Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Two Down: One Recovering, One Dead ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Yusuke: What brought on this sudden urge?

tbiris: IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!

Yusuke: There's already at least 25cm on the ground.

Tbiris: So?

Yusuke: You're insane....

tbiris:I thought you were semi-intelligent Yusuke.... you only just realized that?

Karasu: She has a point.

tbiris: Anyway, as I promised, review replies are at the bottom 'cause it's more convient and allows more people to review.


Chapter 22- Two Down: One Recovering, One Dead


Yusuke caught up with Kagome quickly. "What the hell were you thinking?" he yelled. "I oughtta bring you back to them if I didn't have a feeling you're trying to save Jin!"

"Kanna follows Kagura. I can beat Kanna despite her soul-sucking ability," Kagome replied.

"How're you gonna fight in that?" Kagome's face turned red.

"I'll manage." Yusuke ranted under his breath. During that time, the shinobi caught up with them. An air-related shinobi picked her up and took to the air. Within minutes they were by the battlefield. Without a work, Kagome shot Kanna. The mirror absorbed the attack. Eight shinobi were on the ground, motionless.

"Kagome," Kanna whispered. Kagome just shot again. Yusuke looked at Kagome, then at Kagura before shooting a Rei Gun.

"Your souls are mine," Kanna whispered as she held the mirror up. The souls of the shinobi and Yusuke were sucked out. Before his soul was completely drained, Yusuke fired a massive Rei gun. Kanna tried to block it, but it was too simaliar to a soul attack. The mirror began to overflow. Kagome's arrow flew through the attack and hit Kanna. The demon of nihility faded away, and the mirror broke. Multiple souls flew out of the mirror and returned to their bodies.

Kagura prepared to take her leave, and pulled out her feather. An arrow whooshed past her head. Kagura opened her fan and sent her Fuujin no Mai (Dance of the Wind Blades) towards Kagome. Unable to move quickly enough, Kagome took the full force of four blades in the chest and was thrown back into a tree. She slid down, leaving a trail of blood on the tree.

"You shant kill me, miko," Kagura spat as she left the battlefield. All of the shinobi and Yusuke were now fully conscious.





Hiei and Kurama's heads shot up at Yusuke's shout. The barrier began to falter, getting stronger then fading altogether then reappearing.

"No," Hiei whispered. His eyes were haunted as Kurama's were filled with loss. The barrier, though still fading, wouldn't let them past.

Hiei's fingers were digging into his palms, blood flowing from the self-inflicted wounds. Kurama was beginning to let loose his powers. His hair standing up, and all the plants responded to his desperation, his hope to save the life of the one he loved.




Plants were twining around Kagome's body, one hissed at Yusuke when he drew near. He took in the amount of damage Kagome had endured. A few broken ribs. Her chest was bleeding heavily. There were cuts on her arms and legs as well. In all, she looked like a mess. His eyes were drawn to the necklace around her neck.


$-Yusuke's POV-$


What the hell?! I swear that necklace just changed! The rose seems brighter now. It was as bright as the dragon before! What the frickin hell?! Why the hell did she keep the damn necklace in the first place!?


$-End POV-$


(My apologies if Yusuke was OOC there, I can't write him well…)


"We need to get her back!" Yusuke stated. "Before Kurama and Hiei really freak out." He began to ponder that thought. Since when did those two care for a normal ningen? Kurama and Hiei could be cold-blooded killers if the need arised, he had never pictured either of them openly caring for someone. Much less for Kurama to fall in love.

"I thin' tha' Kurama's already freakin' ou', mate," Jin replied, pointing to the plants that were attempting to close Kagome's wounds. Yusuke nodded distractedly.

"Tell Kurama to calm down. Otherwise, we can't help her," Yusuke addressed the plants. They paused for a while, before drawing back. Some remained twined around Kagome, slowing the bleeding.

Yusuke picked her up carefully, before heading back to the shinobi hideout.




Kagome opened her eyes slowly, the light almost blinded her. She tried to move her arms to shade her eyes, but couldn't. She turned her head to see vines holding her down.

"Dèja vu," she muttered. There was a chuckle to her left.

"If you pull anything like that again, we're giving you a leash." The voice was identified as Kurama's. Kagome groaned in exasperation.

"It was foolish," Hiei added. There was a snort that belonged to Yusuke.

