Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kyuketsuki Shishi ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

‘Thinking or thoughts’

Chapter 7

Three months later

On a tropic island, in the middle of the largest ocean, was being covered by species of all kinds with supernatural abilities. They all had gathered here for one ting and thing only...for the shadow tournament. Vampires and werewolves appear only for the blood shed and guts, bringing their human and demon slaves. Sorcerers, sorceress, witches and warlocks come to the tournament to battle in it for to free human slaves. Humanoid-animals and Shape-shifters come for the same reasons as well.

Many await for the tournament to begin with baited breaths as they practice inside the domed arena. Sixteen teams have arrived, but only seven would fight. Inside the domed arena Kazuma, Makoto, Goku, Ryoga and Meilin sit waiting. Kiron, Artmise, Mina, Shampoo and Yomiko wait outside.

“You think they’ll win?” asked Mina looking at the gray colored dome.

“With all the training, we’ve put them thought they should have a fighting chance.” Artmise soothed calmly. Though if you listened closely, Artmise sounded doubtful. Mentally he wishes Kiron had called in his choice for team leader earlier.

“Have faith, Artmise.” Mina stated turning her pleading eyes to the other trainer to agree with her.

“They’ll make it!” She commented forcefully.

“Right Yomiko?” Mina inquired. She awaited an answer from the silent trainer.

“Yomiko!” Mina shouted.

“What!” Yomiko questioned in surprise. “Did they win?” asked Yomiko looking up form a book she had been reading.

“No,” Shampoo answered instead of Mina, looking pointedly at Yomiko. “Please make an effort not to read thought the whole tournament.” instructed Shampoo.

Yomiko grinned shyly with a shrug. “I’ll try.” She responded, Shampoo sighed and shook her head that was the best she was going to get.

Inside the dome, the fighters wait for the start of the tournament. A female shape-shifter walk into the middle of the ring. Her honey-blond hair come to her hips, her gray eyes shine with happiness and excitement. Wind brushed through her Roman tunic dyed a sea-green color that hung loosely upon her curves. Lifting the microphone she carried to her lips, she drew a breath which had the audience broiling for action.

“All right everyone!” She called out, responding to the cheers. “Listen up!” The shape-shifter ordered.

“I’m Mutsuki Ichimonji, your announcer!” She implied to herself and then turned to where the fighters awaited. “Would the team leaders come to the ring?” Mustsuki inquired, shuffling was heard in response. “ The seven leaders left standing will enter the tournament.” she explained the rules.

Kazuma sat there stunned, during the whole time they were training noone had been appointed to be leader. “Guys?” Kazuma mimics as he glances at his teammates who gaze at him in return.

“Who is our leader?” He ask.

The group shared a confused glance, breaking down to independent reaction. Goku and Ryoga share a look of presentation. Makoto gazes up appearing to be thinking over it.

It was Meilin who spoke up first. “Why not Ryoga, Makoto or you Kazuma?” She offers, the comment gains adverse responses.

“Hey!” Goku convoyed.

“Why not me?” He asked in confusion.

“They’re older, so they have more fighting experience then us.” Meilin explained in a bored tone.

“So?” Goku returned, Meilin grabbed Goku head and pushed down forcing him to bend.

“Do not argue with me.” Meilin ordered, not letting up.

“Okay!” Goku claimed, and was relieved when he felt Meilin released him. He rubbed his head with a crooked frown. ‘Note to self: do not ever get Meilin mad again.’ he reminded himself mentally.

“Five minutes left team leaders!” Mutsuki informed them, causing the group to switch glances again. The three that had been suggested, Kazuma, Ryoga and Makoto glanced over at each other.

“I don’t want to be a leader.” Makoto stated flipping her ponytail back. “You two choose.” she comments as she moved away and leaned against the wall of the dome. Kazuma and Ryoga look at each other.

“Ryoga, you be the leader.” Kazuma motions, making to take a step back.

“What?” Ryoga cringes. “ME?” He nips out as he shakes his head and waving his hand wildly.

“No way!” Ryoga objected and continues. “I can’t be the leader.”

He speaks, holding up a hand to block Kazuma unvoiced comment. “I have never led anybody, I don’t have the experience.” Ryoga explains.

“Surly you can be the leader, can’t you, Kazuma?” Ryoga enquires.

Kazuma sighed loudly, gazing at Ryoga and then the group.

“Wha-“ He tries but is cut off.

“Three minutes.” Mutsuki warns.

‘Oh man I can’t!’ Kazuma yells mentally, before a couple of memories play before him. ‘However...leading them can’t be any different, then being a leader of a gang.’ He finished in though and inform the group of his decision.

