Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ Explaining The Hunt ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter III
Explaining The Hunt
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
^^ Hiei
&& Kurama
$$ Someone else
Just to let you know, Kurama is the fusion of the souls of Shuichi and Youko. I find it difficult to have a conversation with both of them and someone else in their minds because I keep mixing up the symbols. So I made them already fused as he is 20. Ages are to be listed on the bottom.
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Kagome awoke the next morning feeling sore all over. Oh how she was going to kill a certain fire demon when she saw him again. The evil little bastard had taken her virginity! True she no longer liked Inuyasha as more than a friend, for she now saw him like an older, though immature, brother. The nineteen year old glared out the window where she could sense a certain fire demon in the tree.
She walked over to the window and looked at the tree. "I hope you know that I hate you.... a whole lot at the moment." She could hear him chuckling in her mind as she continued to glare at the tree. Even if that was one of the best night's of my life, he's still an evil little bastard. She thought as she grabbed clothes and headed to take a bath. Hoping that the warm water might relax certain muscles that she had no idea she even had.
An hour later, she made it downstairs to find a curious Souta and a knowing Shippo. "Have fun last night momma?"
That did. She took off after the kit and chased him outside, not noticing as the four boys and one girl walked toward the house. "Get back here Shippo!"
"Uh ah. You'll kill me!"
"Only a few times!"
Souta laughed as he watched them, before turning his attention to the others. "Hey Yusuke, who're those two?" He asked as he pointed at a blue haired girl and a brunette boy.
"This is Koenma and Botan." Yusuke introduced. Then he pointed at the boy. "That's Souta."
"How old are you?" Koenma asked.
Souta smirked. "Old enough to know why Kagome's chasing my nephew."
"Why is she chasing the kit?" Kurama asked.
Souta shook his head. "It's not my place to say anything." He looked over at the two and smiled evilly. "Hey sis, Hojo's here!"
"EEP!" Kagome squeaked as she took off into the well house to hide as she fell over laughing.
"He was kidding momma. It's those boys from yesterday." Shippo called through the door.
She came out glaring at her brother. "I hope you're ready to die twerp!" And she took off after him as he bolted to the house and locked her out. Hiei dropped from the tree to beside Kurama as they walked up to the door and the girl. "Fine!" She huffed as her hands began to glow. The door unlocked and flew open, leaving everyone shocked. With an evil gleam in her eyes, she looked at her brother. "Neat trick, huh?"
Souta gulped and took off into the living room. "Come on sis, I was only trying to get your attention."
Kurama cleared his throat, causing the two to look at him. "Perhaps we could talk to you for a moment."
Kagome sighed and sank into a chair as Souta leaned again the nearest wall and Shippo hopped into her lap. "What about?"
"I want you to join my spirit detective team." Stated Koenma as he looked at both Kagome and Souta."
"Sorry, we have other things to do." Kagome said as she looked at her brother.
"I don't." Souta complained.
Kagome smiled at him. "After school let's out for summer, you'll be coming to help me. Momma already said you could."
The boy's eyes lit up. "Really?"
"Hai, which is why I'm waiting till the end of the week to return. I must warn you though that we may not be back for a month or two."
"Fine with me!" He exclaimed as he looked at her happily. "I'll just be happy that I get to help."
"Help with what?" Koenma questioned.
Kagome looked at him innocently. "I could tell you" an evil gleam appeared in her eyes "but then I'd have to kill you." Souta fell over laughing as the yuyu gang (minus Hiei) stared at her shocked.
"I am the Prince of Spirit World, and I order you to tell me!"
"I don't care." She shrugged. "You could be the emperor of Japan for all I care, and I still wouldn't tell you."
Koenma glared at her. "I'll tell my father about you, and he'll make you talk."
"Cry baby." Kagome said as she glared back. "And who is your father?"
"King Enma." Kurama supplied.
A hand clapped over her mouth as she tried to suppress her giggles. "Go ahead and call daddy then. I'm not scared of Enma." The spirit detectives all noticed the evil gleam in her eyes as she looked at the prince of reikai.
