Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Stolen ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: Well, here's where everyone starts wishing to kill me.


Keiko: Why would they do that?


Tbiris: One, the cliffies start, two…


Yusuke: The chapters are as dark as hell.


Tbiris: Blame my Evanescence CD… I was listening to it as I was writing, until I memorized all the songs…


Karasu: Dark suits you.


Tbiris: Does not, for writing, but otherwise no. Only for writing poems and such, not fan fiction.


Keiko: Shadow Vixen90 is after your blood too isn't she?


Tbiris: That's because I gave her a hint as to the ending…. *sulks* There was a comment, so I'm starting up the translations again, but I'll stop if people ask and if you want me to continue say so. So, I'm gonna start this now, and please…no one…murder me after reading this chapter….


Chapter 20- Stolen


Yusuke was limping, due to Kagome's and Keiko's anger combined into punishing him for organizing a date for Hojo and Kagome without Kagome's permission. As was expected, no one lifted a finger to help him, of course there was that odd air around Hiei and Kurama as they watched him as the girls went through his punishment, almost as if they were proud.


Back to the present, Kagome's eyes were slightly glazed as usual when she was searching or following Shikon no Kakera. There was a slight breeze that picked up every now and then. Everyone remained silent while they followed Kagome, until Hiei stopped.

`Someone's following.' Kurama's eyes narrowed slightly, Yusuke looked slightly more wary of his surroundings and Kuwabara prepared for battle. While the air around the gang had changed to be more alert and prepared, they continued to follow Kagome; until she stopped, confused.

"It's gone," she whispered. There was rustling in the bushes to the left. Only the humans fell for the trick, as the attack came from the right. They were shinobi* wearing the traditional clothing (not the stuff that the Masho team was wearing before they unveiled themselves) but in different colours.


Their clothes added to the confusion. The colours corresponded with the wearer's abilities. There were two red shinobi, five blue shinobi, one light blue shinobi and two brown shinobi. Not many, but each one was skilled in their element, their skill corresponded to the colour of their belts: black was an ultimate master, white was in training. There were several shades of gray in between the two and these particular shinobi seemed to all be exactly in between gray and black.


The two fire-related shinobi went for Kurama, three blue shinobi were attacking Hiei. The light blue shinobi went for Kagome, a brown shinobi threw attack after attack at Kuwabara, Yusuke had to deal with the rest.


Hiei had to resort to using his katana, since all of his fire attacks would be doused. The water-related shinobi were killed and worked as a team. Even with his speed Hiei couldn't keep track of all the damned shinobi. Soon he was drenched in blood, but he could sense that something was off with this entire attack.


Kurama was having a worse time than Hiei. Once again stripped of his ability usage, Kurama had to resort to the martial arts. The fire-related shinobi weren't letting him get too close though. As with Hiei, he noticed that the intentions of the attack were off, but unlike Hiei, he found the answer. He opened his mouth to shout, before one of the shinobi knocked him out.


Yusuke was doing as bad as Hiei. He kept suppressing his demon blood, but each time he did so a shinobi got in an attack. The earth-related shinobi kept creating enough clay pots to be annoying and keep Yusuke busy. But why aren't they trying to kill us? He thought. Before he could continue that thought, the shinobi attacked him again.


Kuwabara kept cutting through the earth spikes, but they kept forcing him back. He saw the trouble Yusuke and Hiei were having as well as Kurama's sudden disappearance.

They're trying to distract us, don't fall for it, but what are they trying to do? His eyes widened as it sprang to him, he turned to Kagome. Before a word could get out of his mouth, something hit his back hard and he too fell into darkness.


The wind demon kept avoiding Kagome's arrows and stayed out of reach of her sword. She was slowly running out of arrows. The shinobi watched her carefully, as if her was waiting. Finally, there were no arrows left in her quiver. When he saw her reach back for nothing, he swooped sown and pressed a nerve point. Kagome fell forward into his arms.


"Ja Oh Ensetsu Kokuruha!*" The wind shinobi barely avoided the dragon, but his mask had burnt off. Hiei had been knocked unconscious by one of the water-related shinobi right after summoning the dragon. Yusuke was the only one left, the wind shinobi whistled and the shinobi backed off of their prey. Yusuke turned, and his mouth opened in surprise.

"Jin!" (AN: I was seriously thinking about ending it here, but I went for quantity, happy?)

"Hey `ere Urameshi, s'ry `an't cha'."(Hey there Urameshi, sorry can't chat) Then Yusuke like the rest of the team fell into darkness.




Kurama and Hiei were the first to regain consciousness. As an instinct, they immediately took in their surroundings. It was almost pitch black; they were hanging by their wrists in the middle of a room. The wall appeared to be made of stone. Facing them was Kagome and Kuwabara. To their left was Yusuke, to the right; unchained and sitting down was Jin, whom was watching them as well as some other people that chose to remain in the shadows.


"Good morning my dear miko*," he greeted as Kagome's eyes snapped open.

"Naraku," she hissed. Naraku let out a cold laugh that resounded through the room. Goshinki, Kanna and Juromaru stood behind their master. Some chose to stay in the shadows, there was more than one.


"Damn Jin, I thought you were a friend!" It seemed like Yusuke had finally woken up as well. Jin looked at him; his face was oddly cold and impassive.

" `ere are no friends `mong the shinobi, (there are no friends among the shinobi)" he replied. Naraku's eyes glowed.

"I have not yet met all your companions, perhaps this will be a good time to take a good look at them." He walked to Kurama, and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at Naraku. He was met with deadly gold eyes.

