Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Little Problems in the Present ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, that was a successful first chapter. The pairings will be decided by the reviews and whether I am willing to do the pairing.

MEDIAMINER Review Replies

Ddg: Here's the next chapter, and there may be long pauses when I'm typing my other fics, if I concentrate on just this one Kally -on ff.net- will KILL me! Not to mention MorwenMagegirl... never get her angry... I'm glad you like it-it seems no one on ff.net does... no reviews there yet that I know of.

Inuyuyurrk: Might be Hiei, might be no one... depends I haven't gotten to the part where she meets the two, and I'm not good at writing romance -_- you'd think with all the fics I read with it would help me write it... Not much will happen for a while, not until the Dark Tournament, which by the way...I'm not sure of all the facts regarding the Dark Tournament, so could someone brief me on that? Glad you like it.

SuzumiTenshi: Like I told inu, the pairing will be semi-decided by the reviews and my willingness to do the pairing. I doubt everything was 10/10 but each has their own interests ^_^ is two days soon enough?

Fan fiction Review Replies

N/a I'm disappointed!!!!


I don't need to do the legend again right? You all remember? Oh well I'll do it anyway. I was going to say something else, but I forget what, oh well I'll say something else then: Never, try 400, 800 or 1500 meters for track and field... it's torture!Tell me about any OOCs still. Especially now! OH! I remember what I wanted to say, but I'll say it at the end...

I don't own the songs by the way.


Chapter 2- Little Problems in the Present

Koenma was fidgeting, as people tend to do when nervous. He had given all the Reikai tantei directions to the harbor, question was of course: would they come? It seemed that this year the spectators had a boat to the tournament. No teams were allowed on, and it was invitation and relation only. He did see something odd when he did a usual sweep of the crowd, looking for a member of the Reikai tantei; he had seen a human girl board the spectator boat, but when he looked again she was gone.

Koenma did another sweep of the crowd; if it weren't for Kurama's bright red hair he probably would have looked past them. Luck seemed to be on Koenma's side lately. He looked at Kurama, and he then saw the tip of Hiei's hair. He let out a sigh as relief washed over him. They now had a chance; it was currently a small chance, but a chance nonetheless. By now Kurama and Hiei had managed to get ahead of the crowd and were standing in front of Koenma.

"Yusuke is coming with Keiko," Kurama informed Koenma. "Shizuru said she would drag Kuwabara to the harbor if she had to when I asked her if he was coming."

The last bit of information didn't surprise Koenma, however the first did.

"Yusuke didn't force her to come did he?" he demanded.

Kurama smiled lightly, "No, she came by herself."

This statement caused Koenma to frown slightly "But I thought she said she didn't want to see Yusuke risk his life again."

"Hn, the baka wanted to come because she thought he wouldn't return alive anytime soon," Hiei replied. (AN: I know Hiei isn't supposed to talk much, but he will be going-purposely- OOC after he meets Kagome and figures out who she is, just a little insight for later ^_^)

"Hey are we late?" a female voice asked. They turned around to see Shizuru dragging Kuwabara by the ear.

"Noooo! I don't want to go, I wish to see my lovely Yukina again!"

Hiei's eyes flashed angrily, but he forced himself to remain indifferent,

"You don't deserve her ningen," he told Kuwabara coldly.

"What's going on?" Botan asked as she appeared out of a portal.

Koenma sighed and rubbed his temples,

"Anything that isn't anything," he replied.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT ALLOWED ON?!" this loud shriek was heard throughout -most likely- the entire Japanese population. The demon by the boats remained indifferent and calm, as if he put up with this regularly.

"You have to have an invitation or be directly related to someone on one of the boats," he replied in a tone that indicated boredom.

~*Kagome's POV*~

I was wandering the boat when I heard someone shriek about not being allowed on. Odd thing was, it sounded female: the one gender I had not seen yet. I ran to where the voice originated, the girl looked around my age, and seemed to have an air of anger around her. Slightly behind her was a young boy about her age, there were odd flickers around him, but I ignored them as I debated whether to help or not. I decided to help.

"There you are!" I cried, catching the attention from the demon as well, which was fortunate, so that he didn't see the confusion on their faces.

"I've been looking for them, thank you sir!" I exclaimed, hoping to pass off as an excited girl. One sure thing was: I would get to practice my acting here.

The demon looked at me a little longer then turned to the girl.

"Is she related?" he demanded. Please catch on I thought. Luck seemed with me for once in my life.

"Of course! What else would she be?" she retorted. Relief swamped over me. The worst was over; I'd be able to get away with the rest.

"Fine, but I need proof that you're related, I can see it's possible, so state her full name, and," he looked at Kagome, "I need to see your invitation." Oh, this guy was good, most would get caught here. I fished around for my poster, I knew where it was; but I needed to buy time. Thank you Shippo. I thought, thinking back to all her taught me. The demon kept his eyes on the girl, I'm pretty sure that will lower his rank. I mouthed to the girl

`Higurashi, Kagome' I mouthed to her before handing the demon my invitation.

