Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yusuke's Cousin the Miko ❯ Hiei and Kurama Have Angered a God ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10:

And just to let ya know...I am crazy, but that has nothing to do with the story! Yusuke and Kuwabara are going to give H/S and Kur/Kagome the push in the right direction. Even though their plans may work or not work the way they intended. But you can bet it's gonna be funny! No-offense but someguys are really clueless when it comes to girls and romantic stuffs, so go rent a romantic movie and copy that! Just kiding!


(Back in Feudal Japan)

Inuyahsa was still eating dirt. Shippou was bouncing on his head here and there but it soon got boring. Miroku was reading some scrolls that would help defeat Naraku if he ever came by and Keade was out picking herbs. "Hello Lord Inuyasha." Miroku looked up from his scroll, "Why hello Myoga. Where have you been lately?" Myoga jumped on Miroku's shoulder and sat down crossing all his 4 arms. "Just around. Where is lady Kagome and lady Sango?" Miroku looked back down at his scrolls, "Kagome took Sango and Kirara to her home for a month." Myoga looked at Inuyasha, "I guess that is why Lord Inuyasha is..." "Precisely." Shippou came running in the door. "Miroku! Sesshomaru is coming!" Shippou removed his spell from the statue on Inuyasha's head and he was instintly clobbered by Inuyasha."Feh. Stupid damn fox!" he replied before disappearing out of the hut. Miroku ran after him and so did Shippou, after a while.

Sesshomaru flew on his clowd to the clearing of the village. Keade aimed an arrow for his heart,"What do ye want here Lord Sesshomaru?" He turned his head tward her and spoke,"I do not wish to fight. I have come here to join forces with my pathetic little brother." Inuyasha just appeared with Tetsusiaga ready. "Hello there little brother." Inuyasha growled. A little girl peeked her head out from behind Sesshomaru's leg. Inuyasha started to charge him when Keade did something, "Sit Inuyasha." He was attomaticly pinned to the ground. "Lady Keade, How did you do that to Inuyasha." Miroku popped out of nowhere."Kagome gave me permission to do so with a spell."

Sesshomaru, who was amused with his brothers ignorance, spoke again. "I have not come here for a fight Inuyasha. I have simply come to offer my assistance to kill Naraku." Inuyasha got up off the ground. "Yeah, and I really miss being stuck to a tree. Like I'm really gonna listen to you! Your just here to steal Tetsusiaga!" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, "Why I throw away my honor to get a sword I could kill you a get it." Sesshomaru smirked. "Why you..." "Inuyasha, be still." Keade yelled. Shippou piped up, "Hey he's got a point dog-breath!" he jumped on Inuyasha's head and pulled on his ears. "If it wasn't for Kagome then you'd be dead right now. She saved your but so many times..." Inuyasha got up and threw Shippou at Sesshomaru,"If your gonna take his side then go with him!" Shippou landed at Sesshomaru's feet like a sack of potatoes. The little girl came out from behind Sesshomaru,"Are you okay?" Shippou look ed up to see a little girl about 7 hovering over him with long black hair, some tied in pony tale on the side of her head. "Uh... I guess." "Okay. Rin's name is Rin. Whats yours?" Shippou got to asitting postition. "Uhh...Shippou?" Rin giggled."Rin likes Shippou-chans tail!"

Inuyasha just stood there and watched the whole sceen until Miroku hit him over the head. "What the hell was that for!?" *Bonk* "You mustent use such language infront of a child Inuyasha. The first one was that you charged your brother without thinking! You could have hurt that little girl if you did!" Inuyasha glared at Miroku. "So fuc" Miroku hit him 7 more times till he decided to shut his mouth. (It's a MIRACLE!) "Fine! If you want to stay here and get killed then it's fine with me!" Inuyasha stalked off to the village.

Sesshomaru put on his famous smirk. Later on, Miroku and Sesshomaru came to an agreement that he would not try to steal Tetsusiaga until Naraku is dead. The rest of the day Rin and Shippou were playing tag.


