Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Said Love Dies? ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Who Said Love Dies?


Disclaimer: Don't own anything…..sadly *sniffles*


Summary: One night Kagome was woken by strange noises, she follows it to the source and what she found left her heartbroken. She leaves to go to her time, planning to go back in two years. Who will she meet during those 2 years and will she find it in her heart to forgive Inuyasha? Please R&R!!YYH IY crossover!


AN: Ok the people on MM deleted this so I am fixing it up and re-posting it! Enjoy!



Chapter One


Our favorite hanyou and gang have been walking all day and were now setting up camp for the night. Inuyasha was just about to help Kagome with the fire when he caught the scent of Kikyo, he took off quickly.


Kagome noticed this but didn't go after him or stop him. She looked over at Sango and Miroku, who where staring at her. "What? I can't follow him every time he leaves." She said, blinking.

"Your right you can't follow him every time he leaves." Sango said in a soft voice. "It's not like Kikyo came to see him."


"She is…" Shippo told them, "I can smell her. Inuyasha went to her."


Kagome frowned and got into her sleeping bag. "Let's get some sleep." The others nodded and got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.


~~~~Later that night~~~~~


Kagome was woken by a strange noise and carefully got up, as not to disturb Shippo, and followed the noise. Kagome followed the noise to were it was strongest, pushing back some shrubs, and there on the clearing floor was Inuyasha making love to Kikyo.


`That bitch!' Kagome seethed angrily as she felt something powerful boil within her. She then heard Kikyo speak, "Inuyasha how can you stand my incarnation, Kagome? She's such a slut!"


"I can't stand the slut either but she can see the shards." Was Inuyasha's answer.


"Well so can I."


"You can?"




"Cool! Now we can get rid of her and you can come with us."


By this time, Kagome had seen enough and ran back to the campsite and jumped on Sango's legs.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Kagome! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Sango asked, wrapping her arms around her little `sister' in a hug.


Kagome buried her face into Sango's shoulder and sobbed harder and louder than ever before. "I…I saw h...him screwing KIKYO!!" She wailed loudly, waking both Miroku and Shippo.


"What happened?" Miroku asked.


`I'll tell you later.' Sango mouthed and he nodded.


"I hate him! He told her that he's gonna abandon me in the morning and let her join the group!" Kagome said, lifting her head off Sango's shoulder.


"He said what?!" Sango yelled, "I swear I'm going to kill that bastard!" She grabbed Hiraikotsu and was about to leave to kick some hanyou ass when a hand grabbed her, turning around she came face to face with Miroku. "Let me go!"


"No! This is not the time Sango; we must help calm Kagome down." Sango nodded and set Hiraikotsu down and was about to sit down when she felt a hand on her backside. "PERVERT!!" She screamed and bashed him over the head with Hiraikotsu, rendering him unconscious. "Damn pervert!"


Kagome smiled and shook her head, some people never learn...


This was the scene Inuyasha walked in on. Kagome's eyes welled up with tears when she saw him. Sango was down in an instant giving Kagome another sisterly hug. "It's going to be fine, Kagome." Turning around, she gave a withering look to Inuyasha before tending to Kagome again.


Inuyasha was, to say the least, very confused. Why was Kagome crying and why is Sango looking about to kill me? He decided to get some answers. "What's wrong wench?"


Kagome gave Inuyasha a very cold glare. "None of your business, Inuyasha!" She snapped at him. Inuyasha growled at her and was about to say something back when both Kagome and Sango stood up. "We're going to take a bath." Sango said, gathering their bathing supplies.


Kagome looked down at Shippo and said, "Make sure Miroku doesn't wake up and come looking for us." Shippo nodded.


"Come on Kirara." Sango said, taking the demon cat in her arms and left with Kagome. Once there both girls undressed and lowered themselves into the warm water.


"Oh Sango-chan! I don't think I can forgive him for this." Kagome wailed, tears pricking the corner of her eyes.


"And you don't have to forgive the bastard! He doesn't deserve your forgiveness or your love!" Sango said, comforting her distressed friend.


