Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ A Mazoku's First ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Will Of The Jewel
Chapter X
A Mazoku’s First
Summary:Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with its guardian?
Disclaimer:I doNOTInuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I makeNOfrom the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
\\Youko \\
((Someone else))

The group had finally made it to the western palace where they had plans to relax for a day while Sesshoumaru took care of any new business while he also checked into rumors about the location of Naraku. Kagome decided that now would be a good time to see if Sango would mind training her in the ways of her people. As she made her way to the room that was given to Sango, she couldn’t help but sudden;y worry that the slayer might not want to train her, as she was not a taijiya.

Even with her new trepidation about Sango not wanting to train her, she maintained her courage and rapped at the sliding rice paper door that led to Sango’s room. The slayer opened the door a few moments later and invited the miko inside and to where she had been polishing her weapons to keep them in good shape for future battles. They sat in silence a moment before Kagome finally decided she couldn’t take the quiet any longer. “Sango, I was uh… wonder if you wouldn’t mind umm… teaching me to be a slayer…?”

It took a moment for what Kagome was asking to sink in, but when it did a bright smile lit Sango’s face as she nodded happily. “It would be wonderful to have someone else around that could continue my ways.”

That was all it took for Kagome to start crying happily and launch herself over the distance and at Sango. “I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t want to teach me since I’m not one of your people.”

Sango somewhat laughed at that and shook her head, “you might not be a blood relative, but you’re the sister of my heart. Besides, I’ve been telling all of you that I want to rebuild my village.”

Kagome nodded happily at that as she pulled back to look at her ‘sister’. “So when do we start training?”

Sango smiled at the eagerness of her new pupil, “how about now? I know Sesshoumaru is bound to have a dojo here.”

“Sounds great,” Kagome agreed with a bright smile.

“But first, you need to change into something more appropriate.”

Kagome nodded at that as she rose to her feet, “I have some sweats from my time that would be perfect to work in for now. I’ll go change into those for now and maybe later I’ll get something more appropriate for this time.”


< /font>
After about an hour of starting training, mainly learning how to stand in order to hold a sword, Kagome almost wanted to say that she changed her mind about the whole thing. Her body was tired and her mind was frustrated from having Sango constantly telling her that her stance was wrong. She swore that if the slayer said one more thing about her posture she was going to snap and beat her with one of the wooden boken that they got for training. As if reading her thoughts Sango started to say something about her foot was still pointed in the wrong direction.

Kagome honestly had no idea what had come over her, but as her eye twitched she decided that she was going to show Sango that the katas were obviously not that important. In one quick movement her hand grabbed a boken from the ground and she swung the thing at her ‘teacher’. Sango may only have had a moment’s notice, but with her warriors experience it was more than enough to dodge and grab the other boken from the floor. Her eyes narrowed at her friend and sister as she took in the irritated look adorning the younger girl’s face. That’s when she noticed the slight difference and that Kagome’s eyes had changed in color. Her once sapphire blue eyes were now solid silver and glaring at her.

Seeing the slayer take up  the other ‘weapon’ had Kagome pause for a moment as she thought over what she was about to do. True learning the katas could be useful, but she had never seen Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru use such moves while they were in battle. While Inuyasha was not someone she should look at while assessing ways to battle, his technique could occasionally be useful in a situation where there seemed to be no hope. Before she could think on it too much longer, she noticed that Sango was coming at her and fast.

Kagome moved quickly, bringing her wooden sword up to block just as Sango’s ‘sword’ would have made contact with her ribs. Neither girl noticed as several beings entered the dojo and paused to watch them. Kagome was too far gone in her desire to show Sango that the katas were useless.

A moment after the miko blocked the strike she twirled away and twisted her sword arm to make a strike as she distanced herself. Sango blocked just in time and made to thrust at the miko only to be blocked as she twirled away and sliced her sword through the air toward the slayer’s abdomen. Sango barely managed to block, but as soon as their swords connected Kagome’s was already moving again, using Sango’s own sword to arc upward and toward the slayer’s neck.

