Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Inuyasha's Reaction ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything associated with them, except for this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: ummm around 300 (?)

Thank you to all the people that reviewed my story on bloodybunny, wynter89, angeltsuki, BGflower, Lady Tigger, hiei’s mate, k-gir117, and my FIRST review: KAGE OTOME! You guys are awesome, though I did have one complaint.

BGflower: If you were in the character’s places and your friend had done that, after everyone thought she was so in love with Inuyasha, wouldn’t you act weird? I didn’t think they were that weird, I’ll have to re-read it just to make sure. I’m sorry that you thought they were OOC. I hope you don’t think they are too bad in this chapter, let me know if they are, and I’ll go through and check it. As for the lemons, me and my beta like lemons, what can we say? I personally love lemons, and when my boyfriend and I wake up from a night of sex, we go at it again in the morning if we have time. (?Sorry if that is too much info for some of you, just needed to make a point.) Anyway, I am glad that you brought these thoughts to our attention; we do appreciate your input. It’s nice to know that you care that much, some people don’t care enough anymore. Thank you for the review, and I hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter.


“That is how we came to know each other and fall in love. I wasn’t sure how you guys would feel about Youko and me, so I kept it a secret. I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable with this change, but with the final showdown with Naraku just a few days away, we decided to tell you guys. Youko doesn’t want me going into the fight without him at my side.”

“Of course I don’t want to you to go without me, mate, we are one together, and so we shall fight together too. I will not leave your side. That is unfitting behavior for a mate to display.”

“I just don’t know how you could have kept something like this from me Kagome-chan; I thought we were like sisters? How did you manage to keep something like this a secret?”

“Sango-chan, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell you, but I could never be sure if we were truly alone, without the prying eyes of a certain hentai houshi, or the ears of a certain hanyou. The reason I didn’t tell you was not because I don’t trust you, but that I didn’t trust the boys.”

“I still wish you would have found some way to tell me, this all seems so sudden now. I’m not really sure what to say, except that I am happy that you are happy Kagome-chan. You deserve so much to be happy, and now you are. For that I am grateful.” Sango sighed painfully then, and Kagome knew that she was thinking about the houshi, and wishing that he would just commit to her, instead of chasing anything female on two feet.

Kagome reached up to Sango and embraced to trembling girl. ‘Oh Sango, I am so sorry. I know that Youko and I only serve to remind you of what you don’t have. I might have to have a talk with Miroku; he needs to know how much pain he is putting Sango through.’ Kagome put her mouth near Sango’s ear and whispered, “Don’t worry Sango; I have a feeling that Miroku will be having a change of heart about his hentai ways very soon.” Sango’s blush told Kagome all that she needed to know about her feelings for Miroku.

“Where exactly did Inuyasha go?” inquired Miroku.

“Oh no, he’s probably gone to the Goshinboku. I should go and talk to him. He’s probably so mad at me right now.”

With that, Kagome motioned for the others to sit and make themselves comfortable, and then made her way to the Goshinboku tree. She kept thinking about what she was going to say to Inuyasha when she came to him, but she couldn’t think of anything to say. She’d just have to wing it when she got there. When she came upon the clearing with the old well, she looked to the tree, but he wasn’t under it. A flash of red drew her attention upwards, into the Goshinboku, and she noticed that he was sitting on a branch toward the bottom. She steeled herself for the conversation that was coming and strode over to the tree, so that she was underneath his branch. Before she could even open her mouth, Inuyasha began to talk.

“I always thought that I would be alone. My entire fucking life up till now was spent alone, and I expected that when the shikon no tama was completed, that I would be alone again. I had fleeting fantasies that you would stay, and that we would start a family, but I never really believed it would happen. I knew that what I was doing was driving you away, and I knew that eventually you would grow tired of these fucking games I seem unable to stop. I just didn’t expect it to hurt so fucking much. I want to be angry at you. I want to just fucking scream your head off right now, but I know that I can’t. This is my fault, I drove you away. My stupid ass attitude wouldn’t let me just shut up when I needed to, I always had to push you to the fucking brink. I’m……I’m sorry, Kagome. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I wanted to be with you, I still do, but I know that that is impossible now. You have a mate, and he is not me.”

