Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ Souta's New Friends ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter I
Souta's New Friends
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
^^ Hiei
&& Kurama
$$ Someone else
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Souta walked slowly home from school. It had been several months since he'd last seen his sister, and he wasn't too sure if she was alright. Sighing, he headed over to the arcade, hoping that his new friends would be there. Once he got there, he smiled as he saw them. "Yusuke!" He exclaimed as he headed over to the guy.
"Yo Souta." The other teen said as he turned to the boy. "What ya doin here?"
"Bored and I don't wanna go home yet."
"Why not?"
"If I go home, I'll get depressed."
"Still nothing from your sister, huh?"
"Nope... And I'm not sure if she's comin back this time."
"She'll come back, don't worry Souta."
Souta shrugged as they and another boy left the arcade. "Where to?"
"The park." Answered Yusuke. "I have some friends I need to talk to who'll be there."
"Which park?"
"Dunno what it's called."
"That sure helps Yusuke."
"I know it does, but it's across from a shrine."
Souta moaned at that news. "The one across from my house?"
"I guess so." Yusuke shrugged.
They got there and Souta tensed a little. He could feel two demonic presences, and they seemed to be getting closer. After the incident with the noh mask, Kagome had started teaching him to sense demonic presences as soon as she had been taught how. "How many friends of yours are we meeting?"
"Two, why?"
"They wouldn't happen to be demons, would they?"
The other two boys stumbled as they turned to Souta in shock. "What makes ya think they'd be demons kid?"
"No reason... Unless you count the fact that you both have high spirit energy and I can sense two demonic presences."
The tall one's eyes seemed to widen and bulge. "You can sense that?"
"Hai, and I think Yusuke's hanyou... I could be wrong though."
"How?" Was all Yusuke could ask.
Souta simply smiled at them. "Now that's a secret."
Just then, the two demons appeared. One was a redhead with emerald eyes, the other a dark haired boy with crimson eyes and a white star-burst in his hair. They looked at Yusuke and the tall one, then at the boy. The one with emerald eyes spoke first. "Hey Yusuke. I didn't know that you were bringing someone with you."
Yusuke just shrugged. "Just ran into the kid before headin here."
"Yeah, and he knows you two are demons." The tall idiot said.
Crimson eyes narrowed and turned the boy at that information. "And how would he know that?"
Souta smirked at him. "Because I was taught how to sense a demonic presence."
"By whom?" Asked the other demon.
Souta merely shook his head. "My secret."
Yusuke interrupted. "He lives on a shrine, so someone there could've taught him."
"I don't think that's how he learned though." Stated Kurama.
"How bout I introduce you guys before you begin tryin to interrogate the kid?" Turning to the red head "this is Kurama" pointing at the other demon" and Hiei" pointing at the boy "and guys, this is Souta."
"Souta!" Came a scream from the distance. Souta jumped and turned, then he felt it. A worried look took over his features as he took off, telling Yusuke that his mom needed him.
"Did you feel that?" Kuwabara asked as he turned to the others.
"Feel what?" Kurama asked.
"There was something powerful, and then it just disappeared. It happened right before the kid took off, and it felt like it was really pure."
Kurama's eyes widened. "A miko?"
Souta was home in an instant, and ran to the well house. There he saw that his mother was looking down inside it. Looking over the edge, he saw his sister. She was covered in blood and other things, and she looked really hurt. Pushing off of the well, he vaulted it and landed at the bottom beside his hurt sister, picked her up, and managed to carry her out and into the house with his mother following him.
They placed her on her bed and got to work on fixing her injuries. And she had a great many. They had attempted to get her to regain consciousness, but their attempts failed. It was an hour before the were done bandaging her, and they even had to give her stitches! Souta sat down on the living room couch, and his shirt was still covered in blood.
The doorbell rang five minutes later, and his mom asked him to get it. He was surprised to see his friend and his friends at the door. Then one thought struck him. Are they here after Kagome?
The yu-yu gang called Botan and had her open a portal to Reikai so that they could tell Koenma about the power Kuwabara felt. The Reikai prince had a fit and told them that they needed to check it out. None of them really cared that they had to, because none of them really had anything to do.
After pinpointing the location to being at the shrine across from the park they were at, Yusuke decided that he'd go visit Souta. When the door was opened, they were all surprised to see Souta had blood covering his shirt and the top of his pants. "Hey Yusuke."
"What happened to you?" Kuwabara asked as he looked at the kid.
Finally looking down at himself, he gulped in realization. "I umm... never mind that. What are you doing here?"
"We came to visit." Yusuke said smoothly.
"Well, I'm not allowed to have visitors at the moment. Mom's upset as it is, so no one's allowed in."
"Why's she upset, finally hear from your sister?"
"You could say that." He turned and looked up the stairs as he heard movement, and he growled to himself. "I have to go now. I need to kill my cat." And he closed the door in their face as he took off upstairs to kill the cat.
Yusuke and the others looked at each other. "Now whadda we do?"
"We come back tomorrow, and maybe he'll talk to us." Kurama said. "Perhaps Hiei can stay here and keep an eye on the shrine."
"Hn." And he disappeared into the God Tree. The boys left, except for Hiei who sat in the branches of Goshinboku. He could see inside a window, and there was a strong smell of blood coming from within it. As he looked in, he saw a young girl lying in bed and covered in bandages. She was trying to move away from a cat that kept laying on her.
