Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Never Ending Romance ( with a cranky wife) ❯ You're Okay ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Your Okay

Kagome began to wave and fan her husbandso he would wake up. "Yus-kun" She said shaking her husband. She saw his closed eye blink.'he's faking it...the ass' Kagom's eye twitched. She sighed and leaned down and kissed him passiontly. He immediatly responded with twice as much force. Kagome then punched her dear husband in the gut. He grunted and said, " What the hell was that for!". "That was for worrying me you idget!" Huffed Kagome as she crossed her hand over her chest. She then looked softly at her belly and placed her hands there. Yusuke place a larger hand over her smaller ones. "So we're really gonna be parents huh?" Asked Yusuke. "Are you upset, I-I could a-always get an abortion if your not-" "No, I'm very happy Gome-chan." Said Yusuke giving a reasuring goofy smile to his teary eyed wife.
"I'm so happy. Now come on, I gotta tell Mom, Souta and Gramps" Said Kagome as she stood up. Yusuke pulled her back into his lap and kissed her passionantly."Woah Yus-kun" Gasped Kagome.. Her lips were now slightly swollen. Kagome had changed into her demon form due to the excitment.. She now had fangs and claws as well as pointy ears.. Her eyes were now a mystic blue ( it was a side effect of her miko powers. yay chickens. keep going people) her hair had grown so it reached her butt. It had also gone straighter like Kikyo's ( authress pounds Kikyo and kills her. Muwahahaha go on) her hair now had light green tips. One litte fang hung over her lip. " You know, you look really hot in that form. More curvy and soft." He said as he laid his head down on her chest."Perv" mumbled Kagome with her head in the crook of his neck.
He nuzzled deeper in her into her chest. Their romantic ( not to mention pervy. bleh, but I guess it is my fault onward) moment was ended when the doorbell rang. Yusuke growled and got up from his "pillow" and went to the door. Kagome changed back to her human illusion. At the door was.....

ha ha ha ha I'm so evil, well maybe not. Sorry it's short. I need a Crunch bar