Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ON with the NEW and OFF with the OLD! ❯ finally together again. ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok some people emailed me about the pairings so here it is...



Kagome/Inuyasha:5 ( inuyasha was the mystery character!)

I changed my mind and im not putting in Kouga...gomen minna but that is how i want it to be!
********Ok here is the story********

"Finally we are here." said Kagome. "Hey guys can you wait here until I come back, I'm just gonna get some stuff." she said. Then left for her house.

"Hey Kurama tell us what happened! Who is Naraku and that dog-boy?" Yusuke yelled.

"I'll tell you."he said and told them everything (yes,everything!)

"So how come you never told us?"Yusuke yelled.

"Sorry but I forgot to tell you guys."Kurama said calmly.

"And Kagome liked a dog???? isn't that against the law?!?!!" yelled Kuwabara.

"You baka! Inuyasha is a hanyou! Half human and half dog." said Hiei, who was very fustrated that he needed to tell some baka what a hanyou was.

"Alright!! I get it shrimp, you dont have ta yell at me!"yelled Kuwabara.Then he got punched in the stomach by Hiei.

"Kimi no baka ningen."Hiei said. He was gonna give him another punch until Kagome came running to them with a huge yellow bag.

"Kagome! What is all that ?!?"asked Yusuke.

"Hm...Oh this is just stuff I bring with me.^^"she said."Ok i'm gonna go in. Who is coming?" she asked.

"So we are gonna go in this well? Am i right?"asked Yusuke,hoo was very confused. She nodded, then looked at Kurama who was very quiet(I no he is alwayz quiet but rite now he is VERY quiet) She went over to him.

"Hey Kurama?she said.


"Um Kurama???? Earth to Kurama!"she yelled.

"O, I'm very sorry. I was just thinking about something."he said with a smile.

"OOOO, stop daydreaming!! Let's go." she said. She asked again if anyone was going and everyone agreed. She jumped in with the guys and went to the fuedal era. When she got there she checked to see if everyone made it through.
"Hmm... that's funny...where is Kuwabara??"she asked the guys. They all shrugged. Hiei was amused at the fact that Kuwabara got left behind.

~~with Inuyasha~~
"HUH!"Inuyasha gasped.(yes he is alive!i made him like that^^)

"What is it?"asked Miroku.(yes he is alive too!)

"I smell Kagome's scent..."he said and ran off.

"Kagome-chan??"asked Sango.(yes she is alive 2.). She took Kirara and went through the forest and kept track of Inuyasha.

"I cant believe she IS here! Kagome..."said Inuyasha in his head. He was very close to Kagome. "Hmm....I smell some other scent different from Kagome!"he said again in his head.
"Hm....who cares about Kuwabara..he probably went somewhere else."she said. Then all of a sudden Yusuke got a call from Genkai.(he has a cellphone!^^)

"Hello? O hi Genkai...Um sorry we didnt tell you,but we have to ditch this test you are giving us...We had too! W/E granny BYE" Yusuke yelled into the phone.

"That was Genkai rite? She was talking to you about the test..rite?"asked Kagome.

"Yah but that doesnt matter."Yusuke said. When he finished talking to Kagome, Inuyasha and Sango came running towards them.

"Kagome!!"yelled Inuyasha as he went in front of Kagome in his fighting stance.

"Inuyasha it's okay. They are my friends..."she said to him. They looked at each other for a good amount of time and went into a warm embrace. Kagome cried and stayed like that until Inuyasha spoke.

"Baka..I missed you.."he said while hugging Kagome. He wiped a tear off her face and kissed her. She let out a moan and he stopped. They were both blushing and Kurama could'nt help, but let out a growl. Hiei was curious of Kurama and kept an eye on him.

"Kagome-chan..."cried Sango. Kagome hugged her friend and they shared tears."Sango....I missed you...I'm soo glad.."said Kagome and hugged her friend again. By the time they stopped crying Miroku came running. He was out of breath, but was still able to talk to Kagome.

"Ka..Ka..gome...heh...gomen.."he said and finally caught his breath. "Ok,Kagome it'd has been a long time."he said. She smiled at him. Then she went over to Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha I would like you to meet my friends."she said. Inuyasha just nodded.
"Ok..this is Yusuke, he is Kurama, and he is Hiei."she introduced them. Inuyasha introduced himself. Sango and Miroku also introduced themselves.Inuyasha looked at Kurama in a weird way. That caused Kurama to glare at him. Kagome saw all this and decided not to do anything. "Ok since you guys know eachother..lets go to Kaede and stay there for a while. They all agreed and went toward where Kaede was.