Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ old scars,new blood ❯ who are you? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
me: Time for chapter three.
demon: Stupid baka nigen,you forgot to do the disclaimer.
me: You do it.
demon: The stupid baka nigen owns nothing.
me: Thanks.Same warnings apply.

Chapter three: Who are you?

Ruko came back into his den and saw Kurama still fast asleep.He put up the meat he had gotten, making shure it was properly stored,so it would last a few days.Then he woke up Kurama. "Time to get up,little fox.You are sleeping your life away." Ruko stated and Kurama sat up and put his hands to his neck,where a small golden chain was resting.He pulled out the end of the necklace and his bright green eyes went wide. "What is it little fox?" Ruko questioned as Kurama held the black jem in his hands. "It's nothing.Here,this was your brothers.I think you should have it.Thanks for your hospitality, but I must leave.Farewell." Kurama replied,handing Ruko Kuronue's amlet and walked off before the bat-demon could protest.He went to his old den and sat down on the cold floor. 'This place needs some sprucing up if I'm gonna stay here.' Kurama thought and held out the black tear jem necklace again. 'This is Hiei's tear jem,I wonder how I got it and what it means.' Kurama thought and placed the necklace back in his shirt. 'I miss you Hiei,my love.' Kurama thought and used his ki to make some plants grow and made a make-shift broom.Then he swept his den clean and cleaned it out. 'I wonder why all my treasures are still here.I guess my old traps held.' Kurama thought as he found his old stash of treasure. 'I guess I could sell some of this to get some money to buy new things for my den.I'm gonna have to change to youko though.It would get too dangerous to be human.' Kurama thought and went outside his den.He gathered a few plants and took them inside.Then he went out to the river and stripped out of his clothes.Then he changed to his youko form and stepped into the river.He washed himself with some soapy plants and brushed out his hair and tail.Then he rinsed himself off and stepped out of the cold river. 'I forgot how cold that river was,I better start a fire.' Kurama thought and put his clothes back on.Then he went into the forest and began to gather firewood.
"Who are you?" a deep voice asked and Kurama looked up from his firewood gathering to see a middle sized,blue eyed,male wolf-demon with long brown hair that was held up in a top knot,standing near him. "My name is Kurama." Kurama stated and the wolf demon laughed. "Intresting,and what are you doing in my teritiory?" the wolf demon asked and Kurama held up his firewood. "Collecting firewood for my den.I'm sorry if I invaded your teritory." Kurama replied and the demon smiled. "It's allright.You can stay in my teritory if you wana,but don't mess with my mate.Understood?" the wolf demon asked, baring his canines and Kurama nodded. "I understand.What is your's and your mates names?" Kurama questioned and the demon smiled. "I'm Kouga and my mate's..." "I think I can introduce myself." a seductive voice inturupted and Kouga smiled. "Then come do that,beautiful." Kouga replied and a inu-demon jummped down.The inu-demon had long,silvery hair and twin magneta stripes running across each cheek. "I'm Sesshomaru.Who's he?" Sesshomaru asked and Kurama smiled. "My name is Kurama." Kurama replied and Sesshomaru smiled through his teeth. "What's he doing here?" Sesshomaru asked and Kouga smiled. "He was gathering firewood.I think he's new around here." Kouga replied and Kurama smiled. "I hope you do not mind sharing your teritory with me." Kurama voiced and Kouga smiled. "Na,I'm tired of only looking at this eye-sore." Kouga replied and Kurama smiled as Sesshomaru fummed. "Ya,well you're one to talk,you're the eye-sore." Sesshomaru growled and Kurama smiled. "He's moody when he's carrying." Kouga whispered to Kuarama and Kurama laughed. "I heard that!" Sesshomaru growled and Kurama laughed. "Well,it's true.You're moody as hell when your carying,honey." Kouga replied and Kurama smiled. "It's your falt I'm carrying in the first place!" Sesshomaru growled and Kurama smiled. "Ya,well if I remember corectly,you're the one who was begging to be taken while you were in heat." Kouga replied and Kurama smiled. "Well,I must be going now.Farewell." Kurama stated and walked off,leaving the two lovers to bicker.
'This oughta keep me warm for a bit.' Kurama thought as he laid next to the fire. 'Tomorow,I'll go to the plaza and buy some things for my den.' Kurama thought and fell asleep.
