Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Two New Missions ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Full summary: "...history is about to repeat itself. There is someone there that has seen the past and knows trouble is coming. You may be the ones, but it isn't certain. The demon will approach you if they know you are the ones. Watch out for yourselves" Koenma warned

Naraku is reborn in the modern time, just after he's beaten in Sengoku Jidai. Kagome has to fight him again, and for once, the reikai tantei have a choice in a mission...

no pairings yet.

Disclaimer: I shall say this once and only once, I don't own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. They belong to their rightful owners.


On a lighter note, I'm glad to finally post this story on both and , all reviewers will be replied to and sorry in advance for slow updates. Please let me know of any OOCs, as I'm not too knowledgeable of YYH. I'm keeping the Japanese down to a minimum, because I know there are some who don't know as much. Translations are down below, I will add more Japanese if it's requested.




Thoughts or umm, what's the word oh yeah: stressing

Descriptions etc.

~*~*~*~- Alternation of place (sometimes time too)

~*~*~*~*~-End of chapter

Replaying History In More Than One Way

Chapter one- Two new missions

Yusuke was in a good mood. He had finally been able to go through a date with Keiko without any interruptions. It looked like he would finally have…

"Yusuke!" Koenma screamed as he appeared. Well there goes the quiet weekend.

"Yeah, what do you want this time?" Yusuke demanded. Another mission, it would be inevitable.

"I have another mission for you!" Koenma replied.

"What is it now?" Yusuke snapped, turning his head around to glare at Koenma.

"I can't tell you here! It's confidential! Now come on!" Koenma snapped back, meeting Yusuke's glare with his own. "Be glad I didn't interrupt your date this time!" he added.

To say Yusuke was shocked was an understatement. Koenma almost always interrupted something, even if the mission wasn't urgent. Even Kuwabara would be suspicious, lucky Koenma (or was it planned) got Yusuke in a good mood, so there wasn't as much fuss getting him to the spirit world to brief him and the others.

"So what's going on?" Kuwabara asked. "I was about to ask my lovely Yukina out for a date when short-stuff here told me there's a new mission." Kurama chuckled inwardly; he doubted that Hiei had `just happened to interrupt the offer'

`He doesn't deserve her,' Hiei replied to Kurama's thoughts. Well, this had been going on for a while, Kuwabara would try to ask Yukina out for a date and Hiei would interrupt him somehow.

"This isn't really a mission at this stage," Koenma replied to Kuwabara's earlier semi-question. This statement was greeted by two cries. Two guesses whom. One cry was

"What?!" and the other was

"Then how can it be confidential?"

"This information can't leak to the Makai, or we'd have a problem. Several demons there remember the past and would try to escape if they heard just one word that I'm going to tell you. Nor can it be told to humans, some have black enough heart so that…" Koenma trailed off. "I'm getting off track. Okay, an ancient demon has recently escaped from Reikai, we believe that he used old ways to escape and is dwelling in human body as we speak." Koenma took out a picture from an enormous file.

"This is Naraku. He's a hanyou, but he might not stay that way for long. A powerful jewel: the Shikon no Tama was burned with his human remains five hundred years ago. With this rebirth the Shikon no Tama was brought back into existence." Koenma's face held a pained expression.

"Naraku lead several people, including demons into traps: Inuyasha; a hanyou, Kikyo; a priestess, Sango; the last of the taijiya line, Kouga; a wolf prince and Sesshoumaru the demon lord of the Western Lands at the time. They all assisted in the demise of Naraku but there were others that helped them: Shippo; a demon kit, Kirara; Sango's fire cat, Miroku; a monk whose line was cursed, Myoga-although he only told them where to find Naraku-; Inuyasha's retainer and a miko whose name is unknown. Sometime this year, history is to repeat itself, something that hasn't happened in my lifetime. There is a demon alive today that has seen what Naraku can do with their very eyes and they can feel that Naraku has returned. There will be another Dark Tournament that this demon will attend, but to my knowledge, they aren't participating. They're looking for a group similar to this," he spread out what pictures he had of the Inuyasha gang, "group. I believe this demon will tell you if you're the group you're looking for. There isn't anything I can do to stop Naraku until that group is chosen."

"Like you'd help anyway," Yusuke mumbled. Koenma ignored him and continued.

"Until then watch out for yourselves."

"You said Naraku might not stay as a hanyou for long," Kurama noted.

"The Shikon no Tama has it's own legend, that it will grant the wish of the holder if certain conditions are met," Koenma sighed. "That's why this is a huge mess. We have to stop Naraku before he turns full demon and I don't know the time limitation. Oh, I almost forgot, this mission…. Is voluntary." He ended in a whisper.