"You think I don't know my cousin's name?" Keiko demanded. Oh she was equally skilled in this too. The demon just scowled at her.

"It's Higurashi, Higurashi Kagome," she answered, sounding almost bored. The demon sighed.

"Go ahead," he said, letting her on board.

"I'll meet up with you and Kagome later Keiko," the boy called.

"Don't get in too much trouble," the girl, now identified as Keiko called over her back.

"Yeah, whatever." With half a smile and a wave the boy disappeared into the crowd

~*End POV*~

Kagome smiled as she helped Keiko up the last stair.

"Considering you don't have a room arranged for you, would it be all right if you shared mine?" Kagome whispered.

"Nope, no problem," Keiko replied. Kagome smiled slightly. It began to look like she packed all those books for nothing.


"Late as usual Yusuke!" Koenma scolded. Inwardly he sighed with relief. Everyone had come… all right, Kuwabara didn't technically come of hi s own will; but he was here! Yusuke shrugged in response to the light scolding, "I wanted to make sure that no demons would rip Keiko to pieces," he replied.

"So now that we're all here why don't we board?" Kurama suggested. As usual they decided to go through with the suggestion. However, Koenma's next sentence froze them in their steps.

"Yes, the sooner the better; Naraku has already killed five people!" They all turned their heads towards Koenma.

"Hey toddler, when was this Naraku guy reborn?" Yusuke asked suspiciously.

"Yesterday," was what they deciphered from the small squeak.

"Koenma," Kurama politely stated, "when Youko was reborn, he wasn't able to talk in one day." Koenma fidgeted again.

"Well, like I said it's a mess. Worse of all, it's a complicated one. From what I've discovered: a demon stole a human soul and Naraku entered it and adapted it to his will. (AN: One notebook finished, two others left (I'm using spare paper in old notebooks) This demon is what seems to be an old detachment: the demon of nihility, Kanna."

"Uh, Koenma, doesn't that mean we also have to watch out for this Naraku's henchmen?" Kuwabara asked.

The response was swift and Koenma's voice seemed back to normal-so he had a certainty of what he was talking about-

"No, right now I have to see if you're the ones that that demon from the past is looking for, that's when the mission will take place. After that, I'm not sure what's going to happen." Everyone glared at him in definite anger.

"There are so many thing s that can change," Koenma snapped. The team continued to glare and then boarded the boat.

Koenma sighed and sat down.

"There's so much trouble with Naraku right now, it's hard to think about the damage he must have done when he didn't have to lie as low 550 years ago. Dad's going to kill me when he finds out," Koenma shuddered.


"So we still haven't been properly introduced, Higurashi Kagome but you can call me Kagome if you prefer."

"Yukimura Keiko," Keiko smiled, "If you call me Keiko I'll call you Kagome."

"Deal Keiko."

"Hey there you are Keiko!" Shizuru yelled as she walked on board.

"I hope they didn't give you any trouble," Keiko said worriedly.

"Nope, they still remember me from last year," Shizuru chuckled.

"So I assume that you have a reputation with demons then?" Kagome asked, wondering if she scared them wit just hat.

"Kinda, better then my little bro's, but his boosts mine so I'm a little outta his league. We haven't met yet, Kuwabara Shizuru."

"I'm Higurashi Kagome, you call me Kagome and I'll call you Shizuru, same deal as Keiko."

Shizuru shrugged and nodded.

"At least this trip will be more interesting," Shizuru stated after she came to a conclusion about Kagome.

"I still think Yusuke's going to get himself into trouble," Keiko stated, leaning over the rail as the boat left. Kagome looked puzzled at this.

"Who's Yusuke?" she asked. Keiko wondered how she could start the story.

"Yusuke is a lucky little half (AN: not sure if he's half though, I think it's less) demon that got a second chance at life and is currently paying off that debt by hunting the wanted for Koenma," Shizuru replied. "That's the short way to put it." Kagome smiled to herself. It sounded like she wasn't the only one with love problems.

"He is lucky to have you," she said out loud. "But who…"

"I answered one of your questions, now you get to answer mine," Kagome sighed, "It's only fair," Kagome nodded. "Why are you at ease with demons?" Shizuru asked. Keiko was shocked, and then she realized that it wasn't normal to see demons and this might have been Kagome's first time amongst demons. Kagome paused for a while, and then motioned for them to follow her. She led them to her-and Keiko's- room. She twirled around

"I don't want anyone to overhear us, nor for you to tell anyone. Those are the conditions of me telling you this information," Kagome demanded. Keiko nodded solemnly and Shizuru nodded.

