Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ Shippo Arrives and Souta Sees The Village ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter II
Shippo Arrives and Souta Sees The Village
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
^^ Hiei
&& Kurama
$$ Someone else
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Shippo slowly climbed out of the well and looked around. He was the one who was healed enough to make this trip and check on Kagome. Inuyasha lay close to death in Kaede's hut, while Sango and Miroku are both unable to move. Kirara lay in his arms, as she was also needed here. Well, more like she needed Kagome. The neko seemed to be the worst off, and hopefully she'd be able to help him.
Back inside the house, Kagome was just about to head up the steps when she sensed it. So too did Souta and all the other boys. "A demon?" Questioned Kuwabara.
Kagome tore away from her brother's arms and raced outside, not caring that it caused her great pain or that said boy was calling her. The boys all followed her outside and to the well house where she threw the doors open. They realized that the demon they sensed was in there. Kurama was about to stop her when an orange fur ball launched itself into her arms with a squeal of "momma!"
"Shippo!" She cried as she hugged him tightly with tears streaming down her face.
Shippo hugged her back just as hard. "I made it through momma! I made here to you!"
Kagome smiled down at her injured kit. "I noticed sweetie." Shippo smiled sadly as he walked back into the well house and returned with a small neko. "Kirara!" The girl exclaimed as she cradled the small kitten.
"Can you help her momma? Naraku poisoned her."
Kagome nodded slowly. "I can try." She called forth her powers, and the yuyu gang took a step back from her as they felt it. She concentrated hard to separate her purification from her healing abilities. Healing was a skill that she had just recently learned, and she hadn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. Her hands that were surrounded by a pink glow, turned to a pale blue as she placed them over the dying neko.
Her power poured into the cat as she continued to concentrate. It took a few seconds for the power to spread, but when she pulled it back into herself, the cat was healed. "Meow."
"You're welcome Kirara." Kagome said as she pulled the kit down into her lap. "Your turn young man."
"But momma, I'm fine."
"I don't think so." Her hands once again turned pale blue as she forced her healing energy out and into her kit. His body slowly began to heal as her energy flowed through him.
When she was done, Souta was looking down at her. "Teach me to do that so I can heal you." He demanded.
Kagome giggled as she looked at him. "Help me into the house and I will."
Kirara meowed as she stood and transformed into her larger form. That cause Kuwabara to flip out and fall backwards because he tripped over a rock, which resulted in almost everyone laughing at him. Souta helped his sister onto the cat, which walked her right into the house. She then slipped off onto the couch and the cat jumped into her lap and curled up.
The boys followed her inside and Shippo moved to get on her lap, but noticed Kirara, so he laid down and curled up beside her. Souta walked in next and sat on the floor in front of her as the other boys sat around them. "First, call on your power and concentrate on separating the purification energy from your healing energy. They should be two different colors."
Souta concentrated as his hands began to glow a dark purple, which changed into a deep blue. He looked up at his sister who nodded, so he placed his hands on her chest and pushed his power out and into her body. Once she was done healing she growled at him as he smirked. Yusuke broke them out of it. "I didn't know you had that kinda power Souta."
"There's a lot you don't know Yusuke." Souta said with a smirk.
Kagome smacked the boy's head and growled at him. "Be nice Souta.... and you suck."
"May I ask why I suck?" Souta said looking at her.
"No reason, except that it took me fifteen tries before I could manage to heal anything the first time."
Shippo giggled from where he was curled up. "Yeah, and she found out that her powers worked on humans."
Souta looked at the kit. "How's that possible?"
Shippo shrugged. "Dunno, but she managed to burn Miroku when she was trying to heal him."
"Speaking of Miroku" started Kagome as she looked at the kit "how is he, Sango, and Inuyasha?"
The kit looked down sadly. "None of them can walk, and Inuyasha almost died and is still close to doing so."
Kagome's eyes widened as she looked around. "You boys need to leave." She directed at the yuyu gang before turning to Souta. "And you're coming with me."
Souta nodded as Kagome ran upstairs to her room. "You guys need to leave. I'll call you to talk when we get back, ok Yusuke?"
Yusuke shrugged as they all left the house. "Spose so."
