Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Clashing Demons ❯ Enter Drenor Rosha ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Link: Sry for not updating again peeps. My computer is old and has a virus. I had to regain all of my stuff because it was all deleted. I'll try to update as soon as possible but it may take me days or even weeks to update. It took a week to do half of this! So bear with me. I also might make another fan fic, a you and Kurama one, still thinking about it, but I don't want to start anything since my computers busted. I'm getting a new one though in a month or so……..
Yami: I kinda like having breaks……..
Kurama: What do you mean you might put me and someone in a fic?!?
Link: >_< I never said I would definitely do it………
Disclaimer: Link owns nothing except herself. Also thanx to LunaticChaos for the DADA teacher. I had to use someone you guys don't know, sry…….
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Chp. 12 Enter Drenor Rosha

A tall man revealed himself as he swept off his cloak. He had black hair and dark blue robes. His eyes were hidden behind a blindfold. The Great Hall erupted into gossip at the stranger.

"Who's he?"
"Don't know, never seen him before."
"The seventh years know him I think, their all staring at him with awe."
"Think he's the new teacher?"
"It's possible."
Link, Yugi and Kurama whispered back and forth to each other. Suddenly the man spoke.

"Sorry, I'm late Headmaster Dumbledore, I had……..business to take care of."

The Great Hall went deathly silent as the man spoke. The man proceeded up to the teacher's table and sat down. Dumbledore rose.

"Students, this is your new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher Professor Rosha. He is new at teaching so we ask all students to teach him with respect as they would other teachers."

"I would also like to announce that the Forbidden Forest is off limits to first years…(etc. etc. same as every year stuff I'd type it but im lazy)…..and now let us feast!" Dumbledore sat back down.

With that the great hall erupted into conversation and everyone began eating…………….everyone except Hiei, Yugi and Kurama.

"……….uh….how do these things work?" Yugi asked.

"Just imagine what you want to eat and it will appear on the plate." Said Link as she was eating chicken.

"Hn………….I knew that…."
"Sure you did Hiei…………..sure."
Yugi imagined a hamburger, :) Kurama a steak, and Hiei imagined a whole lot of sweet snow, lol.
Hiei's eyes went big for a second before he dove in. Ten seconds later it was all gone as more appeared.
"JEEZ! Ice cream lover, much?"
"Hiei loves ice cream, so just let him be." Said Kurama in reply to Link.
After everyone was done Ron and Hermione got up to escort the first years and others to the common room.
"Jeez, im tired *Yawn* if I fall asleep right here some one drag me to my bed." Link said.
"We're here though." Said Harry
Ron turned around and spoke to the group, "So all of you know, the password is Firebolt"
They all headed into the common room and went their separate ways.
"Link you come with me while Yugi,Hiei, and Kurama go with Harry and Ron. We'll see you guys tomorrow." Hermione said.
"Yeah, good-night guys."
"See ya tomorrow."
"Now that we see how much you care Hiei, night." Link and Hermione went into the rooms and began to get changed.
"For first day that was……..okay I guess."
"Glad you liked it Link, tomorrow should be better though."
Hermione laid down and went immediately asleep, but Link laid awake.
'These people are really nice, but I should be careful…………it's going to be a long year but in the end everything will be alright……I hope………..'
She drifted off to sleep.
Link: I finally got this updated! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Link: (Deathglare) Anyhow I should be able to update more often now hopefully but I still have writer's block
Kurama: Review on Link's behalf……………..AND PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE!