Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds cross ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own YuYu Hakusho, or Weiss Kreuz.

Warning: This will be yaoi and AU

Makai: Demon world

Reikai: Spirit world

Ningenkai: Human world

Ningen: Human

Youkai: Demon

When worlds cross

By Yami Kitsune

Kunisada had been watching Omi ever sense he first saw him at the school that morning. So far he hadn't found the best time to grab him, and he was starting to grow impatient and he couldn't wait much longer. He watched as Youji and Ken left the flower shop, leaving only Aya and Omi.

Kunisada smiled this would be a lot easier, all he had to do was control Aya's mind and get Omi to leave by himself. Then he would be able to grab him.


Omi sat at his desk, working on the rest of his homework. The sooner he got this done the sooner he could do a little more research on the mission. It had been a pretty long day so far. Omi smiled at the memory of when he had to tell Schuldig they couldn't do anything tonight because it was a school night for him and he still had stuff to do.

Schuldig wasn't too happy about that, but Omi knew he would be over it by tomorrow and he would probably pop into his head again in the middle of class as revenge. Omi looked at his clock and sighed. It was almost five, and he had missed lunch that day because he had forgotten his money at home. He stood up and went down stairs into the kitchen to find something to eat. It was quiet and he wondered where the others were.


Aya was sitting in the living room reading a book when he let out a huge yawn. He looked at the clock and sighed. *Almost five…* he put his book down and stood up to go get some dinner. He walked into the kitchen and saw Omi in there humming to himself as he heated up some of the leftovers form last night's dinner.

Aya smiled as he watched Omi go around the kitchen getting every thing he needed and sitting down at the table. He didn't even notice that Aya had been watching him until he took a bite of his food. He almost choked when he saw Aya standing there.

"Aya-kun! You scared me." Omi sighed. Aya just looked at him as he stepped into the kitchen. Omi looked at him and tilted his head to the side.

"Aya-kun, is something wrong?" Aya stepped over to Omi and reached out a hand taking the smaller one's chin in his hand, tilting his head up. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against Omi's. Omi gasped pulling back and stared at Aya.

"What are you doing, Aya-kun?" Omi asked standing up and moving back away from Aya and into the counter. Aya just walked over to him again and ran a hand down his cheek.

/Go on, you know he wants it as much as you do./ Aya heard a voice in his head say. Aya could feel Omi start to tremble under his hand, but he didn't care.

"Aya-kun stop it, you're starting to scare me."

"Am I really?" Aya whispered as he leaned down and pushed his lips against Omi's and forced his tongue in. Omi gasped and tried to pull away but Aya held him there. He didn't show any signs of pulling away, so Omi did the only thing he knew would work. He brought his knee up between Aya's legs making the older man let him go and drop to his knees.

Omi didn't waist any time, he ran to the door and left. He didn't even bother to stop and put on his shoes. Omi's mind was racing; he couldn't figure out what Aya had just tried to do. Something was seriously wrong with him but he didn't want to go back there right now and find out. All he wanted to do was to get to Schuldig's house, where he knew he would be safe.


Kuronue walked down the sidewalk to the temple he had heard Kunisada talk about. He was sure he would find at least one member of the Urimeshi team there, if not all. He finally made it to the steps of the temple and walked up them. Well more like ran, he knew he didn't have much time before Kunisada took his next victim.

When he got to the top he looked around. He didn't see any one there. It looked like no one was home, either that they had sensed him coming and decided to surprise him. He heard voices coming from around the side and went to take a look.

"Where are Kurama and Hiei?" Kuwabara asked Yusuke, who was sitting on a rock skipping stones.

"How should I know? They said they would be here." Yusuke said as he skipped another stone.

"Man you would think with how fast Hiei is he would be on time." Kuwabara complained for the hundredth time in the past five minutes.

"Kuwabara, will you shut up already?" Yusuke snapped, throwing a stone at him hitting him up side the head.

"Urimeshi! Why did you do that?" Kuwabara yelled in his annoying voice. (A/N: In case you hadn't noticed, I don't like Kuwabara one bit so he will be beaten up a lot.)

Kuronue watched them from around the corner. He had found the Urimeshi team. He was about to go and talk to him when he felt a katana at his thought.

"I wouldn't move you want to keep your head." Hiei glowed at him. Kurama came up behind them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked. Kuronue looked at Kurama as he came around the front of him to see his face.

"I am here to talk to Yusuke Urimeshi. Its about Kunisada." Kuronue said. Yusuke came over after hearing all the noise.

"What's happening here?"

"Are you Yusuke?" Kuronue asked. Yusuke nodded and folded his arms across his chest. "I came here to tell you where you can find Kunisada."

"And why would you help us? Are you working for him?" Kuwabara asked him as he came up behind Yusuke.

"I did work for him, but not any more I couldn't do what he asked me to any more." Yusuke looked at him for a moment.

"First tell us who you are." He said. Kuronue only stared at him before nodding slowly.

"My name is Kuronue…"

"Kuronue!?" Kurama cut him off as he stared at him with wide eyes. Every one stared at Kurama wondering what the outburst was for.

"Yeah…that's my name…"

"But you died…" Kurama said still staring at him. Now it was Kuronue's turn for his eyes to go wide. Every one that knew he had died were all dead them selves, except for Kunisada.

"How did you know I died?" Kuronue glared at him.

"I was there." Kurama said. Yusuke and Kuwabara were really confused now, Hiei didn't really care this didn't concern him at all so he jumped up into a tree waiting for them to finish talking.

"You don't look familiar…who are you?" Kuronue asked.

"It's me, Kurama." Kuronue glared at him.

"That's a lie, Kurama was killed by a hunter years ago. If you are Kurama prove…" Kuronue didn't even get to finish his sentence because Kurama held up his old pendant that he had lost when he was killed. Kuronue held out a shaking hand to take it, he couldn't believe it.

"W-where did you get this?" He asked looking at it.

"I went back hoping that some how you had survived, but they had taken your body away. I found this laying on the ground a few feet away from the bamboo." Kuronue looked up at him and was about to say something when a mist surrounded him changing him back to his youkai form. That was the only problem with this, he couldn't be in his human form past sunset.

Kurama took a step back as he watched the mist clear and his old lover stood there in front of him. Kuronue smiled at him. Kurama stared at him for a moment before a smiled made its way onto his face.

"All right, you two can catch up later if you want. Right now we need to know where Kunisada is." Yusuke said earning a glare form Kuronue.

"All right you can find Kunisada in the old warehouse on the other side of town. But I don't think you will be able to catch him before he takes his next victim he is already over due for one."


Omi had tears streaming down his face as he thought of what Aya had just tried to do to him. He couldn't believe it; he didn't want to believe it. He smiled when he saw Schuldig's house up ahead. He was almost there when he felt someone grab him from behind. He was about to scream for help when a strong hand clamped over his mouth.

*Schu!* He called out of his lover hoping he could hear him.

/Kitten? What's wrong?!/ Schuldig asked when he felt Omi's panic. Omi was about to answer him when he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

*Sc-hu…* Was all he was able to get out before he passed out.


Ok here is chapter 4 YAY!!!! Its done! What did you think? Let me know, I don't know when the next chapter will be up but I will try and start it soon. Well Ja ne!