"Botan, take me back to Reikai." Botan nodded and opened a portal for him. She then looked at the girl.
Kagome whispered something to Shippo who then nodded gleefully and passed the message on to Souta who almost laughed. "Do any of you know Enma?" Kagome asked innocently.
Yusuke nodded. "Yeah, he's an ass and he ain't very nice. He tried having me killed."
"With your manners, I can't blame him." Kagome said with amusement in her voice as he glared at her. "Anyone else met him?"
"I have, and he doesn't like being disturbed." Botan spoke up.
"Can any of you defeat him?" Souta asked from his spot against the wall.
"Never tried." Yusuke shrugged.
"I doubt they could." Botan said.
Just then a portal appeared, and out came Koenma followed by his father. "Now what is going on Koenma?"
"Her." He said as he pointed at Kagome. "She won't tell me where she disappears to, won't join my detectives, and she has a kitsune pup here!"
Enma looked over at Kagome, then smiled. "She has no need to tell you anything Koenma. She is not under Spirit World laws." All of the guys looked at Kagome at that.
"What do you mean father?"
"I mean that Spirit World has no power over her actions or that of her family."
Kagome glared evilly at the spirit prince. Kurama spoke up. "How is it that Spirit World has no power of the girl?"
"That is a secret kitsune, and she's the only one that can tell you." Said Enma as he winked at Kagome. "Your boys aren't doing much, are they Koenma?"
"No father."
"Well then, if you want Kagome, they can help on your quest."
Kagome's glared turned to him as her eyes narrowed. "And just what are you trying to do?"
Enma shook his head and disappeared as Kagome growled at the spot he was last at. Shippo giggled at her. "Maybe he's trying to set up a repeat of last night."
Kagome turned to her son who gulped and took off, transforming into a bird and landing on top of the house. "You have to come down sometime Shippo."
Kuwabara shrugged and left. "I'm going home. Shizuru's mad at me already."
Koenma glared at the girl before turning to Botan. "If the guys help her, you do too." Botan nodded as the spirit prince disappeared.
"Perhaps we should find out what we're supposed to help with." Kurama said as he looked at the other two boys.
"Hn." He already knew.
"Whatever. I've got nothing better to do."
They walked over to the still fuming Kagome who was trying to knock Shippo down with a rock. "Might we inquire what we are supposed to help with?"
"Let's talk inside. Shippo, get down here or no pocky tomorrow." That had the kit jumping down. Kagome then mumbled "Inuyasha's not gonna like this."
Once they were inside, her grandfather walked in. "Demons be..."
He didn't get to finish because Kagome took the offuda from his and covered his mouth with it. "Give it a rest gramps."
Souta hid his laughs as the old man walked away after glaring at his granddaughter. "So sis, they're gonna help too?"
"Why not, Naraku's powerful and keeps almost killing all of us. Some help might be useful."
Kagome whispered something in her ear and she glared at him. "What? It was only a question."
"Remember that I know where you sleep brat." She then turned to the other boys. "Suppose I should explain about what all's going on." The boys nodded. "On my fifteenth birthday I was pulled down the Bone Eaters Well and into Sengoku Jedai. There's no barrier there, so demons and humans must coexist. Mistress Centipede tried to kill me to gain possession of a jewel that I didn't know I had.
I ended up blasting her arm off and then I climbed out of the well only to find myself in the past. I headed to where I saw Goshinboku and found a boy with dog ears pinned to it with an arrow through his heart. It was the arrow of sealing which Kikyo used on him. I found out that I was Kikyo's reincarnation later on when the Shikon No Tama burst forth from my body.
I was captured at Goshinboku by the villagers and taken to Kaede who thought I was kitsune. Then she looked at me and said I resembled Kikyo. Mistress Centipede attacked the village while demanding the jewel, and so I fled to the well that Kaede said I needed to lure it to.
It followed me and I somehow woke Inuyasha from his seal when I was trying to flee from the demon. He mistook me for Kikyo and I started yelling at him as the demon came after me. The villagers managed to stop it, but it came after me again and I grabbed hold of Inu.
