Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Giving Chase ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Giving Chase
A tiny foot was dangling from a high up branch of a pretty apple tree, lazily doing circles in the air.
"Come down here this instant and entertain me" a chilly, but haughty little voice said, below the tree, looking at the foot with contempt.
An indignant little Sesshomaru, turned pink with the single word that fell from the lips of his new unwilling playmate.
"Fine, no supper for you" he said with a huff staring a hole into the tree.
With a little thud, a pretty little girl his age, plopped right in front of his face, inches away from his own golden eyes.
"What kinda entertainment eh?" Tatoni asked suspiciously.
"W-well I-I do not know! You are supposed to keep me from being bored!" the stuttering little Inu said awkwardly.
With a swish of her little foot, his feet flew out from under him, and she began to run away, with a knowing smirk.
The little Inu puffed red from embarrasment, and he leapt up and gave chase to the little mutt-girl, who thought it all too funny to tease him!
He lost sight of her and he didn't know what to do. He stood in the middle of a garden in the castle grounds, and was lost on what to do.
"Tatoni!" he called pitiously.
"Use your nose, dog-boy!" he heard a voice say from no where, with a flippant tone.
"W-where are you?" he called a little panicky.
He heard no response and decided maybe his nose was worth a try. He lifted his head to the wind and sniffed. He came across many a smell, but when he caught the scent of fire...
That was her scent! That cinnamon fire smell, that was pleasent to the nose, was what he followed into the opposite side of the garden and into some bushes.
"Caught you!" he cried triumphantly.
He looked behind the bushes, and a shadow fell over his face, before a 50 pound little fox, barreled into him from the right.
"Nope! Try again doggie! Your no match for me" a glleful Tatoni squealed as she pinned him to the ground with a resounding "thud".
"I caught you"
some years later
Tatoni rushed the halls lifting her head to that all too familiar scent that was her Sesshomaru's. That warm velvety smell of fur.
She sucked in breath as arms pinned her arms to her sides tightly.
"Caught you" a deep voice said in her ear, and her foot lashed out and connected with a foot.
She whirled to face her opponent, who was smirking hopelessly.
He was taller now, about 6 foot already. His hair had grown into a long frothy whiteness around him, and his chest was muscular, with broad sholders and narrow hips leading down to powerful hips and thighs. His face was no longer that aof a child, but that of a manly Inu, of royal lineage.
"You had me" Tatoni said folding her arms under her now, full breasts. Indeed, Tatoni had changed as well, no longer a girl but a woman.
And Sesshomaru knew it.
"Alas, I wish I had, had you love" he said with a mockingly wistful tone.
"Hentai" she said with a bark of laughter that followed a full blown fire ball attack.
The fire ball was not to intentionally hurt him per say, but let him know he was dealing with an equal and not an underling.
"Hmmm, good shot, but we really should not do this in the mansion" Sesshomaru said, his eyes winkling.
"True" Tatoni said with a charming smile, offering a hand for him to get up.
She had enough time to see his smile widen into a grin, before he pulled her down, and flipped her on her stomach, while he held a hand to her back, preventing her from getting up.
"That was cheap" Tatoni muttered through the hard wood floors.
"Hmmmmm indeed....but it had the desired effect" he said burying his face in her flowing golden/white locks with a chuckle.
"Oh, come on shove off you horney little dog! Go borrow one of the vixens of the forest!" she complained naggingly.
"When you are right here though? What a waste" he said flipping her over to be under him, facing those golden eyes.
"I'm going to waste you if you do not let me up, you little tease" she said laughing, as she kneed him in the groin.
She got up and gave him a sneer, before he watched her disappear behind a long corridor.
He laughed a little and got up to get ready for the guests for tonight. The Wanikika family, the powerful tree demons, where to visit with their son Kadigiri, who was his age.
He hated dealing with the little idiots who always propose to Tatoni. It grew tiresome, to argue with the family, who sought her out.
Of course Tatoni herself was forbidden to e at the dinners. It just would not due to be letting her hear there where suitors, besides the mongrels that tried to get threw the barrier, to her.
His lips twisted into a smile as he thought of her........
Like any other male but himself could handle her! Ha! that was laughable!
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