Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kyuketsuki Shishi ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

`Thinking or thoughts'
Chapter 6
Felc lined them up with a partner only to stop, when Goku was the only one without a partner. Felc turns to the red, glowing Meilin. Staring he begins moving his mouth, no words came out at first, but slowly they all began to hear Felc's voice as he spoke.
“Meilin, Meilin come on back.” He urged. “I need your help.” Said Felc speaking loud and clear. As his voice rung out, her clouded eyes began to clear and awareness returns to her. Felc continues to talk until she was out of meditation.
“What?” She asked.
“It is time for training.” Felc answered. “Don't push yourself too hard, at the first try Meilin.” He cautions “It's only the first day of training.” Said Felc.
“Okay.” She responds, Felc nods and then places her next to Goku. After that, Felc left the six alone for a moment. In return Artemis walks out along with Yomiko, both of them were carry lager stacks of papers. Glancing at the six, they place down the stacks of paper in front of them.
“Listen up, your training will be seventy-two minutes long with each of us. Yomiko will be on the sidelines, until it's her turn, then Shampoo.” Explained Artemis
“Wait, why is Shampoo training with us?” Ryoga cut in. “I thought she would be training us.” He explained his confusion
“Well, “Artemis began. “If one of you happens to die, Shampoo will take his or her place.” Artemis explained while quickly turning away not wanting to see their faces.
“What do you mean die?” said Meilin with worry.
`Killing is aloud.” Was stated. “However, don't worry, if you are immortal you'll live.” Was also continued with an ironic musing.
Meilin, Goku, Makoto and Kazuma sweat-dropped, glancing at their aforementioned companions. Only Shampoo and Ryoga would live as they were the only true immortals. Artemis sensing the uneasy feeling, he changed the subject. Snapping his fingers, drawing the groups attention to the three boxes that filled the air. Subtly they landed on the ground with a hard `thud'.
`Let starts with something simple.” He encouraged while glancing at the three boxes. “Ah! Here.” He exclaimed as he reached into one of the boxes. The group watched with interest as Artemis brought out six small knives. Artemis gives each of them one of the small knives with a causal air.
“Now we will start with something simple.” He intoned, and turned a serious eye upon them. “A few easy to remember moves.” Artemis commented and then began instructions with the daggers. They moved their hands back and forth, side to side. Artemis then showed them how to hold and use the blades as well as a few simple attacks. Artemis had them spending the rest of the time becoming extremely familiar with their weapons. Kiron allowed no salves in the backyard, assuming if the medicine was not in the vicinity no one would make the effort not to get hurt. Now it was Yomiko's turn, but she gave them the first five minutes to rest.
“All right.” She clapped and drew their attention to her. “I brought some paper we can use.” She gestured to the papers on the floor. “Now, each of you, take a piece of paper.” Yomiko instructed. “Good, now do as I do.” Yomiko ordered Moving her hand quickly, she folded the paper and then with a few more twists she straighten out the paper giving it the look of thin steel. Kazuma and Meilin did what Yomiko did but only for a few moments, as they were novices.
“Ah, good job.” She congratulated gazing appraisingly at the two. “Its all right if some of you don't have the gift, but I'm sure you all get the basics.” Yomiko commented and the group turned their attention to their leader. “Kazuma, Meilin,” Yomiko called, “I want you two to try again.” She stated. Meilin and Kazuma blinked, but did as she ordered. Trying to give the paper a look of thin steel. The second time the paper lasted longer with a similar look to what Yomiko had made. Seeing their accomplishment, she brought out some rocks that were the size of adult hand.
“Meilin, Kazuma.” She called to them, their attention focused on her once more. “I want you to take the paper, and cut the rocks in half.” Said Yomiko
“Um,” Meilin started. “Maybe you didn't notice this, but we are holding paper.” She reminded holding the paper upwards. “Paper doesn't cut through rocks.” Said Meilin
“Just try it.” Ordered Yomiko, throwing the rocks up in the air.
Meilin followed first, slicing two rocks right open. When the rocks landed they were noted to be four pieces that now laid at her feet. The same was the result for when Kazuma reacted as ordered.
“How the hell?” Kazuma quipped as he pick up one of rock pieces.
“Paper mastering,” Yomiko interrupted, “is the will to make paper do anything.” She spoke folding another piece of paper. “You will the paper stronger, so that it would cut though the rocks.” She explained. Yomiko then turn to Ryoga, Shampoo, Goku and Makoto instructing them on how to fold the paper. Having them make some while Kazuma and Meilin worked on cutting though trees, rocks and various metals. At the end, Yomiko handed them a list for each of them to look over.
“What?” was exclaimed in unison.
“Books?” Goku said
“Yes,” She responded, “I want you all to read the books.” Yomiko ordered. “I'll have some questions tomorrow to know if you read the book or not.” Yomiko pace her hand on the two stacks paper she push the papers down and move her hand back. The paper froze in the air then head straight for Yomiko. In amazement they watch as the paper slip under Yomiko long sleeve shirt.
“How did you do that!? That was real cool!” Exclaimed Goku
She smile brightly and happily her cheeks silently pink. “We will continue this tomorrow.”
“Shampoo?” said Ryoga
“Hm?” She responded absently.