The slayer’s eyes widened at the move and she used brute strength to throw Kagome and herself apart as she skid to a halt and Kagome managed to maintain her balance and stay on her feet. A calculating look passed over the miko’s face for only a few moments before she was once again moving, only this time it was with a speed that could rival a low class demon’s.

Surprise flashed across Sango’s face as she blocked the first strike aimed at her neck, but was too slow to block the second strike that was aimed directly for her now unprotected ribs. A loud crunch echoed throughout the dojo as the wooden sword connected solidly and sent Sango soaring through the air and several feet away. All eyes widened at that, including Kagome’s own as she dropped her boken and rushed to her sister’s side. “Shit! I’m sooo sorry Sango! Are you alright?”

Even as the questions fell from her lips she dropped to her knees and starting pouring healing energy into the form of the crumpled slayer. Said girl coughed slightly as she lightly smiled up at her friend. “Guess you don’t really need to perfect the katas, do you?”

That caused a giggle to fall from the miko’s lips as she finished healing her friend and pulled her into her lap and into a hug. “I didn’t know you could fight with a sword.”

It was more a statement than anything, but as Kagome looked up into searing gold eyes she nodded slowly. Apparently Sesshoumaru and some of his men had watched the entire match and the demon lord’s eyes now rested fully on her. It was a few moments before she realized that she was only staring at him before her gaze flitted to the floor for a moment. But when her eyes peered back up at him they were steeled to deal with anything. “I didn’t know either until just now.”

“Perhaps you’d like to test your skills against a more advanced opponent then?”

The question surprised her and she could see the glee in his normally could eyes. If she said ‘no’ he would see her as scared and weak, but if she said ‘yes’ she would get her ass kicked… Looking straight into his golden eyes she decided that she was going to go down bravely and with her ass handed to her with several bruises as proof. “What will we use to spar and what are the terms?”

She almost gulped at his smirk. “We’ll use swords, of course, as for the terms, first blood or first to yield loses.”

“I am human Sesshoumaru, if you draw blood on me it could be life threatening.”

The demon lord had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at her protests. “Do you have so little faith in my control, miko?”

Well, he got her with that one. “Very well, but I don’t have a sword.”

The demon lord nodded, and had one of his men fetch a sword for the miko so the two of them could spar. Sango meanwhile was telling the younger girl that she was completely crazy for agreeing to spar with the demon. “You do know you’re going to get your ass kicked, right?”

“But I’ll do so with my head held high,” the miko agreed as she stood to face her next battle.

A sword was handed to her and she weighed it for a moment before taking a stance that was neither offensive or defensive, thus allowing her the ability to switch between the two at a moment’s notice. Sesshoumaru nodded his head in approval at that as he heard some of her other traveling companions enter the dojo. It was the hybrid and the mazoku and both looked between the two in surprise for a moment, not really understanding what they were seeing. It was a moment later that one of his men gave the signal to begin and he realized that she never noticed their entrance.

Kagome’s mind was unusually calm as she took in her opponent with little to no fear. Only a slight hesitation as she was sure that she was going to be sore later. It was with slight relief that she noticed the demon lord had drawn Tenseiga to fight her with. At least if he hit her with that sword she wasn’t going to die since it couldn’t cut the living. A moment later and he was coming towards her as they were signaled to begin. He moved fast, but somehow she could still see his movements and raised her sword to meet his in a clang of metal on metal. He was surprised, but it only lasted for a moment as he twisted his sword and made to strike out at her again.

Her mind was calm as she dodged the strike and her own blood flew through the air at his other side. He blocked with the hilt of his sword as his eyes widened at her attempt. His sword struck out at her chest, but her own was there to meet it in a flash. She moved fast for being a human. He threw several more strikes, all in quick succession in order to gauge her speed. Each stroke was met and blocked with a counter strike of its own. Deciding it was time to up the level of play, he came at her with more speed. The miko twirled and dodged away from all of his strikes, managing to throw a few of her own at him while doing so.

