Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Good times at the hotsprings, and the adoption ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything associated with them, except for this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: ummm around 300 (?)


Thanks to all of my reviewers and everyone who has read my story. I hope you all like it so far!


The Inu-tachi sat around the fire, eating their breakfast and talking about what they were going to do about the upcoming fight with Naraku. They knew that they couldn’t go into the fight without a plan, that would just lead to chaos and, most likely, failure. Naraku had half of the jewel, and that half made him very powerful. Even with Youko, the fight would be hard, and some of them might not make it out of the fight alive. It was a lot to take in, and so the group decided that they were going to spend their day doing things that they wanted to do. First things first, Shippo needed to be adopted. Kagome hadn’t the slightest clue as to how demons adopted kits that weren’t theirs, but she knew that Youko knew. Everyone gathered together and sat down near their camp, Shippo on Kagome’s lap, and listened as Youko as he described the adoption ritual.

“To begin, we must all cleanse ourselves in the nearest body of water. When the cleansing is finished, we shall return here to perform the actually ceremony. Shippo, both your Okaa and I will have to mark you as our kit, since you do not inherently carry our scents. It won’t hurt, just a little pin prick twice on your back. Now, let’s all get cleansed and then we can continue on with the ceremony.”

“Ok, sounds like a plan.” Kagome stood up, Shippo still in her arms, and followed Youko to the nearest hot spring. Youko, uninhibited by human modesty, stripped quickly and turned to Kagome and Shippo. He took Shippo from Kagome and began to take his little vest off. He then set Shippo on the ground and told him to take all of his clothes and put them in a pile with his near the hot spring. Shippo rushed to please his otou and jumped into the spring after him. Youko lifted him up and tossed him in the air, eliciting a rather high pitched squeal from the small kit. Shippo began a splash contest with Youko, and the two began to shove the water at each other. When Shippo was declared the winner, Youko began to clean the dirty kit, since the whole purpose for being at the springs was to get them all cleansed. He already felt like Shippo was his own kit, and he knew that the two of them would have some fun times in his up coming training.

Kagome stood for a moment and watched the soon-to-be father/son duo. The sight brought a smile to her lips, and tears to her eyes. This was all she could have hoped for, a wonderful mate, a loving and adorable kit, and a happy life with those that she called her friends and extended family. Suddenly all she could here was the stillness and silence of an empty spring. When she looked up to find a spring devoid of her mate and kit, she spun around searching for the two. With her attention distracted by trying to find them, it was easy for the two of them to sneak up on her and shove her backwards into the spring. The resounding splash caused the two boys to laugh hysterically, at least until a sputtering and angry female kitsune shot to the surface of the water. Her glare had the two backing away, but not quickly enough. She leapt from the spring, splashing water in every direction, and pounced on her boys.

Shippo shrieked and, laughing as he went, ran to the right, trying to get around his okaa-san. He knew that she wasn’t really mad about being shoved into the spring; she was just having fun with them. He laughed when he saw that his otou was being chased by his okaa, and neither one of them seemed to notice that Youko was not wearing any clothing and Kagome might as well have been naked too. His parents were so weird sometimes. He had better get back to camp, he wanted to play with Kilala some more, and he knew that his parents would probably be a while, so he should head back.

“Okaa-san, I’m going to go back to the village. Is it ok if I play with Kilala some before the ceremony?”

“Go ahead Shippo, just try not to get too dirty before we get back, ok sweetie?”

“Sure thing Okaa, I’ll see you guys back at camp.”

“Just be careful Shippo, going back to camp.”

“Ok, I’ll be careful,” Shippo ran to his okaa, and grabbed her in a big hug.

“I love you Okaa-san.”

Kagome looked at the adorable kit in her arms. He may not have come from her body, and he might not share her blood, but he was definitely her son. He was her pride and joy, and she couldn’t wait to be able to claim that he really was her son, ceremony and all.

“I love you too sweetling. Never forget that my little kit, your Okaa loves you very much, and so does your Otou.”

With that, she set the kit down and he ran to Youko, hugged him, and then took off for the village to get some important playing done before the ceremony.


