Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ New Friends and a Confrontation ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1: New friends and a confrontation

"A group of A-class demons have passed from Makai to Ningenkai and are causing trouble. We need you to take care of them, the leader seems to be bat demon calling himself Kuronue." Koenma said flashing a picture of the leader up on the screen. Kurama couldn't contain his gasp of surprise, the man was identical to his old partner. Identical to his dear love Kuronue, his partner both in crime and in bed. This… impostor was obviously not Kuronue, he was dead for a few hundred years, and Kuronue still held most of Kurama's heart. They had even considered mating to each other just before they had broken into one of the Makai castles in Makai, the very break-in that cost Kuronue his life. An angry look flashed in Kurama's usually gentle green eyes, and the Youko growled.

"Koenma, Kuronue is dead, I saw him die." The demon fox said, the anger in his eyes flared to full fury. "I'll kill them all, especially this monster pretending to be the one that I held dear to my heart." He looked at the other Reikai Tantei members. "I want him, you can have the others." With that Kurama stalked out of the room. The others staring after him, Yusuke with an open mouth.

"That was Youko Kurama, not the Shuichi Minamino Kurama we know. This impostor must be annoying the fox a lot for Youko to take over." Hiei said quietly from where he sat, eyes still on the door from which the demon fox departed. "He must have cared for this Kuronue deeply to be so angry."

"Are demons often involved with others of the same sex?" Yusuke asked. "From what was said I gathered that Kuronue was more than just Youko's friend, maybe even so far as a lover." The young demon lord was curious to what the general thoughts of Makai were.

"Apparitions always have been, and always will be, pleasure seekers. If another male could provide more satisfaction than a female then the male that took the other's attention would be wooed or encouraged to surrender to the other." The fire youkai smirked. "If I wanted you enough I would have you. I would appeal to your Toushin side. He moved slightly, showing the katana at his side. "When seducing a demon, it's best to know what would bring them closer to your way of thinking." Hiei proceeded to run his thumb over the razor sharp edge, allowing the crimson blood to flow freely.

Yusuke tried to force his mind off of the blood before his resolve crumbled. All the time, the Toushin side of him told him to accept the offering the apparition promised him. Raising Hiei's arm up, Yusuke sucked the thumb into his mouth, Hiei's smirk widened. "What did I tell you? If a cut on my thumb can make this happen, I can easily persuade you to five in. Learn some self control. I want a fight when it comes to me wanting you, detective. That is if I decide that you're worthy enough." Standing up, the fire youkai followed his taller, red-headed companion out of the Spirit world, followed by Yusuke and Kuwabara.

The group, using the demon compass, found themselves in the same forest that Sniper had attacked and almost killed Yusuke. Only then did they realise that their gentle Kurama had been replaced fully by his more cool and distant Youko self. "The fake is mine. Get involved and I will kill you as surely as I will him. The others nodded, preparing for battle, little knowing that another group would soon be joining theirs.

A young man dragged his older, taller, companion to the meeting, the taller still trying to eat his sweet cake. "Tsuzuki, we're already late. Chief Konoe will kill us, AGAIN." The one names Tsuzuki pouted at his partner.

"'Soka I'm hungry." He whined. "Do we have to…"

"Ahh, welcome Tsuzuki, Kurosaki." A spectacled man said looking up from his paperwork. "You're late, and the Chief isn't happy. " Tatsumi pushed his glasses up his nose. "The Chief is expecting you." The secretary for the Summons Division opened the door motioning them inside, then he closed the door after them, trapping the pair inside.

An hour later, once Chief Konoe had finished screaming at them about their tardiness, he explained their mission. "A soul has mysteriously disappeared from its place of rest. A demon by the name of Kuronue. We need you to find and bring back the soul, or render it harmless to humans." The chief said. "Jump to Tokyo, from there you'll have to find your own way." Tatsumi gave them their food allowance.

"You can spend 6000 yen a day, no more. We shall send GuShoShin when we have discovered the exact location." Both Shinigami nodded and jumped.

Arriving in Tokyo, it didn't take too long for GuShoShin to arrive with the news. Taking directions from the 'flying, talking chicken' they jumped in the direction it was in, and eventually they found themselves in a forest, just as the fight started. The pair saw four against twelve, thirteen if Kuronue, himself, was counted. They watched as one of the red heads became white, sprouting fox-like ears and a tail, and attacked the creature that they, too, were hunting. "Hisoka, help that three if you can, I'll help this line guy." Only then did the green-eyed Shinigami nodded before realising that he didn't have a weapon, cursing his misfortune he ran other to the three fighters. Sliding to a stop beside the taller of the dark haired pair and briefly scanned the three, they were concerned over the fox-boy.

"Hey!" Hisoka shouted gaining the attention of the others, a look of surprise in the trio's face was almost hilarious. "Would you like help?" He asked "After all wouldn't four fighters be beter than three?" He noticed that two wielded swords, one physical the other spiritual. He looked at the short guy with the physical sword. "If you need the sword, I can fight without a weapon, but contrary to what I look, I am a good swordsman, better than those I work with."

"Knock yourself out, kid." Yusuke said. "Hiei, would you mind? I'd like to see the kid fight, and it isn't as though you need it." With a growl Hiei threw the sword, it embedded itself an Hisoka's feet.

"Don't stab yourself." The demon snapped as he unwrapped the seals from his Jagan eye and from his dragon tattoo, "Keep out of my way." Summoning the dragon to life, black spikes of the fires from the darkest pits of the Makai flooded into Ningenkai, congregating in the palm of his hand, the dragon writhed . Hisoka moved forward, to be knocked to the ground by Yusuke.

"He meant it. If you are in front of him when he releases the dragon you're toast." At that moment Hiei unleashed his most powerful attack, the dragon of the Darkness Flame. Hisoka watched as the dragon ripped through most of the demons, taking out five before Hiei collapsed, exhausted from the drain on his demon energy. "Stay down. Its my turn.". Standing up, Yusuke snarled as he changed to his Toushin form. "You don't know who you're dealing with!" The demon lord snarled, his red eyes narrowing, as he combined his spiritual and demonic energy together, to form one of his strongest attacks. "SEIKOUKI!" Yusuke shouted releasing the energy. The few demons that remained, albeit singed from two strong attacks, were left for Kuwabara and Hisoka, his eyes moved to the other fight.

Kurama faced off against Kuronue, looking for any opening before the Youko fully took over. The calculating fox knew that this impostor had to die. With a snap of his wrist, the rose in his hand turned to his customary rose whip. "You will not live past this day!" The battle began, and both parties landed heavy blows and exchanges were made until one of Kurama's blows knocked Kuronue off of his feet, entwining the vines around his arm , the Youko went in for the kill, however just before landing the fatal blow the scent hit him. This man before him was the same as the man he once loved, and still did. He never noticed Kuronue's attack until it was too late, his white clothing and pale skin was stained by the red of his blood.

Staggering back, he noticed someone chanting before a fiery bird appeared overhead, with the sight of the phoenix, Kuronue growled and disappeared. His group destroyed and his master displeased


Author's Note: Already submitted on fanfiction.net, adultfanfiction.net and yaoi.y-gallery.net (under my friend, idea-bouncer and beta's name EscagirlUK). Please read and review.