"Good." And he closed the door on them.
"I wonder what's going on and who those people are." Kurama said as the headed down the shrine steps.
"Dunno, but I think Souta may tell us when they get back."
Kagome explained the situation to her mother, who nodded and said that Souta could go. She also squealed delightedly when she was introduced to her grandson. Kagome held Shippo and Kirara in one arm as Souta had hold of her other hand. "Let's hope this works." She mumbled as they jumped into the well, hugging tightly to each other.
Blue light surrounded them, and landed in fuedal Japan. Shippo and Kirara jumped out as Kagome and Souta climbed up the vines. They all raced to the village and found Kaede heading toward the outskirts of it. "Child, I did not expect to see ye back so soon." She then saw the boy. "Who is this boy, and what happened to ye wounds?"
"This is my little brother Souta, and he healed them for me. I'm teaching him to use his spiritual powers, and we're here to heal the others."
"This way then." Kaede led them to an abandoned hut where her friends were being kept. Kagome gasped when she saw them. "They managed to force Naraku away, but they took heavy injury for it."
Kagome nodded as she looked at the all. "Inuyasha is worse, so who is worse after him?"
"Miroku has some poison in his system, so ye should treat him after Inuyasha."
"Ok. Souta, heal Inu... I'll get Miroku then first one done heals Sango."
"Agreed." Souta said as he walked over to Inuyasha. Kagome walked over to Miroku and began pushing her power into him. It didn't take long to heal his wounds, so she walked over to Sango and pushed healing power into her. She was the easiest. She turned to see that Souta was still trying to heal Inuyasha. "Sis, help." He said weakly.
Kagome rushed over and added her own healing to Inuyasha. That's when she felt the extent of his injuries. There were broken and shattered bones, gashes, deep wounds, and miasma was in all of them. The bad thing was that that was after Souta had already healed some of it. Both siblings fell limp next to the hanyou once they were done. "That was a lot of work." Kagome said as she laughed.
"Yeah... I'm spending the night here." Souta said as he pulled himself onto one of the spare mats that was in the room.
"Suit yourself." Kagome replied as she curled up next to him.
Kaede returned to the hut moments later and stared at the two before checking on the other three. She found them all to be completely healed, and expected them to wake soon. She was right to expect that, as they woke about an hour later.
Miroku was the first to get up, and he rushed over to wake Sango. They then woke Inuyasha. It was he who noticed their two roommates. Miroku looked at them in shock. "Who is that young man?"
"Does Kagome know him?" Sango asked looking at the monk.
Just then Shippo and Kirara ran in and jumped on Sango. Shippo then hugged Miroku and Inuyasha. "You're ok!"
"Keh! Why wouldn't we be runt?"
"You almost died Inuyasha.... you wouldn't get better... Miroku was badly poisoned, and Sango had numerous injuries as well."
"If that's true, then how are we ok?" Miroku asked as he looked at the kit.
"I made it through the well! I took Kirara with me because she was dying from the poison in her! I saw Kagome, and she healed Kirara, then made me let her heal me, then Uncle Souta said that she had to teach him how to heal so he could heal her, and she did so he healed her! Then she asked about you guys and I told her, so she brought Souta back and he helped heal you guys!"
Miroku looked at the young man who was asleep next to Kagome. "So that is her younger brother?"
Shippo nodded. "Hai! Inuyasha was his second attempt at healing! He healed on his first attempt! But he wasn't strong enough to heal Inu, so after Momma healed you and Sango, she helped him heal Inu. That's why they're both tired."
Sango looked thoughtful for a moment. "So they drained their energy on us?" Shippo nodded. "Then lets leave and let them sleep."
Even Inuyasha agreed and they left the hut to go find Kaede. About three hours later, Kagome slowly woke. Noticing that she was in the hut still, she jumped up to check on her friends only to find them gone. So she shook Souta awake, and they both left to find her friends.
All the village girls stared at the as they passed. Some even giggled as they looked at Souta. He was a cute boy with dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes. They found Miroku around some of the ladies. He was being lecherous again, and many women probably fell for his charm. He was a handsome man with shoulder length black hair pulled back into a low ponytail and deep violet eyes.