Kagome looked down at herself and knew that she needed to get out of her clothing, it would never dry and she would never get clean if she didn’t. As she pulled her shirt over head a button got suck in her bangs. As she attempted to get her hair unstuck, she forgot that her shirt was bunched up around her head, and she wasn’t wearing a bra. She was just about to get the button out of her hair when a touch on her chest caused her to gasp and jerk backwards……right into the hard chest of one male kitsune youkai. Two hands reached up to grasp her breasts and began to massage them, even as a mouth descended to her throat, sucking and licking up and down the pale column. Kagome gasped and shuddered when the index and thumbs of both hands caught hold of her sensitive nipples. A couple of tugs and twists later, Kagome was writhing and unable to stand on her own. This man would be the death of her…death from pleasure. What a way to go. ( )

Youko gently laid his mate down on the grass near the spring. Her half-lidded eyes gazed into his own passion glazed eyes as he dipped his head down and caught her sweet lips with his. He kissed her with all of the love that he possessed for her, claiming her lips in a gentle, but firm, kiss. His tongue snaked out and swept across her lips, coaxing her into giving him entrance. When she complied, his tongue invaded her mouth and plundered every corner of her sweet little mouth. Her moans were all he could hear, and they fed his growing arousal and his growing ego. He left her mouth to place tiny little kisses all over her face, from her eyelids to her cheekbones, her temples to her nose. He left no spot untouched by his infinitely tender lips. She was squirming beneath him, but he would make her wait. Waiting was half the fun after all.

Kagome couldn’t believe how tender and gentle her mate was being this night. He was always tender to some degree, but this time he seemed to out do himself. She couldn’t stop the loud groan that escaped her throat as his silky lips made a trail along her jaw line, and down her neck to suck on her pulse point. His fangs poked out as he sucked and nipped at her neck. Skillfully he moved from her neck down to her collarbone, his tongue leaving a wet trail in its wake as he moved. His left hand came up to cup her right breast as she moaned out his name. He played with her nipple, as his lips made a beeline to her left breast, circling her areola before he captured her perky pink peak in his hot mouth. He began to suck like a newborn kit until her arms came up around his neck, forcing his head closer to her breast and anchoring him there. The torture he was inflicting on her nipple was exquisite and mind blowing as he tugged and twisted the neglected nipple. Her breath caught once more as he slowly sunk down her body, trailing his hot, wet tongue down her abdomen, flicking it at strategic moments just to here the mewls coming from her mouth. The cool night air on her heated skin caused her to shiver in ecstasy and cold, her nipples puckering further in the cold air. Her focus returned to the kitsune making his way down her body.

Youko sucked lightly at her belly button, but decided that the real prize was just a little further south on her body. He removed her soaking wet pants and underwear. He looked his fill until he heard her noise of impatience, bringing him back to the moment. He dipped is head back down to her body, skimming his face over the little patch of hair that concealed her from view, deciding to torture her just a little more before he satisfied her. His hands dropped to her thighs and he gently began to massage and kiss her silky inner thighs. Her arousal was driving him nuts, but he knew that good things came to those who waited. Suddenly, blowing Kagome’s mind out of the water, he thrust his tongue between her nether-lips. He found her little bundle of nerves and began to flick his tongue against it. One step further and he was sucking the little nub into his mouth, creating quite a response from his mate.

“Ohhhhh, YOUKO! Kami-sama what you do to me! Please! I don’t know how much more I can take!”

Youko just ignored her pleading; he knew she would enjoy the next thing to come. His tongue slid from her sensitive nub down to her womanhood. He swirled his tongue momentarily around her opening and suddenly thrust as far as he could go. Her back arched off the ground as she screamed her pleasure to the sky. Youko was unrelenting in his pursuit of her pleasure, nipping, sucking and massaging her passage until she could take no more. As she came into his mouth, screaming his name, he drank down all that her body let out.


Kagome could tell that he was giving her time to recover, but what he hadn’t seemed to realize was that now she was demon, with a demon’s stamina. He was giving her unnecessary time to come back down from her high, and she was going to take full advantage of his mishap. He didn’t notice until too late that her hand had ventured down his nude form, grabbing a hold of his throbbing manhood, and ripping a groan from his throat. She squeezed her hand gently as she dragged it down his thick length, loving the noises that escaped from his mouth. Rearing up, she shoved him onto his back and straddled his chest. She rubbed her hands down his chest, tweaking his nipples and then dropping her face down to lick a circle around one, never touching it with her tongue. His moans only fueled her on, and she moved down his rippling abdomen. Her silky soft tongue lovingly caressed each defined ripple of muscle that encased his tummy. He knew not to move his hands, or she would restrain him, so he resolved himself to keep his hands at his sides. His mind was so focused on keeping his body from rebelling against the enormous amount of pleasure it was undergoing that he failed to notice her mouth getting so close to his manhood. His eyes, which had been squeezed, shut in pleasure, shot open when she placed a loving kiss on the pulsing tip of his member. Her tongue darted out to lick the drops of pre-cum from the head of his cock, and then licked down to the base, and back up again, along the think vein on the underside.

