Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ The Western Lands ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tbiris: *sigh*Still haven't found it?I wish I've just backed it all up and I now have to fix it all *glares at ff.net*How much longer?11 chapters.T_TWhat happens then?*whispers to Keiko*You didn't!What? What the hell has she planned now!That's for me to know, and you to find out.

Chapter 13- The Western Lands

Three days had flown by during their travel westward until they'd reached a castle.of the Lord of the Western Lands," Kurama said, skeptically. "It was renowned for it's security." Yusuke laughed.was before Youko broke in wasn't it?" Kurama nodded. A hanyou on a fire-cat came down from the sky.trespassing," he said as he landed. His gaze went to Kurama,

"And you are most certainly not allowed near the castle Youko." Kagome didn't pay much attention to the hanyou's statement; her attention was fixed on the fire-cat and hanyou's appearances. Inuyasha," she breathed. The hanyou was shocked, and his attention turned to her. (So I hope you all know what the guy looks like now).would a ningen know my great-uncle's name? To you though, he is 'Lord Inuyasha'!" the hanyou stated. If possible, Kagome was even more surprised, and excited.

"Is Kikyo still alive then?" she asked eagerly. The hanyou dismounted, and looked Kagome dead in the eye. Kagome broke the gaze and looked to the fire-cat, whom looked quite uncomfortable.won't attack, I promise," she told Kirara's descendant. The fire-cat looked relived and changed into her smaller form.

Sesshomaru's descendant didn't appreciate being ignored and having Kagome order the fire-cat around; his way of dealing with it was holding his katana to her throat.told you, you are trespassing," he warned. Kagome's eyes had an annoyed glint to them.do they tell you now? You're just like your grandfather you know, tried to kill me multiple times. Your great-uncle did the same! I saved his life and he tried to kill me for the Shikon no Tama! Miroku -the big pervert- asked me to bare his child when I barely knew him! I can't forget Sango and Shippo either now can I? Sango nearly killed your great-uncle, and Shippo tried to knock me out for my shard once. Does that sound familiar to you?" The hanyou seemed to be in shock, the fire-cat mewed and pawed his leg; he looked hard at Kagome before removing his katana.stay here. Especially the Youko," he stated.looking for the shards, nothing more. There is nothing that interests me in your castle currently," Kurama stated, ever the diplomat. The hanyou sighed and nodded, giving in.

"I am called Soukai, for my continued life considering grandfather's view of hanyous. Inuyasha died by Goshinki's hand and Kikyo barely escaped with her life. Kagemaru killed my grandfather, Shippo and Kirara. This happened around twenty years ago. Lady Kikyo wished to be notified of your arrival, she said that there would be something she had to discuss with you. Come." Soukai beckoned to the fire-cat, whom changed into her larger form once again and Soukai remounted.

There was silence as they entered the castle. The walls were decorated with detailed tapestries of the Inu-tachi. (Inu gang) There were several -most likely- rare artifacts that caught Kurama and Hiei's eyes, but they stayed true to their word. They didn't take any items with them that hadn't belonged to them before they entered the castle.

Soukai led them through the many halls, until they reached a particular hallway. There were no tapestries here, but there were signs that there had once been some hanging. Soukai led them to the only door in the hall, and knocked.here Lady Kikyo." There was a bit of shuffling behind the door. A suitable older Kikyo appeared in the doorway. Her hair was unkempt, eyes red, showing recent crying, a shell of her former self. Yusuke and Kuwabara started swearing surprised at the difference, between her picture and her current appearance.she whispered and pulled her into a hug.been so long cone in, your future self told me to tell you this. The Shikon no Kakera are truly spread around Makai. You have to find more allies to help you collect them, and not every demon is an enemy. He current Lord and Lady and their relatives are collecting them as well. These are what we have so far." Kikyo held out five shards. Watching Kikyo, Kagome picked them up, purifying them on contact and put them with the other shards.

