Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Wow, is that me? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. I also don’t own anything associated with them. I only own my story plot. ’(

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: ummm around 300 (?)



As Kagome slept through the night she did not notice the changes that overcame her body. Her fingernails elongated into sharp claws. Her ears grew pointed at the top and took on an elf-like shape. Fangs replaced her normal canine teeth. Her eyes became a mix of blue and silver, lending an icy feel to her stare. Her hair remained raven black, but there was a shimmery, silver light to it when the light caught it in just the right way. Two black fox ears, the same color as her hair, sprouted from the top of her head, and twitched when either the wind brushed them, or when anything made a slight noise. She had grown several inches taller, but not nearly as tall as Youko, and her breasts had gotten a whole cup size larger, to which Youko was NOT complaining. He wasn’t sure how Kagome would take to having her own tail, but if her reaction to his was any indication; she would love the full, black tail that now rested on the ground beside her.

She had been beautiful before Youko had mated her, and he would have been perfectly happy with her as a human for the rest of their lives, but the sight of her demon form made him hard. She was absolutely breathtaking. He couldn’t wait till she woke up, so they could make love again, and this time she could truly bite him. Since she didn’t seem to be even close to waking, Youko took this time to think some things through.

He knew that she would wish to officially adopt the little kit. Even as a human, she had been prepared to adopt him as her kit. He had no problems with it, the kit was a great kid, and he would grow up to be strong and protective of his mother. He would need to prepare all of the necessary materials for the adoption ceremony, but that could wait until later. Youko also thought about how her family would take to not only Kagome being mated to a full demon, but now being a full demon herself. If her family rejected them, he knew Kagome would be crushed and he wasn’t sure she would ever get over it. Yet, if they accepted it, she would be extremely happy. He hoped they accepted it. Her grandpa would be the loose canon. He knew her mom, and he knew she would accept it, and Souta obviously wanted Kagome to get with a demon of some sort, and since he was full demon, he knew Souta would be happy.

Kagome began to stir, and rolled over so that she was facing Youko. She opened her eyes to look into the eyes of her lover. He smiled down at her, and she smiled back. She moved to stand up and almost lost her balance. She caught herself with her hand on the ground, but that couldn’t be her hand. There were CLAWS on that hand. Kagome held her hand up to her face to examine it. The claws were longer than Inuyasha’s and were more pointed than his were. The claws actually resembled Youko’s claws more than anything.

There was no denying it. That was her hand. She could believe it, and almost screamed, but then she remembered the dream that she had just had. In it, there was Youko holding a small child. The child had silvery black hair, and golden eyes. It was definitely a full demon child. When the child had spotted her, he ran right to her yelling, “Mommy! Mommy! You’re back!” Kagome had stood there, stunned, until the child had run and leapt into her arms. It was then that she noticed that not only was she really pregnant, but she had caught the little boy with ease, even though he had come barreling at her. Youko had walked to her, and hugged the two to him. He had leaned into her, and kissed her ear, then whispered to her, “It’s time to wake up love.”

Youko was wondering what was going through Kagome’s mind as she stared right through him. He reached a hand out to her, and rubbed her cheek. She started and looked into his eyes. He sighed in relief when she smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. After a few moments, the kiss turned passionate as he thrust his tongue into her mouth and she responded. He pushed her back, still kissing her, and lay on top of her. They were both still naked, so there wasn’t a problem there. Youko and Kagome were battling for dominance in the kiss, until Kagome retreated and Youko dominated the kiss. He ravaged her mouth, leaving nothing untouched. He ran his

tongue over her newly grown fangs and wrapped it around her tongue.


Kagome broke the kiss for air, and Youko made his way down her neck. He stopped at her pulse point and sucked hard, leaving an angry red mark there. As he made his way down to her collarbone and further, Kagome ran her hands into his hair, up to his ears. She lightly stroked his ears as he kissed the top of her breasts, right below her collarbone. When he moved even further south, Kagome began to shudder in anticipation. He ran he tongue around her nipple, never actually touching it, until Kagome growled at him. Taking the hint, he captured her peak in his warm, hungry mouth and began to suck. Kagome was moaning beneath him, and arched her back, trying to get him to take more into his mouth. Youko continued to lightly tease her nipple when suddenly he bit it gently, and tugged on it. Kagome gasped and began to writhe beneath him. When Youko was satisfied with that breast, he moved to the other. He was so caught up in her pleasure, that he didn’t notice when her hand ghosted over his shoulder and down his body, past his chest and stomach. He did notice when she grasped him in her hand and squeezed gently.

He was momentarily caught of guard, and Kagome took advantage of the situation. She shoved his shoulders until he was on his back. She settled on his stomach and looked him in the eye. “My turn love.” She then proceeded to dip down to his neck, sucking as she went. She reached his male nipples and began to suck on one as she twisted the other with her fingers. When she was satisfied with his nipples, she trailed her tongue down his stomach, dragging over all of the ripples in muscle that he had. She dipped her tongue into his navel when she passed and made her way to her main goal. When she was directly in front of his manhood, she pushed her face into it, nuzzling it briefly. Youko groaned loudly as she took only his head into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over the head, and poked it into his slit, causing him to dig his claws into the ground to refrain from grabbing her. She continued to flick his head, until she felt he couldn’t take it anymore and she released him to blow lightly on the head. She waited until he looked down at her in confusion at her stop, when she slammed his entire length into her mouth. Youko called out her name as she began to work him. She bobbed her head and anything that couldn’t fit was gripped in her hand. She had Youko writhing in minutes. He was growling and shaking and when he didn’t think he could take anymore, she began to deep throat him. He lost it when she lightly growled and his head hit the back of her throat. His seed shot into her mouth, and she swallowed all that she could. A little bit trickled out of her mouth and down her chin. When he made a move to wipe it off, she shook her head and licked it off herself.

