Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ the end of the world, well not really ❯ YYH meet RK ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: YuYu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin are not mine...but I wish they were(hehe)
Rating: PG13
Pairings: Hiei/Kurama, Sano/Kenshin, Genkai/Botan
Warnings: Don't worry you can handle it
Note: Ok I'm not telling you that you have to read this I'm just saying that it would be pretty coo. Oh and rememberthat this is my first fic and that I am 97,5 months,2 weeks and 3 days. HARDI -HAR- HAR- HAR.(By the way that was supposed to be laughter)I'm really sorry if you dont like it cause I'm a little retarded and some people dont like what retarded children in mental hospitals write.Dont die on me byzzzzz!
THE END OF THE WORLD...well not really
Ok....its.... um, fuedal Japan and Kaoru is giving poorlittle girl Kenshin a hard time. Dont get me wrong I love Kenshin but he is a little girl.
Kaoru: Kenshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii................................. ...............n
Kenshin: yes
Kaoru: kenshin...my butt itches...help me?
kenshin: uh, um no thanks?
kaoru: what?Stop being a pussy and help scratch my butt god dammit!
kenshin: Do I have to?
Then all of a sudden a giant, blinding, flash of light is like...there and um... so are The Reikai Tantei
sano: wow who are those weirdos ........waaaaaaaaaaaaah kenshin.........help me. I'm sooooooo scared.
kenshin: It's ok sano. Don't worry I am here for you.
Kurama: Ahhhhhh how cute
Hiei: Where are we?
Kuwabara: fuedal Japan dude.
Hiei: (sounding like cartman from South Park) Fuedal Japan? I hate fuedal Japan!!!!!!! It's so.........um..........yeah!
Kurama: Simmer downa
Hiei: I dont wanna
Kurama: Pipe downa?
Hiei: no
Yusuke: damn Hiei just stop Bitchin. seriuosly now. seriosly it's getting annoying. What? are you on your rag or something? cause your like perminantly P.M.S.ing
kuwabara: leave him alone. he's just mad cause he found out he was pregnant
yusuke and kuwabara laughing hysterically while Hiei complains
Hiei: I thought you were gonna defend me you stupid ugly bastard! You'll never have my sister Yukina
To be continued..... (in crazy anouncer voice)" Is Hiei really pregnant?"
Don't worry there will be more and sorry if it's short...I just wanted you to want to be happy with me cause I am a retarded retard in a retarded mental hospital and I am a 97 year old child