Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Clashing Demons ❯ Big Surprises ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Link:Sry about the long wait peoplez! My computer crashed and would turn on for a while. Then I had writers block and had stupid school work……Argh!!! Also, as you noticed, I put myself in the story, which is, I know, sad. And also they might end up being one of those, best person, strongest, smartest, blah blah blah, but its only because Rem is REALLY powerful and evil, and I need Link to fight her. Personally when I started the story I didn't want it that way. But bear with me seeing as how that is how it will turn out. Also remember im not FORCING you to read this. If you don't like then don't read, simple as that. If you got a problem with that then TOO BAD. I'll sick my pet panther and my yami on you, and believe me it won't be pretty……
Disclaimer: Link owns nothin but her own big fat mouth, her character, and her doujinshi about her character.
Chp.11 Big Surprises

Link watched her friends sit at the Griffindor as the sorting hat fell around her head.

"……………………..you are very peculiar indeed! I can't even enter your head!"

"Sorry, I'm over-protective of my thoughts."

"Ah, you aren't hear just to learn are you? You have a mission against that girl Rem I sorted earlier."

"…Your good, not many people can uncover my mind so quickly…….."

"Thank you, well anyhow, lets get you sorted into a house. You are yet another tough one. Good mind I see, loyal to your friends and loved ones, a strong person, brave too. But you have a weakness also………….your friends…..and the fact that you are a clutz!?!"

"Yeah I trip, fall, and break stuff often…….."

"I can see you are a hazard to the people around you…."

"HEY! Shouldn't you be sorting?!? I can't sit here for forever you know!!" (My character is such a comic relief and a clutz so you know shes not all so perfect….she just knows more about the world around her than the others. :) You'll see what I mean later!)

"Sorry but your mind is interesting…..Well, all the houses are good for you, but I'd have to put you in GRIFFINDOR!"(Bet you didn't see that comin, huh? *Rolls eyes* I'm such a pathetic person and a loser, I know)

Link got up and began to leave, but heard the hat tell her, "It was nice meeting you, believe it or not you have the most interesting mind out of all the ones I have searched. Take care."
"Nice talking to you too…."

Link went and sat down next to Yugi (He changed back when you weren't looking) and Kurama. "About time! That hat was on your head for what seemed like forever, and I am starved!" Yugi exclaimed to Link.

"You must have a big appetite, then. Now calm down." Kurama scolded Yugi.

Link turned to see Hermione, Harry and Ron look at her in disbelief.
"Something wrong?"


"Do you always go around yelling who your relatives are? I think not. It's not that big of a deal to me anyway…"

"Be quiet you guys, Dumbledore is about to speak!"

They all watched the headmaster stand up. Dumbledore stood and smiled at all the students assembled in the Great Hall. "Well it sure is nice to see all of your smiling faces. I hope that all of your heads are nice and empty so we can fill them up!" *pause* "Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you all not to goof off in the hallways. Also first years should know that the forbidden forest is well……forbidden! (No duh!)" Also as you all know, we have a new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, who isn't here at the moment but…" Dumbledore was cut off by a loud banging on the door. The door opened to reveal a cloaked figure.

"Sorry to be late…I had some problems and I wasn't ready to be here. Thank you all for waiting…."

With that the figure swept off their hood to reveal their identity……..
Link: OHHHH! Cliff hangers! You just gotta love them! Anyway I have to think up who the teacher is, I still haven't decided.
Yami: Your about to reveal their identity and you don't even know who they ARE?!?
Link: Nope. :)
Yami: You are such a loser……….
Kurama: Whatever. Review you all!