Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Standing In The Shadows ❯ Chapter 10
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Standing In The Shadows 10
Disclaimer: Once again as much as I may wish otherwise, I do not own any part of Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. They are owned by their respective authors. I only claim ownership of this twisted plot and the muses that created it.
Chapter Ten
`I trust that if I take my sister home there won't be anyone trying to put the moves on Kagome in my absence. I would consider it a personal affront if it were to occur.' Hiei deliberately opened a mind link with Kurama and Yusuke, wanting to impress upon them just how seriously he would take any attempt to garner her attention away from him before he had approached and had his answer. `I may be tired, however that does not mean I will become careless in this matter.'
“Just give it a rest Hiei.” Yusuke leveled a look of exasperation and annoyance at the most volatile member of his team, just because he was attracted to the girl and thought she had a nice ass didn't mean that he was ready to jump into bed with her. Complicating the matter further was the fact that he had Keiko already even if he was unsure where the relationship was going and why she had acted towards Inuyasha the way she had. Hiei hadn't even gotten around to approaching Kagome yet. `This is so messed up; I don't know why he thinks he has any particular claim to her. Hell he barely even speaks to her so far. She'll die a virgin at the rate he's going.' The last thought stopped his mind in its tracks for a moment. `Maybe that's his problem. I didn't think so but is it possible that he's really a virgin too? Come to think of it, I've never seen him with anybody.' The possibilities set his mind whirling with images he was sure could get him killed if the other demon in question happened to be looking close enough. Quickly he clamped down on the thoughts, all of these things amounted to problems he didn't even begin to want to think about. “How did I manage to get involved in this mind weld thing anyway? It isn't like I got one of the artifacts.”
“I believe I can answer that question. I didn't spend all those years in Amaterasu's company without learning a few secrets about how these things work after all.” Kuronue snickered at the looks of disbelief and doubt that were now being directed his way in response to the bold statement. “If I'm feeling generous that is. Or maybe not, I don't feel like I've gotten a very warm welcome from the lot of you.” His gaze shifted downwards to where he had reclaimed Shizuru's arm then over her body, lingering on the loosely sweater covered breasts that poked out so invitingly to him before his eyes finally made their way to her annoyed face. Grinning he offered what he considered a reasonable proposition. “Of course I could possibly be persuaded that I'm wrong on that count.” At the look on her face he amended his statement. “When we are alone of course, I would understand that you might not appreciate an audience.” Easily he dodged the fist that he had known was going to be thrown at him while refusing to release the arm. “Oh well, another time.”
“Now you're being a bigger jackass then what Itsuki is. I didn't think that was possible but you sure proved me wrong! I'm not going to tell you again asshole, leave my sister the hell out of this!” Kuwabara was stunned and more than a little angry that this newcomer had the nerve to be so forward with any of the girls, much less his own sister. “I'm gonna stomp your ass so far into the ground they wont be able to use you as worm bait.” His fists balled and he leaned down preparing to rush the taller demon while the others present backed up a few steps to watch, waiting to see what Kuronue would do next.
“Tsk, tsk. Yep, now I'm positive of it. My welcome here isn't very warm at all, instead it seems to be becoming rather heated. I think I've had enough of putting up with the name calling from a puny human who thinks he's big enough to threaten me.” Kuronue gave a disgusted glare to Kuwabara; the man was wasting his valuable air by breathing if he was honestly so foolish to think that he could bring him down. “Since you can't seem to learn proper manners I think we shall take our leave of you rather then to waste my time and effort by killing you.” With a glance down at Shizuru he tightened his grip on her arm so she couldn't pull away and they suddenly disappeared from sight leaving everyone staring at the spot where they had been standing only moments before
“It's beautiful isn't it.” Kuronue grinned in triumph at the look of amazement in the girl's eyes as they floated through the softly glowing corridor with its myriads of swirling muted colors. “You should feel privileged, you're the first human that I am aware of to ever experience traveling in this fashion. Be careful not to touch the walls, you don't want this to collapse and give us a sudden hard landing.” His warning was immediately heeded as Shizuru moved closer up against him. At the unspoken questions he could see in her eyes Kuronue proudly expounded on his subject “There are several other forms of demons that have attempted to master this technique but they've all failed, mostly I believe because they haven't figured out how to confine exotic matter into narrow regions much less hold it there while one travels through it. In truth I doubt most demons even realize that exotic matter exists at all.”
