Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Me Bleed ❯ Bloody Hands ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Rebel-Angel: Hi everyone this is my first fanfic and I hope to make it a good one I hope you guys like it!! Well enough chattering lets just get on with the fanfic.

Hiei: Hn… I better not fall in love with some pathetic ningen…

R-A: *grins* Why Hiei why ever would I do that?

Hiei: I'm warning you!!! *Holds up Katana threateningly*

R-A: *Sighs* you ruin all of my fun… *Pouts* Guess I'll just have to tweak it a bit...

Sesshoumaru: What am I doing here? I'm not in this story!!

R-A: *Grins* Actually Sesshoumaru you are!!!

Hiei: *Blinks* WHAT?!

R-A: *Rolls eyes* Anyways let's just get on with the fanfic okay?? I don't own anything except the plot and all of the original characters in this story!!!

Watch Me Bleed

Prologue- Bloody Hands

Silence filled the darkened room if walls could talk they would tell horrifying stories of nights filled with screams and blood. The walls painted black held evidence of blood splatter. Bars covered the one window to the outside world. The moon was full tonight and so a few stray wisps of moonlight drifted in through the bars on the window. Illuminating a solitary figure on the dusty wooden ground. Raven black hair covered ivory skin a few strands of it lying against the floor.

Blood red lips set in a frown clearly female the figure whimpered softly in her sleep. Large leathery black wings that of a dragons showed her to be anything but human. On wing lay limply on the ground while the other was bent at an unnatural angle. She was wearing blood stained and ripped black jeans her shirt barely covering her body it was almost in tatters. Around her ankle was a silver chain keeping her in place. Slowly the loud clink of footsteps started down the hallway towards the room.

They got closer and closer suddenly the woman's eyes flickered open they were a stunning blood red hue. She pulled back her lips in a silent snarl revealing large ivory fangs. The door swung open as a muscular black haired crimson-eyed creature moved into view. He moved forward yet again. Clutched hidden in one of her pockets was a knife that she had managed to smuggle from the last one who had been in their with her.

Easily slipping it out of her pocket. Fire flashed in her eyes for an instant. They were all going to burn. As he moved closer to her a lustful look set in his crimson eyes she waited until he was in striking distance. Then in an instant she launched herself to her feet the knife out in front of her. The knife pierced his chest her aim nearly perfect she felt his body drop to the ground bleeding profusely. She searched his pockets and pulled out a simple silver key.

Movingly quickly she unlocked the chain around her ankle. She glanced around her blood red eyes glowing softly. She growled throwing out her hand she used her large talon like claws to rip through the building. Then in an explosion of anger fire crackling around her form the wooden house caught fire and began to burn. She stepped through the fire killing any who dared to get in her way. Blood ran down her claws the blood of the few who had tried to stop her.

She reached the outside and in one quick motion she spread her large wings, which had seemed to heal almost instantly. She growled the scent of her blood and her captor's blood clung around this entire area. In a deadly soft voice she whispered, "You better run and keep both of your eyes open cause if I ever find you I'll be sure to return the damage you did to me ten fold." She growled into the night before she flapped her wings sending a splatter of loose blood flying all around.

Placing her hands together she growled, "Now burn." She screamed throwing her arms up in the shape of an arc. An inhuman scream spilt from her lips as the clearing and the house around her incinerated in a blast of power and anger. For miles around demons could sense the great escape of power from her. She was finally free after all of those years trapped she was free. Her nightmare had started 10 years ago the day her mother was killed protecting her. Her father had blamed her and so sold her to the cruel vampire Vincent.

Her name was Kiriana however call her that and suffer her wrath the day her nightmare began she became Midnight. She was stronger than most youkai just because she wasn't just a full youkai on top of that she was a child of the night and vampire and that made her even more dangerous. Her element was fire as explosive and dangerous as her very temper. Now all of those that had hurt her were going to burn and nothing would stop her or satisfy her need for revenge except their blood running down her claws.

She glanced up and the full moon it reflecting in her eyes and slowly she flew away from this place. Away from the pain and away from the nightmares following her noise she searched for the cause of all of this pain her captor Vincent he would be the first to die but he wouldn't be the last.

R-A: So what do you think? I know it's short but then again it is just the prologue I promise chapter one will be a lot longer!!!

Hiei: Hn…

Sesshoumaru: Interesting…

R-A: What do you think of Midnight Hiei inhuman enough for you?

Hiei: ….

R-A: Ha… you can't retaliate!!!

Hiei: *Places Katana against my neck* Shut up…

R-A: *Nods quickly* Whatever you say Hiei!!!

Kurama: *Blinks* Uhh….