“It your turn.” He reminded her.
Shampoo blink then jump up, “Right, everyone line up!” She ordered. They groan but did as they were told, Kazuma began to sweat with a slight panic, for he wasn't the most graceful of the group. `Please let it be something easy.' He prayed. `I am just a beginner!' thought Kazuma, kowtowing to all the gods he knew. Obviously the gods were listening, as if answering his prayers Shampoo spoke up.
“Does anyone here not know martial arts?” Shampoo inquired.
Kazuma lowered his head and raised his hand. He felt Shampoo's reddish-purple eyes on him. His face grew hot with embarrassment and soft footfalls was heard, but stopped when they reached him.
“Everyone take the rest of the time off.” Instructed Shampoo
Thuds were heard, as everyone fell to the ground for a breather. Kazuma still hadn't move his head or his hand as he felt the need to apologized to his new teammates.
“Um, sorry guys.” Kazuma spoke softly, his teammates looked questioningly from their positions at him. “I don't mean to hold you all back.” said Kazuma with apologizing tone.
“No problem!” One of his teammates quipped, drawing Kazuma's downed attention. “Since each of us know martial arts, training you will be a snap!” Goku commented, already hopping around with positive energy.
“He's right.” Ryoga spoke up. “I think I can teach you, some techniques I know.” said Ryoga thinking
“Mine is at the most martial arts mixed with street fighting.” Makoto threw out.
“Amazon techniques go a very long way.” said Shampoo thinking over all she had learned back in her town.
“Ah, what the hell.” Meilin cut-in. “I know some as well.” She added while looking at Kazuma with a smile.
Kazuma couldn't but smile at them for the help they were willing to give. “Thanks for the help guys.” He told them and then smirked with a cocked fist. “Let's get started.” Kazuma crowed.
The seventy-two minutes were hard on him, but his determination and stubbornness pushed him to complete his first lessons in martial arts. Artemis and Yomiko watched as the six worked together as team, well almost.
“Artemis,” Yomiko called softly to her partner.
“Yes, Yomiko?” He responded, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“I am worried.” She stated, drawing Artemis's full attention.
“About what?” He wondered.
“About these two.” Yomiko stated, gesturing briefly with her head in the direction at two of the six.
Artemis glanced at the two she was commenting about. “Yomiko, there is nothing to worry about.” He consoled. “If the `blood' inside them wakes,” He paused to prove his seriousness, “we will deal with it.” Artemis spoke, although his eyes betrayed his nervousness.
“She doesn't believe she can do this and he...” Yomiko trailed off.
“I know he is afraid to get close to them, even if acts like he is not.” Artemis continued her thought. “He is afraid that they will betray him, like his old team.” Artemis observed while watching Kazuma as he tried to do a round house kick.
“Yes, he was afraid.” Yomiko cut in. “Afraid to trust them, but didn't show it.” She added, while thinking quietly to herself. “His old habits kept that part under control.” Yomiko monitored and then turned fully back to the training signaling the end of the conversation.
Later Lark called them in for afternoon lunch making Makoto stop her from her slaughter on Kazuma. The reason being that he refused to fight her, so she had to attack him trying to get him to attack back. However, she was without luck as he kept taking her hits, but not responding.
“Kazuma.” said the brunette wolf.
“Yes?” implied the orange head boy
“You need to fight back.” She instructed. “Some of your opponents will be females.” Makoto told him, observing him slightly.
“I can't.” Kazuma defended.
“Why not?” Makoto inquired, confused.
“I grew up with the moral that says, it is not right to hit girls or women.” Kazuma explained.
Makoto sighed heavily, but sat down next to orange head swordsman since he was now laying on the cool grass.
“Kazuma, it is a good that you stick to your morals, however you are going to have to fight back , whether you like it or not.” Makoto stated, staring evenly at him. “I am not saying you should change your morals, but consider, if or is necessary for you to fight a woman or girl...will you?” She asked and turned to look at the sky.
Kazuma didn't answer right a way, he look up into the cloud cover sky thinking over what human-animal female said. He knew there was no mercy, for fighters or hunters of both sexes in this world. If you were a fighter, then you were fighter, the same applied for hunters, sexes didn't matter.
“I guess-“ started Kazuma
`Don't guess.” snarled Shampoo whom had surprised them both by sneaking up quietly. Which if you consider, wasn't a problem for vampires.
Shampoo had been quite upset when Kazuma said he didn't fight women. As a proud Amazon fighter it was like a insult. She looked down at him, a fire burning in her eyes. Kazuma thought long and hard about this world as a fighter and what decisions he would have to make.
“I will.” said Kazuma, praying he wouldn't regret his choice.
“Good.” was all she said as she disappeared like pale gray smoke.
“She getting use to her vampire powers isn't she?” commented Makoto starring at the spot Shampoo had been standing.
“She is.” Ryoga said sadly, scaring Kazuma and Makoto.
“Will you please not do that!” shouted Makoto
Ryoga just glanced sadly at her, before the two of them could speak he disappeared just like Shampoo. Kazuma had saw the sadden look on Ryoga and was now worried about his fanged friend.
“Let go eat.” Kazuma spoke as his nose caught the scent of lunch again. He glanced once more where Ryoga had been, he would have to worry about Ryoga later.