“Where are my brother and the others?” Shizuru found her voice and while the demon beside her had answered many of the questions she had been thinking it had given her even more. “Is it possible we could all travel like this? Are there any limits to distance? Could the tunnel somehow be stolen while we were in it? Could we be attacked or killed while we were in here or came out of it? How much time has passed?” Doubt showed in her eyes, she wasn't sure that he would answer all of her questions but she knew this information could be vital to the team. If it took sweet-talking this demon and making up to him then perhaps she would be willing to make the effort. `Damn, why couldn't he have chosen one of the others?'
“They're still at the shrine about to make their way down the shrine steps.” Kuronue decided to answer at least part of her questions, well aware that for the moment he had the upper hand with the information she wanted. As far as could everyone travel like this, anyone I choose to help I could bring with me.” His violet eyes narrowed in anger as he recalled his last encounter with her brother. “However I see no reason to be helpful to anyone who is going to stand there and try to belittle me. As far as how much time has passed, you can see for yourself.” With those words they suddenly exited the tunnel reappearing to the others moments later at the bottom of the stairs. Grinning triumphantly up at the shocked looks on the faces above them he then turned his attention to the obviously startled girl standing beside him. “Shall we go?”
`What a showoff. If he hadn't gotten everyone's attention before he certainly has it now.' The amusement was evident in Youko's thoughts as he observed his old partner through Kurama's eyes. His ears were twitching with excitement and his fingers flexed at the memory of the one and only time that Kuronue had taken him traveling like that, the movements unconsciously duplicating themselves through Kurama's fingers. It had been one of their more memorable moments together and one of his fondest memories. Now he felt the slightest twinge of jealousy at what he perceived as Shizuru's good fortune. `Interesting, he's gotten better at shadow slipping besides becoming more arrogant and a pervert besides. I didn't know it was possible to transport humans when he uses that particular ability, that talent could come in handy.'
Glancing back Yusuke motioned with his eyes letting Kurama know that they needed to talk and that it was important enough that he didn't want the girls overhearing the discussion. `It isn't that I don't trust them but for now it needs to stay within the team until we know more about it.' Yusuke started down the steps followed by the others as Kurama moved up to walk beside him, for the moment leaving Keiko to walk with Kagome and Yukina. “Are you going to tell me just how he did that?” A whisper of wind and a small black shape materialized beside them as well. Yusuke looked over inquiringly. “I thought you were taking Yukina home and then to bed? We told you that Kagome would be safe. Wasn't that good enough or was there something else?”
“Hn.” Tired eyes narrowed as Hiei stared after Kuwabara who had taken off at a run down the stairs towards his sister, ready to beat the shit out of the demon that was holding her. “We shall be leaving soon, I wish to hear the answer to your question first, it is my concern as well.” Hiei snorted, slight amusement evident in his voice as he watched the red headed man running towards the couple. “Something tells me he's going to be running a lot today. As if he truly thinks he can catch them.”
“I think you're right.” Kurama shook his head and brushed a few stray strands of his hair away from his eyes. “There's no way Kuwabara will be able to keep up with Kuronue as long as he's using his shadow. After the earlier insults I heard him yelling I would imagine that Kuronue will keep him running simply to be perverse and see how far he can wear him down.” At the curious looks he received he expounded slightly. “That's how he is moving himself and Shizuru from one place to another. The best that I have come up with is that it's a talent peculiar to bats. His family was able to do it also. Give them shadows and they can move any distance they choose. It's almost as if they are able to create wormholes through space and travel through them to whatever destination they choose. That's how Kuronue had explained it to Youko when he asked anyway.”