Kagome wasn’t too sure what was happening, but she knew what she needed to do to not get hit. It was almost as if part of her could sense where the demon lord would strike next. Instinct was driving her, and it was doing a really good job from what she could tell as she dodged yet another lethal blow. Her power was slowly rising, swirling around her form and aiding in her speed as she managed to move more quickly with every strike, yet she knew that Sesshoumaru could more faster still. He was playing with her! It was with that thought that she decided it was time to use one of Inuyasha’s style of attacks.

The demon lord paused a moment when the miko growled lowly, and rather impressively for a human. It was not a second later that her form blurred and she was about to strike him. Just as he raised his sword to block her speed increased and her target switched to just under where his sword blocked and her attack angled upward, catching him off-guard and managing land causing a nice long cut on his torso to his chest. In the exchange, he also attacked her due to his surprise and lashed out with acid claws sending her flying back from him.

As Kagome saw the green acid heading for her body, something that would certainly cause her death, her instincts kicked in and instead of panicking she surrounded herself in a skin tight miko barrier that would protect her as she held her breath. As she landed and skid to a stop she allowed her barrier to drop as she shakily rose to her feet, only then did she notice the two men with widened eyes that had watched the entire battle.


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Souta had heard about the entire scene in the dojo and was surprised to see that his sister was still in one piece as she made her way back to her room. As he started asking her questions, he noticed some of the changes and couldn’t help but ask the one that no one had pointed out to her. “Since when are your eyes silver?”

“Silver?” she questioned as she completely stopped and turned to look at him. At his nod she turned and moved to the nearest window where she could see her reflection and that her eyes were in fact a silvery color and not their normal sapphire blue. “I wonder when that happened?”

“According to Sango, it happened while you two were sparring; right as you suddenly attacked her for commenting on your stance again.” The amused sounding voice belonged to Yusuke as he walked up to Kagome with a smirk on his face. “And the look on Sesshoumaru’s face when you apparently beat him was rather amusing. You never mentioned to anyway that you could fight with a sword.”

Kagome mumbled something unintelligible and looked down until both boys asked what she had said. “I said I didn’t know either, I just got angry at Sango for telling me my stance was bad.”

Souta shook his head at his sister while Yusuke chuckled at the little miko. The mazoku decided that he liked her fiery temper as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against himself. “How come you were using a sword then?”

Kagome sighed as she looked up at him, “I asked Sango to help train me so I can better protect myself during a fight.”

“I can help ya with that,” he said as he looked down at her. “With your control it’d probably be easier for ya to use your hands and feet to expel energy into blasts.”

Kagome paused at that. “You mean you want to teach me hand to hand combat?”

“Not a normal style, more like street fighting,” he said as he shrugged. “If nothing else, it’ll make it easier to defend yourself if an enemy gets close to ya and you don’t have a weapon.”

“When would you like to train then?”

“How ‘bout tonight after dinner, that way you have some time to relax after your spars.” She glared at him for her comment but nodded her head in approval as she continued on her way to her room with her little brother tagging along.


< /font>
It was dark out when Kagome slowly made her way to the dojo once again. This time she was wearing a pair of loose jeans and a baggy t-shirt, figuring that it would be good enough for the movement she’d need to learn what was basically street fighting. When she reached the dojo she noticed that Yusuke was over in a corner and stretching slightly. She headed over to him and smiled in greeting as he gave her a somewhat cocky smirk.

“So what’re we going to start with?” the miko asked as she shook her head at him.

“Well I kinda figured we’d start by me testing ya. I wanna see how well you can throw a punch or kick, then we’ll go from there.”

“Well how’re you going to see how hard I hit?”

The detective smirked at that, “well you’re gonna be aiming for me, and before you protests I can take any hits you throw as long as you don’t lace them with your ki.”

“Are you sure?” she questioned softly as she looked at him with slight concern.

Her answer was a chuckle and a shake of the man’s head. “I can take a hit from a demon lord, Kagome, I’m pretty sure I can take a punch from you.”

