Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ old scars,new blood ❯ things that should be ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
me: Hehehe,time for the second chapter.Umm,slight fluff in here,mainly touching and kissing.Warning, yaoi!
Ruko: The little fox is heart-broken.
me: I know,it's only a dream.Do the disclaimer.
Ruko: Okay,Pyrophoenix owns nothing.
note: ~dream sequince~

Chapter two: Things that should be

~Kurama sighed as he dangled a strange looking gem in his hands "Hn,so this is the infamous Kurama's den." a deep voice stated and Kurama looked up to see a black haired fire demon standing at the mouth of the cave. "Hiei!" Kurama stated,jummping up and pouncing the said demon down. "Stupid baka fox,get off of me." Hiei stated,pushing the kitsune off of him.Kurama blushed furiously and sat down. "What?" Kurama asked,tilting his head sideways.Hiei smiled,a rare sight from the demon and Kurama laughed. "I want you,stupid baka fox." Hiei replied and Kurama's golden eyes widened. "Why?" Kurama questioned,looking at the demon questionaly. "I love you and want you as my mate." Hiei replied and Kurama smiled. "I love you and want you too,Hiei my love." Kurama replied and Hiei laughed. "Catch me Fox,and you can have me." Hiei replied and darted off.Kurama got up began to chase Hiei.Once he caught the fire demon,Hiei bared his neck and Kurama kissed,then bit on Hiei's neck.Hiei moaned as his sensitive neck was assaulted and Kurama laughed.Then Hiei disapered and Kurama felt someone grab him from behind. "You're mine fox,all mine." Hiei growled posesivly,baring his fangs.He then bit down on the juncture of Kurama's neck so fiercly that it made the youko scream.~
"Little fox,wake up!" Ruko stated woridly as he shook the kitsune after he heard the scream that woke him.Kurama woke up with a start and shot up like a bullet.Kurama's face was slightly flushed and he was panting hard. "Are you okay?" Ruko asked and Kurama shook his head. "Bad dream?" Ruko asked and Kurama shook his head. "Then why did you scream?" Ruko asked and Kurama blushed. "It's nothing." Kurama replied,not wanting to tell his dream. "If you say so,litttle fox.Are you hungry?" Ruko asked and Kurama nodded.Ruko laughed and gave the kitsune some meat.Kurama hungrily ate it and Ruko laughed. "It is best not to think of things that should be,little fox." Ruko stated as Kurama finshed his food. "I know,but it's so hard.I loved Hiei so dearly and I trusted your brother alot." Kurama muttered and Ruko smiled. "Ahh,so you are the kitsune he was always talking about.He always said you were cute,but he must of been underestimating,cause you are hot." Ruko replied and Kurama growled. "Shut up!I don't wanna hear things like that,please." Kurama muttered and Ruko sighed. "I am sorry little fox,but you need to let go." Ruko replied and Kurama growled. "Shut up!You don't know anything.I loved him with all my heart.Your brother was my closest friend and I wanted Hiei to be my mate.Hiei and me were ment for each other and even thought Hiei was always so cold,I know he cared about me cause I allways caught him watching me while I slept and once I woke up with him in my bed.I don't ever want to let go of the memories I have of them,and you can't make me.If you ever try to make me forget,I will kill you." Kurama growled and Ruko held up his hands. "Allright,I am sorry little fox." Ruko replied and Kurama sighed as he sat down. "It's allright,you didn't know.I'm not one to hold grudges for lack of knowledge." Kurama stated and Ruko smiled. "Well,I am going to go hunt.Would you like to come with me?" Ruko asked and Kurama shook his head. "I'm still sleepy,I'm going to lay back down." Kurama replied and Ruko smiled. "Allright little fox,sleep well." Ruko stated and walked off.Kurama laid back down and soon fell asleep.
"Hn,he's close,I can sense him." the black haired demon stated as he jummped from tree-top to tree- top.He growled as he sensed someone come near his post. "Hello up there." the figure stated and the demon jummped off. "I must of scared him off.Oh well.I better finish hunting if I want to fix the little fox some food." Ruko stated and went back to hunting.
"So close." the demon stated and folowed the scent to a den. "Hn,seems the one who was hunting lives here.He must of saved the stupid baka fox." the demon stated and walked into the cave to find Kurama fast asleep on the pallet of furs near the fire.The demon hn-ed again and got beside the sleeping kitsune. "Stupid baka fox,sleep well." the demon stated and put a necklace around the youko's slender neck,noticing the amlet around Kurama's neck. "Stupid baka fox,injoy your present.You better know what it means." the small demon stated and jumped off.

me: Duduuuu,hmm,now who can this be?Makes you wonder,don't it?
Ruko: Who is the little demon?
me: Me to know,you to find out.
Ruko: *pout*
demon: Stupid baka bat-demon.
me: Read and review,double chocolate smores to all reviewers.