When Kurama woke up,it was bright and sunny outside. 'Time to go to the plaza.' Kurama thought as he streached. 'I better set some traps so no-one take my treasure.' Kurama thought and laughed. 'I'm acting just like my old self.Before I know it,I'll be flirtting with every thing that moves.No,I won't do that.' Kurama thought as he set up a few traps. "There,that oughta keep my den safe." Kurama voiced outloud and walked to the plaza. "Wow,things realy have changed." Kurama stated as he walked into the plaza.He wandered around untill he found the merchant shop. "Hello there.How may I help you?" the owner,Kole asked as Kurama walked into the shop. "I want to sell something." Kurama replied and Kole laughed. "Ahh,it's nice to see you again Kurama.What you got for me this time?" Kole asked and Kurama smiled. "Something I stole." Kurama replied and the owner smiled. "What do you got Kurama?" Kole replied and Kurama smiled. "Just some treasure.I hope that you won't try to cheat me." Kurama replied and Kole smiled. "In all of my years as a shop owner,I've never cheated anyone. Now,what do you have to sell?" Kole replied and Kurama smiled. "What could I get for this?" Kurama asked as he got out a golden cup. "How did you get that?" Kole questioned and Kurama smiled. "I stole it." Kurama replied and Kole laughed. "Well,I will give you six thousand for it.Does that sound far to you?" Kole questioned and Kurama nodded. "It's a deal.I hope I will do buisness with you again, Kurama." Kole replied and Kurama smiled. "I hope so too." Kurama replied and traded with the merchant. "I will see you again, Kole, farewell." Kurama replied and left the building.Then he walked around the plaza untill he found a jewler.
"Well,hello there.How may I assist you?" the brown haired,green eyed,female wolf demon,shop keeper asked as Kurama walked in. "I was wondering if you could tell me what this is.I wanna get the best deal for it,and I can't do it if I don't know what it is." Kurama replied and she laughed. "Come here and show me,fox.My name is Ayaime.What's yours and are you single,cutie?" Ayaime asked and Kurama sighed. "My name is Kurama and yes,I'm single,but I do not think you are my type." Kurama replied and Ayaime laughed. "I was just kidding.I'm taken,I just like to flirt to piss my mate off." Ayaime stated and Kurama laughed as he walked over to her. "Can you tell me what this is and if it means anything?" Kurama questioned,taking off the jem necklace around his neck. "Wow,that's a tear jem.Fire demon's only give those to someone they want to mate.How did you get it?" Ayaime asked and Kurama blushed,making Ayiame laughed. "I see.Anything else you want me to look at,Kurama?" Ayaime questioned and Kurama shook his head. "No,but I might have something later. Thank you for your time,Ayaime.I hope to see you again,farewell." Kurama replied and left the jewlers. "It seems some of the shop keepers are diffrent from back then." Kurama voiced and laughed.
He then wandered around untill he found the fur traders. 'I'm gonna need some furs for my bed.I'm so picky though,I hope they have mink fur.' Kurama thought as he entered the shop. "What can I do foer ya,Kurama,same ol same ol?" the man behind the counter asked and Kurama reconized him as Kishe. 'So it seems Kishe is still the fur dealer,good.' Kurama thought and smiled at the shop owner. "Yes,you know me too well Kishe.Do you have my favorite kind of furs?" Kurama questioned and Kishe smiled. "Yep,got plenty of mink furs foer ya.Come have a looksee." Kishe replied and led Kurama to the back.Kurama looked at all the furs and pointed a few out. "Would you happen to have about a dozen like that?" Kurama questioned, pointing at the silvery mink fur. "Yep,plenty.I knew ya would be commin to get some new furs soon,so I stocked up." Kishe replied and Kurama laughed. "Thank you,you know how picky I am." Kurama replied as the shop keeper got the selected furs. "Yep,most of yar kind is picky." Kishe replied as they walked back to the front of the store. "How much for the furs?" Kurama questioned and Kishe laughed. "Thousand and a half." Kishe replied and Kurama smiled. Kurama handed over the money and Kishe put the furs into a pack for Kurama. "Hope to do buisness with ya again,Kurama." Kishe replied and Kurama laughed. "I hope so too.Farewell." Kurama replied and left the shop.
'Now to see if the florest has anything intresting.' Kurama thought and wandered around the plazza untill he found the florest. 'Wow,they have kuishe plant.' Kurama thought as he saw the plant by the make-shift counter. "Hello?" Kurama questioned and a small pixie came scurring out of no-where. "Master will be out shortly,kitsune." the pixie stated and scurried back to where he came from. "Hello Kurama,how have you been?" a voice behind him questioned and Kurama spun to face Shoji,the green haired florest. "Fine.How did you get the kuishe plant?" Kurama answered and Shoji smiled. "Bought it off of a thief.What you looking for?" Shoji questioned and Kurama shrugged. "Nothing in paticular,just looking." Kurama replied and began to examine all of Shoji's plants.Shoji shadowned Kurama as he carefully examined the plants.Kurama stopped as he stood infront of a short purple rose-like flower. "What's this?The smell is familar but I can't put my finger on the name." Kurama questioned as he smelt the flower. "Burn-root flower.It's good for burns,even fire demon burns." Shoji replied and Kurama smiled. 'I remember now,I used to grow this all the time when I first met Hiei,because he was always burning me.' Kurama thought and smiled. "Take it,you'll need it." Shoji stated,motioning towards the Burn-root flower. "Why?" Kurama questioned and Shoji laughed. "I can see the tear-jem around your neck.Fire demon's have a tendisy to lose control of their powers when they are in heat and when they are, ummmmmm,with their lovers." Shoji stated,stumbling over the last part.Kurama blushed when he got the messege in the last part and Shoji laughed. "Go on, take it.Just next time you come here, bring him or her with you so I can meet them." Shoji stated and Kurama smiled. "Thank you.I'll be shure to bring him with me next time." Kurama replied and picked up the plant. "Allright then,it's a deal. Farewell,come back soon Kurama,it's been to long since we talked." Shoji stated and Kurama smiled. "Farewell." Kurama replied and walked out of the shop.
