Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Love's Forgotten ❯ Rescued, then Kidnapped Again ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I dunno, hmmmm, maybe I should stop writing this story, nobody seems to review

except Kaela, what do you think? Oh and yea, Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters

except me and Kaela and Kerain(he's explained in the chapter). Review please!!! -_- I'm begging, and I don't beg, so please!


"What is it Inu?" Kagome asked interested.

"Kurama, I need to talk to you." Inu-yasha motioned him into the other room.

<><><><><><><><> With Inu-yasha and Kurama<><><><><><><><><& gt;<><>

"What is it Inu-yasha? What can I do in your plan?"

"You love Lady Samantha, right?"

"Correct, what does that have anything to do-"

"And she loves you?"

"I think she does. But why-"

"So, I have a plan to get her from Kouga."


"Fight Kouga, and kill him!"

"Inu-yasha. I can't just kill someone, he-"

"He kiddnapped Lady Samantha."

"I- I suppose I could kill him, because of that."

"Ok, good, let's go. We don't need to tell everyone else."

"But what about Kagome?"

"What about the wench?"

"You love her Inu-yasha. Anyone with eyes can tell, except herself."

"I don't love her. She's a miko human. I don't love humans."

"But Kagome is no ordinary miko human."

"What do you mean?"

"With the Shikon No Tama, she is a halfbreed."

"Like- like me?"

"Yes, but she doesn't know how to use the power of the Shikon."

"How do you?"

"It is a very difficult process. One of the problems is already gone."

"Lord Naraku."

"Yes, the next one is very embarassing. She is a virgin, and it cannot be used by a virgin."

"She has to lose her virginity!"

"Yes, also, it has to be broken by a halfbreed also. So-"

"No way! Nooooo way. She'll never go with that. I can't even do that. I can't flat out ask her, 'Hey Kagome, let's lose your virginity.' and she'll say, 'Ok Inu, let's go do it.' She'll never do that, ok what do I do?"

"Just calmly tell her what she has to do, and maybe she'll go through with it. I'll even back you up."

"I- uh guess so." Kurama smiled at him, then went out to get Kagome. She came in with a puzzled look on her face, then she looked at Inu-yasha.

"What's going on Inu?"

"Kagome. I- I have something to tell- tell you. It's very hard to do, so, please don't talk."

"Ok, what is it Inu?"

"YouhavetousetheShikonNoTamatomakeyourselfahalfbreedlikeme,butyo uhavetohavesexwithme

tobeabletodoit." He said in one breath.


"You understood me?"

"Yea, but, you know what Inu? I'd like that, I don't know why you asked me in front of Kurama, but yes Inu, I'll do it with you, to make myself a half breed."

"I-uh, wasn't expecting that kind of a reaction from you. I was expecting a 'sit'."

"Oh, yea, SIT BOY!" Inu-yasha face planted into the ground.

"Oi wench, what was that for?"

"For waiting to long to ask me." Kagome giggled, as Inu-yasha glared at her.

"Ok, well that settled, let's go then Inu-yasha." Kurama said walking over to Inu-yasha.

"Oh, yea, ok. Bye Kagome, see you when we get back."

"Wait! Inu? Where are you going?"

"None of your business wench."

"Inu-yasha!" Kurama warned him.

"Uh, to rescue Lady Samantha."

"I- I'll see you when you get back. Bye." She waved goodbye to them, as they left out the door.

<><><><><><><><> <><>With Samantha and Kouga<><><><><><><><><&g t;<>

"Kouga, tell me this. Why do you want me as your woman? What do you look for in a woman anyway?" Samantha asked through the door to Kouga, who was sitting outside her door, guarding it.

"Uh, well, I- why should I tell you? I don't need to share my feelings with you."

"If I'm gonna be here, I'm gonna have to know."

"Fine! I actually like you.Your the kind of women I look for."

