Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yusuke's Cousin the Miko ❯ New Toys and Old New Enemies ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry Guys, was grounded off the computer for weeks!! Anyway, here's the next chappy K?

Oh and for the two new characters in the story I barely introduced last chap. I DO NOT OWN THEM!! They are not mine.

Oh and before I forget, for the 2 people who own them, I kinda deleted the email that told me what they were like so please forgive me if the names are wrong K? Email me again and I'll be happy to change the names K? Ja ne.

Chapter 15: New Toys and Old New Enemies


Kagome and Sango looked at the two girls with curiosity spilling threw their eyes.

"Kagome, Sango, I'd like you to meet Aya," Points to the one in all black, "and Ayuma." Points to the one in black and white.

Sango and Kagome bowed and so did Aya and Ayuma.

"I'd like for them to go with you back to the past. They'll be a lot of help." Genkia understood the look of shock on their faces.

"No way!!! I have to protect more than enough weak humans and I don't plan on having more!!" Inuyasha yelled when he heard that.

"SIT!! Who said you make all the rules!! If Genkia-sama thinks it'll help then they are coming!! Besides after all of the battles with Naraku you haven't even defeated him at all without Tetsusiaga!! AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING WEAK!!" Kagome yelled.

Inuyasha got back up. "YOU STUPID BITCH!! I-" What ever he was going to say, was cut off by Kurama's and Yusuke's fists hitting his face.

"Inuyasha, I believe that you should wait for me and Kagome back in the past." Sango gripped Hiraikotsu, glaring at Inuyasha who just did his usual `Feh!'

Genkia, already not liking Inuyasha, got pretty mad so she powered up her shrine shield, and Inuyasha was thrown out of shrine boundaries.

You could hear faint yells of threats in the background.

Genkia looked at her watch. "Kagome, Sango, you will be training with Aya and Ayuma while I…. take care of some business." Genkia walked into the shrine and shut the door behind her.

Yusuke, oh so boldly, asked Sesshomaru a question, "And who the hell are you supposed to be?" "You will speak properly to the demon of the Western Lands human." Kagome, finally remembering Fluffy, stomped up to him.

When she was about to yell something, Boton decided to show up on her oar.

"Yusuke!! Bring your cousin and come quick!! Koenma wants to see you immediately!!" She opens up a portal for everyone. The 4 spirit detectives, 1 miko, 1demon exterminator, and a demon lord walked threw. Aya and Ayuma had disappeared rather quickly before anyone could notice, even Fluffy couldn't.

When they arrived at Koenma's office, they saw him sweating.

"Yo toddler, what's the deal?" Koenma looked up but surprisingly didn't yell `don't call me that' which almost scared Yusuke.


"Kagome, a demon from your past has shown up in a remote spot in the forest." Koenma pushed a button on his desk, and on screen showed Kagura, Kanna and 10 other demons that they didn't know.

Kagome gasped. "Oh my god!! She and Kanna have 12 shards each!" Koenma nodded and continued. "They seem to be waiting for you. And before you ask if they got threw the well they didn't. They are their future self's and are much more powerful than you've faced in the past. And so is Naraku." He let a few minutes for this to sink into their heads.

Kagome paled. `How are we supposed to beat them? Kagura and Kanna have 12 shards each, and the other demons have 5 shards each! How did Naraku get this many!! ?' She thought. "Koenma, how are we going to beat them? We don't have enough fighters! It's 8 verses 12!" Koenma perked up slightly.

"Well you see, I've taken the liberty of calling a few more `friends' of Yusuke's." A door appeared on the other side of the room and opened. In walked Chu, Rinku, Touya, and Jin.

"When the hell did you decide to be spirit detectives?" Yusuke practically fell over from shock. Koenma didn't give time to reply. He floated in front of them holding out a good sized box. "In this box are items made especially for you." Koenma opened it and pulled out a black band. "This is for Hiei. With this, you'll be able to use `Dragon of the Darkness Flame' all you want with no side effects. It even boasts your fire ability by 5 times." He handed it to Hiei who put it on his wrist. It fit perfectly.

Next Koenma pulled out a blue rose. "Kurama, this rose came from my mother. Her name is Mother Nature and I'm sure you've heard of her. This rose will live forever, and has a special gift I don't even know about."

He gave the rose to Kurama and pulled out 2 items. One was a green ring, and the other blue.

(Think of the spirit ring, just a different color.

"These rings are made of pure unicorn blood. Don't worry, we didn't kill any of them. These will boast your spirit energy, speed, strength and skill. That is how powerful the unicorn blood is and why they are hidden so that only pure hearted people will see them." He hands the rings to Kuwabara and Yusuke who put them on after examining them.

This time Koenma pulled out a fan.

He handed it to Jin. "This fan was made by my aunt the Wind Spirit. It will let you have control over any wind and you may summon any wind, anywhere and it will come."

Koenma pulled out a pendent and gave it to Touya. "This will let you have power over water and ice." He handed it to Touya who put it in his pocket.

He pulled out a bottle full of, you guessed it, Sake. "Here you go Chu. Best sake in the world. Enjoy."

Then he pulled out a growing orb and handed it to Rinku. "This orb was made by fairies. They crafted it to turn into any weapon at all."

He then pulled out a small brown bag and handed it to Sango. "This poison will turn into whatever you will it to. Sleeping, penalization, and/or killing powder. It is always full so you don't need to worry about running out."

And finally last but not least, he pulled out a ruby stone circle and handed it to Kagome.

(Think of the Shikon Jewel just a ruby in its place.)

This stone will turn into your inner weapon, and allow you copy any attack or move you've seen performed. Now, Boton teleport them to Mt. Fuji and get back as soon as you can." Boton nodded and opened a portal where they stepped through.

(Boton's gonna teleport Inuyasha there soon.)


Sorry it took me so long to update. Please forgive K? I left you with another cliffy just to keep you reading. And if you're saying there's not enough action in this Chapter, wait till the next K? Ja ne

~White Fox 612~