Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds cross ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own YuYu Hakusho, or Weiss Kreuz.

Warning: This will be yaoi and AU

Makai: Demon world

Reikai: Spirit world

Ningenkai: Human world

Ningen: Human

Youkai: Demon

When worlds cross

By Yami Kitsune

Omi walked down the hall of the school. He hadn't seen any thing weird yet, but then again he had only been here for half an hour. He looked down at the paper in his hand; he was trying to find his first class. He looked up at a door and then back down at the paper. This was it, taking a deep breath he went in. He knew he was a few minutes late, but this school was so big and it was easy to get lost. Omi thought they should give out maps to new students.

When Omi stepped into the class fell silent when they saw him. He could hear whispers as he handed a peace of paper to the teacher.

"Ah yes, class this is the new student I was telling you about. Would you like to introduce your self?" He asked. Omi nodded and turned to the class bowing slightly.

"My name is Tsukiyono Omi."

"Thank you, you may go take your seat." The teacher said. Omi nodded and looked around the class; he saw an empty seat next to a red head girl near the back. He walked over and sat down. He could hear more whispers in the class about him sitting here. Stuff like, `he's sitting next to Minamino-san!' and `we're not going to get any work done if cute boys keep coming in here! First Minamino-san and now him!' Omi blushed a little bit glancing around trying to figure out who Minamino was.

Class was long and boarding, that is until he got an unexpected visitor in his head.

/Hey kitten what are you up to?/ Omi jumped and almost fell out of his chair, he was not expecting Schuldig to just pop in his head like that.

Schu! What are you doing?! I'm busy right now I can't talk.

/Oh really? To busy for this?/ Schuldig sent him a picture of there night together last week. Omi blushed and this time did fall out of his seat. Every one in class looked at him, Omi's face was almost as red as the red head sitting in front of him. The teacher looked at him and crossed his arms.

"Is there something wrong Mr. Tsukiyono?" Omi shook his head and moved to get up when he saw a hand in front of his face.

"Here let me help you." He looked up to see the red head standing there. He just blinked; it was the first time that he realized that the `girl' sitting in front of him was a `guy.' This only made him blush more. But he accepted the hand up, before the teacher could scold him the bell rang. Omi grabbed his stuff and ran out of the room before the teacher could say any thing.

The rest of the school day went pretty well. Schuldig didn't make his presents known again after the fist couple of classes. And Omi was very thankful for that. Omi grabbed his stuff and headed out of school, he saw the red head boy from his first class leaving the school and he ran to catch up to him.

"Hey! Wait up!" Omi called after him. He caught up to him and took a few deep breaths to get his breathing back to normal. "Hey I never did say thanks to you this morning." Omi said. "My name's Tsukiyono." He smiled.

"Minamino Shuichi." Kurama smiled and they shook hands. "Not that its any of my business, but why did you fall out of you chair?" Omi blushed when he remembered the picture that Schuldig had sent him.

"I…I just thought of something I had forgotten to do…" /Don't you mean someone you forgot to do?/

Schu you hentai!

/I know kitten, and I'm damn proud of it./ Omi shook his head and looked at Kurama and was about to say something when he heard that annoying voice he had to listen to.

"Hey kitten! What took you so long?" Schu asked and walked up to him pulling him into a kiss, he didn't even seem to mind that Kurama was standing right there. When he pulled back Omi was flushed and panting a little.

"Umm…Shuichi…this is my boyfriend…" Omi introduced them still blushing. He was afraid of what Kurama would say now that he knew Omi was gay. He had only really met the red head a few minutes ago and didn't know how he would react.

"I am very pleased to meet you." Kurama said nodding.

"So kitten, finally deciding to trade me in?" Schuldig joked. And if possible Omi blushed even more making Schuldig laugh and kiss him again.

Schu you do know that is just rude?

/It is?! Well then I guess you will have to teach me my manners ne?/ Schuldig asked putting his hand on Omi's shoulder. Omi sighed and shook his head moving the hand on his shoulder off. Omi looked over at Kurama and smiled.

"I should be getting back to the flower shop to help the others."

"You work at a flower shop?" Kurama asked and Omi nodded.

"Yeah, and I live right above it to."