Kagome’s eyes were filled with tears that just wouldn’t fall. Her heart ached for the man that was her first love. She had fallen deeply in love with him from the first day, but sometimes…love just isn’t enough to keep people together. Kagome needed a man that wasn’t afraid to tell her that he loved her, to show her that he loved her, to tell the WORLD that he loved her. For that, she would always be sorry that Inuyasha hadn’t been able to be free with his love. Maybe if Kikyou hadn’t been resurrected, and confused Inuyasha, just maybe Kagome would have had a chance…but that was in the past now.

She had a mate that she loved dearly, who showed her everyday that he loved her, even if it was just in the form of a perfect rose sitting on her pillow beside her head when she woke up. Sadly, the truth was that Inuyasha had been given a chance, and he had squandered it. Youko, when given the same chance, had embraced it, and cherished her. It was time to let Inuyasha go, so that he could move on with his life, just as she was doing with her own. She would not cling to him as Kikyou had done. Her best friend had been through enough already.

“Inuyasha…I did love you. I still do, but it’s not the same love that I felt before. You are my best friend, and you always will be, but I no longer love you like I used to. When I gave you my heart, and you ripped it to pieces, Youko was there to pick them up and put them back together. It is my hope that we will still be friends, and that we can work together to defeat Naraku. I will be staying on this side of the well after the jewel is completed. I was hoping that you would remain my friend. I know that you are probably mad at me for hiding this from you guys for so long, but I wasn’t sure how you would react, and you guys mean everything to me.”

“I should have expected this, I kind of did. I knew that it would only be a matter of time before you moved on, and found someone who wasn’t such a fucking asshole to you all the time. Shit, I’m surprised to stuck around as long as you did. I don’t know how to make it up to you, and I will probably spend the next couple of year attempting to.”

“It’s ok Inuyasha, everything happens for a reason. I guess we weren’t meant to be lovers, just really good friends. There is someone out there for you, and someday you will find that person. When you do, don’t hesitate to show them how much they mean to you. You deserve to be happy, and that is all I want for you. I want you to be happy.”

“Yeah, someday I will be, right now, we should be heading back. Your mate is probably worried about you being out here alone, looking for me. For all they know, you could still be trying to find me. You could be out, wandering the forest, looking for me, and come across a youkai. Better to just get you back to camp before those idiots decide to come looking for you.” With that, he bent down and motioned for her to get on his back. “Get on; it will be faster than walking. I want to really meet this mate of yours. He better not be a pansy ass shit fighter. You know I won’t let him fight if he isn’t up to par with my skills.”

“I know Inu, and I know that you will find him acceptable.”

“I better.”

Kagome rolled her eyes at his display of arrogance. ‘Men…they always have to be better than the men around them, at anything remotely manly. Sometimes I wish they could just let it rest, no fights, no arguments, no possessiveness around other males. It gets old, really fast.’

Inuyasha smirked at the indignant snort that came out of Kagome’s mouth. He rushed through the forest and soon came upon their campsite. Everyone jumped to their feet when Kagome and Inuyasha came into the clearing.

“So, how about some breakfast?” Kagome said cheerfully as she sat down in Youko’s lap, after he had sat down. Everyone proceeded to then pass out the porridge from the pot over the fire, and ate it.

Ok, that the third chapter. I hope you guys liked it! The next chapter will be out soon, it will deal with Shippo’s adoption, and could possibly have a lemon. Not sure yet, I’ll have to see how I feel when I go to write the chapter. PLEASE REVIEW! I greatly appreciate other people’s input, even if it is negative. Just please don’t tell me my story sucks. That will make me mad. Thankies everyone!