Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Lover ❯ Spying, fighting, loving ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own anything associated with them, except for this story.

Pairing: Kagome/Youk0

Rating: M

Kagome: age 19

Youko: Ummm around 300 (?)

WARNING: THERE IS CITRUS CONTENT PRESENT IN THIS CHAPTER. IF YOU ARE NOT OF AGE (18), THEN TURN YOUR ASS AROUND AND DO NOT READ. If you choose not to heed my warning, it is not my fault if you are exposed to something you shouldn’t be exposed to.

Sorry about not updating sooner. My sailor moon story, There can be no love without Justice, took priority over this story for a while. But I’m back with the next chapter, so ENJOY! I have changed my writing style a little bit in this chapter, and I hope it works out alright.


Kagura didn’t particularly like having to spy on the inu-tachi. Actually, if she was completely honest with herself, she hated spying on them. She hated a lot of things in her life at this point. She hated being a slave to that worthless hanyou, Naraku. He was pure evil. He may have created her and her sister but the only way he was able to achieve that was through the power of the Shikon-no-Tama. Naraku was a parasite who fed off the power of the jewel and took pleasure in the sorrow/despair/pain and all around hate of the humans/demons of the world. He was beneath her, but she could not be free until she had her heart in her own hands. ‘Damn him! When I am free, he will know pain like no one has ever felt before.’ It seemed that when he created his incarnations, the retained a somewhat…caring disposition. Kagura had one, but she hid it at all costs. No telling what Naraku would do if he found out that she actually cared about things. He would just use that information to his sick, twisted advantage. ‘That sonofabitch. I will see him dead before I leave this world. I am the wind! No one control’s me like this and gets away with it. His demise will be slow and painful, and I will laugh and spit on his rotting corpse. Then we shall see who has the last laugh. It will be me, not that rotting half-breed.”

She turned her attention back to the group below her. The hell bugs had turned tail and returned to Naraku now that Kagura was there to spy for them. The always made sure she got to where she was supposed to be, but as soon as she got there, they left. Naraku made them follow her. She knew that if she left now, Naraku would know that she intentionally left and he would torture her. So she resigned herself to her task. Kagura watched as the unknown silver haired kitsune below her hugged the black haired female kitsune next to him. Suddenly a wolf demon came out of nowhere. Kagura immediately recognized him as the wolf prince that she had been forced to terrorize. The wolf got very close to the female kitsune, who cringed away, while the male kitsune handed her the little kit that always traveled with Inuyasha’s group, and stepped in front of her in protection. It was obvious that the kitsune couple was mated and that the kit had been adopted by both. The wolf seemed to be claiming the woman as his mate, but the kitsune was having none of that.

The kitsune, Youko the female called him, and the wolf, Kouga as he was called, began to circle each other, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. Kagura watched as Kouga lounged at Youko, but he dodged the attack. The wolf may have had jewel shards in his legs, but he seemed to have met his match in speed. The kitsune was incredibly agile as he pivoted around and swung his fist, catching Kouga in the face with a right hook. The wolf reeled backwards from the hit, but his foot swung out and caught the kitsune’s feet, knocking him to his back. Kouga immediately pounced, pummeling his fists into the kitsune’s face. The two grappled with each other for several minutes, each landing several hits. Youko threw Kouga off of him, and then dropped him to the ground as he began to pound Kouga’s face mercilessly. Kouga kicked Youko off of him when he got the chance, but before he could go after him again, Youko began to speak.

“You are sad and pathetic wolf, and this fight is pointless. It’s time I ended it.”

The kitsune’s hand ran through his hair and then he smacked it to the forest floor. Suddenly the wolf was grabbed from behind by a giant plant that erupted from the ground. The vines tangled around Kouga’s limbs and restricted his movement. The kitsune smirked as he strode up to the wolf to gloat. Kagura listened with mild interest as the kitsune began to speak.

“Kouga, you have dishonored yourself my attempting to claim a female that is already claimed. You were also defeated by her mate in combat. You are no longer allowed to ask her to mate with you. You have proven yourself to be unworthy of a female of her power. Now, leave, before I decided that I do not wish to take the chance of ever seeing you again.”

With that, Youko turned away from Kouga and made his way to his beautiful mate. As he circled his arms around her waist from behind, she turned to Kouga and addressed him out of pity.

“I’m sorry Kouga. I’ve tried to tell you that I only liked you as a friend, but you’ve never listened to me before. Please, go back to your tribe and find a nice wolf female to mate with and bear cubs with. We can still be friends, right?”

Kagura could tell that the wolf was resigned to take what he could get from the woman. The wolf hung his head in sorrow and shame, but he turned to the female and looked her in the eye.

