Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old Friends in Old & New Places ❯ A Planned Visit ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BKB: Well here I am again, starting a new fic when its not needed ^^U. But this was on my mind for a while now, and I thought I might as well just type it up and see how it goes. It may take awhile for it to get interesting sadly, but I've read many fics that are like that, so I remain undaughnted.


Disclaimer: I own neither Yu Yu Hakusho, nor Inuyasha, because if I did, no would watch either of them, cause they'd be so messed up!!



It was like any other night, it was cloudless, the stars were twinkling with the crescent moon down wards onto the forest below, and all was quiet, until.

"The statue's been stolen!! The statue's been stolen!! Hurry up and find the thief who stole it!!" someone yelled. "The statue's-"

Then he was dead.

"Idiot, he alerted the other castle guards, now its going to be hard to get out of here," a cold voice said, the voice belong to a seemingly young man, with a hat that didn't have a top, who's black hair was in a pony tail that goes through the hat, had violet eyes, and had bat wings, his murderer.

"Well, that just makes the game more interesting," anther answer the first, this one had long silver hair, golden eyes, had silver fox ears and tail, and was carrying the statue of a cat.

"To you everything's just fun and games, eh, Youko?" the first said to the second, thus dubbing him Youko.

"Why, of course, Kurounue, you forget that that's what kitsune do, they're all for fun and games," Youko said his eyes gleaming.

"Of course, I'd almost forgotten the games you and Kein used to play."

"Really? I'm surprised that you almost forgotten, I wonder did you almost forget the time when you were so drunk you started hitting on Nachtzeit?"


"Well that's good, Kein made a point to show you not to touch his mate again."

"Let's get going," Kurounue said hastily, trying to change the subject.


They ran off into the night, before more guards came to look for the statue Youko was holding. They were pretty far away by the time they stopped.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Kurounue asked as they came to a stop near a lake.

"Been awhile since what?" Youko said, already have forgotten the earlier conversation.

"It's been awhile since we've visited Kein and Nachtzeit."

"Yes, it has. Last time we heard from them, they had a kit, and that was a couple of years ago wasn't it?"

"Yes, they did, what was the kit's name again?" Kurounue asked, and sat down next to the lake.

"Shippou, I believe," Youko answered, leaning against a tree.

"I wonder who he takes after more, Kein or Nachtzeit."

"It doesn't matter, they both were able to make you do the most embarrassing things, they're kit's probably going to be much worse, but then I might be wrong."

"I think he might be worse, it's a safe bet!"

"Maybe we should visit them, it has been awhile, and it is getting boring here in China."

"Yeah, let's go."

"Why, Kurounue, you sound almost happy to go, even though you're bound to have some tricks played on you. You must be happy about something, is it because we're going to visit Nachtzeit?" Youko questioned suggestively.

"Oh shut up!" Kurounue yelled, hitting Youko on the head with his hat as Youko began laughing.

"Well, do you want to visit them or not?"

"Yes, let's go and visit Kein and Nachtzeit."

They walked off together heading for the cost of China, where they could steal a boat and sail to Japan to visit their old friends. Needless to say China was most grateful to see both the thieves go, for the two legendary thieves Youko Kurama and Kurounue were stealing all of its valuable items.



BKB: Well that's it for now, the first chapter wasn't very good, but it'll get better. For those who didn't understand the old friends part, Nachtzeit and Kein were old friends of Youko and Kurounue, and were Shippo's parents. . If there are some things I messed up on, please tell me, I would appreciate it. Please review, and if you want to know what Nachtzeit and Kein mean, write so in your review.