Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old Friends in Old & New Places ❯ News ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BKB: Great, now I have evil sugarhigh chibis after me, what did I do? Here's the second chapter, thanks to all who reviewed!! A few of you had a few questions, one of which was if this is when Shippo is traveling with Kagome and Inuyasha, the answer is yes. The other question is what the names of Shippo's parents mean, well, Nachtzeit (which may I add is a pain in the ass to type) means night time in German, and Kein, which is supposed to be short for Kein Mond, is no moon in German. Don't ask me why I named them that, I was acting sort of weird then…. Anyways one of you said how Shippo's mom died, thanks for that, I didn't know about the mom, only the dad. Well, this chapter and the last chapter are short, and I'm sorry about that, but hopefully they'll be getting longer as the story progresses!! Read and review please!!


Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha.



Youko and Kurounue walked through the forest, the plant life automatically moves out of the way for them as they go on further to their direction.

"How much farther is their home?" Kurounue asked exasperatedly.

"Not much farther," Youko answered, not even sparring Kurounue a glance.

"That's what I thought, but wouldn't they have smelt our sent by now?"

"They might not be home right now, or their kit might be causing problems for them at the moment, there are many reasons why they might not come and greet us."


They walked a bit more, and came upon Kein and Nachtzeit's den, and gaped at what they saw. The den itself was in the middle of a hill, that was once covered with long green grass, had grass that was long dead, the den was dark and dreary, whence as before it was light and warmer looking. Youko and Kurounue ran inside the den to see that it was torn to pieces.

"What could have happened here?" Kurounue asked, utterly disturbed.

"Someone attacked them, it looks like."

"How about we go ask around, someone has to know what happened."

"Yes let's go," Youko said getting up and leaving the den, Kurounue followed him out.




"Argghhh" some youkai yelled as Kurounue punched it in the face.

"Answer us, and we wont hurt you too much more," Youko said venomously.

"All right I'll talk already, just stop hitting me!" the youkai cried pitifully.

"Then speak up, neither of us are in the mood to mess around," Kurounue growled.

"I-It was awhile ago, one of the Thunder brothers came and killed the kitsune and his mate, because the kitsune had a shard of the Shikon no Tama!" the youkai said nervously.

"So then, these `Thunder Brothers' are going to be next on our list to kill." Youko stated simply, and began walking away.

"The Thunder Brothers are dead though! The other kitsune's kit came back with some tough youkai, and got revenge for his parents!" the youkai yelled, trying to get away.

"So at least we know Shippou is still alive then," Kurounue said thoughtfully.

"Can you please let me go now?" the youkai asked.

"Oh, thanks for reminding us," Youko said as he commanded the plants near the other youkai to kill the other youkai.

"Idiot, we almost forgot about that," Kurounue said.

"So now we just look for Shippou," Youko stated.

"Yeah, but where to start?"

"I don't have a clue. We'll just have to start on rumors, kitsune kits hardly leave their parents' side when they're at Shippou's age."

"But Shippou's parents are dead."

"But he might have attached himself to someone that became a parent like figure."

"So, we'll have to look for a kit who's traveling with someone that may not even be a kitsune?" Kurounue asked.

"Yes, so lets begin our search, we'll go south," Youko, said, heading the way he stated.




"How bout we stop for right now, even we need to stop for a little shut every now and then," Kurounue suggested.

"Sure," Youko agreed.

It was a little after sun down when Youko heard the splashing of water not too far away, and then there was the smell of two female ningens. Youko got up, and began to go in that direction, when he was caught.

"And where do you think you're going, Youko?" Kurounue asked, and Youko turned around and looked innocently at him.

"Nowhere, I smelt water, and thought I'd go take a look."

"Really, well I don't think those two females would like that if you did do that."

"So? It's not like many can resist me, I bet they wont even mind."

"You have too big an ego if you ask me."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do, don't deny it."

"No I don't!"

"You act like a spoiled child, you know that don't you?"

"Why I'm glad that you think I'm so young."

"It wasn't meant as a compliment."

"I know, but I don't care, and now I'm on my way to watch some lovely ladies," Youko grinned.

"Sometimes I wonder if that's all Youko thinks about, on second thought I don't want to know," Kurounue thought aloud.

Youko hurried through the forest to the hot springs that were there, and he heard some voices.

"You know Sango, I think you might not want to sit near Miroku-sama during dinner anymore if you don't want that to happen," one of them laughed.

"He's the one who sat next to me!" the other shouted furiously.

`Oh, this might be an interesting conversation, and an even more interesting encounter' Youko thought as he neared the hot springs…