“I’m sorry that I never listened to you Kagome. I guess I never thought about you saying no. Ayame is still after me to unite our tribes together, and I think I will take her up on her offer. You will always be my first love, and my good friend Kagome, never forget that.” He seemed to gain back some of his normal attitude with his next words. “If that kitsune bastard ever treats you wrong, you are always welcome to take refuge with my tribe Kagome! Remember that!”

Kagome had to physically restrain Youko from kicking Kouga’s ass again. Youko was silently fuming about the wolf’s insult to his treatment of his mate. Kagome’s gentle touch helped to calm his youkai blood.

“She will have no need of your help wolf. She has been, and will always be, well taken care of. Now, leave before I rip you to shreads!”

Kouga made a face at the kitsune and then sped off as fast as his jewel-shard-enhanced speed would allow him. When he was out of sight, Kagome turned to Youko and hugged his tightly, and protesting Shippo between the two. Youko grabbed her just as desperately and the rest of the group wisely refrained from speaking at the moment.

Kagura chose this moment to make her presence known.

“Dance of Blades!” A flick of her fan sent her attack straight at the group of fighters below her.

The inu-tachi scattered to all sides as they attempted to dodge the attack. All of them managed to dodge, but Kagura was not done with them.

“Ha ha, you fools make me laugh. You sit around battling your own allies, while the greatest evil to grace this world in several hundred years plans your demise. If you think you are going to defeat Naraku as you are, you are sadly mistaken.”

Inuyasha began to growl as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga, preparing to cleave the wind demoness in two. Kagura just gave him an amused look and dismissed him as not a threat.

“What the hell are you doing here Kagura? What the fuck does Naraku want now!”

“Oh, does the little puppy want to play? Back down half-breed, I am merely here to deliver a message to your pitifully pathetic group of friends. Naraku wishes to let you know that the final battle is drawing near. All of the shikon shards have been collected. Between your group and him, all of the shards are accounted for. As such, Naraku will be waiting for you so that he may relieve you of your shards. You know not when he will strike, but know that it will be soon.”

With that, Kagura jumped onto the giant feather she had procured and flew away, back to Naraku. Her job was done, and she knew that when the time came for the final battle, she would do everything in her power to help that ragtag group take Naraku down, even if it killed her. Death would be better than to be forced into slavery by someone so evil. Either way, Naraku’s days were numbered.

Back with the Inu-tachi

Kagome watched as Kagura flew away. She had seen the look in Kagura’s eyes, a look that seemed to always dwell in Kagura’s face. It was a look of hope, despair, and hatred. Kagome didn’t know what gave Kagura hope, or what caused her despair and hatred, though if she had to guess she would say Naraku.

Shippo tugging on her hair brought Kagome back from her thoughts. She looked down at him, her little kit with his smiling green eyes, and his carefree attitude, and she couldn’t help but smile. He was such a happy child, even though he was quite a mischief maker. He seemed to delight in the simplicity of crayons, pocky, and tormenting Inuyasha. His three great loves besides his mother. She then looked to the male standing behind her, holding her close to his body.

A blush spread across her cheeks when she realized exactly what was poking her lower back. Her mate was such a horn ball. He never seemed satisfied, no matter how many times they made love. She hoped it was always like this, and that he wouldn’t grow bored with her. She gave him a sly look out of the corner of her eye, and promptly ground her behind into the bulge in his hakamas. His swift intake of air and the tightening of his arms around her waist make her smirk as she moved away from him. He growled in disappointment, but she just shook her head and mouth the word “later” to him. He sighed and followed after her like a lost puppy. (Or kitsune, hehe ) The rest of their group followed with knowing smiles on their faces. It was time to make dinner for the group.

Youko and Inuyasha took Shippo with them when they went to hunt. He needed to be shown how to do it anyway, so the males felt that now would be as good a time as any to show him. Miroku moved to gather fire wood for the fire pit, but not without groping at Sango’s ass and getting a giant red hand print across his face for his efforts. The day just wouldn’t be complete without several hand prints adorning his face and a lump or two on his head.

Kagome and Sango decided that a bath sounded marvelous, so the two set out with Kagome’s bathing supplies to find the hot spring that Kagome could smell nearby. Both women began to shed their clothing, preparing for the bath. Kagome took a moment to silently appraise her changes. Her hair was longer, and she knew that she like it. Her claws were long, but not too long, and very feminine. She could feel her fangs; fangs which seemed to bring her mate great pleasure. She knew that she looked the same yet different and she wondered what her okaa-san would think if she could see her now. Well, her okaa would see her eventually. Kagome was shaken from her thoughts by the sounds of Sango getting into the hot springs, so Kagome made her way in as well. As they were soaking in the hot spring, Sango figured that now was a good time to ask Kagome some questions she had.