Youko wasn’t sure how much more he was going to be able to handle, when she slammed his length into her mouth, deep throating him. He lifted his head to see his beautiful mate bobbing her head along his shaft, and feel the gentle suction that her sucking was creating. He almost blew his load when she began to hum around his engorged flesh. When she began to suck harder, he could no longer hold on to his climax, shooting his seed down her throat. She drank every last drop and then proceeded to lick him clean. He quickly flipped her over, throwing her down onto the grass again, and claimed her lips in a heated kiss. When she began to writhe anew, he aligned himself at her entrance and thrust sharply into her waiting body. He set a steady pace that had Kagome arching and writhing beneath him until she couldn’t hold it any longer. With a silent scream, she climaxed, causing Youko to follow when her tight sheath clenched painfully around his cock. His seed spilt into her waiting body and the two slumped to the ground.


Youko cradled his love, without removing himself, and carried her to the hot spring. He proceeded to clean the both of them thoroughly so that they would be ready for the ceremony. He knew that they needed to get back to camp before their kit came looking for them. When the bath was over, Kagome was finally able to move and dressed herself in her change of clothes, while Youko got dressed as well. He grabbed their dirty clothes and cleaning supplies in one hand, and grabbed her other hand in his free one. They walked back to camp hand in hand, and greeted their kit with open arms. Everyone then sat down for a nice little dinner before the ceremony started.

Everyone once again gathered around the fire pit. Shippo was placed between Youko and Kagome and he looked curiously at his otou as he told everyone how the ceremony would go.

“First we must recite the words of adoption, one at a time, and then we must proceed to mark Shippo on his back. Once you have bitten him, you must cut your tongue to mix blood. One mark will be located on each shoulder blade. I will begin, and then Kagome, you will recite what I said and do as I did on his other shoulder blade. Understand?”

“Yes, I understand perfectly. Proceed.”

Youko stood, with Shippo secured in his arms. He then looked the kit in the eyes and recited his part in the ceremony.

“I, Youko Kurama, spirit kitsune, mate to Kagome Higurashi, guardian miko of the Shikon no Tama and future mother of my kits, claim this kit, Shippo, as my own. He may not be of my blood, but from this moment forth, he will be acknowledged as my first born son.”

Youko ripped the shirt from Shippo’s slight form, spun him around, and sunk his fangs into his right shoulder blade. He made a slit on his tongue and mixed his blood with the young kit’s blood. When he was certain that the blood had been mixed sufficiently, he pulled away and licked the cut clean until it healed. Left behind was a silver outline of a rose, the mark of Youko’s house.

Kagome stepped forward and took Shippo from Youko’s arms. She turned him to look her in the eye. She watched her little kit look from his otou to her, and give them both a tremulous smile. She could never forsake this little child, he had become as her own. No child from her own body would ever be able to replace him.

“I, Kagome Higurashi, guardian Miko of the Shikon no Tama, demon mate to Youko Kurama, spirit Kitsune, future father of my kits, claim this kit, Shippo, as my own. He may not be of my blood, but from this moment forth, he will be acknowledged as my first born son.”

Kagome spun Shippo around and sunk her fangs into his left shoulder blade. She made a slit on her tongue and mixed her blood with that of her precious kit. When she was sure it was mixed, she also lapped at the wound until it healed. Left behind was a silver/blue outline of a eight pointed star with an arrow going right through it, apparently the mark of Kagome’s future line.

Shippo, with tears in his eyes, grabbed his okaa in a big hug and burst into uncontrollable sobs. Kagome, unable to hold in her happiness either, cuddled the tiny kitsune in her arms and cried along with him. Youko stepped up and enfolded both in a hug that brought the three together as a family.


Sango brought her hands down, tears in her eyes, and put the camera that Kagome had given her onto a log by the fire. She, Miroku, and Inuyasha were just witness to one of the most emotional events they had ever witnessed, that hadn’t ended in tragedy. This little family was finally whole, and they could tell that it was a long time in coming. Kagome was finally getting her happy ending, the one that she deserved all along.

WOO HOO! That was long chapter. The story is not over, at least not yet! I think I got a couple more chapters for this story, so sit tight guys, there is more coming up! I hope you guys liked this chapter; it took forever to write because I kept getting distracted. hehe, but its ok. PLEASE REVIEW! LET ME KNOW THAT YOU LIKED IT/HATED IT/WANT TO SEE SOMETHING? Anything, I just want reviews! THANKIES EVERYONE!