Then it got me away from him and I blew all of it's arms off. It again demanded the Shikon as it bit into my side." She raised her shirt and showed them her scar. They also noticed how deep it looked. "The jewel flew from that wound, and I tried to get it before the demon did, but I wasn't fast enough. The centipede pinned me against Inuyasha who asked me to pull the arrow out. Kaede told me not to, but it die or release him... so I released him.
The centipede freaked and tried to crush us, but failed as Inuyasha destroyed it's body, then shredded it completely. I pointed out where the jewel was and Kaede got it and handed it to me, proclaiming that I was it's protectress. Then Inuyasha tried to kill me for it. Kaede put the beads of subjugation on him, so all I have to say is sit and he slams face first into the ground."
Yusuke leaned over to Kurama and whispered to him "remind me to never make her mad." The thought of having one of those subjugation necklaces was not pretty. Kurama nodded his head in agreement.
"How many traveling companions do you have?" Kurama asked.
"Well there's Shippo, Kirara, Inuyasha..."
"Didn't he try to kill you?" Interrupted Yusuke.
Kagome nodded. "Yeah, so what? Miroku attempted to kidnap me, he stole from me, groped me, asked me to bear his child, and even almost killed me. The last one was of course my fault. Sango tried killing Inuyasha and I because Naraku tricked her, and Shippo stole from me, got me kidnapped, and nearly killed."
"Some traveling companions." Yusuke mumbled, but they all heard.
"They are. Inuyasha is strong and brave, though he tends to be harsh and callous. Miroku, while a perverted lecher, has strong spiritual powers and is a major help in most battles, and Sango is a powerful demon exterminator. Kirara also helps out in battles. Shippo tries to help, but like me he's not as powerful as the others. Though he has pulled through and saved us numerous times."
"Don't forget to tell them about our allies momma. Souta will need to know as well." Shippo added in.
"Right. Well there's Koga the wolf prince. He and Inuyasha tend to fight a lot because Koga always claims me as his woman. Sesshomaru will sometimes help out, but normally he doesn't. Though we do finally have an alliance with him. If we need certain herbs for anything, we can always go see Jinenji. He has the largest herb garden I've ever seen.
Shiori's just a child, but she can create strong barriers. Ayame is the Northern Princess, and she'll help if we need assistance.... There's also Kikyo, though she's not exactly our ali."
"She likes trying to kill momma and Inuyasha, she handed half of the jewel over to Naraku, our enemy, and she's living dead." Shippo stated for her.
"Living dead?" Botan asked.
Kagome sighed. "An evil witch stole her ashes and resurrected her body. The soul did not return, and we were on our way there when she realized that I held Kikyo's soul, so she came after me. Shippo saved Kaede while Inuyasha somehow managed to not get hurt. We were crossing a bridge when she attacked, and the others fell down the steep cliff as Urasue grabbed me.
She took me back to where Kikyo's body was waiting and placed me in this herb mixture that was supposed to draw my soul out. I was in there for an hour before anything happened, and my soul started surrounding me. That's when Inuyasha showed up. He called out Kikyo's name, and my soul burst forth and into Kikyo." Kagome then turned to Shippo.
"Kagome wasn't moving, so Kaede and I went to help her. We got her outta the tub, but Kaede said she didn't have her soul. Kikyo killed Urasue when the witch commanded her to go hunt shikon shards for her, then she turned on Inuyasha. The wound that caused her death appeared on her shoulder, and she tried to kill Inuyasha.
Kaede attempted to stop her, but she pushed Kaede out of the way as she took her bow and arrows. Inuyasha pulled tetseiga to stop her arrow, but it overcame the sword. He screamed out in pain, and Kagome's body turned blue as she tried to call her soul back. The arrow disappeared as her soul started to return, and Kikyo ran away with a portion of the soul."
Kagome smiled at her kit. The yuyu gang looked shocked. "I woke up a while later, and everyone was trying to pamper me. Needless to say it got old since I felt fine. We returned to our shard hunting, and met Miroku soon afterward. Apparently Kikyo had fallen off a cliff, and everyone thought she was dead... at least we did until we ran into her again.