“Uh, Kagome?”

“Yes Sango.”

“Ummm, can I ask you some questions?”

“Yeah, sure Sango. What do you want to know?”

“Did it hurt?”

Her ears twitched as Kagome turned confused eyes to her friend. Sango was looking anywhere but at her, and the blush she was sporting went from her face all the way down past her collarbone, and seemed to go past the water level. Kagome suddenly understood what her friend was asking her, and she knew that it had taken a lot of guts for Sango to ask something so personal. It was a policy in the Feudal Era to not talk about things like sex and female “problems”. Sango must really be curious to actually come out and ask me like this.

“Well, it did a little bit, but only the first time. Every time after that has been wonderful.”

Sango was staring at Kagome by this time. Kagome’s face was a picture of contentment and happiness. Sango was happy for Kagome, she had suffered enough on this trip, and she deserved to be happy with someone who loved her completely.

“Why do you ask Sango? Are you thinking of getting Miroku to join the ranks of the taken?”

“W-W-What! N-no! Never with that hentai houshi! Nope, never in a million years!”

Kagome saw right through her facade. Sango was deeply in love with their houshi friend, but she was afraid of getting hurt by his womanizing ways. She sympathized with Sango on that issue. When Kagome had first met Youko, he had been quite a womanizer, rivaling even Miroku. Yet, after they had spent time together, Youko had tamed it down until it was only Kagome that he touched and kissed and loved. Kagome knew it was only a matter of time before Miroku proved himself to Sango, and then the two would be able to live together happily.

After their little conversation, the two women headed back to camp. They were greeted by the sight of a triumphant Shippo carrying his “catch”. He had a small rabbit in his hands, and when he saw his okaa-san, he ran to show her what he had caught.

“Okaa! Look what I caught! Isn’t it great! Otou and Inuyasha showed me how to sneak up on it!”

“Very good Shippo, you are growing up even more every day! Why don’t you ask Otou and Inuyasha to show you how to skin it now?”

Shippo ran off to do as she asked and she shook her head, smiling at her kit’s antics. She turned back to the roaring fire as she took out several cups of ramen and began to prepare the stew. Miroku and Sango helped out as needed, and when the other boys returned with the skinned rabbit, and two skinned boars, she added the meat to the stew also.

Finally, everyone sat down to enjoy the delicious meal, Inuyasha eating ramen since he refused to eat anything but. The conversation was kept light over dinner, everyone agreeing that they would begin to strategize the next day, when they had all rested. When dinner was done, Sango and Miroku unrolled their sleeping bags, and Inuyasha jumped up into a tree next to the camp site. Shippo scurried into Kagome’s sleeping bag, and promptly fell sleep, knowing that his Okaa would accompany him when she returned.

Youko wrapped his arms around his mate and steered her away from camp. He had been denied all day, and the little teasing she had performed earlier had upped the ante of his lust. He needed to have her, and he needed to have her now. He finally just picked her up and began to run, in the direction of the hot spring that she had bathed in earlier. That would be the perfect place for what he had in mind.

Lemon activities begin here

Kagome was getting excited just thinking about what she was about to do with her mate. As soon as he set her down, she began to untie his haori, trying to get him out of his clothing as fast as she could. His hands were doing just the same to her. His fingers ripped her haori from her body, dropping the clothing to the ground, leaving her in only her hakamas. She grew frustrated when the damn haori wouldn’t obey her wishes, and she was about to rip the fucking thing apart when her mate’s hands suddenly covered hers. He carefully helped her to untie the strings. He shrugged out of the over shirt, and then removed the undershirt along with it. He felt her hands immediately mapping out his chest. Her delicate claws scraped along his sides, and then up to his chest. She flicked a claw over his right nipple causing it so bead up and his responding gasp filled her with confidence.

She looked up into his face, watching as the emotions crossed it, and she decided to spice it up. Her right hand stretched up to gently grasp his left ear, massaging and stimulating it, reducing the man in front of her into a groaning pile of putty. While he was distracted by her hand on his ear, she swept her left hand down his body. Her hand grasped the ties of his hakama and quickly slashed through them. They dropped down around his ankles, revealing his throbbing manhood in all its glory. Her hand continued to caress his ear, keeping his attention from the task at hand. As he groaned and trembled, Kagome relished in the beautiful view presented to her. He was magnificent. He wasn’t humongous, but he was definitely well-endowed. From tip to base, it twitched and pulsed in front of her eyes. The silver hair surrounding the base caught her attention and she marveled at the color. Her eyes trailed down his length once more. The mushroomed tip was leaking pre-cum from the slit; dripping down his glorious cock.