“So is this like the dimensional thing that Itsuki does or what Shishiwakamaru does with his Cape of No Return?” Another headache began to build pressure at the back of his head. `Why in the nine hells has Koenma allowed him to stay? Doesn't he realize the danger Kuronue represents? This is trouble we don't need, especially if somehow Youko somehow got control of the body and decided to rejoin his old partner.' Yusuke didn't like the sounds of a demon with such a talent running loose in the Ningenkai or about the idea that they could lose a valued friend and team member to the bat demon. The very idea made the muscles in his body tense into painful knots. “This could become a big problem Kurama, how can we be sure we won't have a fucking disaster on our hands from him being allowed to remain?”
“I can't give you the assurance that you're looking for Yusuke.” Kurama sighed wishing that he wasn't the one being looked to for answers but knowing there wasn't anyone else at the moment that had any better ideas then what he did. “Your guess is as good as mine, maybe you'd be better off asking Koenma but somehow I doubt it. Obviously all this news came as a surprise to him as well; you could tell his mother hadn't filled him in. So the best thing I can say at the moment is that it was Amaterasu's decision to leave him here with us and I assume she had her reasons. I for one am not ready to question the decisions of a Goddess at the moment, especially after everything that's just happened.” It wasn't the answer he knew Yusuke was looking for but he hoped it would be enough for the moment.
“Well, that doesn't mean I for one have to like it.” Hiei had heard enough for the moment to assuage his curiosity; he would be prepared to deal with it if the bat caused any him problems. “However, you do have a point. I'm taking Yukina and leaving now. If you need me call me.” He turned meaningful looks to his partner and his team leader. “Don't forget what I said about Kagome. My feelings in the matter will not be ignored.”
As they watched the fire apparition move over to his sister and exchange a few words with her, both of them obviously preparing to take their leave and return home the question of the wormholes and shadow slipping continued to plague Yusuke's mind. Turning he once again captured Kurama's attention. “So, explain more about this wormhole theory and if it could be of any use to us.”
“It could be of some use to us I suppose. It's like a portal but not.” Kurama scratched his head, his thoughts turned inward as he tried to figure out the best way to explain what he himself barely understood. “Try to imagine a tunnel in space that has two openings of your choosing. This tunnel is able to connect distant locations by bending space-time and allowing a being to travel through it faster then should be possible. Picture going to the mall and being able to travel through any buildings or obstacle instead of having to follow the roads and going around everything.” Kurama sighed. “I'm not the best one to ask, it would be far better to ask Kuronue. But, I'm not certain he would answer the question.”
“For the time being he can keep his damn secret.” Yusuke wasn't entirely happy with the explanation that Kurama had provided but he wasn't in the mood for a college level science lesson at the moment either. “Let's go see those shrines before then entire day is gone.”
“You know.” Kurama looked at Yusuke as they walked back to the girls, his green eyes growing thoughtful. “You've just gotten your confirmation that Kuronue is who he says he is. Even though many have tried, there's no one who has ever been able to duplicate that form of travel other then another bat demon.”
“Great. That's just what I wanted to hear.”
“Look at all the kites!” Botan had a huge grin splashed across her face as she pulled on Souta's arm directing his gaze off of her and onto the sky before them. It was true; the sky was filled with huge colorful kits that were splashed against the sky in the brisk cool breeze that was currently blowing. “It always seems like I'm so busy I never have the chance to enjoy them anymore.” At the curious look she received from Souta she expounded happily. “It always seems like Koenma has someone that he wants me to pick up, this year Ayami took over my job for me so I could come. Maybe I'll be able to return the favor to her someday.”
“What exactly is your job?” Ideas started running through Souta's mind as he realized exactly how little he knew about the girl he had fallen in love with. `I've got to prove to her that I'll be able to support her someday so she won't have to work if she doesn't want to.'
“I guess you could say she runs a taxi service for Koenma.” Keiko had overheard the question and knew that Botan might not have a good answer for it right away that wouldn't put the young man into shock and took it upon herself to provide the answer. “She's very good at it which is why Koenma tends to keep her so busy.”
