Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Love's Forgotten ❯ Our Love's Forgotten ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone, hope you like my story, if you wanna know more about the

youkai powers Kaela and I have, check out my bio, 'k? Enjoy my story!! ^_^


"He's up ahead Lady Samantha, I can feel him."

"Thank you Kurama, I can feel him, too. He thinks we won't find him, hahahaha."

"You can read minds, Lady Samantha?"

"Why yes I do Hiei. Kaela can, too."

"Really, that's very fasinating Lady Kaela. A very good technique." Kaela smirked at him, then ran

up to Samantha.

"Do you understand that Kouga is going to have Naraku's spirit, while we're kicking his butt, right?"

"Oh, I- I never thought about that." Samantha stopped walking, and looked worried.

"It's ok Lady Samantha, you won't be actually fighting Lord Naraku. Just imagine, Kouga

toturing Lord Naraku. That will help."

"Uh- ok Kurama. I'll try." They all started walking again, and came up to am old empty house.

"He's in here, everybody, quiet. We'll surprise him." Samantha crept down, and the others

followed. They crept through the open doorway, and around a musty old couch at the beginning

of the house.(What is coming up next, I do not own, ok? If you watched Lord of the Rings,

you'll understand. Its very wierd though.^_^)

"They's won't get us my precious. They's will never find Kouga. You are my precious. My

lovely. My precious."

"Ok, Kouga's completley gone mad." Kagome whispered, everyone nodded their head.

"Who's there? Who wants to steal Kouga's precious?" He sniffed the air.

"Samantha? Samantha's wants to steal my precious!"

"Lady Samantha, you forgot to mask your scent!" Hiei said angrily.

"Go to him, keep him occupied." Kaela shoved her out.

"Uh- ok." She came out from the shadows and smiled nervously at Kouga, who was crouched

down holding something.

"Uh, hi Kouga. I came to uh- talk, to you."

"No's you don't! Precious says you want to steal him."

"Him? Who's precious,Kouga?"

"Lord Naraku, is Kouga's precious." He smiled at her. He looked so evil.

"Nar-Naraku? He's your 'precious'?"

"Yes, Kouga's prcious." He got up and went over to her. He reached out to her, she flinched.

"Don't be scareds of Kouga. Kouga just wants to shows precious to Samantha."

"Uh- ok. Sure, let's see him." He held out his hand to her, and she took it, hestitly.

"Come, Kouga show Samantha." Samantha looked over to the gang, they weren't there, they

must have made their move.

"Overs here. Kouga keeps precious overs here." He pointed through a curtain, and she saw

the gang on the other side, where Naraku spirit was located.

"Uh- on second thought Kouga, let's sit here and talk about precious. Oh, I mean your precious."

She smiled at him, occasionaly looking over his shoulder at the gang.

"Yes, yes. We's must talks about precious." They sat on the musty floor and Kouga went on

and on about precious, and how he was so loyal to Naraku's spirit. The group looked over

at Samantha, smiled, then took the jar with Naraku's spirit in it, and ran.

"Ok Kouga. I'll see you later, ok?"

"Where's Samantha going?"

"Uh, I have to go, bye." She turned to leave but Kouga cut her off.

"Uh, Kouga, what are you doing?"

"Samantha's not goings anywhere."

"What- do you mean?"

"Kouga opens up to Samantha, but Samantha kicks Kouga to the sides. Why?"

"I just have to go, ok?"


"Uh, Kouga, please move, or else."

"Or elses what?"

"I'll force you to move."

"Me don't thinks so." He smiled evily at her, then grabbed her around her waist, and threw her

into an empty room, then closed the door behind her.

"Samantha wills have time to thinks about her actions toward Kouga."

"Kouga!!! Come open this door! Now!" Samantha beat on the door, to try to knock it down

but for some reason, your youkai powers weren't working, she felt like an ordinary human.

"Why do I feel so weak? Kaela, where are you?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>

How was it? I know it was a weird story, but what do you think?