She was itching to grab it, caress it, pump it, bring it to her mouth and push him to his climax. She wanted to hear him moan, gasp, plead with her, beg her to finish him off. She was in charge tonight, and there was no way she was going to let him get the upper hand. He always got to be the dominant in their relationship, but sometimes you have to relinquish the dominance to your partner. Tonight was that night.

Kagome took a small step backwards, dropping her hand from his ear, and looked up into his face. The look of disappointment, disbelief, and longing lust caused her body to heat to an almost unbearable level. A wave of wetness assaulted her lower regions, and she knew that she would need to start this before it could finish itself. She grabbed his shoulders, holding on tightly, and swept her right leg around. With his feet knocked from under him, he dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Kagome was immediately upon him, securing his hands above his head with a vine she extracted from her hair. The vines wrapped around his hands, securing them where she dictated. His indignant look soon melted into a moaning grimace as Kagome settled herself over his stomach. She loved the facial expressions she could see flittering across his face. He was an open book to her at times like this.

She was straddling his abdomen as she leaned down and captured his lips in a demanding kiss. They fought for dominance for several minutes, tongues swirling in and out of each others mouths. Finally, Youko allowed her to win, and Kagome plundered his mouth, her tongue caressing his fangs with a mute fascination. She released his mouth to trail her tongue down his neck, nipping here and there with her fangs. She stopped to suck, long and hard, upon his pulse point, and then made her way further south. Her mouth settled over one nipple as she sucked and nipped it until it was red and swollen from her loving. Youko was moaning rather loudly by now, and when she looked up at his face, his ears twitched spasmodically. An idea bulb turned on in her head and she began to make her way back up his chest. She trailed her mouth up, over his chin and cheeks, nipping slightly at his nose, then up over his eye lids and forehead, until she reached his delectable ears. Her mouth closed over the tip of his left ear, her tongue massaging the appendage as she sucked on the tip. He was writhing beneath her, and it was driving her nuts. Then she felt his head move forward.

Her breasts were thrust into his face and he wasted no time in capitulating on this opportunity. He captured her right peak between his lips. His tongue snaked out to torture the bud, causing her to cry out. He sucked and nipped her breasts, torturing them into tight little buds. He was enjoying himself so much that he never realized that her hands were no longer on his shoulders. He started when two hands wrapped around his engorged phallus and squeezed. His whole body jerked as her hands made their way up and down his hard length, fingertips flittering lightly over the tip, spreading the pre-cum around the head. Her weight was lifted from his abdomen and settled over his chest, her back to his face. He delighted in her audacity as he figured out what she was playing at. Her hips lifted until she was resting on her knees. Her dripping core was presented in front of his face as her mouth descended upon his cock. He quickly took advantage of the situation, burying his head between her legs. His tongue flickered out to tease the bundle of nerves in front of her core. She shuddered and moaned around his cock, the vibrations sending tingles throughout his whole body. He decided to take this to the next step, thrusting his tongue as far as he could into her womanhood. Her back arched, pressing her body into his mouth. He relished in the keening wail that let forth from her body.

“Ohhhhh, KAMI!”

Kagome felt the tight coil within herself let loose as her climax washed over her. As Youko cleaned up her mess, she downed his cock in one stroke. His head hit the back of her throat and her throat muscles squeezed against the intrusion. Her tongue wrapped around the thick girth in her mouth and she created a strong suction that was driving her mate to new sexual heights. She had never been this forceful in the love making and she could only imagine what he was thinking. She could tell that he was obviously enjoying himself, and she knew that she would be trying this again soon. She reached her hand down to fondle his sack gently until she could feel the tightening that signaled his release. When he came screaming her name, she swallowed all that he had and then gave him a thorough tongue bath. By the time she was done, his erection had returned and she knew it was time to really enjoy themselves. The vines retracted, freeing her mate’s hands, and almost immediately, his hands descended upon her willing form.