“It tastes too good to waste any my love.”

Youko grabbed her and shoved her onto her back. He reached into his hair and grabbed a seed. He threw her arms above her head and placed the seed there. The vines sprouted and held her hands where he had put them. She squeaked and gave him an indignant look until he moved her legs and settled himself between them. She grew apprehensive when all he did was look at her. She finally growled at him to get to it, he just chuckled at her antics and dipped down to her womanhood. He took a long, slow lick from the bottom to the top, causing her to arch her back of the ground. He brought his hand up and thrust two fingers into her as he moved his head up and sucked her clit into his mouth. He moans and gasps were driving him crazy. He suckled at her clit while he moved to thrust three fingers into her waiting body. He could tell she was close, her inner walls were quivering, and he knew just the thing to get her to scream his name. He quickened his pace, and gently bit her clit.


Her screams were amazing to him as he drank up everything pouring from her body. He swiftly cleaned her up, and as her body was beginning to calm down, he trust into her to the hilt. She gasped again, and then began to move with him. He set a fast pace and carried her with him. The vine above her head let her hands free, and she placed them on Youko’s shoulders. He pounded hard and fast into her tight passage. He could feel the tightening in himself that told him he was close, so he picked up the pace. He felt her walls begin to constrict, gripping him almost painfully in her womanhood. Finally she came, screaming his name, and he pumped a few more times into her then let himself go.


Kagome lay back as she felt him empty himself into her. She was in Heaven. There was no other explanation for what had just happened, none. She knew that she couldn’t just lie there all day, but she didn’t want to get up and face Inuyasha. She knew he was going to be really pissed about this, but he had his dead clay-pot to consol him. She had stopped loving him a long time ago. Everyone thought Kagome was a patient person, always waiting for Inuyasha to realize his feeling for her, but in truth Kagome was a very impatient person when it came to love. She had realized that Inuyasha might never realize how he felt about her, and that revelation had driven her to find someone that would love her, and accept it. When she had met Youko, she had felt right away that he didn’t wait around for anything. He knew what he wanted, and he didn’t let obstacles get in his way. Now, she was a very happy demon. Yes, she had realized that she was a demon. How could she not with all of the new senses that she had? She didn’t have a problem with it because now she wouldn’t have to leave Youko alone when she died, she would live as long as he did. She had never told any of her friends, but she had always secretly wished she could be a demon. Not only would she no longer be useless, but she could be with her family again when she chose to stay in this era after the jewel was finished.

“Youko, you know that I have to get back to camp right? Everyone must be worried sick about me. I also want to just tell Inuyasha so he can get his sulking over with.”

“Sure thing my love, lets get dressed, and then we can go to your friends. I’m sure they probably have some food too. After a night like that, we need some sustenance.” Youko chuckled at the look on her face. Her blush spread from her face, down to the tops of her breasts.

The two dressed quickly and headed out toward Kagome’s campsite. It took a little over an hour, but they did finally reach camp. When they got there, Sango and Miroku were talking quietly by the fire, while what smelled like breakfast cooked over the fire. Inuyasha was chasing Shippo around the camp, trying to bop him on the head.

“Osuwari. Inuyasha, you know better that to pick on little children.”

“Kagome-sama! You have returned! Are you ok? We were worried when we woke up this morning and found that you were gone! Where did you go? Did you get attacked by demons...Wait a minute?”

Sango and Miroku took a good look at Kagome and her companion. They were shocked to find that Kagome was now a demon and that she was with a demon they had never met before. They were even more shocked when the male reached his arm around slung it around Kagome’s waist.

“Ok, give me a minute, and I will answer all of your questions. First, let me introduce you to Youko. Youko, these are my friends, Sango and Miroku, the little kit is my Shippo, and the hanyou on the ground is Inuyasha. Everyone, this is Youko Kurama, he is my mate.”


Everyone stared in shock at Kagome as she hugged the other youkai around his waste. They could not believe that not only was Kagome a demon now, but she was also mated to a kitsune youkai named Youko Kurama.

“Okaa-san! This is great! Now you can truly be my okaa! Is that really Youko Kurama! He is the most famous thief in the world! Yay! Youko Kurama is my okaa-san’s mate!” Shippo ran over to Youko and jumped on his shoulder. “Can I call you my otou-san? Is that ok?”

“You can call me anything you want kit, if otou is what you want to call me, I would be glad to be your otou.”

Shippo jumped down into the older kitsune’s arms and hugged him. Kagome was holding back tears of happiness that she and Youko would be able to raise Shippo, and maybe Youko would teach her about her demon powers as he taught Shippo too. The other three stood in shock and waited for the little scene to play out. Inuyasha was unnaturally quiet and turned to the fire and sat down. He stared into the fire without acknowledging the other five as they sat down too. Sango and Miroku turned to Kagome and asked her how this happened.

“Well, it all started about a year ago...”

Well, that’s the end of this chapter, but there is more coming up. Shippo needs to be adopted and Inuyasha hasn’t made any comments yet. All in the NEXT CHAPTER. There are also more lemons coming. REVIEW and let me know what you thought of this chapter!