The girl had to admit that he had a point considering she highly doubted that she could hit as hard as Sesshoumaru could, even with the creepy changes that had been occurring to her body lately. She nodded her agreement and asked what they would start with, and that is how hours later found the miko drenched in sweat and lightly cursing under her breath as she aimed another hit at the mazoku. They had been sparring for a while now and even though Yusuke hadn’t done much but tap her, she hadn’t managed to hit him but a few times.

Just as that thought crossed her mind, she felt as he gently rapped her abdomen to show that he had gotten close enough he could’ve landed a deadly blow. She growled lowly as he backed away before launching another strike, only this time twisting in midair to also throw a kick when her punch had been blocked. Her plan worked and she barely managed to graze his shoulder with her finger tips, but she pulled back immediately and had to cover her nose as the strong scent of copper took over her sense of smell.

As her hands covered her face she looked over to see that Yusuke’s shoulder now had blood freely flowing from four long gashes, located right where her fingers had grazed him. Using one hand to keep her nose covered, she pulled the other away and her eyes widened in shock as she took in five petite claws before they returned to Yusuke’s surprised amber. It was only a moment later that his demon healing kicked in and the wound quickly stopped bleeding and started sealing shut.

“So now the surprise is that you have claws, anything else new that might pop up while we’re fighting?”

At his amused question she blushed lightly but also gave a slight nod. At his questioning look she just gave a helpless shrug. “How about we go clean up and I’ll tell you afterward in my room? I’m kinda exhausted.”

He agreed, so they both left and headed to the baths. Luckily, there were two separate ones and Kagome had a nice indoor hot spring all to herself. As she sank down into the water she couldn’t help but sigh in content as muscles she didn’t realize were sore began relaxing. It was a nice feeling, and she hated that she should hurry slightly in order to meet Yusuke back at her room. Sighing sadly to herself she began the process of cleansing the sweat from her body as well and cleaning her hair before getting out and slipping on one of the sleeping yukatas that were placed in there for after the baths.

Kagome slowly made her way back to her room and was unsurprised to see Yusuke waiting outside the door. She smiled somewhat shyly as she opened it and allowed him to follow her inside before closing the door behind her, then made her way over to a little vanity table where she picked up her brush and began pulling it through her soft dark tresses. It was with a slight chuckle that Yusuke took the brush from her hands and pulled her to the bed where he began helping her. “I don’t see how you can do it yourself with how long it is.”

She giggled at his sweet gesture and genuine comment as she allowed him to help her with her waist length hair. “It is a little difficult to take care of, but I manage it alright on my own.”

“So, about my question earlier, what all else is gonna be happening to you?”

A soft sigh escaped her lips as her shoulders somewhat drooped at that, “according to the souls of the jewel, I am to gain demonic powers and basically become a demon myself in order to better protect the jewel’s power.”

“Sweet, so you’re gonna get more power?”

“I suppose,” she murmured softly as she looked at the floor with sadness apparent on her features. Only a moment passed before she answered his unasked question. “I’m afraid.”

Her quiet admittance surprised him as he looked her over. To him, Kagome seemed like the type of girl that wouldn’t be afraid of anything. After a few moments he set the brush aside on a small table by the bed and wrapped her in his arms. “And why are you afraid?”

When she looked up her silver eyes were watery and tears began making their way down her tanned cheeks. “I’m afraid that if I change too much, none of the others will like me. That maybe Shippo won’t wanna be my son anymore; that I’ll have no one left.”

He shook his head as his hand reached for her chin and brought her eyes up to look into his own. As leaned down for a kiss he never noticed the clink of jewels hitting the floor even as his whispered words caused a gasp to fall from Kagome’s lips and his actions to wrap her arms around his neck. “You’ll always have me, no matter what.”


Here is another chapter for this story. I’m hopefully going to be able to update all of my stories this weekend, as it is a three-day work weekend. As for the time between this update and the last updates, my flash drive totally crashed on me and I lost all my work except for the stories that I already had finished. Sorry for the delay, but I am restarting from scratch. As always, thank-you for reading my story and reviews are much appreciated.