Youko helped to turn her around so they were face to face. He leaned up, prepared to kiss her senseless when she impaled herself on his turgid length. He groaned loud and long as she worked up a pace that set his nerves on fire. He responded quickly, rolling his hips up to meet her thrusts. Her breasts were jumping with each thrust and her hands were fisted in his long silver hair. Youko could feel is climax approaching, but he wanted his mate to come first. Her pleasure was his number one priority. Release was a close second though. He knew that if he pushed her buttons right, then she would be screaming his name in a matter of minutes. He had a feeling that he knew exactly which buttons to push, or rather, suck. He leaned up, intent on one thing. His seeking mouth latched onto her left breast, suckling incessantly at her nipple. Every few seconds he added a light nip that had her entire body shivering and writhing beneath him. While he was bringing her breasts pleasure, his left hand drifted from where it clasped her waist, and his fingers fondled the little bundle of nerves hidden from his view. The little mewling noises that were coming from her throat were making this very difficult for him. He looked up into her eyes and her twitching ears caught his attention. He briefly wondered if her fox ears were as sensitive as his. He’d have to find out later, and he would torture her when it was his turn to be dominant again.

Kagome could feel the coil drawing together again, and she couldn’t stop it when his mouth and hand went to work on her, his hips never missing a beat. Suddenly, his thrusts gained in power and Kagome screamed her pleasure to the heavens. The triple assault sent her careening over the edge of her climax and she screamed his name as she came, almost violently, around his throbbing shaft. Her inner muscles clenched tightly around his aroused flesh, milking his climax from his body. He howled her name as his seed rushed into her womb. His fangs elongated and he dug them into the juncture of her neck and shoulder, renewing his mating mark.


The two lovers dropped to the ground, exhausted from their nightly activities. Kagome figured they could rest a few moments, but then they would need to return to camp. They had a little kit that was waiting to cuddle with his parents, and he would be sorely disappointed if they never came back that night. Not to mention that he might freak out if he woke and his okaa and otou were missing. She felt her mate licking at the wound he had left on her shoulder and she shuddered slightly at the echo of their passion the mark created. She loved when they would just sit after mating and cuddle and enjoy the other’s presence.

“Wow that was the most amazing mating I’ve ever experienced Love. You should do that thing more often.”

“What thing are you talking about?”

“You know, when you go all alpha female on me. Not all the time mind you, my ego needs to be dominant most of the time, but I’ve never been so aroused by your mere presence. Don’t look at me like that. You know I always desire you, every second of every day, but that…wow, that was just hott my love. I didn’t know what to do with you; throw you on the ground and fuck the brains out of your pretty little head, or sit back and enjoy your torture. As you can tell, I chose to enjoy, and enjoy I did.”

Youko once again licked lightly over the mark on her shoulder, loving the way she reacted to his touch. He knew he couldn’t go any further tonight, they needed to get back to their kit before he came looking for them and saw something he wasn’t old enough to understand.

Kagome had the good grace to blush as her body tried to rekindle her desire, but she knew that they didn’t have much time to spare at this point. It felt like they had been making love for hours, and in reality they probably had been at if for several hours. The moon had definitely moved around the sky. She stood up and stretched her aching limbs, then reached down to help her sated mate to his feet. When he was secure on his feet, she reached around him and hugged him to her body, relishing in the close feel of her mate. His hand reached up and guided her face to his for a loving kiss, not one of dominance as they had been earlier, but one of reaffirming love. The two separated and dressed quickly, Youko having to improvise with his shredded hakama strings. After both of them were dressed, the two made there way back to camp. Kagome slipped into the sleeping bag, cuddling Shippo so that he wouldn’t wake when they moved. The little kit shifted around until he was facing her and then he buried his face in her neck and relaxed into sleep once more. Youko slipped in behind her and the little family cuddled together, unaware of what the following days would bring for their simple little life. Youko briefly thought of the need to train Kagome in her demon abilities before the final battle with Naraku commenced, but he knew that would have to be saved for tomorrow morning. He would bring the topic up at breakfast. He could even include Shippo in the lesson plans, and kill two birds with one stone. Teach kit and mate at the same time. ‘Haha, never thought I would be able to say something like that. Especially the mate part.’ For now though, he just wanted to curl up with his family and rest for the night. He had a feeling that life was about to get a lot more complicated.

Wow, that was the longest chapter I’ve ever written. I’m so proud of myself. I decided that today I would be motivated and I did get motivated! Ms. Procrastination herself got motivated! I guess you could say that the reason is that I’m all alone in my dorm right now; there are only three of us left on the floor. Everyone else went home for Easter. Since I live 4 hours away from home right now, going home wasn’t realistic for me. I’d have to leave before Easter dinner. So here I am, stuck in my dorm. So, I decided to write a new chapter and viola! Here we are! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I would appreciate some reviews on whether you guys liked my new style of writing. HAPPY EASTER SO EVERYONE WHO CELEBRATES EASTER, and HAPPY PASSOVER FOR THE PEOPLE WHO CELEBRATE PASSOVER! If there are any other holidays at this time that I need to wish people happy’s for, just let me know and I’ll do it! THANKIES EVERYONE! RxR!