"Care to explain why you kissed him, Kagome?" Yusuke demanded. Kagome stayed silent and tried to get more comfortable, which was next to impossible.

Kagome muttered a reply to Yusuke, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Sorry, can't hear you!" Yusuke chirped.

"Don't make her answer it if she doesn't want to Urameshi!" Kuwabara's voice was added to the conversation.

"It was the only thing that would distract him long enough for me to make him drop that barrier and create the it again," Kagome replied louder. "Now can I get up?" She could feel Kurama's smirk.

"With your wounds? Count your blessings that I have to let you up to eat. It'll be a while before we leave here." There was the sound of soft footsteps from where Kagome assumed was the doorway.

"Oi! She awake?" Jin asked. Kurama chuckled and Kagome huffed in indignation"There's quite a few of my comrades that are willing to die for you now lass." Kagome blinked, before cursing about life debts and smashing her head on the floor. She stopped when she felt her head meet flesh instead of wood. She opened her eyes to see Kurama's green eyes.

"You wouldn't want to do that," Kurama stated, pulling his hand out from underneath her head. Kagome blushed slightly but held his gaze. She felt more people staring at them, and her blush darkened.

"We'll be leaving you two." Without further adieu three of the occupants left the room, leaving Kurama and Kagome staring at each other.

"You're going to answer some of my questions," Kurama informed her. As Kagome opened her mouth to protest, Kurama leant down and captured her lips for a second time.





Well, no point wasting my breath, might as well start now.


Jinenji: Well, wrong again I'm afraid……


Mysterylady_tx: Nope! Glad? I'm not that…… scratch that. I won't be that evil until the ending of the fic.


Celestral-demon: I'll try. It's kinda hard for me… as you can see… There are chapters with a ton of description like *scans notebook* 25… I think


Sesshoumaruobsessed: no… but close!


Shadow Fox777: That clear it up? Jin told Touya to run so that some of the Shikon no Tama would still be protected. We'll see him again. In time ^_^ guess what chapter and I'll give you something.


Birdy06: Probably not. Except for one chapter I ABSOLUTELY BUTCHERED!!!!!! There will be a chap dedicated to Kur/Kag. It sucks like hell. I can't write romance. The sequel will have more… hopefully. Do I always leave a cliffie? Did that count? If it did… this'll continue until chapter… thirtyish…


Crying Crystal Tear Drops: Nope, close though…actually, not many people wanted my blood, I was surprised. Hellblazer was after me when I first told some of the plot lines. She made me modify some of them and shot some down completel. Like getting Kurama's family involved. She's very… ermm, protective of him. At least from stuff in my fic.


InukuramaRmine: Well, fluff is astoundingly hard for me to write. So I hope what I can manage suffices. I'm glad you like this that much ^_^.


Shesshou's Bynx/S.Wooz: I was wondering what happened to you… I'm sorry, I tried, and failed. I can't wroite Hiei/Kag. I read a lot of it. But I can't write it worth nadda. Hm… name the speakers, I have a hard time thinking of the way they say it sometimes though, that's why it's like that.


Dark Inu Fan: this was written before I knew Kuwabara could cut open barriers. So my excuse (to make up for that now) is that as said. The barrier is self healing. So no matter how often it was cut, if the arrow remained in the ground, the barrier would remain.


Sukera: In what way?


Person that didn't leave a name: nope. Don't talk to me about grammar. I have the computer AND someone else check grammar. If you want, I'll send a copy of it to you to check as well. As for my spelling… if your review had better spelling I'd be more inclined to accept that, as it is. I'm Canadian, some things ARE spelt differently here. I'm also in French Immersion, so I mix the two up often. Such as: réponse and response. How'd I lose you? I do have a hard time explaining some things, but get to it later on.


Beta Note- Hiya, all! This is Pen Against Sword, here! I happen to be tbiris' beta. So, am I doing a good job? Am I? I just wanted to shower tibiris with some holiday compliments. I'd like to say that tbiris is a wonderful writer and should keep it up. Also, she is one of the few who know the rule about quotes and commas/periods. I know, you have no clue what I am talking about, but I think tbiris might get it. I am hoping that this will be a Hiei/Kagome. How 'bout all of you guys? Kurama's cool and all but Hiei is all dark and cuddly and...must...stop...rambling...Okay! I'm better now! The happy was gone, but now the happy is BACK! BTW, this time, I did the Irish accent. Please let me know how I did.