Kikyo looked behind Kagome to the reikai tantei.a good group," she stated. Kagome nodded. Kikyo went to each person, looking both at them and beyond them.would think that Sango would choose to shadow a delinquent," she stated.Yusuke introduced himself.Hiei."known by Kurama in Makai."the great Kuwabara!" Kikyo laughed at Kuwabara.and Shippo my you must have a handful controlling yourself." Hiei gave his typical reply.course, I can't forget Miroku-san."Youko and Inuyasha" Kikyo's eyes started to fill with tears.

"Inuyasha" Kikyo turned back to Kagome. ga-gave a message to me to passto you." Kikyo broke into sobs.he wanted me to to te-tell you that, sniff, he didn't re-return your love be-because he was afraid for you. He wa-wants you t-to choose some-someone you can be-be ha-ppy with." Kikyo broke into wails, Kagome was shocked, all this time; she had thought that her feelings had been one-sided.

"Hey Kikyo. You can't just keep mourning his death, it's been what? Twenty years, come on!" Yusuke's poor attempt to stop Kikyo's wails was greeted by Hiei's fist.ningen." Kurama sighed and elaborated Hiei's point.demonic marriage binds souls and blood Yusuke. When one of the two dies, the other is usually driven mad or commits suicide. She must be strong-willed to be alive and same, the least she can do is mourn."

When Kikyo had calmed down a bit she added to her previous statement.so full of life, I'm nothing but clay with a soul. Enjoy your life. Do you remember my song?" Kikyo asked.Anbarasu na Kiss o Shite (YYH fans will know this as Doing Unbalanced Kisses, the third ending song)" Kagome replied. Kikyo smiled, this one was full of memories.lyrics weren't random.
kagami no naka
Naite iru Naite iru tsuki no nazoru

I thought of Inuyasha's weakness, and of my reflection that wasn't me, it was you Kagome
wo yonde iru no kieta koi no senaka demo Nando demo no mado wo tataku kara

You kept trying to tell Inuyasha that you loved him, it never worked.
no kasokudo ni senaka osarete ga kireru you ni kimi wo kimi wo tsuyoku daite 'ta

I pushed you out of the way, to feel Inuyasha's embrace
na Kiss wo kawashite ni chikazuke yo no namida mo kanashii uso mo no kokoro ni nemure

Yet he never truly loved me, our kisses weren't balanced, he lied each time he said he loved me.
e no Merry-go-round kimi wo hakonde yuku Tometakute wa kagi wo sagashite 'ru

I tried to push you even further away, but our past always got in the way
na sora wo sasaete tachitsukusu kimi no kimi no soba ni itai yo

I felt like the weight of world was on me. I'd failed as a guardian; I wanted to be by Inuyasha's side
Kiss de kakaretano shinario to yobu hodo tsuyoku nakute mo no subete ga itai
kimi no kimi no soba ni itai

I never stopped dreaming of him actually falling in love with me.
na Kiss wo kawashite ni chikazuke yo
Kimi no namida mo kanashii uso mo no kokoro ni nemure

Don't you ever become what I was Kagome. "someone to love Kagome, someone that will return all your feelings. That's all I have to say." Kagome bowed, tears had been streaming down her face. She left, and the others followed.

Soukai awaited them at the end of the hallway.was an honor to meet you Kagome-sama. My father wished me to say that the west supports you. We'll continue to collect what shards we can." Kagome nodded glumly.care of Kikyo please. She's been through so much." Soukai nodded, and lead them out of the castle.
"Good luck, and farewell." Kagome waved back in the distance.

Soukai went back inside, there was much to do. Taking care of Kikyo and increasing defenses was the top two. From the stories his grandfather and great-uncle had told him, the Shikon no Tama wrought destruction wherever it was. The present, the past, even to most heavily guarded fortress of the taijiya had fallen to the demons the jewel had called to it. They couldn't be ill prepared.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$there's that chapter. Thank you to all my reviewers, whom have been so supportive of me ^_^. Same thing applies, guess what happens roughly in the next chapter, and I'll give you a cookie or a plushie depending how close you get. Also, to all fellow Canadians out there reading this, Happy Thanksgiving.

Next Chapter: Catching up with his Past