“Okay, but if I fail,” He holds a hand to halt comments, “Ryoga, you are second in command, then Makoto.” Kazuma mentions. The two teens nodded to Kazuma as he makes his way to the ring before Mutsuki called out again. Once all the team leaders were in the ring. Mustsuki looks around, her milky white hand raised in the air ready to signal the beginning of the battle.

“Ready...Set...GO!” She informs and all attacked at once. Kazuma ducks and dodges the first few punches and kicks. Returning his own punches and kicks against his competitors as well, but they dodge and duck and block. Kazuma shifted his martial art body robe, letting the light catch it as he swerves another hit. It was dyed a dark blue, with a white tiger and black tiger wrap around each other on both the back and front. On his arms wrists were heavy metal arm bands. He had a other set on his lower legs, and steel-tipped boots on his feet. Kiron had these placed on him to strengthen his power and his physical strength as well. Shifting his blue sleeves, he drew with light speed a few of his papers, he unleashes the mass binding them together. Focusing the papers began to forming a paper tiger the size of the real one. A paper string was tied to Kazuma fingers that controlled the paper tiger. Moving his fingers the tiger moved quickly, attacking and slashing though it competitors. ‘I can’t use my spirit swords, not yet’ he thought, jerking his fingers to make the tiger leap up. ‘I have to save them till the end’ thought Kazuma focusing more he stiffened his finger to cause the tiger to crouch.

At that moment Mustsuki shouted, “Times up!” Causing the fighting to disengage. “The winners are Team Yukihiko, Shannon, Mayama, Takemoto, Ogul Sho and ...” Mutsuki stopped and placed a hand over the microphone. Glancing at Kazuma, she blinked in a thought.

“Hey, what is your team name?” She asked

“Um...” Kazuma responded while looking over his shoulders to his team.

“A little help here.” Kazuma asks.

“Kuwabara.” Meilin offers.

“You sure about that?” Kazuma asked.

“I’m sure.” Meilin returns as Kazuma saw the others nod in agreement. Kazuma turn to Mutsuki with a small grin.

“Team Kuwabara.” He answers.

“And Team Kuwabara!” Mutsuki shouted for the other team leaders. Kazuma walk away sighing pulling the string so that the tiger walk on beside him. Reaching his teammates, Kazuma look over them. In the short amount of time they had together, they had grown to know each other well. Though why they had him as leader and team named after him left Kazuma feeling happy, but afraid too. ‘What if they’re like them?’ That random thought hit Kazuma hard like a punch in the stomach. His face clenched in response causing his team confusion.

“Something wrong?” Goku asked seeing the look on Kazuma face.

“No.” lied Kazuma, turning his face away.

Makoto’s ears twitched at his voice, she heard the fear and caution in his voice. A glace at Ryoga told her he heard it too. ‘Strange what reason dose he have not to trust us?’She wonder betraying a glance of concern at him.

“Well then,” Goku interrupt gazing once more a Kazuma with a serious eye. What are we sitting around her for?” He joke lightening the atmosphere.

“Let’s go tell Kiron and the others the good news!” Goku practically chirps, already jumping around.

Kazuma nodded, “Yeah, lets go tell them.”

Goku jump up, happy to race off while his team leader glance at him. Kazuma swore to himself that Goku was perhaps Botan’s long lost brother from how hyper and cheerful he was. The only difference was that he had that bottomless pit for a stomach. Kiron and Artmise were quite pleased with the new while Yomiko, Mina, and Shampoo hugged them.

“The tournament starts tomorrow.” Kiron interrupts the small celebration.

“We should see who is fighting who first.” Kiron comments, a hand on his chin as he thought over the teams. The tournament order was team Sho versus team Yukihiko would be fighting next. Followed by team Ogul vs. Team Mayama.

“We are fighting Team Takemoto.” Ryoga stated, looking at the score board, where the list of the teams were.

“That is the day after tomorrow.” said Goku

“That gives us another day of training.” meilin voices, causing Goku to whine at this. A glare of boredom had Goku recalling his kneel before.

“Would you like some cheese with that whine of yours?” inquired Meilin sarcastically. Goku glowered at her, but she only glared at him from the corner of her eye. He huffed at her while crossing his arms over his chest like a child. The raven hair girl just rolled her eyes at him.

“Don’t start you two.” warned Makoto. The two eighteen-years old growled at each other but turned away. Ryoga stretched out his arms before speaking.

“Let’s head back to the hotel.” he motioned. “We need to be ready for the match.” said the black hair, fang man.

“I agree.” Kazuma tilted his head when Team Sho stopped him in his tacks, along with the others.

Team Sho was led by Yuri Sho a female werewolf. Her second-in-command was another female werewolf, whom was her sister. The were twins with shoulder length black hair and gray eyes that stared right through a person. Yuri Sho sister’s name was Uzurihs Sho. Whom was talking quietly to Yuri about something as they approached. The both wore matching indigo-purple martial robes.

