Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ old scars,new blood ❯ hide and seek ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
me: Welcome to whatever chapter this is.
Sesshomaru: *rolls eyes* Humans.
me: Be nice,I can make you a human you know.This is my story.
Sesshomaru: Fine. *saunters off*
me: I think Sessie-chan is mad.I own nothing and same warnings apply.

Chapter four: Hide and seek

"Wake up Kurama." Sesshomaru stated and Kurama groaned as he got up. "Owww,my head." Kurama whinned and Kouga laughed as he handed the now sitting kitsune a mug.Kurama took it and hastily drunk it,making a face as he tasted the bitter liquid.Kouga laughed and Sesshomaru smiled. "That's what you get for drinking so much last night." Sesshomaru teased and Kurama groaned as his head throbbed. "Don't forget he kept calling you a female." Kouga added and Kurama blushed. "I appologize for calling you a lady,but I was pretty drunk." Kurama replied and Sesshomaru smiled. "Na,it's okay.I've been called worse." Sesshomaru replied and Kouga laughed. "Ya,remember the first time the perv monk met you,he kept flirting with you till Sango informed him other wise." Kouga stated and Sesshomaru laughed. "Ya,that was pretty funny how he was always grabbing at my ass and asking me to bear his children." Sesshomaru joked and snarled. "What is it?" Kouga asked and a black haired female human and a brown haired humn entered the den. "I told you not to bring that human into my den,Kagome!" Sesshomaru snarled discustidly at the female and she fummed. "Sesshomaru he..." "Don't heel him!" Kouga inturupted and Sesshomaru let out a sigh of releif. "Why not?" the female asked and Kurama then reconized her as Kagome from school and the other was Hojo. "You'll hurt the kit." Sesshomaru replied and Hojo laughed. "I can't belive you would be bottom to anyone." Hojo stated and Sesshomaru snarled. "Oh,who's he?" Kagome asked,pointing towards Kurama. "My name is Kurama.It is a pleasure to meet you both." Kurama replied,taking a mini bow from his sitting position.Hojo laughed and Kagome smiled. "I just wanted to check up on you two love birds to see if you were allright.My name is Kagome and this is Hojo" Kagome replied and Kurama smiled. "You're clothes are funny looking,where did you get them?" Kurama questioned and Kouga laughed. "She's from the human plane,they dress strangely there." Kouga replied and Kurama laughed. "Oh,I see." Kurama stated,faking curiosity. Kouga laughed and gave Kurama a weird look. "Oooh,I think Kouga has his eye on that kitsune.Sesshomaru,you better watch out." Kagome teased and Kurama blushed. "I gave my word that I would not mess with them like that." Kurama replied and Kagome laughed as Kurama gave Kouga back the mug.Sesshomaru snarled at Hojo as he sat next to Kouga. "Don't worry,I won't steal your mate, I'm straight." Hojo stated and Sesshomaru still snarled. "Get out of my den now,or I can't promise you'll leave in one piece." Sesshomaru snarled and Kouga put his hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder to keep him down. "Come on Kagome,I told you this was a bad idea." Hojo stated and they all left.Sesshomaru settled down and Kouga laughed. "He doesn't like Hojo." Kouga stated as Sesshomaru calmed down. "I could tell.I thank you two for letting me stay the night,but I realy must be going now. Farewell,I will visit you soon." Kurama stated and returned to his den and begain to spruce the place up.
"Hn,he was here." the demon stated as he wandered around the plazza.He found the florest and walked inside and went up to Shoji. "May I help you?" Shoji asked and the demon snarled. "Did a kitsune come in here the other day?" the demon questioned and Shoji nodded. "Yep,shure did.Kurama lives out in one of the abandoned caves around these parts if your looking for him." Shoji replied and the demon smiled. 'It seems the stupid fox is in his den.' the demon thought and darted off. "Weird little fellow,don't you think,Minki?" Shoji asked his pixie and Minki nodded.
