Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Tree and the Well: What Was Left Unsaid. ❯ The Being of the End ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inuyasha walked quietly through the woods to the well, there was one shard left, this could be their last trip together, but he didn’t want to think about that right now. No, something has been nagging at him for the last two weeks now something that felt like a dream he had in his ‘sleep’ while pin to the tree. Something about him and what he was to do with the jewel……… a choice he had to make; something about evil’s planes can’t always be stopped, but fate planes around them…… something, it was there and yet it wasn’t there at the same time. He felt that he need to remember this, that it could be the answer to why he felt like pushing Kagome down the well and telling her to stay there.
Lost in thought he almost missed hearing Kagome crying out in terror.
~The well!~ his mind yelled at him ~Something was at the well hurting Kagome! There’s no way I’m going to let that happen.~
After that everything else was a blur, the running to the well, destroying the demon, all of it was a blur, but that was understandable since after it was all said and done he found Kagome standing in front of hold a small curved piece of the jewel.
“Look Inuyasha! The last piece! We did it, we finally complete the jewel” she chirped at him.
He gave her a small smile “Yeah,” he said in a down hearted tone “we finally did it.”


“It must have been drawn by the rest of the jewel,” said Miroku.
“Now what do we do with it?” asked Shippou while staring at the bright and complete jewel.
“We perform a ceremony to purify it,” replies Keada.
“When well that be ?” asked Shippou.
“It won’t be for a while child,” replied the old miko “We have a lot to do before that.”
“What about Inuyasha?” asked Miroku.
“Speaking of the half demon, where is he?” asked Sango.
“I haven’t seen since we got back,” replied Kagome.
“He’ll show up sooner or later,” stated the old miko “ now then here’s what we need to do.”


Inuyasha was setting up in the god tree thinking and silently wishing that there was something he could do to stop it, to stop her from leaving for ever. Tears made there their course down his face, down deep inside he was dying. Sure he could tell her what he really felt for her but he had no right to that, he had no right to keep her here. A tear fell onto his hand he looked at the bread of water as the sun settled itself for the night, he really hadn’t noticed that he was crying, he hadn’t cried since his mother died.
“Feh,” he said to no one as he wiped them away, after all there was no need to start crying again now.
He looked up into the newly forming night sky and wondered what the future would be like, the one that he hadn’t seen yet. Sango and Miroku married with kids, he smiled at that thought, Shippou all grown up what would that be like? He sighed and looked down at his own hands; what would become of him? Where would he go, he couldn’t stay here, he now could, not with all the remembers beside it’s not like the village would miss him if he was gone. So what would he do?
“Half-breed” he cursed himself as he banged his fist against the tree. That’s what he was after all, cursed to roam the earth with no place of his own, he was destine to dye with out nothing or anyone to remember him, he was destine to be forgotten, and unloved. So is lot of a half-breed.
He jumped down and begun to walk away.
“So you finally got what you always want, yea little brother?”
“I don’t want to fight you Sesshormaru,” he said with his hand on his sword.
“But you will once you take the jewel,” he smirked.
Inuyasha walked on.
“Then you won’t be taking it,” came the flat statement.
“What will happen if I do? Nothing will change, we’ll still fight, and I will still be the same worthless half- breed that I am now, so why should I take it?” he spat as he turn to face his brother.
His brother looked at him blankly “Why not?”
Inuyasha looked at him in surprise.
“Do as you wish half-breed, but ask yourself; how will you defeat me without its healing power?” and with that Sesshormaru left him.
~I won’t take it, I can’t, can I?~


“There you are.” chirped Kagome as she stared a “ground” Inuyasha (who had been asleep up in a tree when the call for gravity was made).
“What’s you do that for?!” he yelled at her.
“We need to talk.”
“About what?”
“The jewel”
“What about it?” he snapped.
“What do you want to do with it?” she asked, “Keade is already making planes to purify it, but I wanted to know what you want to with it.”
He looked at her shock, she wanted to know what he wanted, she wanted to know…….
“I want that thing as far away from me as possible.” he growled.
Kagome gave him a blank stare “What? But Inuyasha, you worked so hard to get; it don’t you want it?”
“Why is it that everyone is asking me that? No, no I don’t want it, it won’t change anything so why should I take it?” he barked and walked way.
“In-u-yasha?” she asked his back.