(In Modern day Japan)

The next day Genkia trained both Kagome how to control her spirit energy and miko powers, and taught Sango also to control her spirit energy and how to fight hand-to-hand combat. This lasted from 4 a.m. in the morning to 10 p.m. at night.

10 p.m....

Kagome were sitting next to Kurama on the couch, Sango was sitting next to Kirara on the floor. Yusuke and Kuwabara burst threw the door. "Who wants to see a movie?!" Kuwabara brought in popcorn. Keiko, Yukina and Boton followed them with really big grins. Yusuke poped in a horror movie. Kurama and Hiei, who was in the corner, narrowed their eyes at him.

'Kurama' Hie spoke telepathicly to Kurama.

'Yes Hiei?'

'What do you think their up to?'

'I don't know Hiei. Why don't you read their minds?'

'Already tried. Nothing'

'Then lets keep an eye on them'


(Back to the real world)

Yusuke sat in the one person chair, and Keiko plopped down on his lap, making him turn into a tomato. Kuwabara and Yukina sat on the couch, a faint blush could be seen on his face. Hiei glared daggers, as soon as Yusuke pushed play, at Kuwabara as he put his arm around Yukina's shoulders. As soon as the gory stuff started it freaked out Kagome so she clung to Kurama's arm. Sango also looked kinda terrified she was huddled up agenst Kirara. Before the movie ended, Kagome and Sango had fallen asleep from seeing the parts over and over. "Hey Kurama, are you sick? You look kinda red." Yusuke teased. Keiko quickly huddled closer, and that made him shut up. Kuwabara was trying not to fall asleep. About 11:48, every one was a sleep. Boton had gone to spirit world, or where-ever she sleeps, but not eveyone was actually asleep. Kurama looked at a sleeping Kagome. He sighed and picked her up and went to her room to put her in her bed. When Kurama walked out of the room, Hiei opened his eyes and looked at Sango. He silently walked over to her and keeled down. He moved a strand of hair from her face and stared.*What are you doing to me?* He was so caught up in thought that he didn't even notice her clamp onto his hand and pull it closer. He blinked in surprised and tried to pull his arm back but she had a death grip on it. He tried again but her hold got even tighter. He blinked a couple more times and sighed. He sat next to her let her snuggle into his side. A faint blush creeping to his face. A few moments later, Sango turned over and pulled Hiei down to. He was really surprised now. She snuggled into his chest more almost making him turn completly tomato red. *What have I gotten myself into.* He feel into a light slumber.

Kurama walked down the hallway and turned to her room. He went in and walked to her bed. He put her gently down on her side and was about to pull back when he saw her hands holding his shirt tightly. He got her to loosen her grip, about 10 minutes later. He was about to pull back but her arms went around his neck and pulled him down to the bed. His face inches from hers, he tried to get up but her hold tighten so even he could get out.

(In Kurama's Mind)

*What did I do to deserve this? Did I anger some god?! What happens when she wakes up?!*

~Man, you took your time getting her in bed!~

*Shut up Yoko!*

~Not bad, now put your arms around her and kiss her.~


~Do what I said if you wanna score! Come on! I've been waiting for years! You score or I'll drive you insane!~

*Say one more word and I'll have her purrify your demon blood.*

~...~ No Answer


Kurama wrapped his arms around her and feel asleep in seconds.


Okay people. Who should I pair Boton with?

Jin, from the dark tornament,

Sesshomaru, or should I make up some character. I f so please email and/or review me to tell me what he/she should be like. It's all up to the audience now! Email with enough ideas and I'll be sure to mention you to the a readers for your credit. I'll get your name right unlike some stupid major coms.

Oh and I almost forgot! My little sisters has a English- Japanese Dirctionary so if you want to know a word in Japanese or English word means then Review and ask.

Email me at: silversaori@yahoo.com

~White Fox 612~

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