Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Brooding and a confrontation ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything associated with them, except for this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youko

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: ummm around 300 (?)

I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I haven’t really gotten any reviews for this story here at except for the three people who have reviewed my story, (THANKIES to those three people), so I haven’t really felt like continuing here. I wish more people gave reviews…I like to know if people like it or hate it or anything. But I guess I can’t complain. Anyways, this is the next chapter!


Kagome could not believe how happy she was. Her life was really looking good right now, and everything was falling into place. Shippo was adopted, she now had a mate, and the shards of the shikon seemed to be falling into their laps. All in all, life was good. But, life can’t always be so good. Murphy’s Law helps to prevent that from happening.

They had been traveling for several days, collecting several shikon shards as they went, and helping to rid villages of demons that were attacking them. The inu-tachi was walking through the forest. Sango and Miroku were walking together, holding hands. Inuyasha was scouting up ahead, making sure they weren’t attacked. Youko was walking beside Kagome, with Shippo on his shoulder and carrying on a conversation about Shippo’s fox-fire. Kagome was lost in her thoughts as she walked. She knew that the final battle with Naraku was drawing near. She also knew that she was the only one that could defeat him. The only way to kill him and make him stay dead was to purify him. Seeing as how Kagome was the only one that could purify anything, the responsibility from defeating Naraku fell to her. Kagome’s mind was in turmoil over what was going to happen. What if they defeated Naraku and put the shikon back together, but it forced Kagome to return to the future? What if it sealed the well and she never got to see her family again? There were so many what if’s and Kagome had no answers to her questions. She didn’t know if she could handle the well sealing her in the future. Being without her mate would kill her, fast or slow she didn’t care, the outcome would be the same. What did the future hold for them?

“Brooding is not healthy my love.”

Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin, and turned to her mate. Amusement was shining in his eyes and the smirk on his face told her that he found her jumpiness funny. She scowled at him and turned her face forward, walking a little faster as she went.

“Now come love, don’t be like that. I was only teasing you. What has you so anxious, and why won’t you talk to me about it?”

The hurt clearly evident in his voice forced Kagome to revaluate her way of thinking. She knew that he would pick up on her feelings, there bond allowed him to tell. She should have known that he would ask her about her mental battle. She sighed; she knew she would have to tell him of her thinking eventually, why not get it over with?

“I don’t know what is going to happen. How will the battle with Naraku go? What will happen with the shikon-no-tama? Will it seal the well, not allowing me to return to my family at all? Will it send me to the future and then seal itself; separating us? WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?”

By now Kagome was in tears and shaking so badly Youko had to grab a hold of her to keep her from collapsing. Her arms banded around his waist and she buried her head in his chest. Great, wracking sobs were welling from her throat and her heart was thundering in her chest. Youko didn’t know what to do. Obviously this was tearing her apart, and he didn’t know what to say to make it better. He himself didn’t know what was going to happen when the shikon was completed. All they could do was hope for the best. Come what may, he knew he would love Kagome for the rest of his life.

“Kagome, my love, my heart, you need to calm down. This kind of stress is not healthy, and you are scaring Shippo. Whatever happens, I will always love you. If you get stuck here in the past, you will still have family. Shippo, Me, and all the kits we are going to have. If you get stranded in the future, you will still have me. I will wait the 500 years it would take to see you again. Demons live for very long periods of time. I am relatively young, 300 is like being 20 in human years. I haven’t even reached my prime years. That won’t be for a long time. You have nothing to worry about. We cannot change what will happen, so don’t stress out about it.”

Kagome could tell the truth in his words and she calmed down a bit. Her sobs quieted to mere whimpers, and her tears dried up some. She still clung to Youko, and refused to let go.

The others had all stopped walking when they figured out that three of their group was being left behind. The watched silently as Kagome had a break down and clung to Youko, and then as he comforted her until she was able to stop crying. They couldn’t comprehend how she was feeling at this time. They knew that they would miss her terribly if she was gone, but none of them were her mate, and none were her child. They were merely friends that were like family. Youko and Shippo really were family. The only thing they could do was try to comfort Kagome.

Kagome was finally able to move on in the quest again and so she, Youko, and Shippo made their way back to the group. As everyone turned to the front and began their trip down the road, Kagome started and then turned to the left.

“Shikon shards, two of them, heading this way. I think its Kouga.”

“Who’s Kouga?” asked Youko.

“Kouga is a stinky wimpy wolf that deserves to die, and die he shall; by my hand!” yelled Inuyasha.

“Inuyasha, be nice! Anyway, Kouga is this wolf demon that thinks I’m his woman. I’ve told him many times that I am not, nor ever will be, his woman. He just doesn’t take no for an answer.”

Youko scowled fiercely. No one claimed his woman as theirs. Not on his watch. Another male was trying to lay claim to his mate, and he would have none of that.

“Let this Kouga come. I will make certain he knows just who’s mate you are.”

Kagome knew that Youko would get the point across, but she hoped that Kouga didn’t make this harder on himself.

Kouga appeared along the trail as a mini tornado coming at the group. The tornado stopped right in front of Kagome, but before Kouga could grab onto Kagome, Youko wrapped his arm around her waste and yanked her backwards. he growled at the wolf, warning him away from touching his mate.

Kouga was stunned. Who was this silver haired demon clutching his woman? He didn’t like the way this looked.

“Oi, demon, let go of my woman this instant! Dog shit, what are you just standing there for? I know you couldn’t possible be ok with him holding her like that! I leave her in your protection and when I return some weird demon is touching my woman! What is wrong with you? Come on Kagome, it’s time you came with me.”

Before Inuyasha could refute Kouga’s accusations, Youko stepped forward and glared at the wolf. He would set this wolf demon straight about who was Kagome’s mate.

“No, wolf, she is not going anywhere. My mate does not leave my side. If you still feel the need to pursue her, then you will have to fight and defeat me to do so. Believe me, you will loose if you choose that path.”

“I’m not afraid of you demon. I’ll fight for my woman, and I won’t loose to shit like you. Kagome will be mine, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

Youko pushed Kagome behind him and placed Shippo in her hands. She looked pleadingly into his eyes, and he knew that she understood what he needed to do. She would stand by him and his decision. Youko turned and walked away from the group until he and Kouga were facing each other like a duel. Youko knew that he would have to kill the wolf to keep him away from his mate, but he also knew that Kagome would be very distraught if he killed the wolf. He would just have to beat the living shit out of him instead.

“Enough of this, let’s get this started!”

Kouga pushed off of the ground and flew at Youko. The battle was beginning. Little did anyone know, but there were several hell bugs and a lone demon on a feather watching the fight with interest.

That’s all for now. PLEASE REVIEW!