Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Whole World's Leaning On Me ❯ Recent Promises ( Chapter 11 )
The Whole Worlds Leaning On Me
Disclaimer: blah blah blah
Last Time: Then, he was out like a light.
This Time:
Kagome never felt so content! She could stay like this forever: lying down in Yusuke's arms, snuggling against him. She looked around and saw that Yash was still gone. `Probably with his clay doll!' she thought. But at the moment she didn't care. She only cared that she was in Yusuke's arms and that he was always there for her. `Like I'm always there for Yash, no matter how much it hurts. God, I'm SUCH a baka. But I made a promise…' Kagome sighed and reluctantly left Yusuke's embrace. She was a bit restless to tell the truth. She LOVED being in Yusuke's arms, don't get me wrong, it's just that her mind wouldn't shut the hell up! She started walking aimlessly thru the forest. In fact, she was sooo caught up in her thoughts she didn't know that she was in the deep forest, and that wasn't good. It was dangerous to be out this far in the forest by yourself, you never know what kind of enemies *cough cough*evilzombiemikobitches*cough cough* were lurking about. She didn't even sense the powerful youkai sneaking up behind her…not until its sharp fangs dug into her that is. She screamed as the poison started flowing thru her veins like fire. She was lucky that this type of snake youkai's poison only paralyzed their prey for a few minutes, VERY lucky. The next thing she knew, a blue light surrounded her, and a cry echoed throughout the forest, waking everyone. The youkai disintegrated, and Kagome felt her body slowly work again. Her savior was immediately by her side. It was Yusuke. Where the hell was Inuyasha? That b-"Kagome!"
Yusuke picked her up off the floor, and rested her head against his shoulder. "Are you okay Kagome?" Yusuke asked worriedly. Kagome nodded, still pissed about Yash. The next second, they all joined her: Erari, Kurama, Yuri, Katana, Hiei, Botan, Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, Kuwabara, and Shippo.
Inuyasha ran over to Kagome, and stole her form Yusuke. "Kagome! What's wrong are you h-"
Kagome pushed him off though. "Get the HELL off me! Inuyasha, we need to talk NOW!" she yelled at him, surprising everyone by her actions and choice of words. Inuyasha stared wide eyed at her, but followed her onto the other side of the forest. "Inuyasha, I'm going to say this once and only once…WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU??? WAIT-I know! You were with the clay doll!" Yash opened his mouth wide to protest, but that was a bad move as he ended up eating dirt. "What ever happened to your promise `I'll always protect you?' huh?! Where were you when I needed protecting? Off with you zombie! I don't know WHAT your problem is ya know that! I just want you to tell me why!"
Yash was…I can't explain it…he swallowed. `It's about more recent promises…' he thought. He couldn't look Kagome in the eye, and this pissed her off more! Kagome shouted at him, "Just stay the HELL away form me now on! As soon as the Shikon no Tama is finished, I'll leave you and go back to my time, so you can go to Hell with you zombie! Then you won't have to have any weak, pathetic human around you anymore!" Yash just lay there as she stormed off. Her words cut deep-too deep. She meant it…she would leave him forever.
Kagome stormed into camp, and grabbed her bag. She scooped up Shippo and stormed off again. The others were frightened as hell! They did NOT want to get in her way, so after a few moments, they followed her to wherever she was going, as Shippo tried to calm his mom down.
Yuri does NOT belong to me! She belongs to Urameshi, so ask him okay! Also, Erari is not mine either. She belongs to Fox, so ask her. And lastly, Katana belongs to Vedelle, not me! So please don't use them without their permission! Thanks.
A/N: Sorry it's short. It came to me at math. Anyway, your responses! Tell me if ya want me to email you for da next chapter! Also, side story continuations next time too!
Urameshi: Thanks for the vote! I think this will be a Yusk/Kag fic. And, who shall Yuri be with? Koga or Fluffy? Plz tell me!!!
Vedelle: Sorry bout that hun! I will try…I will keep on switching POV's from now on…Glad ya like the chapters though! But-it's okay if Katana is with Hiei ya?
Savannah: Thanks! Glad ya like the characters! And for the vote!
Nicole: Of course! Glad ya love the chapter! And I'll definitely email you!
XoXkikyo~bitchOxO: Sorry hun. This will be a Yusk/Kag fic, but will have an alternate ending with Yash n Kag.
May: Hey hun! Of course ya can! Glad you like my story!
Boo21: Thanks a bunch for the vote!
Kenra: Hey! Glad ya like the story and OCs! I know-I like Yusk/Kag fics also! I'm glad ya like it, but wuts IMO? Gomen…dunno wut that ish. Thanks again!
FireAngel: Hey! Ya-Yusuke will be OOC prob. Sry bout that! But-GLAD ya like it hun! Hope ya liked these chappies!
LeeAnne: Hey there hun! Glad ya like my story! I tink it will be a Yusk/Kag, that I do! But with an alternate ending. Newayz, thanks for the encouragement! Here's your chapter!
Jade: Lol, thanks for the vote! Glad ya like it hun! Hope ya liked the fluff!
Demonlady: Hey! Thanks hun! Glad ya liked my crazy story! Lol, here's your chapter! Hope ya enjoyed it!
Ne-Chan: Glad ya liked the fluff! Hope ya liked this chapter Onee-San!!!