Kagome sniffled and nodded, "Your right, Sango, he doesn't deserve me or my love!" Suddenly, Kirara growled and transformed into her larger form and pounced on a nearby bush, causing loud pleading, yelps, and curses. Miroku and Inuyasha were carelessly thrown out of their hiding place, courtesy of Kirara.


Kagome screamed on the top of her lungs, "SIT! SIT! SIT! SITTTTT!!!!!!!"




Inuyasha moaned in pain from his 3 ft. hole, leaving Miroku alone to face the wrath of two very angry women.


"Eh heh heh…look at the time! Gotta go! Bye!" Miroku said, hoping to get away as fast as possible…but luck just wasn't on his side for Kirara kept blocking his way.


"Oh no you don't monk!" Sango said, "Just wait until I get out of here! Kirara, take the both back to camp, make sure they stay." Kirara growled her agreement and Miroku and Inuyasha climbed onto her back and she trotted away.


Sango looked at Kagome and said, "Come on, we better get back."


Kagome nodded. They stood up and got dressed and started walking back to the camp. About half way there Kagome decided to break the silence. "Sango?"


Sango turned to her friend, "Yea?"


"I was thinking that I should go home, to my era, for a while."


"But why?"


"Because I don't think I could take seeing Inuyasha everyday I mean he hurt me so much!"


"Oh, I understand but how long is `for a while'?" Sango asked, frowning slightly.


Kagome thought for a second for a second before answering, "2 years at most maybe 3."


"I understand, if you want you can go home and I'll cover for you."


Kagome looked surprised, "You would?"


When Sango nodded; Kagome squealed and hugged her. "Ooooo thank you Sango!!!"


"Your welcome, Kagome!" Both girls took off for the well, when they got there Kagome sat on the edge of the well.


"I'll see you in two years, Sango." Both girls hugged goodbye and Kagome fell back into the well, the blue light came and faded quickly, a telltale sign that Kagome was gone. Sango sighed and began to walk back.


~$~Kagome's Era~$~


The blue light faded around Kagome and she began to climb to the top, once there, Kagome slid open the shrine door and walked out, closed it and began to walk to the house.


Upon entering, Kagome, took off her shoes and slipped on her slippers, went into the kitchen where her mother was bent over something that smelt like a cake. "Momma, I'm back!" She said loudly, making her mother jump and twirl around.


"Oh, Kagome don't do that! Make a little noise when you come." Mrs. Higurashi said, breathing deeply.


"I'm sorry, mom! So what are you making?" Kagome asked, getting closer to the cake.


"A cake for Souta's birthday tomorrow." Mrs. Higurashi replied. "Don't even think about sticking your finger into that frosting!"


Kagome snatched her finger away and smiled innocently. "Why would I do that, mom?"


"Because that's what you did when you were younger and old habits die hard."


"Just a small little bit?"


"No, you'll get some tomorrow."




"Nope sorry."


"Oh come on Mom. Just a tiny, little bit, please?" Kagome decided to let out her secret weapon, her puppy dog eyes.


Mrs. Higurashi groaned, she hated when Kagome gave her those eyes. "Fine. When will you stop using your puppy dog eyes?"


Kagome smiled and dipped her finger into the frosting, "Never."


Kagome left the kitchen and went upstairs to her room for a nice nap. Once in her PJ's, Kagome crawled into her bed and fell asleep


3 hours later…


Kagome woke and looked at her clock, it said: 10:21 A.M. thinking it was a school day Kagome panicked. `How could mom let me sleep in like that?!' Then it dawned on her, `It's only Sunday.' Kagome got out of bed and rummaged through her closet for something to wear. She came out wearing a baby blue tank top and dark blue bell bottom jeans. After brushing her hair and put it up in a messy bun with the two front hairs, framing her face.

She ran down the stairs and ran into her mother.


"Hey mom, do you think it would be alright if I went to the mall for a while?" Kagome asked.


"Yes, do you want me to drop you off?"




"Okay, let's go." Both women left the house and ran to the car. The car ride was rather long but they got there in less than an hour. "Call me when you're done, k?"


"K." With that Kagome's mother drove away. Kagome walked into the large building and set off toward JC Penny's. Kagome looked up, from looking at PS2's for Souta, when she heard a loud slap and a girl's angry voice saying, "Yusuke, you jerk!" and a body impacting the floor.





Well I'm done, hoped you all liked it! Remember to R&R!!!! Chapter 2 should be coming out soon.