The demon was darting from tree top to tree top untill he came to a kitsune cleaning out Kurama's old den.The demon snarled and jumped infront of the kitsune.The kitsune gasped in surprise and the demon snarled. "What are you doing in the fox's...Fox?" the demon asked as the kitsune got over his surprise. "Hiei,I thought you were dead." Kurama replied and Hiei smiled. "Na,some feminine inu-demon saved me." Hiei replied and Kurama smiled. "That's a relief,I thought I lost you forever.Oh,here." Kurama stated and got out the tear jem. "Keep it Fox." Hiei replied and Kurama's golden eyes went wide. "But Ayaime said your kind only gave these to the ones they intended to have as their mates!" Kurama exlaimed and continued to babble on like a idiot.Hiei rolled his crimson eyes and silenced Kurama mid-sentance with a fierce kiss to his lips.Kurama was suprised at first,but soon found himself with his hands on Hiei's firm ass and Hiei's talented tounge in his mouth.Hiei broke the kiss,leaving Kurama breathless. "I love you Kurama." Hiei muttered into Kurama's ear and Kurama smiled. "I love you too Hiei." Kurama replied and nipped at Hiei's neck.Hiei let out a small moan and pushed the kitsune off of him. "Do you acept my gift,Fox?" Hiei asked and Kurama smiled. "Yes." Kurama replied and Hiei smiled. "Good,then I'll claim you as mine,Fox." Hiei stated and Kurama laughed. "Just try not to be too rough,it's been awhile since I've been taken and I'm still a virgin in my human form." Kurama replied and Hiei raised his eyebrow at his kitsune.A deep voice laughed and Hiei flashed off and had his katana to Kouga's neck. "Chill Hiei,I was just wondering if your kitsune knew what was best for pain." Kouga questioned and Hiei shelthed his weapon. "What kind of pain?" Kurama questioned and Kouga grinned. "Labor pain." Kouga replied and Kurama smiled. "Here,let me mix up something real fast for you." Kurama stated and pulled a few seeds out of his hair. "So that's where you keep them." Hiei stated and Kurama laughed. "Yes.Now love,go boil some water for me,please." Kurama replied and Hiei smiled at his fox's nickname.Hiei dashed off and Kurama used his ki to make the seeds grow into plants.Hiei appered back with a bowl full of boiling water and Kurama praised him for his hastyness. "Thank you for being so quick,love." Kurama praised as he grounded up a few plants. "Don't worry Fox,I'm not quick with everything." Hiei replied,giving his silver haried kitsune a seductive look. Kurama blushed and mixed his plants with the water. "Here,just give this to him a little bit at a time and be shure to keep blood-root near by in case Sesshomaru looses alot of blood." Kurama replied as he handed the father to be the mixture.Kouga bowed quickly and ran off,making cyclones with his feet.Hiei laughed and Kurama teasingly spanked Hiei's firm ass.Hiei grabbed his fox,pulling him into a tight embrace,and kissed his fox's lips hard.Kurama eagerly responded to Hiei's kiss and began to lick at Hiei's bottom lip.Hiei opened his mouth to the kitsune's eager tounge and kneeded his hands into Kurama's firm ass,rolling his eyes in anoyince as he felt the kitsune begin to wag his tail.Hiei broke the kiss once he felt Kurama's growing erection against his. "Fox..." Hiei stated questionly and Kurama licked his lips as he stared at the outline of Hiei's erection through the thin material of his pants.Kurama motioned towards his den with a seductive look on his face and Hiei picked his youko up.Kurama was surprised that his soon-to-be-lover was so strong and happily wagged his tail.Hiei groaned as his kitsune's furry tail rubbed against the fabric of his pants and carried his fox into the den and placed him on the bed of ferns.Kurama pulled Hiei down to him and kissed his black haired demon hard.Hiei returned the kiss eagerly and made short work of Kurama's shirt.Kurama arched up as Hiei began to toy with his tender nipples and Hiei kissed his fox hard.Kurama eagerly responded to Hiei's kiss and opened his mouth to Hiei's talented tounge.Then Kurama reached up and hoisted Hiei's shirt and cloak off of the demon,breaking the kiss briefly.Once Hiei's shirt and cloak were off,Hiei kissed the kitsune again,this time the kiss was more demanding and needy.Kurama responded to Hiei's eager kiss, opening his mouth once again to Hiei's tounge and began to fiddle with Hiei's belts.Once Kurama had Hiei's belts undone,the demon slipped out of his pants and Kurama licked his lips at the sight of Hiei's erect member.Hiei might have been short,but he made up for it in the size and girth of his rock hard erection.Hiei caught his fox's gaze and kissed him hard.Kurama licked at Hiei's lip and got entrance to Hiei's mouth and eagerly explored the demon's small mouth.Hiei let his fox explore his mouth as he slipped the kitsune's pants off of him.Once he saw the youko's hardened shaft,he licked his lips.Hiei then spred his fox's legs slightly and slipped a hand in-between the kitsune's well sculpted legs.Kurama broke the kiss with a gasp as Hiei slid an experinced finger into him and Hiei smiled at how tight his fox was. "Damn Fox,you're tight." Hiei muttered as he streached the youko's entrance with his finger. "It's been a very long time since I let anyone top m...mmmmmm." Kurama muttered,moaning as Hiei's slender finger found his hot spot.Hiei smiled and kissed Kurama hard,his kiss hot and demanding as he slipped another finger into his tight