course.” He spoke out loud to himself.
`Maybe next time we could do something else that would put her to sleep' the kitsune thought before sending lewd images of skin touching skin as it flashed through Kurama's head.
Blushing the red head quickly blocked Youko out of his head before heading down the shrine steps. He swore the hentai kitsune would be the end of him.
Putting her head on her desk, Kagome sighed. It had been a few days ago since that little get together with Hiei and Kurama had happened, and soon after that they all had to go back to school (minus Hiei of course). Today was an especially long day, with the annual school run going on and having to cleaning up the classroom, she was dead tired. `Ugh… too much homework.'
Moaning, she laid back in her chair and rubbed her temples. Things were getting too out of hand; with the knowledge that someone was aware of the shikon no tama and coming after her, fighting youkai, and juggling school all in one day, stress was starting to building up. `I need a break.'
Feeling a light tap on her head, Kagome opened her eyes to see Sango standing next to her holding a can of tea. “Want some?”
Nodding, Kagome took the drink out of her hand and drank some. “So, what are we going to do about the tama?” It was a question that was one everyone's mind, now the only thing was what to do about it.
Miroku looked over from where he was packing his bags. “I think we should put up some wards around the shrine. And maybe create a more powerful barrier around the tama.”
Sango nodded her head in agreement with the monk. “I agree. And I'm sure the two of you together can make a stronger one.”
Their serious conversation was broken when they heard a knock. Turning towards the open door, they saw the familiar shy brown-haired teen leaning in.
“May I talk to Higurashi san for a moment?” he asked politely with his usual smile on his face.
Kagome nodded and stood up from her seat. Hiei's warning about him rang around in her head and she pouted. He had too much of an impact on her life. `He's just being over protective. Besides, Hojo's probably going to talk to me about types of medicine or something harmless like that.'
After excusing herself from Sango and Miroku, she exited the classroom and quietly followed Hojo. She became suspicious when they kept walking until they had left the school building and ventured outside near the back.
They stopped in an area around the school where the cherry blossoms were. Kagome lifted her hand as a cherry blossom fell into her hand. “How pretty!” Turning around, she faced Hojo. “So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
Hojo smiled once more at her. With light steps, he walked up to her until their noses touched. Kagome shifted uneasily at the close contact. Right now he was invading in her personal space and it was making her uncomfortable. Plus, who knew if Hiei was watching?
Stepping backwards to escape, she found it futile when he suddenly had her trapped against the trunk of a tree. “Hojo kun…?” she asked quivering a bit. His mood changed abruptly and his aggressiveness was starting to scare her.
The happy smile was still plastered on his face, only now it looked forced and fake. Lifting one of his arms that was trapping her against the tree; he let it lazily slide down her smooth cheek.
“Well Higurashi san, I was quite shocked to know that you had a boyfriend. It surprised me greatly, for every time I asked you out on a date, I was always turned down because you were always sick; and now you're suddenly dating someone I've never seen you around.”
Kagome froze. Was she caught red handed? “You see, it was kind of a love at first sight kind of thing. As soon as I saw him, I just felt a connection, you know?” she answered laughing nervously. The glint in his eye was starting to grow brighter and she had a feeling she was in serious trouble. Where was her fiery little spike when she needed him?
Hojo felt her tense as he let his hand travel down from her cheek, to her neck, until it reached the top button on her uniform. Dipping his hand into her shirt, he pulled out a white piece of cloth.
As soon as Hojo touched her, her mind froze as well as her body. When she saw him pull out something from her shirt, she instantly knew what he held. Hiei's bandana.
“Hey! Give that back you hentai!” she screamed as she put a hand over the opening of her shirt and blushed crimson from embarrassment and anger.
He lifted the cloth out of reach when she made a grab for it and quickly put it in his pant pocket. “No can do. The thing I wanted to ask you, my dear Kagome,” She shivered when he said her first name with out any honorifics, “…is why you chose to date a blood thirst youkai.”
Her eyes bulged out of her head as the words slipped from his lips. Looking at the now smirking Hojo, she started backing up slowly while gulping nervously. Just who was this guy?!
Whew! This is the longest chapter I've ever written! (even subtracting the reviewers response!). Well you know the drill! R&R!