'I better go get something to eat,I won't have time to hunt,it's getting pretty dark.I must of spent more time there than I thought.' Kurama thought as he walked into the tavern. "Well hello there.It's been awhile since you've been here Kurama.I bet you want the same thing too." the bar keeper stated and Kurama smiled. 'It seems Olie is still the owner,good.' Kurama thought and sat down at the bar. "Do you even remember what my favorite is,old man?" Kurama teased and Olie smiled. "Yep,you love meike." Olie replied and Kurama smiled. "Seems your memory hasn't faded yet.Can I have an order of that and some ale please." Kurama stated and Olie smiled. "Yep,hey Raku,one order of meike for Kurama." Olie replied as the black haired half-demon hurried back into the kitchen.Raku soon reapered with the meike and placed it by Kurama. "Thank you." Kurama voiced as Raku put the plate down with a glass of ale.Raku bowed and hurried back to the kitchen. "Raku's a bit on the skittish side.You should of seen what he looked like when I found him." Olie stated and Kurama smiled and began to eat his meike.(note,meike is something I made up,it's kind of like ramen with deer meat and vegies in it,yumm.)
Kurama soon finished his dinner and his ale. 'Shouldn't of drunk all of that ale,it's been too long since I've drinken.' Kurama thought as he dizily stood up. "I don't think you're sober enough to walk home alone,Kurama." a deep voice stated and Kurama spun around to face a silver haired inu-demon with amber eyes that looked alot like Sesshomaru.She had two magneta stripes on each cheak and magneta eye shadow. 'Shouldn't of done that.' Kurama thought as waves of nausa ran through him. "Can I help you,pretty lady?" Kurama asked and the inu-demon snickered. "You're way too drunk to walk home alone.My mate sent me to walk you home.Come on Kurama.And I am not a girl!" she replied and Kurama laughed. "Thank you,pretty lady." Kurama stated and Olie laughed as Raku came back out of the kitchen with an order. "I'm not a female,I'm Sesshomaru.Sheish,you're drunker than Kouga said. What are you doing here,Naraku?" Sesshomaru questioned and Raku had a confused look on his face.Raku eyes widened in fear as he saw the sword on Sesshomaru's side and scurried back to the kitchen. "What was he doing here Olie?" Sesshomaru asked as Kurama tripped trying to walk out the door. "I found Raku a few years back and he was beat up pretty bad.The poor fellow didn't remember much but his name." Olie replied and Kurama stummbled around. "I see.Come on Kurama,let's go." Sesshomaru stated and pulled the stummbling kitsune out of the tavern. "I'm not drunk.I've only drunk one glass of ale,lady." Kurama protested drukenly and Sesshomaru growled. "Where is your den?And Raku kept refilling the glass as you ate.I was watching you the whole time.I was with my mate.He saw you drinking and told me to watch over you.And for the third time,I'm a male,not a female." Sesshomaru stated,catching Kurama before he tripped over a tree root. "It's that way,pretty lady." Kurama stated,pointing two diffrent ways. "You're too drunk to rememer your way home.I'm going to regret this,follow me.I'll put you at my house untill you sober up a bit.And I'm not a female." Sesshomaru growled and drug Kurama to a den.
"Come on Kurama,let's get you to bed.Put your pack there,no-one will steal it." Sesshomaru stated as they entered the den.Kurama put his pack down and stumbidly followed Sesshomaru father into the den. "What's he doing here?" Kouga asked from his position by the fire. "He's too drunk to remember his way home." Sesshomaru replied and Kurama sat down. "Sit over there." Sesshomaru comanded and Kurama went to the appointed spot. "Go to sleep." Kouga comanded as Kurama laid down on the pallet of furs. Kurama closed his eyes fell fast asleep. "Kouga,he's has a tear jem,but it's black." Sesshomaru stated as he tucked the kitsune in. "That tear jem belongs to that half fire demon with the jagen,the one you saved.I reconize the scent.Do you think they're mates?" Kouga asked and Sesshomaru sat down by Kouga. "No,he's not marked,but Hiei did say he wanted to mark him." Sesshomaru replied and laid his head on his mates lap. "Ya,but Youko's rarly take mates." Kouga stated and began to stroke his mates hair.After awhile Sesshomaru sat up and the two went to bed.

me: Kurama's funny when he's drunk.
Sesshomaru: He thought I was a female,that isn't funny.
me: Don't blame him and it is,double chocolate smores to all reviewers.Buii.