"Oh, I- ok." She was quiet after that. She looked around, she had been there now, for a week, and Kouga had been nice enough to spruce it up a little. He painted her room green, because it was her favorite color, he gave her a bed, with blankets, he gave her kimonos to wear, and p.j's too. He fixed the ceiling fan, so it worked, and made a window for her to look out of.

"Kouga. Thank you again."

"For what?"

"For fixing up the room. It's much better."

"Welcome." She got off her bed, and sat with her back against the wall, like he was.





"What did I do to deserve that growl?"

"Your annoying me."

"I thought you liked me."

"I do, but if you keep annoying me, I might not keep you around."

"You'll let me go?"

"No, I'll kill you."

"Oh, uh..... Sorry." She seriously was quiet after that. It felt like an hour passed, until she heard a crash on the other side of the door.

"What was that Kouga? Kouga?" Kouga didn't answer her.

"What's going on?" She got on her tip-toes and looked through the little window, to see what was going on. All she saw were green eyes looking back at her.

"Kurama?! Is that really you!?"

"Lady Samantha. I'm here to rescue you. Stand back." She followed his orders, just when the door collapsed in front of her. Kurama ran up to her and hugged her, she returned it.

"I missed you Kurama." She said when they let go of each other.

"I missed you too Lady Samantha."

"Samantha. Just call me Samantha now." She smiled at him, then they moved close to each other, their lips almost touched when-

"COME ON YOU TOO, LET'S GO! YOU CAN GET ALL KISSY FACE LATER!" Inu-yasha screamed to them. They both blushed, then Samantha felt Kurama grab her hand.

"Let's go Samantha."

"I'll go with you any day." They ran out her room, and were half way to the outside door when-

*Gasp* "Naraku? Your- your alive?" Samantha ran over to him, and hugged him, she was crying with happiness.

"Samantha? What are you talking about? That's-"

"Oh, Naraku. I've missed you, I knew you weren't gone. You said you would never leave without me by your side, and you didn't."

"Samantha! That's not Naraku!"

"What are you talking about Kurama? This is too Naraku."

"No it's not! It's a demon! He shape-shifted into Lord Naraku."

"What do you mean?" Samantha looked up at the face, and all that was there was blackness, with tentacles sticking out of where its face should be.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Samantha ran back to Kurama's safe arms.

"Where is Inu-yasha?" Kurama asked looking around.

"He was here with you? I haven't seen him. Gross. Kurama. I hugged that- that- thing!"

"Mhaaahaaahaaa. Do you like him? He's a little friend of mine."

"Who's there?" Kurama asked, getting into fighting stance.

"It is I, Suzako. Leader of the Four Saint Beasts." A guy appeared out of the shadows.

*Gasp* Was all Samantha could do. She couldn't help but drool. He had the most golden blonde hair, with red tentacles sticking out from his forehead. He wore a white kimino, (like Sesshomaru's) with red and gold streaking around it.

'He's hot.' Samantha thought will looking at every inch of him.

"He does every order I tell him to do. For instance, if I told him to kill you, Kurama. He would kill you. Or if I told him to kidnap this lovely youkai maiden, he would." Samantha blushed, which she thought Suzako saw, because he laughed.

"Kerain (pronounced Key-rein), kidnap this lovley maiden, I'll kill Kurama." The thing with the tentacles, jumped, then grabbed Samantha.


"SAMANTHA!!" Kurama jumped to save her, but he as struck down by Suzako.

"Take her to my castle. She will become my bride." Suzako smiled at her, which sent a shiver down her spine.

"I'll come for you Samantha." Kurama said getting up off the ground, then faced Suzako.

"Come on Suzako. Nobody kidnaps my love, then gets away with it."

'My love? That- that was what Naraku called me.' Samantha said to herself as she was carried away to wherever Suzako's castle was.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< /div>

I know what your thinking. I'm bringing more things to happen to me, then to anyone else, right? Well, during my kidnapping, Kagome and Inu get it on, and she turns into a halfbreed and- wait a minute. I'm not telling anymore. You'll have to wait till the next chappie is up! ^_^ REVIEW! YOU MUST REVIEW, PLEASE?