I had to stop her from dragging Inuyasha to hell. We had found out from Miroku that it was Naraku who tricked Inuyasha and Kikyo into betraying each other. Now Inuyasha will sometimes go off to Kikyo, and no one really knows who's side she's on. She lives off the souls of dead women though."
Botan was looking at Kagome in amazement. "So you've had your soul sucked out once, anything else we should know?"
"Actually, I've had my soul taken numerous times." Kagome said as she thought. The guys (including Hiei) were staring at her in amazement. "I suppose I should tell you about our enemy."
"That'd be a good idea." Kurama stated.
"He has an almost impenetrable barrier, he can't be easily killed, and he takes pieces of himself to make his 'children' as he calls them."
"What?" Yusuke asked confused.
Kagome sighed. "Five hundred and fifty-four years ago, there was a bandit named Onigumo. Kikyo found his burnt and broken body and decided to take him in, so she began caring for him. She kept him in a cave away from everybody else as she knew he was a bandit. He came to desire her as he desired the jewel.
Another part of the story is that a dark priestess named Tsubaki put a curse on Kikyo. If she ever fell in love, she'd die a horrible death. Well she fell in love with Inuyasha, and had planned on using the shikon no tama to turn him human. Her belief was that a pure wish would destroy the jewel. In my opinion though, there's no such thing as a pure wish.
Anyways, Onigumo called forth demons and offered them his body and soul for a chance with Kikyo. The demons entered him and he became Naraku. The hanyou sealed away the human heart that yearned for Kikyo and devised a plot to kill her and taint the jewel in the process.
The jewel is tied to it's guardian, therefore the jewel becomes more tainted if the bearer holds hatred and bitterness within. He took the form of Inuyasha and went to Kikyo the night before Inuyasha was to turn human. He asked her to meet him at sunrise. He struck a fatal wound on her shoulder and told her he'd use the jewel to torture the villagers.
He disappeared then turned into Kikyo as he placed the jewel back in the shrine that housed it. Taking off, he found Inuyasha and fired three arrows at him, still in the form of Kikyo. Calling him half-demon and saying that she'd never trust him. He took off to the village and stole the jewel and Kikyo shot a sealing arrow at him which pinned him to Goshinboku for fifty years, when I pulled it out.
And instead of using the jewel to wish for her life, Kikyo asked it to be burned with her body. She had handed it to her younger sister Kaede."
"That story's interestin an' all, but what's it gotta do with anything?" Yusuke asked.
Kagome glared at him. "It's the story of how Naraku came to be. You needed to understand that his body is composed of hundreds of demons as well as Onigumo's human heart... or at least used to be composed of. After Kikyo gave him the shards she took from me, he became able to creation incarnations of himself.
First was Kagura, and she pit Inuyasha and Koga against each other using a trap. She has a fan that allows her to control all winds unless they're purified. Second was Kanna. She has a mirror that reflects attacks back at you, it can steal your soul if you look into it, and she can use it to connect with the demon bees and see what they see. Kagura has black hair and blood red eyes, and Kana has white hair, and soulless black eyes. She normally wears all white.
We killed Goshinki. He could see into your mind and read your thoughts.... that was not a fun battle." Kagome said as she shivered.
Shippo shivered also. "Yeah, he broke Inuyasha's sword, and his sword seals his blood away. He turned full demon and only thought about killing, so Goshinki couldn't predict his moves. Kagome's the only one who can ever get him to change back when he becomes like that." The kit suddenly snickered. "She kissed him once to do it, and he was trying to kill her at the time."
Kagome blushed, but still glared at the boy. "He was under Kaguya's control. Anyways, there was Juromaru and Kageromaru. Koga helped us kill them, but it was ultimately because of Inuyasha that we won."
"Skip the dead ones sis." Kagome growled at Souta but nodded.