A witch from the life-bloodline was on their team who stood just behind them. Her snow white hair was held in a lose braid, while she wore a tea leaf colored kimono. Her eyes ere a sacred blue that were fixed on a dagger she held between her fingers. Next to her was a male witch but since he was a male he was called a warlock. His unruly, grey hair came out at all sides, while his lavender eyes observed the crowd. He wore nothing but a simple back T-shirt with matching pants and jacket.

Their last teammate was child-like. He was the size of an eight-year old with light blond hair held in a small but tight ponytail. Forest green eyes shone with a secret that not even his teammates know. He was a humanoid with a short sword at his side.

A few feet from Team Sho was Team Yukihiko. Anikuy Ichimonji was a humanimal male raven with another humanimal rave male. Their black wings shined brightly in the sun light, different color gaiter. Black eyes shone like polished onyx gems. The two carried scythes on their back their names were Efil and Htead.

Standing some feet away from them was a vampiress and her name was Seras. Her soft orange hair was unruly coming only to h er neck, her red cat eyes glared amused, but a flash changed them to blue human eyes. She smiled at her allies her fangs showing in a leering grin. She wore an army tank-top with camouflage pants.

The last two teammates were their leader Yukihiko Shigure himself, and Anji Subaru a vampire hunter. Shigure was a shape-shifter who must have hired Subaru, as the vampiress hissed playful at the hunter. Shigure re-brown hair was long coming to his hips. Amber eyes stared at Subaru black ones in a silent warning.

Subaru ebony hair was very short compared to Seras. His red jacket matched well with his black leather pants and matching boots. Shigure wore royal clothing that could be found during the middle ages in London. The teams stared at each other, their glances of death glares and ones of ill fate.

“Think if we were fighting them, they would give us the same look?” Goku asked

“The team we are fighting is already giving us that.” Ryoga pointed out. He was right as the team glanced over to lock eyes with their opponents.

Team Takemoto was that of two warlocks, one humanimal male sheep and two dragons. Takemoto Limbo was one of the warlocks as well as the leader. His gray brown hair was cut like Kyo’s from Fruit Basket with Silver-blue eyes. He caught the gaze of Kazuma with a unamused smirk then be began to walk towards them. Goku readied his Nyoibou to fight, only if Takemoto started something. Kazuma also held five paper sheets ready, but kept in mind of the people round him.

“So,” Limbo curtly interrupted the group’s circle.

“So what?” Goku bit back, tightening his hold on his weapon. Limbo gave Goku a firey glare, but his attention turned back to Kazuma.

“You’re the team leader, eh?” He muttered flicking a cold eye on the sheets of paper.

“Nice paper mastering,” He commented, a slow smirk arising on his face. “To bad, it won’t help though.” Limbo commented, dusting a fingernail off.

“What do you mean?” Kazuma asked, eyeing Limbo carefully for any threatening gesture.

“You’re the team leader...a human no less.” Limbo answered with a scornful gaze then allowed his yes to fall over the team.

“Ah, then there is that vampire of yours.” he jutted while almost taunting the vampires, with his eyes.

“I hear that he is easily depressed.” Limbo remarked, before turning a half look to Kazuma.

“I would be careful if I were you. A vampire can only be trusted so much...especially one like that.” Limbo states with a warning, ignoring the glares thrown at him. Ryoga glared at Limbo with unlimited hatred who did the same.

“I believe whoever is on my team, is my concern, Limbo.” Kazuma spoke in a tone that told Limbo he didn’t like him as much as he like Ryoga.

“Your downfall.” Limbo remarked rudely turning way with a shrug. Meilin moved to Kazuma side watching the gray brown hair man walk away.

“What’s his problem?” Meilin asked curiously.

“Those who have magic running though their veins are the sworn enemies of vampires and werewolves.” Makoto stated while throwing a distasteful glance at Limbo’s receding form.

“Their job is to protect humans from vampires, werewolves and anything that comes form the darkness.” Makoto explained while coming up beside Ryoga, Kazuma, Goku and Meilin. The humanimal wolf was hardly worried about what had just happen. Team Takemoto had been to tournament three times before, but never made it pass the first rounds. However, she wasn’t about to tell them that recalling what Artmise said.

‘ “ Team Takemoto will be no problem, but it’s the other teams you must be worried about.” Artmise told her, flicking a glance outward. “Don’t tell your teammates this, they must think it will be hard for them to defeat Team Takemoto.” He stated and turned away, not answering Makoto’s questions that followed’

‘It’s not Limbo I’m worried about.’ The she-wolf thought. It’s Team Yukihiko that bothered her. The ravens had always been a symbol of death, chaos and darkness among her people. A shiver ran down her back, and she knew that something was going to happen to them. That something would have Team Yukihiko be the cause of it.