Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What happened, What will happen with my love ❯ sesshoumaru ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer Note: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho or anything else in this story unless I claim it, like the story plot and theme. Well bye for now please read and review thx.


Once Shippo got over most of his despair of losing most of his family, again, everything changed…


I sat on my bed just wondering about everything that had happened in my past. `How could I have changed it?' I knew there was no way I could and even if I did it would only make things worse, but I couldn't help but wonder.

I guess you could really say curiosity would kill the cat in this scenario, me being the cat. There were actually many ways to change the past, but many times it ended in the one changing the past dying a very mysterious death. Plus there's the added bonus that you won't know what will happen to you when you change the past, much less the people around you.

Anyway enough about changing the past, even a goddess knows her limits.

I wonder how Kurama, Hiei, Kuabara, Botan, and my cousin Yuske are doing. Come to think of it the last time I saw them was when they were fighting in that demon tournament. I hope they made it out alive. I know my cousin is strong especially for someone so young (remember since Kagome is a goddess she is immortal, unless she gives up her immortality. And in my version she can give people immortal qualities if they prove they are worthy of her trust.* wink wink *) but he still has limits just like every person, except the gods and goddesses and even we have rules and consequences for our actions. I think I'll go and see them tomorrow, just to check up and make sure their o.k.

The last thought that went through my mind before I entered the world of my dreams was `I wonder if Kurama still has those glittering emerald eyes.'

The next day:

I woke up pretty late, but to Yuske it was probably early still. I wouldn't be surprised to find him still asleep on his bed. I know I won't be able to use my powers because it would probably be pretty hard to tell him I'm a goddess now, and besides that he has to be trustworthy before I tell him.

I walked out of my room and down the hall to check and see if Shippo was still asleep, and sure enough he still was so I went downstairs to make some breakfast.

It was weird I had sort of become the lady of the house.

I started making breakfast. I decided to make Shippo's favorite, which was (can you guess?!?) chocolate chip pancakes. I made bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, and grits.(if your from the south you'll know what I'm talking about.)

I set everything on the table and went upstairs to wake everyone up for breakfast. Just like every morning Shippo was already up by the time I went to his room. Mom was with friends, Ji-chan was already up and was outside so I woke up Souta, and that only left one more person. Sesshomaru. It turns out that once I did a little research I found out he disappeared right after the battle with Naraku so I brought him to the future to live. He had become just like one of the family, and had adapted surprisingly well to the future. He had become one of the wealthiest people in Japan from investing in the stock market, but still came over to visit and sometimes to eat breakfast.

`He really has changed a lot from the human-hating youki he used to be, but then again why wouldn't he, everyone changed, especially me.

I still remember being that 15-year-old girl who always needed protecting, but now, hell I don't even know. I was never really weak I just didn't know how to control my power, or even that I had my goddess abilities.

Why does everything change…and an even better question why does everything always end up worse than before because of that change.

Anyway I teleported over to sessho's and went to the study, that's where he usually is so no point in wasting my time.

Besides I have school today and then I have to go see King Enma for a meeting.

I found Sesshomaru in the study just where I thought he would be, engrossed in business papers.

" Hey sessho-kun would you like to have some breakfast with the family before you die of boredom with all that paper work you keep yourself busy with. You know we would really love to see you again since it's been awhile."

I watched him look up from his papers and saw him consider the options. On one hand he could sit around alone all day doing paper work or he could come with me eat a nice family-like breakfast and be with a lot of people who adore him.

"Ok Kagome why not I hate this endless paperwork anyway, so why not go with a little vixen like you for a nice meeting with the in-laws." That was another good thing about sessho, he had become a lot less serious and more playful and caring. He was basically my only comfort other than Shippo when Inuyasha died.

"Ok then come on you know how the family can be, loud and impatient when it comes to food." I gave him my hand and teleported us back to the shrine.

Just when we reached the top of the stairs I noticed 4 auras that weren't there before inside the house.

Apparently the boys came to see me.

Hey short chapter but I was in Kentucky for 4 days my grandfather had a stroke. I'm kind of depressed so I'm not promising to get a lot of chapters in for the next week and a half. Sorry I'm going to try my best.