Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ You expected a witty title, didn't you? ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Guess who stole all of my expensive hair gel," said Yusuke with a grunt.

"Lemme guess," said Genkai in a mocking voice. "Does he have blonde pointy hair and smell like fart ?"

"Not quite!" said a voice from outside the window. Genkai jerked her head around. Botan hovered outside the window on her oar wearing her usual pink kimono. "She has lovely blue hair and smells like fresh flowers in my opinion!"

"When did she arrive?" asked Kurama.

"She came in last night," said Yusuke. "To 'keep an eye on us'." He walked over to the window and slammed it shut. Botan started shouting but it couldn't be heard from inside. She made grotesque faces at the window instead. Kurama stood and opened the window.

"Thank you, Kurama," said Botan as she slipped inside. "You four had better be preparing for your mission. Koenma is counting on all of you." She looked at all four of them. "But I trust Genkai and Kurama to do a good job."

"Why them?" asked Yusuke.

"Because they behave themselves and they're nice to me!" she exclaimed. "And because Genkai promised me a delicious chocolaty cake when she got back." Botan grinned. Yusuke glared at Genkai.

"Is that my cake she's talking about?" he asked.

"Like Botan said, Yusuke," said Genkai. "You don't behave yourself. No cake for you."

"Hey, I still have to kill you for destroying my PS2!" shouted Yusuke.

"Ack!" exclaimed Genkai as she ran from Yusuke. He chased her out of the room and shut the door.

"I'll let you in when you learn to respect for other people's property!" he called through the door, but he was not heard because of Genkai's loud banging on the door.

"Well, like I was saying," began Botan. "You should be preparing for your... Oh, for goodness sake Yusuke, let her in!" She was growing impatient of Genkai's yells from out in the hall. "You have some kind of problem with shutting people out today!"

Yusuke rolled his eyes and backed away from the door, Genkai immediately charging through, looking flustered. "Obviously none of you are focusing on your mission, but now it's time to get back in shape!" scolded Botan. "Koenma isn't going to wait forever!" Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"We get it," he said. "We'll get started on the mission thingy tomorrow."

"No, I think you should start today ," said Botan.

"Today?!" exclaimed Yusuke. "Why today? What's wrong with tomorrow?"

"The sooner the better, Yusuke," Botan said happily. She opened the window and mounted her oar.

"Botan, one last question," said Kurama. "Why did you steal Yusuke's hair gel?"

"Oh, he looks so much better without it, don't you think?" she asked with a giggle. Everyone fell over. Botan flew off, leaving everyone quite confused. Yusuke shut the window.

"What now?" he asked, facing everyone.

"We should begin our mission," said Kurama.

"But where do we start?" he asked again.

"I can track down those demon slayers effortlessly," said Hiei. "Leave that part up to me. And spare a little of the blood, also."

"Well, he's back to normal, for sure!" said Yusuke, eyebrows raised. "You've been acting a little weird while we've been on this trip, but I see that's worn off!"

"Just what are you talking about?" asked Hiei, frowning. "I don't have time for your mindless babbling. We have a mission to complete. The sooner we get this done the sooner I can get back to my own business."

"Sadly, the old Hiei was a little less hot headed," said Kurama with a sigh.

"Enough of this 'old Hiei' garbage," Hiei mumbled. Kuwabara walked into the room, yawning.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked, squinting. Everyone groaned.