"I live on a shrine, there's a well there that was sealed until my fifteenth birthday. Then, I was pulled down the well by a centipede demon and then I experienced my miko powers for the first time. I met Inuyasha there -a hanyou- in the end I met quite a few demons and became friends with a few. I'm not comfortable around demons, but I'm willing to give them a chance to show their true colors. There's a short version for a short version." There was silence for a while, "I f you have any questions I'll be at the bow," Kagome whispered, then left. All of her memories were resurfacing, the hurtful ones. But then one flashed into her mind. From when she and the gang were writing songs about their feelings. Unknown to her, after she reached the bow she began to sing one out loud.

"I want to change the world

kaze wo kakenukete; nanimo osorezu ni

ima yuuki to   egao no KAKERA daite

Change my mind

jounetsu tayasazu ni   takanaru mirai e

te wo nobaseba   kagayakeru hazu sa

It's wonderland



hai-iro no sora no kanata &nbsp; nanika oite kita

kimi wa &nbsp; mayoi nagara


kimi no kokoro furuete'ta &nbsp; asu no mienai yo

nanimo shinjirarezu mimi wo fusagu

kimi ni deaeta toki &nbsp; hontou no ibasho mitsuketa

nanigenai yasashisa ga &nbsp; koko ni atte

bokura mezameru

I want to change the world

nido to mayowanai &nbsp; kimi to iru mirai

katachi doreba &nbsp; doko made mo toberu sa

Change my mind

jounetsu tayasazu ni &nbsp; shiranai ashita e

tsubasa hiroge &nbsp; hanabatakeru hazu sa

It's wonderland


bokura wa onaji sekai wo &nbsp; oyogi-tsudzukete'ru

tagai no negai e &nbsp; todoku hi made

minna onaji fuan kakaete &nbsp; sasaeaeru yo

tachidomaru shunkan ni &nbsp; mitsumete'ru

kono basho ni iru

I want to change the world

kono te hanasazu ni &nbsp; mimamoru hitomi wo

uketometara &nbsp; nandatte dekiru hazu

Change my mind

hitori ni sasenai &nbsp; minna koko ni iru

donna koto mo &nbsp; tsukinukete ikou

It's wonderland


I want to change the world

kaze wo kakenukete &nbsp; nanimo osorezu ni

ima yuuki to &nbsp; egao no KAKERA daite

Change my mind

jounetsu tayasazu ni &nbsp; takanaru mirai e

te wo nobaseba &nbsp; kagayakeru hazu sa

It's wonderland."

"That's one of my favorite songs," Keiko stated. Kagome almost jumped, she didn't see Keiko come and stand beside her.

"Inuyasha wrote that one," she replied to the hidden question.

"Did you write one too?" Keiko asked. Kagome nodded, and began to sing her song.

"Sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume

setsunakute mo ima nara sagaseru darou

mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete

setsunakute mo tashika na ima o kanjiyou

mikake yori mo tanjun de dakedo tsutaekirenakute

iitai KOTO wa itsumo POKETTO ni shimatteru NE

kodomojimita KOTO nante ima sara ienai

toki ga kaiketsu suru to ka yuu kedo wakariaezuni

24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo," Kagome was startled when Keiko began to sing with her, but continued on.

"mitsumeteru yo arifureta kotoba demo

toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau

omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou

ugokidasanakya hajimannai nayamidasu to tomerannai

hitoyo kagiri no yume ni amaete itaku wa nai shi

otome CHIKKU na negai mo sono mama okizari

ai ga subete SA bokura no jidai wa koko kara


sora o tsukinuketeku tori mitai ni NE

oozora mau IMEEJI ga ugokidasu

arukou michi wa tooku tsuzuku keredo

itsu no ma ni ka kagayakidasu DAIYAMONDO

24 (nijuuyo) jikan kimi o shinjiteru yo

mitsumeteru yo arifureta kotoba demo

toki wa itsumo isogi ashi de warau

omoide yori motometai ima o mitsukeyou

sagasou yume no KAKERA hiroiatsume

setsunakute mo ima nara sagaseru darou

mekurumeku mainichi no katachi kaete

setsunakute mo tashika na ima o kanjiyou."

"Those songs are well-known," Keiko stated. Kagome remained silent for a while; then replied.

"I guess it's true what a writer's personality is shown through their work."

"I think that we should stick with each other, we have a lot in common," Keiko stated. Kagome was startled by this offer, and thought it over seriously.

"I don't know," she said hesitantly, but then brightened up. "For now, why not?" It was peaceful, but it was probably the calm before the storm.



(songs are on animelyrics by the way, I won't translate those!)

Hanyou: half-demon

Ningen: human

Nihility: a demon with no aura and no smell

Reikai tantei: spirit detectives

All right, so here's the reposting of chapter two. Now then, like I said in the other posting, would you prefer a short but quickly updated chapter or a longer chapter that will take me longer to type? I still haven't gotten any reviews for the fanfiction.net site, how disappointing! If there aren' any reviews about the length of the chapter then it will be short. (By the way Kagome will see the Urameshi team if the chapter is longer!) Until the next chapter then, Ja!