Several eyebrows shot up at this comment

"Why would this mission be voluntary?" Yusuke demanded. Koenma looked up.

"If you accept this mission, before it even starts your lives will be in jeopardy,"

"Like they haven't been before now Koenma," Yusuke interrupted. Koenma twitched in annoyance. "Would you let me finish? If you accept this mission your lives will be in jeopardy AND you might spend the rest of your life hunting down Naraku!" Koenma yelled.

He then took several deep breaths to calm himself down and sighed. "The ship leaves on Monday, you have until then to decide," he looked at them all as they left. "I hope that they do choose to come," he added under his breath.


"You can't be serious!" Inuyasha yelled. "We spent over a year hunting Naraku just to kill him, and now he's reborn in your world?!" Kagome seemed to take this calmly.

"You forgot to add in the fact that he has the Shikon no Tama too." Inuyasha whipped around to face Kagome, disbelief etched on his face.

"You're pulling my leg," he stated.

"No, I'm not," Kagome, sighed, wishing she hadn't taken off the rosary. It was times like this where his mind was off somewhere else and he needed to be woken up where it was handy.

"It's impossible," Inuyasha stated once again. Kagome rolled her eyes and brought up an old memory.

"You said that when I told you Onigumo would kill himself to get rid of Naraku," she retorted. Inuyasha shut his mouth, then an idea came into his head "FEH!"

"Are you two fighting again," Miroku asked as he popped out of Kaede's hut to see why they were taking so long to come and eat.

"You'd think Inuyasha was Kagome's mate instead of Kikyo's," Sango added, knowing that she hit a sore side in Kagome, but an even worse one in Inuyasha.

"You aren't leaving again, are you Kagome?" Shippo demanded, almost in tears. Kagome gave him a sad smile.

"I'm going to find people that have similar talents to you in my time."

Inuyasha snorted, "Yeah, right. No one will be even remotely like us, especially me in strength since there aren't demons in your time."

"Then what's this," Kagome snapped. One of the rare times she wished Inuyasha would thin his skull it was so thick. Inuyasha took that poster she held out and opened it.

"Dear Kagome,

You're invited to watch a tournament. Where humans and," Inuyasha paused, "demons will fight to the death. This event only occurs once every year, so it is recommended you attend."

There was a noisy silence. Finally Inuyasha broke it,

"Feh! Go if you want. I have Kikyo!" He finished and jumped into a tree, letting the invitation flutter down. Kagome's emotions were hidden, a trick Sesshoumaru had taught her. Even though they couldn't see her feelings, the gang knew she was hurt by these words.

"Fine," he replied sharply, "I don't know when you'll see me again." In her mind she added or if you'll see me again.

Miroku shook his head, he had a feeling that they wouldn't see Kagome again for a while; and it was Inuyasha who chased her off, again.

"I have a feeling we won't see our old Kagome again," he predicted. As usual, Sango was angry with Inuyasha, as friends will do with other friends occasionally.

"Why do you always have to chase her off Inuyasha?" she demanded.

"I don't deserve her," was the quiet response. With that one sentence Sango's fury was quelled.

"She deserves someone in her own time, so that she can be with her family. Someone that's accepted by at least one race." Sango and Miroku looked at each other amazed that Inuyasha had told them he did actually love Kagome. It seemed like Kagome did have a chance with him back then…

~*Flashback Inuyasha's POV*~

I held the Shikon no Tama in my hand, it was finally complete. My eyes strayed to Kagome, who watched me quietly. My gaze then drifted to Kikyo, and I felt a pang of regret, regret for what I had brought upon her.

`I can return her to life if you wish,' the Shikon told me. I didn't want to keep Kagome away from her family and time. I made a mistake, I agreed with the Shikon no Tama. My ears rang with Kagome's scream as her soul was ripped out I closed my eyes, in pain from her pain. Her screams stopped, and I opened my eyes. I saw two souls, one entered into Kikyo, and then other returned to Kagome. What happened? I asked myself. I still felt the Shikon no Tama in my hand. This wasn't supposed to happen!

~*End Flashback and POV*~


Well, there's the first chapter done. Tell me what you think, please. Some questions shall be answered should you ask them. All reviews will be replied to as well, I think that's it for the author's note… Oh yah one last thing: Kuwabara's going to get Inuyasha's rosary laughs evilly

Shikon no Tama: Jewel of four souls

Miko: priestess

Makai: the demon world in the present time

Reikai: the spirit world in the present time, it's where souls go when the body dies

Hanyou: half-demon