"Fine. Kagura and Kana are still alive, there's also Hakudoshi now. And a baby, I believe it's name is Akago and he's the one that we need to find. Hakudoshi created Moryomaru, not too positive how though. Kagura can't be killed because Naraku holds her heart and can kill her whenever he wishes, otherwise she would've deserted him. And Hakudoshi and Naraku are exactly alike, you can destroy their bodies, but it won't kill them."
"And we need to find this baby incarnation because?" Yusuke asked.
"The baby is Naraku's heart. To kill the baby is to kill Hakudoshi and Naraku. You see he was in Mt. Hakurei, but he destroyed it when his new body formed. He reformed his entire body while he was there, and he gathered almost all of the jewel shards. He had all but three. Kagura fled with orders to take Akago away from there, but no one knew about him at the time.
The evil infant can even speak. He tried to use the baby to control me. It can latch on to your soul by using any darkness within your heart if he can get a hold of you. And that allows him to see everything you know. They ended up looking for the border between this world and the next world. A monk hacked the baby in half, and one half turned into Hakudoshi while the other half re-grew into the baby.
Then Naraku stole Fuyoheki(?) and gave it to Akago. The Fuyoheki is a stone that hides demonic aura, and now we can't find him. Kana keeps watch over him, but she's of the void and has no presence. Kagura is also trying to find the heart to kill Naraku, but he doesn't trust her enough to tell her. Not even Kohaku has been told."
"Kohaku?" Questioned Kurama.
Both Kagome and Shippo turned sad. "Maybe you should tell them Sango's story momma."
She sighed. "Do any of you know how the shikon was formed?"
"Umm.... a priestess gave her life to kill demons." Botan guessed.
"Half right." Kagome said as she smiled at the girl. "The most powerful priestess known to have lived created the jewel. Her powers were great enough that she could purify a demon's soul, turning it into a good demon. Or she could purify it from existence.
Four demons came together to stand against her at the limestone caverns which lie in the tajiya village. The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights before the demons became desperate. They combined their bodies into one and managed to get Midoriko into it's jaws.
Sadly she could not purify their souls at all, so as a last resort she dug deep within herself and pulled out her power. She grabbed hold of the demons' souls and forced out her own soul. In doing so, she entrapped them all within the Shikon No Tama where the battle still rages.
When a pure soul holds the jewel, Midoriko is winning. When a darker soul holds it, the demons are winning. When the jewel lies within the hands of it's chosen guardian, there is peace within. Well, the battle is preserved in stalagmite within that cave. The tajiya knew of the jewel and that it originated from their village.
When the jewel resurfaced five hundred years ago, they began collecting the shards that the demons had. The tajiya hired themselves out to slay demons for people in need. If the demon they slain had a jewel shard, they'd forgo payment and take the shard. Naraku learned that they had shikon shards and set a trap.
The most skilled and powerful of the slayers were called to a castle to fight a giant spider demon. He had a demon pose as lord and take control of Sango's younger brother Kohaku, then he made Kohaku kill his father and fellow villagers. He also used his chain scythe to attack Sango, embedding it in her back.
Then the guards were ordered to kill them, so both were attacked with arrows. Kohaku died in her arms, but Naraku used a shikon shard to bring him back. Sango was buried because they thought she was dead, but she wasn't. She climbed out and the young lord ordered her to be cared for.
At the same time, Naraku told a bunch of demons who hated the slayers that it would be easy to attack that day. He gathered the shards after slayers were killed. Then the demons attacked Naraku and he absorbed them. Naraku has erased Kohaku's memories so he doesn't know who Sango or Kirara are, and now we're trying to get him back to save him."
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Kurama - 20 (Unless you count Youko's age)
Yusuke - 19
Kuwabara - 19
Hiei - umm.... he's a demon, does it really matter?
Kagome - 19
Souta - 13
Shippo - 11
Miroku - 24
Sango - 21
Inuyasha - 203 (according movie three, Inuyasha was born 200 years prior. I think the movie is close to being a year after the shikon journey began)
Kohaku - 15
Did I miss anyone? Leave some comments and tell me what you think of the story.