"Lady Kagome." He called as he looked up. "How are you feeling?" He asked upon arriving at them.
"I'm alright... it was you guys that I'm worried about." She looked over at her brother. "Souta, this is Miroku... Miroku, this is Souta."
Miroku bowed his head slightly. "It's nice to meet you Souta-sama.
Souta bowed his head in return. "Nice to meet you as well Miroku.... and no sama on my name."
"As you wish." He said as he returned to the ladies.
"Pervert." Kagome said as they continued on to find the other two. Sango was found with Kaede in the herb garden. Sango was a very pretty girl with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes. They waved, but the two continued on to find Inuyasha. He was also handsome with his long silver hair, cute dog ears, and golden eyes. "Inuyasha!" She called once they reached the Goshinboku.
"Feh! Seems like you brought the munch-kin with you this time."
"Well, I needed his help healing all of you." Kagome answered with a smile.
"Whatever." He turned to jump back into his tree. "You can go home for now."
Looking at the hanyou's back in shock, her face suddenly lit up as she pulled her brother back to the hut. "Can you find Shippo for me?"
Souta nodded and went to find the kit. It was easy since he was playing with the village children. "Hey Shippo! Kagome wants you!"
"Coming Uncle Souta!" They returned to the hut quickly to find Kagome waiting. "What is it momma?"
Kagome gave him a smile. "Wanna come home with me?"
With Yuyu Gang
Koenma was mad that there was a priest and priestess of that kind of power out there that he didn't know about. He demanded to be taken to the shrine, and threw a fit when he was told that they had left. It was even worse when he was told that there was a kitsune pup with them as well. Koenma then demanded to be taken there anyways, so they agreed that they'd take him the next day.
The three climbed out of the well and headed into the house. Their mom was ecstatic that Kagome brought her grandson back with them. It was later that night that Kagome spoke with her mom about something she found to be important. Ms. Higurashi didn't like it much, but she agreed to it anyways.
Kagome went up to her room, and would've fallen on the but if not for the aura she sensed in her tree. She walked to the window and opened it. "Hello Hiei."
"Hn." Was his reply as he came inside. "Where did you go onna?"
"I went to see and heal my friends." She answered vaguely.
Hiei narrowed his eyes at her. "I meant where were you at?"
"Will you promise not to tell anyone if I do tell you?"
Kagome rolled her eyes at the demon before sighing. "I went to Sengoku Jedai. I go there to collect shards of the Shikon No Tama with my friends whom were gravely injured in a battle that I was forced away from."
He was just looking at her, almost not believing her. "How?"
"The well. It's the time portal, but it only let's me or those with a connection to me through."
"Hn. Do you have a mate in that time?"
"Nope." She answered as she laid down on the bed. "Have you been having strange dreams about me as well?"
"Hn. Yes."
"You don't talk much do you?"
"I'll take that as a yes. What do you dream about?" She could feel something nudging her mind, and after looking at the fire demon, she allowed it. His dreams popped up in her mind, and was starting to get aroused. So she quickly masked her scent, but wasn't fast enough to hide it from Hiei who smirked. Then the images turned to ones of them and two others, making her gasp. "So you've had dreams involving them too?" He nodded.
"Hn. Do you enjoy your dreams about me?"
"Pervert." She whispered before turning her back to him. Unfortunately she was laying down on the bed, so she turned and had her rear facing him.... he legs were also spread which she didn't realize.
"I suggest you don't do that unless you want me taking you." He whispered into her ear as he leaned over her body, his prominent erection poking into her rear.
She gave an audible gulp as she moved against him, causing his to hiss at the pleasurable feeling. "Hehehe.... oops." Kagome said as she tried to get up, only to be stopped with a kiss as she had rolled onto back.
Hiei's POV
He was already turned on from the dreams, and she presented her rear to him. He could barely contain himself as he walked over to her and lay his body against hers to whisper to her. A shiver ran down her body as she tried to turn over and get up. Once she was on her back, he kissed her.
She had rubbed against him, enticing him even more. And now he stood between her legs as she stared up at him innocently, ad he simply could no longer take it. So he moved his mouth next to her ear. "Time to make some of those dreams a reality." And he kissed her again before she could protest.
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