Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Whole World's Leaning On Me ❯ Pointless Fluff ( Chapter 10 )
The Whole Worlds Leaning On Me
Disclaimer: blah blah blah
Last Time: Kurama blushed and followed the rest of the group into the forest.
This Time:
"Erari? Erari…" a soft voice asked. Erari slowly opened her eyes and saw Kurama above her. She tried sitting up, wincing at the pain in her stomach. "Don't get up. Kagome's still tending to everyone," Kurama said. He checked her forehead. It was hot, probably fever. He gently pushed her back down and put a cloth on her forehead.
"Ugh. What's going on? Where's Kagome?!" Yash asked, ever so cheerfully. Kagome walked back into the hut as he called.
"Hey Inuyasha. You feeling okay?" Kagome asked, feeling his forehead.
"Feh. Of course I am. I'm not a weak human like you," he retorted, earning a growl from Erari. Kagome merely rolled her eyes.
"Well then. Where's Yusuke? He was hurt pretty bad," Kagome said, making Yash angry and jealous.
"He's in the orchard," said Hiei, who had gained great respect for her.
"Thanks Hiei!" Kagome said as she ran off to the orchard. It was by the river she had bathed in the first time Yash saw her. It had several cherry blossoms and lush green grass. As soon as she got there, her face turned ad red as a tomato. Yusuke was soaking in the river, his chest showing. Kagome made to run, but since her eyes were glued on his chest, she tripped, catching his surprised attention. "S-S-Sorry Yusuke! I d-didn't know you were bathing," Kagome stuttered from her spot on the ground.
Yusuke's eyes widened, and he blushed, averting his eyes. "Kagome-your uh…skirt is-err…" he tried to tell her. Kagome blushed redder, which was an AMAZING feat. She immediately jumped up and shoved her skirt back in place. "Umm…Did you need something?" he asked, turning his gaze back to her.
"I was just going to go check on you," Kagome said.
"Oh. Okay, I'll get out," he said. Kagome immediately turned around as Yusuke wrapped the towel around his waist. "Can we go back to the hut so I can get some clothes?"
Kagome nodded and grabbed his hand on reflex, not thinking about the scene she was sure to cause when the y reached the hut. But Yusuke was. And inside he was laughing at that stupid half-demon and how jealous he would be. `He doesn't deserve Kagome when he keeps on hurting her!' he thought angrily.
And when they came back, they DID in fact make a HUGE scene! Yash practically grabbed Kagome away from Yusuke, who held onto her hand. This was too much for Kagome. "SIT BOY!" she commanded, and Yash obeyed. But-that left her sprawled over the two guys, as they all fell down. Erari couldn't help the laughter that flew out of her mouth. Kurama chuckled a bit, Yuri giggled, Miroku had that grin of his, Sango looked a bit worried yet amused, Hiei smirked, Katana raised an amused eyebrow barely managing to hold back her smile, and Kuwabara was laughing like an idiot, while Botan and Shippo held onto each other, laughing VERY hard. The three poor teens were all red as the morning sun. After they all calmed down a bit, they all got settled down for lunch. Kaede had made some soup and they all ate it out in the orchard. They sat in a circle like this: Yusuke, Kagome, Yash, Miroku, Sango, Botan, Yuri, Erari, Kurama, Kuwabara, Kaede, Katana, and Hiei. It was a nice little picnic, despite Yash and his constant grumbling that Ramen was better. They didn't have to travel and search for jewel shard, because everyone was still hurt. So, the rest of the day, they just relaxed.
At night though, when everyone was asleep, or so she thought, Kagome couldn't sleep. Yash had run off sometime before, and she could only guess where he was. She had hope though, and went to find him. Again, there he was, with Kikyo. Kagome crept away silently, tears flooding her eyes. As she walked back into camp, she saw Yusuke sitting up, alert. "Where'd you go?" he asked, utterly concerned about her appearance.
Kagome let out a chocked sob, and fell into his waiting arms. `Oh God. It was Inuyasha and Kikyo again I bet' he thought. As Kagome finally cried herself to sleep, Yusuke settled back down, lying her next to him, her cuddling in his chest and their fingers entwined.
Not to far away, Erari was having bad dreams. Yuri and Katana kept on getting killed over and over again. She started crying, alerting Kurama who was next to her. `She's having nightmares' he thought. He got up and went to her. He gently wiped away her tears, and she snuggled into his caring touch. Erari whimpered, and Kurama felt terrible for her. He didn't know why, but he already cared for this girl. He picked her up and rocked her in his arms, like his mother use to do to him when he was younger. This seemed to make Erari's nightmares go away, and she relaxed a bit, snuggling more into him. Kurama smiled at how innocent she looked. He bent down and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams," he whispered, as he fell asleep with her in his arms.
Also…Katana was thrashing about in her sleep. She was being held back while Erari and Yuri were being tortured. She was angry and sad! Gods! She couldn't stop the tears and enraged snarl that came from her, making Hiei jump out of his tree, with every intention to shake the girl awake and tell her to shut up. But then he saw her-she looked so…alone. `Just like me,' he thought. He carefully walled towards her. He bent down and looked at her face. It was contorted with anger and fear, or in other words, blood lust. Then, the next second, everything changed. She started crying silently. Hiei felt terrible for this girl. `Probably dreaming about losing her `sisters'. Poor girl' he thought. He sat down next to her and pulled her head into his lap. He started absently stroking her hair, which calmed her down. Then, he was out like a light.
Yuri does NOT belong to me! She belongs to Urameshi, so ask him okay! Also, Erari is not mine either. She belongs to Fox, so ask her. And lastly, Katana belongs to Vedelle, not me! So please don't use them without their permission! Thanks.
A/N: All right! Just some fluff in here, relationship building ya know! Sorry for lack of updates! Been busy with my other stories ya know! Thanks to all those who reviewed though! Means a lot! Sorry-I SWEAR next time, the responses! And please vote who you want Kagome to be with: Yusuke or Yash?