That's when the boy entered the room and grabbed it. "Buyo, you're not to lay on Kagome. She needs to be able to rest and heal... stupid cat." He left and closed the door behind him. He whispered "get better soon sis" as he closed the door.
Hiei was intrigued by that. He thought that Yusuke said the kid's sister was missing. Coming closer, he got a good look at the girl. She was beautiful for a ningen. Tan from being in the sun for hours and long midnight black hair. He also noted that her wounds appeared to be deep, and demon made. He could see the claw marks and the injuries from a sword as well.
He didn't notice when her eyes slowly fluttered open and looked at him. When he looked at her face, he saw sparkling sapphires looking right at him. A pale hand slowly reached up and cupped his cheek, and he was too shocked to do anything. "It's you." She whispered as she looked into his fiery crimson orbs.
The other returned the next day, and Hiei joined them on the ground without saying a word. Yusuke knocked on the door, and this time Ms. Higurashi opened it. She smiled kindly, but her eyes seemed pretty sad. "Hello Yusuke. Would you and your friends like to come inside?"
Yusuke could only nod as he was ushered into the living room. "Is Souta here?"
"Not at the moment, but he'll be back soon. I had him go into the store for me."
"Oh, is it ok if we wait for him then?" Kurama asked.
"Hai, though I doubt he'll want to go anywhere. His sister just got home, she's resting right now, but I'm sure he'll want to stay and spend some time with her when she wakes up."
"Well if that's the case, we'll leave if he wants us to when he gets back." Yusuke said as he relaxed in his chair. Hiei was leaning against a wall like normal, and Kuwabara was sitting on the floor playing with a fat cat he had found.
About ten minutes later, Souta walked inside with a bunch of bags. "I'm home mom." She rushed in and gathered the things, then directed Souta to the living room. Surprise showed on his face when he saw all of them. "What're you guys doing here?"
"Well, we wanted to talk to ya Souta." Yusuke started. He had an idea, and hoped that none of the guys said anything to him for what he was about to do. "I was wonderin if you wanted tell me how you know about demons?"
"Already told you that that's my little secret." He said as he leaned against the door frame.
"Hai, but if you tell me, I'll tell you my secret."
"You mean how you guys all know each other? And what you do?"
Souta's eyes narrowed. "You go first."
Yusuke nodded and started talking about being Spirit Detectives, and luckily none of the guys said a word about him telling the kid any of it. "Now, how do you know about demons?"
Souta sighed. The guy's story seemed believable. He was about to say something when his mom called him. "Be right back." He said as he headed upstairs. "Hai mom?"
"Your sister's awake and would like you to take her downstairs to meet your friends." Souta nodded and walked into his sister's room.
"Why you wanna meet my friends?"
"One's aura seems familiar, and I wanna meet the other demons."
Souta nodded. "I'm about to tell them how I know about demons." Kagome looked up at him, so he explained their story and that he just found out about it. Kagome nodded and Souta walked over to her to help her stand and make it down the stairs. All of the guys looked up as Souta helped the girl into the room and over to the couch. He pushed Kuwabara off and sat her down. The others laughed at it. "This is my older sister Kagome." He said as he returned to leaning against the door frame.
Yusuke looked at her. "So you're the sister who keeps disappearing?"
Kagome looked at him with a small smile. "Does he have any other sisters that could do it?"
Souta laughed slightly. "Back to the story." He looked over at Kagome as the boys looked at him.
"But the girl's here." Kuwabara said as he looked at her.
"Your point?" Souta asked.
Kurama intervened before anyone said anything else. "I think he means that we don't want many people knowing about what is going on."
Souta shrugged. "She already knows."
"You told her?" Yusuke asked sounding both amazed and upset.
"She's my sister, we tell each other everything."
"Just get back to the story." Hiei said, causing everyone but Kagome to jump.
Kagome's reaction was to have her eyes widen. Kurama looked at her and noticed something. He pointed at her arm as he spoke. "Are those claw marks?"
Kagome looked down at her arm to see the five jagged slices that actually ran the entire length of her arm. "Isn't that obvious?"
"You were attacked?" Yusuke asked as he turned to her.
"When am I not?" Was her reply before she sighed. "I'm curious about how all of you met my brother."
"Met him at the arcade." Yusuke shrugged. "Back to the boy's story now."
"Right." Souta said as he looked at his sister. "Kagome taught me to sense demonic auras. She's also teaching me to call forth my spiritual powers."
The boys looked between the two siblings. Kuwabara spoke first. "But she doesn't have any spirit energy."
Kagome glared at him. It was cold enough to make even Hiei shiver. "Then obviously you're not very good at sensing things. Tell me, can you sense Souta's power?"
Kuwabara shook his head no. Kurama spoke up. "Now that we know, were you the power he felt yesterday before Souta ran off?"
Kagome shrugged. "Not sure, I wasn't exactly conscious when I got home."
"Are you a miko?"
"If I am, I'm not a very good one." She said as she giggled to herself.
"What's that mean?" Yusuke asked.
"Exactly what I said."
"I thought mikos killed any demon they saw?" Kurama suddenly questioned.
"Which is precisely why I'm not a good one. I don't kill demons simply because I can. I only do so if they attack myself, my friends, or my family.... or humans."
"I think we need to take you two to see Koenma."
"And I think that I'm not going anywhere." Kagome stated as she slowly stood. Souta was by her side in an instant and helping her to get back upstairs. "Unless it's to my bed."
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