kitsune. Kurama moaned into the kiss and Hiei took that opertunity to shove his tounge down the kitsune's throat.Kurama moaned again and Hiei smiled. "Stupid vocal,baka Fox." Hiei muttered into Kurama's ear as he sizzored his fingers inside the moaning kitsune. "Youko's tend to get very vocal,expesialy under the hands of an experianced lover." Kurama replied in-between moans and Hiei smiled.Hiei then kissed his kitsune again,shoving his tounge down the youko's throat once more and slipped a third finger into his fox.Kurama broke the kiss with a loud moan that echoed through-out the den.Hiei smiled and began to streach Kurama's tight entrance with well trained fingers.Kurama let out another loud moan and Hiei smiled. "Damn Fox,if you are that loud from just my fingers,I wonder how loud you'll get with something else shoved up that sexy ass of yours." Hiei muttered and Kurama flushed. "Why don't you take your fingers out and find out?" Kurama replied,his face flushed a bright red.Hiei smiled and took his fingers out of his fox.Kurama eagerly spred his legs wider and Hiei smiled. "Stupid eager Fox." Hiei muttered,settling between Kurama's eagerly spred legs.Kurama smiled and replied, "I can't help it,I'm a youko." Hiei laughed and pushed himself into Kurama in one quick motion. "Ahh,I told you to be gentle." Kurama yelped and Hiei frowned. "Sorry Fox,I forgot." Hiei replied and gave his fox a few minutes to get use to his size. "Mmmm,move." Kurama muttered after a few minutes,arching up against his crimson eyed demon.Hiei smiled and rolled his hips so that only his head was inside his tight,sexy fox.Then he plunged back down and Kurama moaned as the demon hit his hot spot.Hiei smiled and repeted his last movement,but this time at a faster pace.Kurama moaned again and Hiei thrusted in harder.Kurama moaned louder and Hiei began to wonder how loud he could make the kitsune get.Hiei thrusted in hard and fast and Kurama moaned loud.Hiei continued to increase the roughness and speed of his thrust,making Kurama moan louder and louder each time.Soon Kurama was meeting the demon thrust for thrust,his nails raking across Hiei's back,making the demon thrust harder and faster. "Ayii,Hiei...please..." Kurama muttered as he neared his climax and Hiei reached down and took the kitsune's weeping member into his hand.Then Hiei began to stroke it in time with his thrust,making the youko get even louder. "You better cry out my name." Hiei comanded as the youko's moans became more like pants,still stroking the kitsune's cock and thrusting hard and fast into the youko.Kurama nodded and Hiei gave him a hot and pasionate kiss.Kurama soon broke the kiss and cried out Hiei's name as he came into the demon's hand.Hiei groaned as he felt the kitsune's inner muscles tightning against his cock and roughly thrust a few more times before he bit down on the juncture of Kurama's neck as he came deep and hard into the youko.Kurama instinctivly bit Hiei back and the demon took his softing cock out of the panting youko.Then he laid next to his fox and curled next to his mate. "You're all mine now." Hiei growled playfully and Kurama smiled. "Possesive much,aren't we?" Kurama questioned and Hiei smiled. "It's in my blood Fox,I'm half fire-demon and they get very possesive of their mates." Hiei replied and Kurama smiled. "That's fine with me,but you have to understand that I am a huge flirt." Kurama stated and Hiei smiled. "You can look,but I'm the only one you can spred those sexy legs for,or vise versa." Hiei replied and Kurama raised a silver eyebrow at his mate. "Realy now,so you would spred your legs for me?" Kurama questioned and Hiei smiled. "I might,but I've never spred my legs for another man before.But that doesn't mean you can go screw other men." Hiei replied and Kurama smiled. "I belong to you and you alone now.My ass and cock are yours for the taking,no one elses.Us youko's might be flirts and unfaithfull with lovers,but when we settle down,we stick with our chosen mates and them alone,unless they proved sterile when we wanted kits or if they die or don't mind us taking a lover.Then and only then can we take another mate or lover.Wait,you've never been fucked?" Kurama questioned and Hiei smiled. "Yah.Do you want kits?" Hiei replied and Kurama laughed. "I've always wanted kits,but I don't think eather of us can have kits,so we could adopt." Kurama stated and Hiei blushed. "No need to do that Fox." Hiei replied and Kurama gave him a quesitoning look. "Fire-demons have the ability to have kits,regardless of gender. That's why I've never let another man screw me,even though I can only get pregnet if I present to someone and am fully satisfied with when I'm in heat." Hiei added and Kurama smiled. "Well,do you want kits?" Kurama questioned and Hiei smiled. "I would love to have your kits,stupid Fox." Hiei replied and Kurama smiled. "Well,that settles it then.Let's just wait untill your ready to raise kits to try to have any,okay?" Kurama questioned and Hiei smiled. "That's fine with me,Fox.Now go to sleep,I'm tired." Hiei replied,giving his fox a kiss.Kurama smiled and closed his eyes. "I love you Hiei,my love." Kurama stated sleepidly and Hiei smiled. "Love you too,stupid Fox." Hiei replied and they both soon fell asleep.

me: Yah,how did you like it?
Kurama: I loved it,let's do it again.
Hiei: *raises a black eyebrow and drags Kurama off*
me: Ay yi yi yi yiy...double chocolate smores to all revewers.