“He did what?” asked Shippou, clearly he had miss heard what Kagome said.
“Inuyasha doesn’t want the jewel,” she repeated “Why? He worked so hard for it.”
“Kagome what do you planed to do now that the jewel is whole?” asked Miroku.
“Go home and live a normal life again,” replied Kagome.
“What about us?” asked Shippou.
“I would come and visit you.” she chirped.
“If Inuyasha takes the jewel, ye won’t have that choice.” stated Keade.
Kagome hadn’t thought of that, “is that why?” she mused.
No that couldn’t be it could it? He love Kikou right? So why would he…….
“Kagome, he dose care for you,” said Miroku “one might even venture to say to that he may even love you, but one thing is clear Inuyasha has in some sense grown up, he has changed.”
Kagome nodded knowing that the monk was right, but now what?
“Go talk to him,” said Sango “Who knows once the jewel is purified you may not have chance to come back here. This could in up being the last days we’ll spend together. Go to him.”

Inuyasha was staring out across the pond, hoping in some way that his answers lay somewhere in its depth. Sitting there under the rays of a half open dragon’s eye, while the stars dance on black velvet that was wrinkled very now and then by a passing cloud, his silver hair glowing under those rays giving everything, even him, a dull appearance, the wind moved sending a familiar scent to his nose he turn to find,
Standing behind him.
“What are you doing out here so late?”
“Looking for you,” she smiled
“Why? I can take care of myself you know,” came the growled replied.
“Yeah I know, Inuyasha what would you do if I told you that this might be the last time I would see?”
“You mean for a while, like a month or two?” he asked turning a way from her.
“No, I mean like leaving forever.”
“Why would you….? What would you tell Shippou?”
An odd twist, she shrugged “I don’t know, why would you care any way?”
“Because I’m the one that going to have to deal with it.”
“Stop dodging and answer, what would you do?” she barked at him.
“Say good-bye I guess, I mean what can I do to stop you from going?”
“What if you knew that you could stop me by telling me how you feel about me?”
“What?! No, Kagome there ain’t no way I would do that.”
“Because you love Kikou.”
“No, because it’s not right. O.K. I’ll say it; I do like you, but you don’t belong here, and I don’t belong in your era either, Kagome, your true mate belongs in your own time, look for him there. Who knows if we’re lucky you just might find me, but I have to stay here in order for that to happen, and you have to go back to your own time, do you understand?” he asked looking at her softly.
“Who are you and what have you done to Inuyasha?” she asked.
Inuyasha blinked then caught the joke “Why do you care? He was only a loud mouth half-bred any way,” he said as he waved her way.
“What was that for?”
“For degrading yourself.” She stopped and looked at him, “I guess those things will have to come off,” she said as she eyed she necklace.
“Say Kagome, if to night was your last night here what would say to me?”
“That you’re a pain, that I do like you, and that I hope to see you again and if I find out that you have done serous damage to Shippou that I will hurt you. Oh and that it was fun being your shard detector.”
“Well it was fun being your protector as well.”
She looked at him she never thought of that before, but he had been that he?
“Come by the hut tomorrow and we’ll have Keade remove the beads.” she said as she moved to leave.
“Because that afternoon we’ll be doing the ceremony.”
*This isn’t how it should be?*
(All’s fair in love and war Chronos)
*This is your doing isn’t Gaea?* barked Chronos
(May be, but then again since when is it written that I can’t make my being act in the ways I want them to?) sighed Gaea
*If it wasn’t for me….*
(We wouldn’t be having this fight right now.)
*So you would like to have the Demon and Human Wars start up again?*
(Not my problem really)
*And they call you ‘mother earth’*
(They call you nothing, but late and slow; so what’s your point?)
*One way or another this will happen and he will choose*
(Why don’t you have him fall on his sword by accident it would be more humane at any rate.)
*I made a deal and I plan on keeping it.*
(I won’t stop you, but I won’t help you either.)
*So, be it*
Mouse- So it beings. By the way the dragons eye is my term for the moon; which means that the moon is half way full. So what do you think should I go on or not? Fair warning if I do go on it might, just might, turn into a cross over. But if you want to find out what happens your going have to tell me, so review, review, review and flame if you feel like it. As for me well I’m out of here for now.