"Would you mind if I come with you? I would like to see what kind's of flowers you have." Kurama smiled.

"Sure." They headed back to the flower shop. The whole way Schuldig was talking to Omi mentally suggesting some `activities' they could do that night.


Omi and Kurama walked into the flower shop, Kurama wondered why Schuldig was waiting out side.

"My friends don't really like him." and with good reason. He thought hoping Schuldig didn't pick up on it. "Tadaima!" Omi said smiling at Ken who was behind the counter.

"Who's your friend Omi?"

"Oh this is Shuichi-kun. I met him at school and he wanted to come by and see the flowers." Ken nodded and looked at Kurama.

"I know you probably get this a lot but you look like a girl…" Ken said look Kurama up and down. Kurama nodded.

"Yes I do get that a lot. I guess that's what happens when you have long hair."

"Hey Shuichi, do you mind if we do a little test on are friend?" Kurama raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of test?"

"Well are friend Youji, is an all time playboy and I want to see if he can tell if you're a boy or a girl?" Omi giggled a little at that, and he could hear Schuldig out side laughing his head off.

/Yes ask him to do it to kitten! I would love to see that!/ Omi giggled again trying to hold in his laughter.

"Ok tell you what, you do this for me and I'll give you free flowers for a week. Any kind you want." Kurama smiled and shook his head not believing what he was about to do.

"Alright I'll do it."

"Score!" Ken said and ran into the back room to get Youji. Youji comes out of the back room after Ken told him to go deal with the customer; he smiled when he saw Kurama standing there. He walked over to him and handed him a flower.

"Hey baby, never seen you here before." Omi was sitting by the counter trying not to laugh. Ken was in the back room listening to the whole thing. Kurama smiled and took the flower.

"Thank you, I'm a friend of Omi's."

"Hey chibi, your there only one day and your already bringing girls home this cute?" Youji winked at Kurama who just smiled. Omi put a hand over his mouth to stop from laughing.

/I can help you with that kitten/ Schuldig said as he sent him another suggestion of what they could do that night making Omi fall over. Kurama looked at him and walked over lending him a hand up again.

"That's the second time today you have fallen over." Kurama said. Omi nodded and accepted the hand up. Youji walked over and put an arm around Kurama's shoulder.

"Don't waist your time with Omittchi here, he's already taken."

"Yes I know, I met his boyfriend on the way here." Kurama said removing Youji's arm form his shoulder.

"But if you excuse me, I must be getting home." Kurama said. Ken came out of the back room laughing. "And I hope your test proved successful." Kurama smiled and left saying a quick good bye to Omi. Now it was Omi's turn to burst out laughing. Youji looked at them wondering what was up.

"Alright what are you two up to?" He asked.

"Nothing Yo-tan. Just that girl you were flirting with…"

"What about her?" Youji asked looking a bit annoyed.

"You mean you didn't notice `she' was warring the same uniform as Omi?" Ken asked looking at Youji and started laughing harder at Youji's face.

"THER IS NO WAY THAT WAS A GUY!!!" Youji yelled.

"Yes Shuichi is a guy!" Omi laughed. Youji glared at the both of them.

"How the hell did you get him to agree to do this?" He asked.

"Well, apparently he really likes flowers. Especially when they are free." Omi shrugged and ran up stairs to get changed.


Kuronue ran down the street, he had a good idea where the Urimeshi team was. He had to find them before Kunisada did. He had to warn them and fast. He stopped behind a tree in the park when he felt a flicker of dark youki. He knew it couldn't be one of Kunisada's men because he didn't have any, except for Kuronue.

He decided the best thing for him to do is change into his human form that Kunisada had given him when he was revived. A small cloud of sounded him and when it disappeared a human stood there. He had long black hair and ware dark cloths. His hat was missing though and he was glad for that, many people would probably ask him about that.

He looked around to make sure no one had seen him before running off again to find Yusuke Urimeshi.


Ok, sorry this chapter took a little longer to get up, I didn't know where I wanted to start it. But thanks to all my friends help I got it done. There are to many people to name but you know who you are so THANKYOU!!! And thank you Lia-chan if you didn't review the last chapter this would not have been up this soon ^_^ and the next chapter will be up soon Ja ne!