“So, you're a dispatcher then? Directing the drivers where to pick up their fares?” The thought was encouraging to the young man and his enthusiasm showed on his face. “If you like that sort of work then perhaps someday we could start our own business, I'm sure you must be very good or you wouldn't be so busy.” The sound of choking could be heard and Souta turned to stare at Yusuke, unable to see what would be wrong with the suggestion.
“Maybe if you want to look at her job that way, it would be better to describe her as a chauffeur.” The darkened look that comment earned him from Botan was priceless, more then likely she'd find a way to get back at him later. “After all Botan, you do transport us where we end up going a lot of the time.”
`I'm going to end up smacking him over the head with an oar. Damn it, the first time someone shows an interest in the real me and he has to try to ruin it for me.' Gently squeezing Souta's hand she turned a smile up to him. “Just ignore him Souta, I think he's probably just jealous that he has to depend on me for transportation.”
“Then it's decided.” Souta gave a decisive nod of his head. “I wasn't sure what I was going to major in at college but now I think it will be business administration. I've been awarded a full scholarship to college next year; I just got the official notification last week. It covers my tuition, my books, and my housing.” His mind was jumping ahead at all the possibilities that a life together with the girl on his arm could hold. `I wonder how many children she will want. Mom will be so excited to have grandchildren and I know Kagome will make a great aunt to my kids as well.'
“Business Administration is a great career choice Souta.” Kurama looked at Kagome's brother wondering where this conversation was going to lead. He thought he knew and he wondered how Botan was going to explain the full scope of her job to the young man and how Souta would take the news. It wasn't like humans fell in love with the ferry girls of death every day. A gleam of amusement crossed his eyes at the possibilities that were suddenly being presented. “I myself am working towards a degree in accounting, perhaps we could work out a partnership of sorts.”
“Business administration would be useful for taking over and running the shrine Souta.” Kagome's heart lifted at the idea that her brother was looking at a career that could benefit the entire family if his attention could be persuaded in that direction. `Maybe Botan would help with that idea.' Then her heart sank as the memory of seeing the shrine in ruins returned to her mind. “At least once it gets rebuilt that is, I hope it won't take too long to do.”
“Did your family have any insurance on the shrine Kagome?” Keiko desperately hoped the answer would be yes, it had been so difficult when the ramen shop that her family owned had been vandalized and the damage hadn't been near as extensive as what the shrine had sustained.
“I really don't know.” Kagome chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “I've been away so much of the time I kind of lost track of what was going on at home. Mom always told me not to worry about it, that her and grandpa had everything under control.” Now nagging thoughts were pushing their way to the surface, her gut instinct telling her that something was terribly wrong and that she should have been paying more attention. “Whenever I came home all mom ever wanted to do was go shopping and spend together time. She never wanted to talk about the shrine business with me; she always said I had enough on my plate and to relax while I could. Then it was always time to go back into the past.”
Souta pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket and turned his face away looking guilty. `She doesn't know how hard it's been for us while she was gone. Mom never told her about the burglaries that had happened and how she had to use all of her retirement savings to keep the shrine going. She wouldn't let me tell her either.' He could feel his sister's eyes staring at him silently with questions in them but he refused to look at her, fearing he might inadvertently let the cat out of the bag but not wanting to lie to her either. `She'd know it if I did anyway. Damnit why did she have to ask that now of all times?' He felt Botan give his hand a squeeze of support at his obvious sudden unhappiness but it did nothing to assuage his feelings of incompetence in the matter. `It should never have happened like this. Just watch, now she'll try to somehow blame herself for it happening. Damnit all!'
“There isn't any insurance money, is there?” Kagome's words were soft and more of a statement then a question. Her shoulders slumped looking totally defeated as she fought hard to control the quivering in her tone that threatened to break free. `Losing the house would have been bad enough but that shrine has been in our family for generations. It was supposed to be my responsibility; I'm the shrine miko after all. Which means I've failed in that responsibility as well. I've let everyone down.' Angrily she clamped down on the emotions as a small sob broke free; there was no way that she was going to show any weaknesses in front of her friends. `This is all my fault; if Naraku hadn't been pulled through the well the shrine would still be standing. I guess maybe I should have just stayed in the past.' But that hadn't happened and now they had to deal with things as they were. Salvaging what was left of her pride she squared her shoulders with determination as she looked at her dejected brother. “Don't worry Souta, We'll get it rebuilt somehow.”
