Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Finally Mates ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything is associated with them except the plot of this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: Ummm around 300 (?)


For all of you who are of age……ENJOY THE STORY!

Kagome made her way through the under brush and the low branches of the trees around her. It was now around 2am and she had just snuck out of camp. Inuyasha would not be able to follow her due to the fact that she had slipped some sleeping herbs into his ramen under the guise that they were to add to the flavor. He had reluctantly agreed and when he tasted it, he had agreed with her about the taste. Not an hour later, he was out like a light. Kagome had then waited until everyone else had fallen asleep, which was somewhat difficult since Sango had wanted to speak with her about the hentai houshi that Sango had fallen in love with. That conversation had lasted till about one, and then Kagome had waited a while longer to make sure everyone was really asleep.

‘SHIT, that fucking hurt!’ Kagome rubbed her sore shin where she had stepped right into a branch. She was still a ways away from the spot that she was to meet her lover at. ‘My lover…hmmm…I like the way that sounds.’ Kagome smiled to herself. Youko was his name. He was a spirit kitsune youkai, and he was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. His silver hair shimmered when he walked. His golden eyes seemed to look right through her, and she sometimes wondered if he could read her mind. He seemed to know exactly what she was thinking before she even registered what it was that she was thinking herself. ‘Woah I’m beginning to confuse myself now. This is getting out of control.’

She kept pushing onward. The meeting place was just a little bit further into the forest. She and Youko had started this relationship around a year ago. One night, she had decided that she just wanted to be alone, needed to think about how she really felt about Inuyasha. Youko had happened upon her right after she had made her decision to move on. He had seemed interested in her right from the start when he scared the shit out of her. She had been mumbling to her self when she had suddenly felt a hand on her right shoulder. Kagome smiled as she remembered how she had screamed bloody murder and turned to smack whatever had been behind her. When she had seen Youko she had immediately stopped. They had talked for a while, and she then had to return to camp, and they agreed to meet again to talk some more. A budding romance had ensued, and after Youko had officially been courting her for 6 months, Kagome had accepted his offer to become his mate. They had been mated and were now meeting secretly every couple of days to be together. Kagome didn’t want her friends to know yet, she wanted to wait until they were ready to fight Naraku. She had wanted to wait longer, but Youko refused to let her go into battle without him. In compliance with it all, Youko hadn’t marked her yet. He said it would make every thing more complicated, but with the fight with Naraku just a scant few days away, they had decided to become official mates before the battle.

While Kagome was lost in thought, a shadow had been following her for some time. The golden eyes of her stalker watching every move she made. When she reached the clearing, the shadow made its move.

Two arms reached around her and grabbed her around her waist, pulling her back into a hard, muscled chest. Kagome panicked, but when she was about to scream, she heard a low, masculine chuckle from behind her that set the hairs on the back of her neck on end.

“Sweetling, you are late. Two hours late to be precise, and I do not like being kept waiting.”

Kagome was spun around and had her lips claimed before she could formulate a response. When his tongue invaded her mouth, Kagome let out a small moan and opened her mouth wider to give him more access. When he relinquished his control over her mouth, she attempted to apologize for having kept him waiting.

“Oh Youko, I’m sorry I’m late, I had to tak…umph.”


Youko kissed her again, and this time he decided that there would be no more talking. He had been waiting two hours for this, and he would be damned if he had to wait any longer. He raked his hand down her body, taking all of he clothing with him. She attempted to protest the action, but was silenced once again by his mouth. Youko proceeded to make his way down her body, stopping at her pulse point briefly to leave a small mark there. He moved down to her breasts and began to torture them with his mouth and fingers. Kagome’s moaning was music to his ears. She could be so damn responsive when they made love.

With one final flick of his tongue on her nipples, he moved down again, twirling his tongue in her belly button and then moving even further down. Her little patch of black hair rested right in front of his face.

Kagome had offered once to have it waxed, and when he had asked what that was and she had explained. He had declined her offer. He liked the way it felt in his hand. Kagome had seemed somewhat relieved that he had declined and when he inquired about her relief, she had confessed that it would have been terribly painful. He had then reinforced his answer and made sure that she understood that she was not to have it done.

‘Back to business’ Youko thought. He moved his head forward and took a nice, long lick from the bottom of her womanhood to the top. Kagome moaned loudly and bucked her hips. He moved his hands to hold her down as he continued his ministrations. He found that little bundle of nerves that was nestled in the front of her womanhood, and he began to lightly suck on it. Again, Kagome moaned rather loudly and attempted to move her hips, but Youko would have none of that. When he thrust his tongue into her tight opening, and moved his fingers to roll and pinch her clit, she let out a mild scream. Her climax flowed out of her, and he cleaned every last drop up with his tongue. When he was done, he moved up her body and kissed her lightly on the lips, waiting for her to calm down a small bit before he began to talk to her.

“Kagome tonight is the night that I take you as my mate, officially. First we must share blood. Then I will proceed to mark you around your neck, while we mate. The rest can wait till morning. Are you sure about this? After I mark you, you won’t be able to change your mind.”

“Youko, we have been together for over a year now, if I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t sneak out all the time to meet with you late at night. I want this, I want you! Now, mark me already so we can get to the consummating part.” Kagome gave him a sly little smirk and waited for his instructions.

Youko laughed and proceeded to bite into his wrist and ripped the skin open. When he had pulled it away, he offered it to her. After her initial questioning look, she took it without question. She sucked on his wrist, drinking the blood that flowed out, until the wound healed itself. When it had healed, and she had licked her lips clean of all blood, she felt he move so that he was positioned right above her. Her gasp reverberated through the clearing as he pushed into her tight, wet passage. As he slide into her, he brought his head down to the juncture of her neck and left shoulder and sunk his fangs into her skin. He sucked on the two puncture wounds that were left on her neck until the blood stopped to flow. He began to pump into her again, picking up speed as he went.

Kagome could only hold onto his shoulders as he pumped his cock into her dripping womanhood. She felt her muscles begin to contract around him as he pushed into her and she urged him to go faster.

“Faster Youko…Harder!” Kagome moaned.

Youko picked up his speed until neither one of them could hold on any longer. As Kagome slipped into sleep, she noticed the look of contentment and happiness on Youko’s face.


Youko watched as Kagome fell into unconsciousness. Her body was already beginning to change. He almost couldn’t contain his excitement. His Kagome was not only his mate now, but she would be just like him. Now all they had to do was let her friends in on their little secret. That would be an adventure in and of itself.

There will be more chapters in this story. PLEASE REVIEW! I hope you guys enjoy this.