"You're Inu Yasha." Kurama growled. "Don't be so sad about who chose you, I'm sure the miko will look at you as yourself sometime instead of the love she lost." He let go, and moved to Hiei.


He laughed to himself as he looked at the Koorime.

"How would you react if I removed his barrier Kagome? I wonder." Naraku placed two fingers on Hiei's forehead. As he did so, a blue aura surrounded Kagome, before it turned into the purple miasma. She screamed as the miasma surrounded her.

"Your chains will prevent you from using your miko powers, and allow my miasma to seep in, too much and you will die." Hiei and Kurama died.

"Don't even think about it," Hiei hissed. A green glow emitted from his bandana. Naraku's fingers glowed purple in response; it was a battle of minds. Finally Naraku removed his fingers from Hiei's forehead.

"You have a strong mind, he's yours to break Goshinki." He whispered as he moved to Yusuke.


"The slayer, how appropriate. You must be very frustrated, to be so close but unable to harm me. Some demon blood resides in you, fights to get loose, let it go. I'll even help. Kanna." Yusuke stiffened as Kanna came over. Miasma forced Yusuke to stare at the mirror, as parts of his soul were sucked in, his hair began to lengthen and markings appeared. His eyes seemed to glow red with blood lust as he fought against the chains. Kagome shook in fear, it reminded her too much about Inu Yasha.


"It would seem that the monk chose the worst one out of the lot. I may as well add to his power, it would give me more of a challenge." Naraku's hand hovered over Kuwabara's right hand.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Kagome shrieked. Naraku turned his head towards her.

"Then you shall give me what I want, what I want miko, is you. You and the shards."

Kagome looked around the room desperately, her gaze rested longest on Jin.

"Don't Kagome, you're worth more than all of us," Kurama whispered. His words were in vain.

"Just… Just don't hurt them!" Tears dropped onto the stones. Naraku waved Goshinki, Juromaru and Kanna away, Yusuke's soul was returned to him, his eyes slowly returned to their normal state, however his hair and markings remained.


"The shards," Naraku ordered. Jin handed him the half of the jewel that had been so tediously gathered.

"Are they real miko?" Naraku demanded. Kagome remained silent for a while, looking at the shards.

"Yes," she whispered. Naraku nodded his consent before dropping a bag into Jin's hand.

"Stay and watch them." Naraku's lust filled eyes met Kagome's saddened ones.

"I'll give you the night to recover my miko, then I'll set your friends free after they have the joy of seeing your pain." His cruel laughter haunted their thoughts until midnight.




Beta Note-

Hello, faithful readers of this wonderful fiction that I am beta-ing(Where the

heck did that come from?)! I would like to go ahead and brag about this writer

where all of you can see it! Tbiris is really good and should keep it up. Don't

you agree? Anyway, I started reading this because I was hoping that I would get

some Hiei romance and so far and he/she(It doesn't say gender on bio and we

haven't exactly asked each other so uh...heh heh....sorry Tbiris) is meeting my

standards. I would just like to say that you guys should also check out some

Hiei/Botan fictions. This pairing may seem strange at first but read a couple of

well-written and in-character ones and I am very sure that you will like them as

much as I do! One that I might recommend is Queer Eye for Hiei and another is

Tethered: or A Demon's Kiss is Dangerous. They are all so good! SQUEEE!! Okay, I

am gonna stop wasting page space and say what I came here( can you come here on

typing? erm...) to say. Besides bragging, I would like to say that this author

deserves an award for he/she's hard work and that when you give Tbiris reviews,

please be constructive. I dunno about you guys, but I find that a nice

constructive review is MUCH better than, "Great story! Update soon!" Grr...I

like any kind of review. I just find constructive ones better! No, Tbiris, I am

not out for your blood. I would have been if you had done what I thought you

were gonna do...Grrr...(Snarles)...but you didn't! So rest assured! You can

sleep without worry of assassins(For a while). I hope Tibiris keeps this

extremely long and stupid note from he/she's incredibly hyper beta!



Pen Vs. Sword-ShadowVixen90


I'm honored. But, for a show of hands, who IS out for my blood now?


Miko: priestess

Ja Oh Ensetsu Kokuruha:dragon of the Darkness Flames (as they say in dub)

Shinobi: ninja


Hellblazer: Leave me alone!!!!


Sesshomaruobsessed: Really?


Dark Inu Fan: No, I think of the shadowing taking enough of the soul that the soul cannot be reincarnated, so Kuwabara has Miroku looking over him and giving him some of his powers, that's all I'm afraid.


Izzy/bara: just for you. Happy? I forget what I say in my reviews sometimes too ^_^ so I'd be `what?' when they reply to my review.


Mysterylady_tx: huh?


Inuyuyu_15: I don't get hyper. Just ask Hellblazer, she knows. Give me as much chocolate as you want and I'll retain all of my sanity. Unless you put me in the same room as one of my friends (if she's hyper) and leave us there for hours, then I'll be hyper.


Katie-patatie: you go to My Settings when you log in and my Fanfics and take it from there…


Crying Crystal Teardrops: Bingo! Got it ^_^ *hands you Jin plushie*(there'll be a better prize for a different question in a few chapters) I can just blackmail him with this story, works every time ^_^ but thanks for the ideas!


Birdy06: What do you define as `get together'? As in date… not before chapter 26.


Reiko5: they're overprotective? I never noticed. I thought that was fanon.


Next chapter: Tricksters