Annoyance with a tinge of anger suddenly flowed into her mind through the newly formed link of the artifacts and the jewel overlapping her own thoughts and causing her to jerk her head around as if looking for something while her eyes narrowed in concentration to look for the source of the feelings. She relaxed slightly at the realization that the source was Hiei, then tensed once again as she realized the depth of his annoyance at the unlooked for interruption of his rest. `Is he always so grumpy? I swear he's as bad as Inuyasha when he's in a bad mood. It isn't like I deliberately woke him up or anything anyway.' A sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head again. `Maybe it's because he's exhausted, I guess I have to cut him a little slack but dang I'd hate to have to wake up to that mood every morning.'
Hiei had dropped Yukina off at the temple with a promise to return later that evening so they could rejoin their friends. She had looked at him then for a long moment, obviously searching for something in his face and had smiled when she had finally found it. He still wasn't sure what she had been searching for had left it as unimportant for the time being since she was obviously satisfied. After making sure she would be fine without him he'd taken up a spot on his favorite tree branch overlooking her window and had promptly fallen asleep. The soft hum of power that ran through his body now thanks to the new web that he was a part of was like a salve, lulling him with a soft feeling of completeness. It was that same energy that had suddenly pulled him from his sleep as a feeling of despair crashed over him and it had Kagome's feel laced through it. `It looks like I will get no rest today. What has happened to upset you so? I swear if this something stupid I'm going to have to kill someone and don't make the mistake of comparing me to an inu, they are far more of an ass then I have ever considered being.'
“Kagome!” The yell from down the hill had her turning to see Hojo running towards her as fast as his legs would carry him, his face creased with worry. He slowed as he drew closer taking note of the group of people that she was standing with, obviously he didn't know who they were and had not been expecting to see them. “Kagome, I heard about the earthquake and I had to make sure you were ok. I stopped by your house and I saw your mom but there was also this really weird guy there too. I swear I thought he was going to kill me!” Hojo grimaced as he gingerly touched the side of his head. “The guy actually hit me, can you believe it? Just because I tried to tell him that you were the one I had chosen as my future wife and I had to make sure you were ok!” Hojo continued to stare at her as a horrifying thought occurred to him. Was it possible she'd been leading him on all this time? Why else would the strange man have gotten so upset at his words, did she have a boyfriend he didn't know about? As she continued to gawk at him the possibility became more and more likely though he didn't want to believe it. A hurt look crossed his face, his expression pleading with her to deny the conclusion he was quickly coming to.
Once more she tried to let him down but Souta beat her to it, stepping between his sister and the distraught young man. “I told you before Hojo, my sister isn't your girlfriend and never has been. So get over it and get it through your head, she doesn't need you.” Souta knew that Hojo was a nice enough guy and would treat his sister well but after being told numerous times that she just couldn't commit herself to a relationship with him, Souta's patience had worn thin. Now with Kagome's emotional state so uncertain over what had just happened he wasn't about to allow the other man to lay a guilt trip on the girl over his misguided emotions. He stepped between the two of them, emboldened by the group of people he was surrounded by, positive that they would back up his actions. “Why can't you just leave her alone?”
`Are you hearing all of this?' Kurama had opened a mind link with Hiei, letting him hear the conversation as it was occurring. “It looks like it wasn't me or Yusuke you should have been worried about.'
Authors Note: I just had to get this chapter out, you have just no idea how much it's been running through my head (grins). A huge thanks to Ryu for putting up with my muses running amuck and doing the beta for this chapter on such short notice. I know you are so swamped with your own stories. So… here is your thank you.
The theory behind the wormholes that Kuronue is using is in fact a scientific one. More information can be found about them here where I gathered part of my information: http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Tech/Space-Time/wormholes.html
As always please review, it is such a pleasure to hear your opinions and comments. Until next time…..