Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ old scars,new blood ❯ things that were ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
me: Okay dokies.This fic will contain blood,gore,angust,limes,lemons,yaoi,mention of character deaths (don't hate me,it's part of the plot.),cursing,and cute men running around half dresed,chasing their tails (just kidding,only about the tails)Oh and I own nothing.If I did,Kurama would take off his shirt and leave it off.And all flames will be used to burn random things.

Chapter one: Things that once were

"Where is my Hiei and all my friends,Masasume?" Kurama asked the shadowy man infront of him. "Hmph,wouldn't you like to know." Masasume replied,swinging his blade to clean off Kurama's blood. "You fiend,you will pay for that." Kurama growled,reading his rose wip. "Hmph,pathetic.It seems you are the only one left,Kurama.That will soon change." Masasume growled,dangiling a red amlet from his fingers. "That's Kuronue's amlet,give it back,fiend!" Kurama growled and Masasume threw the amlet to Kurama. "So your the one who set that trap that killed Kuronue,bastard!" Kurama growled and Masasume laughed. "So it seems the one I killed with my little trap was none other that Kuronue the great theif.Hmmph,you shall be joining him soon.Now choose.Die by your own hand or I'll kill you." Masasume growled and Kurama growled. "I would never take my own life,it means too much to me." Kurama growled and Masasume laughed. "Fine then,it is time for you to die,Kurama." Masasume growled and swung his weapon,then Kurama's whole world went black.
"Wake up,little one." a deep,kind voice pleeded and Kurama woke up.He groaned as he sat up and looked around to see that he was in a treasure filled den.He then looked in the direction of the voice and saw a figure in a clad in a dark cloak. "Who are you?Where am I?How did I get here?" Kurama asked and the figure chuckled.That voice was so familar that it sent new waves of pain down old wounds in his heart.The figure sounded too much like Kuronue for his liking. "I am Ruko,you are in my den,and I saved you after your fight with Masasume." Ruko replied and Kurama's eyes darkened as he remembered the fact that all of his friends were dead. "What is it little one?" Ruko asked and Kurama grabbed ahold of Ruko's dagger and held it over his wrists. "Do not little one,it is not worth it." Ruko exclaimed,trying to grab the dagger back.Kurama kept it away and slit his wrist,then his whole world went black again.
"Why did he do that?Did Masasume hurt some friends of his?Maybe one of them was his lover." Ruko asked himself as he paced around as he let the medicine he put on the red-haired human's slit wrists sit.Thankfully the red head hadn't used alot of force when he slit his wrist,so the red head had only made himself pass out from lack of blood,but the blood root he fed the teen should help with that.Ruko thanked the gods that he remembered things his best friend had taught him,but it is best not to think of things that once were.Then the red head began to stir again and Ruko sat by him,this time leaving his dagger and weapons out of reach. "Hello there little one,I almost lost you there." Ruko stated,sighing. "Let me die,please." Kurama begged,sitting up,his emerald green eyes pleading with Ruko. "No." Ruko replied and Kurama's eyes turned golden. "You must let me die,I have no reason to live.First my best friend was taken away by Massasume,then Kiekio,then Kuwabara,then Yusuke,then Yukina,and then the love of my life.." Kurama replied,his eyes still golden. 'That ki,it feels like his.' Ruko thought and sighed. "So you had a lover,what was his name?" Ruko asked and Kurama sighed. "Hiei was not my lover,he never got to know I loved him." Kurama replied,his eyes still golden. "I appologize,I didn't know." Ruko stated,placing his hand on Kurama's shoulder. "Don't touch me!" Kurama growled,letting his ki scent grow stronger and Ruko's eyes went wide. 'That is his ki,it can not be!' Ruko thought and grabbed Kurama by his shoulders. "Tell me why you have his ki!Were you the one who killed him?" Ruko asked,shaking Kurama hard. "Don't touch me!" Kurama growled and his red hair began to turn silvery.Ruko backed away and after a few seconds,a tall,silver haired youko stood infront of him with a rose whip in his hand. 'No way!He can not be!' Ruko thought and sighed. "Calm down little fox,I do not mean you any harm.I appologize,your ki was just very familar." Ruko stated,putting his hands over his head.Kurama lowered his whip. "Please don't call me that,an old friend once did." Kurama replied as he returned to his human self. "What was his name?" Ruko asked and Kurama sighed. "Kuronue." Kurama replied and Ruko looked surprised. "That was my twins name." Ruko replied,laughing. "He never mencioned a twin brother.Why are you hiding under that cloak?" Kurama asked and Ruko laughed. "He hated me and he was my identical twin,so seeing me would probaly hurt you." Ruko replied and Kurama began to cry.Kurama then hid under the covers to hide his crying.His body then began to rack with sobs and Ruko sighed. "What is the matter?" Ruko asked and Kurama sobbed harder. "I miss my Hiei and and I want him back." Kurama sobbed and Ruko sighed. "Do not worry little fox,I will protect you from harm and fix your broken heart so you can love again." Ruko cooed,sitting by Kurama and putting the kitsune's head in his lap.Ruko began to stroke the kitsune's silky red hair.Kurama continued to sob untill he had cried himself to sleep.Ruko then put Kurama's head on the pillows and tucked him in. "Sleep well,my little fox." Ruko whispered,leaving the den.

me: Cliffy,anyone smart enough to figure out the obvious secret yet?Don't hate me for killing everyone off,but it was part of the plot.Note: Ruko is tecnicly mine,takie and die.Massasume is also mind,(hehe,I named him after Sephiroth's sword.)That is all,please review.